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This is a transcript for dialogue with Rei Nakano.


1-{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Something wrong?
2{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Um... Were you going to say something?


3DLC03DialogueNakanoResidence _01_KasumiReport02PlayerVoiceFemale01: Kasumi is all right, but there's some problems up North she wants me to deal with before she'll think about coming home.{player has told you he's found your daughter, that she's working with him on something, and that she isn't coming home yet / Relieved} So my baby is alive? *sigh of relief* If she needs help, please do everything you can. We just want her to come home.A1a
4-{player previously told you that he found Kasumi alive / Grateful} It's such a relief to know Kasumi is still alive. Please. Find some way to bring her home.
5{Disbelief} My daughter is human. She's not a synth.
6{Worried} Our family has been through so much...
7{Worried} Please. Bring Kasumi home.
8{Kasumi has returned home and just walked through the door / Sad} Oh my god... My baby's home...
9{player has told you that your daughter is dead / Sad} My baby is dead... Oh god...
10{player has told you that your daughter is dead / Sad} Hasn't enough happened to us?
11{Kasumi came home, but the player told you she was a synth and your husband kicked her out / Sad} That synth. She looked just like Kasumi...
12{Kasumi came home, but the player told you she was a synth and your husband kicked her out / Sad} What's wrong with this world? Wasn't losing our daughter enough? They had to replace her with a synth?
13{player tells you that Kasumi is staying in Acadia / Happy} I'm glad my daughter has found a place where she can make her future. Thank you for making sure she's safe.
14{player tells you that Kasumi is staying in Acadia / Friendly} Kenji will need time, but I know he'll be happier letting Kasumi have her own life.
15{player brought Kasumi home safe and sound / Happy} Thank you so much. Kasumi is home, and I'll make sure Kenji gives her some space to breathe.
16{player brought Kasumi home safe and sound / Happy} I was ready to let Kasumi go and lead her own life, but I'm still glad she's home.
17{bittersweet Player told you Kasumi is a synth but you've been convinced to accept her / Sad} I don't care if that young woman is a synth, she's Kasumi to me. Sometimes... sometimes you have to make the best with what comes your way...
18{bittersweet Player told you Kasumi is a synth but you've been convinced to accept her / Sad} We're a family again. It's... more complicated than it was before, but we'll make it work.


(Kasumi's Projects: Holotapes)
Player Default: So... I guess I'm going to start doing that. Maybe I should start with an inventory of all the parts I found?{holotape recording, calling out to your daughter / Friendly} Kasumi! Your father needs help with the boat.Player Default: I'll be right there! Oh... damn. Was I recording that? *sigh*A1a


20DLC03MQ01_002 _NakanoIntroSceneKenjiNakano: Dammit. Come in! I know you're listening on the other end! Where is she? Where's my daughter!?{Worried} Kenji. Please! You've been at this for hours. Stop! You need sleep.KenjiNakano: She's out there, Rei. Someone has her. They could be Raiders or Gunners or god knows what else!A1a
21DLC03MQ01_004 _PlayerNakano01ReiNakano: Or maybe she left on her own. She's not a child anymore.{Worried} Our daughter is nineteen. She knows how to survive, and she's capable. I... think maybe she left because she wanted her own life.KenjiNakano: No, she would've told us where she was going. She would've said... something!A1a
22Nick: Uh... right. Yeah, it's starting to come back to me... Sorry things ended sour.Our daughter Kasumi likes to fix things. The radio was her latest project.KenjiNakano: Until she made contact with some kidnapper who lured her away from us.A1a
23KenjiNakano: Until she made contact with some kidnapper who lured her away from us.{talking to Kenji / Concerned} Or maybe she left on her own. She's not a child anymore.ReiNakano: Our daughter is nineteen. She knows how to survive, and she's capable. I... think maybe she left because she wanted her own life.A1a
24DLC03MQ01_006 _MrsNakanoQuestions{Worried} I suppose you have questions about my daughter?Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.A
25{Worried} Did you have more questions about Kasumi?Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.A
26Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.{Concerned} My daughter is strong. Focused, careful. That's how I know she's still alive.A1a
27{Thinking} But why would she leave without telling us? Maybe we... No... never mind... I don't want to waste your time...Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.A1b
28Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.{player convinces you to open up / Concerned} It's just that... we've been fighting a lot more. All of us. Ever since Kasumi's grandfather passed away.A2a
29{Worried} He was the only one that could really... talk to her. Kenji and I don't understand machines, but those two could work together for hours.A2b
30{Worried} She started staying in her grandfather's boathouse late into the night. I thought she was just trying to cope with the loss, but now I wonder what she was up to...Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.A2c
31Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.{player fails to convince you to open up / Concerned} No, it's nothing. I don't want to distract you, detective.Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.A3a
32Player Default: Tell me about this radio your daughter was working on.{Worried} I remember Kasumi was very excited about it. I figured she was secretly trying to make contact with Diamond City or another settlement.X1a
33{Worried} We're pretty isolated out here. She only has us for company, and Kenji can be... overprotective.Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.X1b
34Player Default: You and your husband don't seem to agree about why your daughter left.{Worried} *sigh* We both want to find her. The world out there isn't a place where you want to be alone.Y1a
35{Worried} But Kenji still sees her swaddled in diapers. He doesn't see a young woman with her own decisions to make.Y1b
36{Worried} Maybe because it's more frightening. She wasn't tricked into leaving without telling us. That was her choice. She didn't want us to follow. Why?Player Default: I'd like to know more about Kasumi. Might shine a light on where she's gone.Y1c
37DLC03MQ01_007 _PlayerNakano02Player Default: What? That's ... that's crazy...!{player has just told you that Kasumi thinks she's a synth, a synthetic person / Afraid} She's not a synth! She's our daughter. We raised her. I... I gave birth to her. She's flesh and blood, not a synthetic.Player Default: Maybe your daughter is just confused. Having an identity crisis.X1a
38DLC03MQ01_008 _FarHarborBranch01KenjiNakano: There's no time to waste, you have to go after her!{Nervous} Wait! Did you find out why she left, detective? Who she was speaking to?KenjiNakano: What does it matter?A1a
39KenjiNakano: What does it matter?{Nervous} Because I know my daughter, and if she didn't tell us where she went, then she had a reason. Don't you want to know if she wants to be found?KenjiNakano: *sigh* You're right. Detective, did you find any clue to why Kasumi left home?A1a
40DLC03MQ01_008 _SynthBranchPlayer Default: Maybe your daughter is just confused. Having an identity crisis.{Worried} Oh god... Does she even think we're still her parents?KenjiNakano: This is what I was afraid of. Someone twisting my daughter's mind.A1a
41Player Default: That's how synths work, Mrs. Nakano. They replace people. This could have happened recently.{Disbelief} I know my own daughter. She's not a synth!KenjiNakano: This is what I was afraid of. Someone twisting my daughter's mind.B1a
42Player Default: It doesn't matter if your daughter is a synth, Mrs. Nakano. She's still a person who needs help.{Disbelief} But my daughter ISN'T a synth.KenjiNakano: This is what I was afraid of. Someone twisting my daughter's mind.X1a
43Player Default: Are you sure she's human, Mrs. Nakano?{adamant that you know your daughter is human / Pleading} Yes! I know my daughter, and she hasn't changed. She's not some replacement!KenjiNakano: This is what I was afraid of. Someone twisting my daughter's mind.Y1a
44-{stranger has just walked into your house / Suspicious} I'm sorry. Do I know you?
45{Worried} I hope you find something, detective.


46DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene01Kasumi: Mom.... Dad... I'm... I'm home!{you hear your daughter's voice, you rush over to see if it's really her / Surprised} Kasumi!?MrsNakano: Oh my god. My baby is okay!A1a
47MrsNakano: Kasumi!?{your daughter is finally home after running away. happy, sad, crying at the same time / Relieved} Oh my god. My baby is okay!MisterNakano: Welcome back home, Kasumi.A1a
48DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene02Player Default: You don't often see kindness in the Commonwealth. I'll never forget this.{Kasumi has finally come home. you're worried she thinks she's a synth / Nervous} Kasumi, does this mean... You know we're your parents, right? You're not a synth.Kasumi: I know, mom. I'm sorry. I was just so... confused. I wanted to go somewhere. Anywhere.A1a
49DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene03AMisterNakano: Get out.{you're shocked your husband could be so cruel as to kick Kasumi out of the house / Surprised} Kenji!MisterNakano: You heard me. You've been lying to us this whole time? My real daughter is dead? Get out of here. Never come back.A1a
50DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene03BKasumi: But I was wrong. I belong here. I'm sorry I left...{Concerned} It's okay. We're just glad you're home.A1a
51DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene04AMisterNakano: But you're not...{tearful, you've decided that a synth daughter is better than no daughter at all / Sad} Kenji, stop! I don't care anymore. Look at her! Can't we salvage what we can from this horrible world?MisterNakano: *sad sigh* Okay... Okay... She can stay...A1a