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This is a transcript for dialogue with Kenji Nakano.


1-{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Hello?
2{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Are... you all right?


3DLC03DialogueNakanoResidence _01_KasumiReport01PlayerVoiceFemale01: I found Kasumi. She's safe and sound, but she won't think about coming back until I help with some problems up North.{player has told you he's found your daughter, that she's working with him on something, and that she isn't coming home yet / Relieved} Thank god she's all right. But she needs help? Please, do everything you can for her. Just make sure she comes home safely when it's over.A1a
4-{player previously told you that he found Kasumi alive / Concerned} Thank you for letting me know my daughter is at least safe. Now if you could just bring her home...
5{Worried} You're back, but Kasumi isn't with you?
6{Worried} We don't have much, but we'll have a reward for you once Kasumi is safely back home.
7{Worried} Bring my daughter home. Please.
8{player has told you that your daughter is dead / Sad} My daughter is dead... I've lost my little girl...
9{player has told you that your daughter is dead / Sad} Your work is done. There's nothing more you can do.
10{Kasumi came home, but the player told you she was a synth and you kicked her out / Angry} I can't believe that... thing... thought it could impersonate my daughter...
11{Kasumi came home, but the player told you she was a synth and you kicked her out / Stern} You did the right thing by telling me the truth. I can't believe I almost thought I had my daughter back...
12{player tells you that Kasumi is staying in Acadia / Concerned} Kasumi has made her own life... I hope she'll be happy.
13{player tells you that Kasumi is staying in Acadia / Concerned} Thank you again. It's not easy letting go, but at least I know my daughter is safe and with friends.
14{player brought Kasumi home safe and sound / Happy} You brought my little girl home safely. Thank you again.
15{player brought Kasumi home safe and sound / Happy} You gave me my family back. I'll never forget this.
16{bittersweet Player told you Kasumi is a synth but you've been convinced to accept her / Sad} She looks just like the real Kasumi... It won't be easy to look past that, but Rei is right. We have to take any kind of happiness we can in this world.
17{bittersweet Player told you Kasumi is a synth but you've been convinced to accept her / Sad} So much has happened to my family, but we'll survive. We always do.


(Kasumi's Projects: Kitchen)
Player Default: *sigh* Okay...{Concerned} I know you're disappointed, but I won't be long. I love you.Player Default: *sigh* I love you too, dad.A1a
19Player Default: You don't know what half that list is, dad. I can help you. Really! I'll be...{you're so afraid she'll get hurt that you snap and yell, then you're filled with regret and take a moment to breathe / Afraid} I said no! I... *breathes* I'm sorry... You're safe here, okay? Just stay put for me.Player Default: *sigh* Okay...A1a
20Player Default: Wait, you're going now? *clang* Oww... Wait, dad, I could come with you!{secretly worried about her safety. you just lost family to Raiders a few years ago / Worried} I... It's better if I go alone, Kasumi. Don't worry, I have your list.Player Default: You don't know what half that list is, dad. I can help you. Really! I'll be...A1a
21Player Default: Project log. Kitchen mixer. The circuits are still good, but all the mechanical parts are rusted through. Maybe I can...{projected voice, getting everyone's attention before you leave the house / Friendly} All right everyone, I'll be back in a few days. Was there anything else we needed from the city?Player Default: Wait, you're going now? *clang* Oww... Wait, dad, I could come with you!A1a


23DLC03MQ01_002 _NakanoIntroScene{frantically trying to get a radio to work / Worried} Dammit. Come in! I know you're listening on the other end! Where is she? Where's my daughter!?ReiNakano: Kenji. Please! You've been at this for hours. Stop! You need sleep.A1a
22ReiNakano: Kenji. Please! You've been at this for hours. Stop! You need sleep.{Afraid} She's out there, Rei. Someone has her. They could be Raiders or Gunners or god knows what else!A1a
24DLC03MQ01_003 _NickIntroNick: Hope you don't mind. We let ourselves in.{your old friend Nick Valentine has come to help you find your missing daughter / Relieved} Nick. Thank god! You need to get to work right away! She could be hurt. She could be...Nick: Whoa. Slow down. Uh... Kenji, was it? Why don't you go over the details with me and my partner here?A1a
25DLC03MQ01_004 _PlayerNakano01{Worried} You have to get to work right away, detective.Player Default: We're here to help. Tell us what happened.A
26{player previously refused to help look for Kasumi / Irritated} So, you're back. Do you finally have time to look for my daughter?Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.A
27Nick: Uh... right. Yeah, it's starting to come back to me... Sorry things ended sour.We got out, that's all that mattered. And now you can return the favor by finding my daughter...Player Default: We're here to help. Tell us what happened.Y1a
28KenjiNakano: No, she would've told us where she was going. She would've said... something!{talking to the player / Worried} I know my daughter is in danger. I can feel it. Find her. Please.Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.A1a
29ReiNakano: Our daughter Kasumi likes to fix things. The radio was her latest project.{Worried} Until she made contact with some kidnapper who lured her away from us.ReiNakano: Or maybe she left on her own. She's not a child anymore.A1a
30ReiNakano: Our daughter is nineteen. She knows how to survive, and she's capable. I... think maybe she left because she wanted her own life.{Worried} No, she would've told us where she was going. She would've said... something!KenjiNakano: I know my daughter is in danger. I can feel it. Find her. Please.A1a
31{talking to the player, who you assume is Nick's new detective partner / Worried} Your brought a partner? Good. The more eyes the better.Player Default: We're here to help. Tell us what happened.A1a
32Player Default: We're here to help. Tell us what happened.{blaming technology for your daughter's disappearance / Irritated} It's all thanks to this damn radio.ReiNakano: Our daughter Kasumi likes to fix things. The radio was her latest project.A1a
33Player Default: Let's just get this over with.{Worried} It all started with this damn radio.ReiNakano: Our daughter Kasumi likes to fix things. The radio was her latest project.B1a
34Player Default: Yeah, that's me. "Lowly partner." I don't even get real business cards.{Puzzled} Uh... right...X1a
35{Worried} Getting back to my daughter, it all started with this damn radio.ReiNakano: Our daughter Kasumi likes to fix things. The radio was her latest project.X1b
36Player Default: So what's the story with you and Nick?{Puzzled} Nick didn't tell you? Ran with him on one of his cases a few years back. Searching for some sort of lost heirloom. He needed a boat.Y1a
37{Thinking} Things... didn't end well. We were double-crossed by the client once we had what he was looking for. Still have some lead lodged into my hip.Nick: Uh... right. Yeah, it's starting to come back to me... Sorry things ended sour.Y1b
38Player Default: So what's the story with you and Nick?{Puzzled} Ran with him on one of his cases a few years back. Searching for some sort of lost heirloom. He needed a boat.Y2a
39{Depressed} Things... didn't end well. Nick's client double-crossed us once we had what he was looking for. Still have some lead lodged into my hip.Y2b
40But we got out. And now my daughter's missing, and there's only one detective agency I know of in the Commonwealth.Player Default: We're here to help. Tell us what happened.Y2c
41Player Default: So what's the story with you and Nick?{Irritated} That's not important right now! You have to help me find my daughter.Player Default: We're here to help. Tell us what happened.Y3a
42Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.{player says he already knows where Kasumi went / Surprised} You did? What did you find? Where is she?Player Default: I think I know where Kasumi went. A place called Far Harbor.A1a
43Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.{player agrees to help / Worried} Thank you. Her room is upstairs if that helps, and if you had any more questions about her, just ask.Nick: Don't worry, Kenji. We'll get to the bottom of this. Just sit tight.A2a
44Player Default: This isn't my problem. I have better places to be.{Surprised} What? You're leaving?Nick: My partner here is a bit of a blunt instrument. We've got a lot on our plate right now, but we'll be back. Won't we?B1a
45Player Default: This isn't my problem. I have better places to be.{alternate line if Nick isn't here / Irritated} Fine. Leave then.Nick: My partner here is a bit of a blunt instrument. We've got a lot on our plate right now, but we'll be back. Won't we?B2a
46Nick: Uh, sorry about this, Kenji. Expenses and all that...{negotiating over the player's fee, agreeing to spend more / Concerned} Of course. How does 350 caps sound?Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.X1a
47Nick: Uh, sorry about this, Kenji. Expenses and all that...{negotiating over the player's fee, agreeing to spend more / Concerned} We could make it 400.Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.X2a
48Nick: Uh, sorry about this, Kenji. Expenses and all that...{negotiating over the player's fee, agreeing to spend more / Concerned} 500 caps. That's all we have.Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.X3a
49Nick: Uh, sorry about this, Kenji. Expenses and all that...{negotiating over the player's fee, refusing to pay more / Irritated} I'm not going to barter over my daughter's life. Your fee is going to be 300 caps. Take it or leave it.Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.X4a
50Player Default: Do you have any idea of where she could've gone?{Worried} We know she took one of the boats, but that's all. She could be anywhere.Player Default: I already took a look around. I think I know what happened to Kasumi.Y1a
51DLC03MQ01_004 _PlayerNakano02{stranger has entered your house / Suspicious} I'm sorry, but we're dealing with a family matter.Player Default: I'm with Valentine's Detective Agency. You asked for help?A
52Player Default: I'm with Valentine's Detective Agency. You asked for help?{Tired} A good samaritan? Fine. I'm out of options anyway. If you want to hear about it.A1a
53{Concerned} My daughter is missing. It all started with this damn radio.ReiNakano: Our daughter Kasumi likes to fix things. The radio was her latest project.A1b
54Player Default: I'm with Valentine's Detective Agency. You asked for help?{player says he's with Nick Valentine / Relieved} Oh thank god. You have to get working right away.Player Default: We're here to help. Tell us what happened.A1a
55{stranger has entered your house / Suspicious} What? Who are you? I'm sorry, but we don't have time for visitors or caravans or wherever you're from.Player Default: I'm with Valentine's Detective Agency. You asked for help?A1a
56DLC03MQ01_006 _MrNakanoQuestions{Worried} Did you have questions? About my daughter?Player Default: Anything more you can tell me about Kasumi? The smallest detail could be important.A
57{Worried} Did you have any more questions? Anything to help get my daughter back.Player Default: Anything more you can tell me about Kasumi? The smallest detail could be important.A
58Player Default: Anything more you can tell me about Kasumi? The smallest detail could be important.{Worried} I don't know what more to say. She's my little girl and she doesn't know how dangerous this world is.A1a
59{Worried} I never should have let her grandfather teach her how to how to fix these machines.Player Default: Anything more you can tell me about Kasumi? The smallest detail could be important.A1b
60Player Default: Anything more you can tell me about Kasumi? The smallest detail could be important.{player asked about Kasumi's grandfather teaching her about mechanics / Worried} Ever since she was old enough to walk, yes. Her grandfather had an ear for machines. Kasumi picked up the knack.A2a
61{Sad} He... passed away recently. He used to scavenge the ruins in the south for parts. I kept telling him he was getting too old...Player Default: Anything more you can tell me about Kasumi? The smallest detail could be important.A2b
62Player Default: No more questions right now.{Worried} Work quickly, detective.B1a
63Player Default: Tell me more about this radio she was fixing.{Worried} I've tried to get that damn thing to work over and over again, but there's nothing.X1a
64{Worried} I thought she just wanted to strip it for parts or build a toaster out of it, or something, like she usually does.X1b
65{Worried} Someone made contact with her, and then they took her. God, what kind of twisted psychopath has my daughter?Player Default: Anything more you can tell me about Kasumi? The smallest detail could be important.X1c
66Player Default: Why did your daughter really leave? Your wife says she left on her own, but you said it was kidnappers.{emphasis on "know" / Worried} I know it was kidnappers. Kasumi is a smart girl, but she doesn't know how... horrible people can be. Not like me and Rei.Y1a
67{Worried} Why would she just leave her family? With no explanation? Someone tricked her. Got her to leave the safety of home.Y1b
68{Worried} Every minute we aren't looking for my daughter, her life is in jeopardy.Player Default: Anything more you can tell me about Kasumi? The smallest detail could be important.Y1c
69DLC03MQ01_007 _PlayerNakano02{player has returned from investigating Kasumi's room / Concerned} Have you finished your investigation? Did you find anything?Player Default: I think I know where Kasumi went. A place called Far Harbor.A
70{player has returned from investigating Kasumi's room / Concerned} Did you find anything?Player Default: I think I know where Kasumi went. A place called Far Harbor.A
71Player Default: Still looking.{Concerned} Please work quickly.B1a
72Player Default: Your daughter made contact with a group of synths. She thinks she's one of them.{Surprised} What? That's ... that's crazy...!ReiNakano: She's not a synth! She's our daughter. We raised her. I... I gave birth to her. She's flesh and blood, not a synthetic.X1a
73Player Default: I need to ask you an important question. Are you sure your daughter is human?{Irritated} What kind of question is that? Why are you asking?Player Default: I think I know where Kasumi went. A place called Far Harbor.Y1a
74Player Default: I need to ask you an important question. Are you sure your daughter is human?{player mentions Kasumi might have gone North / Thinking} Where, specifically? I've been up the coast, almost to where the waters start to freeze, but that's a lot of miles...Player Default: I think I know where Kasumi went. A place called Far Harbor.Y2a
75DLC03MQ01_008 _FarHarborBranch01{player just told you Kasumi is in Far Harbor / Surprised} She went that far up North? God, that explains why she took the boat...A1a
76{Afraid} There's no time to waste, you have to go after her!ReiNakano: Wait! Did you find out why she left, detective? Who she was speaking to?A1b
77{Afraid} She went that far up North? God, that explains why she took the boat...A2a
78{Pleading} You have to go after her! Please. Take my other ship on the dock outside. My father's design.A2b
79{Worried} It has a guidance system, and it's built for distance.Player Default: I'll get to the bottom of this, Kenji.A2c
80ReiNakano: Wait! Did you find out why she left, detective? Who she was speaking to?{Afraid} What does it matter?ReiNakano: Because I know my daughter, and if she didn't tell us where she went, then she had a reason. Don't you want to know if she wants to be found?A1a
81ReiNakano: Because I know my daughter, and if she didn't tell us where she went, then she had a reason. Don't you want to know if she wants to be found?{Worried} *sigh* You're right. Detective, did you find any clue to why Kasumi left home?Player Default: I think I know where Kasumi went. A place called Far Harbor.A1a
82DLC03MQ01_008 _SynthBranchPlayer Default: Oh god... Does she even think we're still her parents?{Worried} This is what I was afraid of. Someone twisting my daughter's mind.KenjiNakano: You have to get to Far Harbor. Take my ship on the dock. It has a guidance system. A final gift from my father. And it's built for distance.A1a
83KenjiNakano: This is what I was afraid of. Someone twisting my daughter's mind.{Pleading} You have to get to Far Harbor. Take my ship on the dock. It has a guidance system. A final gift from my father. And it's built for distance.Player Default: I'll get to the bottom of this, Kenji.A1a
84KenjiNakano: This is what I was afraid of. Someone twisting my daughter's mind.{Worried} Did you find where Kasumi went, detective?Player Default: I think I know where Kasumi went. A place called Far Harbor.A2a
85DLC03MQ01_009 _Boat{Pleading} Are you willing to take my boat, now? Find my daughter?Player Default: I'll get to the bottom of this, Kenji.A
86Player Default: What can I expect out there, Kenji?{Thinking} I only made the trip to Far Harbor once, when I was a boy. All I remember is that my father didn't want to stay long. Something about the air being bad.Player Default: I'll get to the bottom of this, Kenji.Y1a
87Player Default: A magic boat ride! Will there be sea monsters?{Puzzled} Umm... While I know the seas aren't exactly safe, I'm confident that boat can get you there unharmed. At least, I hope.X1a
88{Grateful} I know you haven't asked for payment, and we can't offer much, but here. Please take it, I insist. For expenses, if nothing else.Nick: I know my partner here can be a little glib, but we won't rest until we get to the bottom of this. You two have my word.X1b
89Player Default: A magic boat ride! Will there be sea monsters?{Puzzled} Umm... While I know the seas aren't exactly safe, I'm confident that boat can get you there unharmed. At least, I hope.X2a
90Before you go, here's the payment we discussed. I'll have something more when Kasumi is safely back home.Nick: I know my partner here can be a little glib, but we won't rest until we get to the bottom of this. You two have my word.X2b
91Player Default: That's crazy. I'm not taking a ride on some rusty boat.{Irritated} I trust that boat with my life. My father worked on it every day until he died. And it's all I can offer.B1a
92{Concerned} Let me know if you change your mind.Nick: My partner here is just a little nervous. Never been on a boat before. We'll be back.B1b
93Player Default: I'll get to the bottom of this, Kenji.{Grateful} Thank you. I know you haven't asked for payment, and we can't offer much, but here. Please take it, I insist. For expenses, if nothing else.Nick: I know it'll be hard waiting for word, but try to carry on like normal. We'll be back as soon as we can.A1a
94Player Default: I'll get to the bottom of this, Kenji.{Grateful} Thank you. And here, the payment we discussed. I'll have something more when Kasumi is safely back home.Nick: I know it'll be hard waiting for word, but try to carry on like normal. We'll be back as soon as we can.A2a
95-{Worried} Find Kasumi. Please.
96{Worried} My father's boat can guide itself, and it's strong enough to make the trip.
97{Worried} Take my boat. Find my daughter. Please.


98DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoBranch4Conclusion{greeting the player. neutral tone} I need to speak to you...MisterNakano: There's one last thing you and I need to discuss. Your reward for bringing my daughter home safely.A
99MisterNakano: Thank you again. You saved my family. We won't forget that.Goodbye, Nick. Best of luck to you and your partner in the future...A1a
100Player Default: You've earned it. You traveled far and back to get me answers.{Friendly} Thank you again. You saved my family. We won't forget that.Companion: See ya around, Kenji...A1a
101Player Default: You've earned it. You traveled far and back to get me answers.{Tired} Now, if you'll excuse me, it's... been a long day.Companion: See ya around, Kenji...A2a
102DLC03MaleMrNakano: I need to speak to you...{Friendly} There's one last thing you and I need to discuss. Your reward for bringing my daughter home safely.MisterNakano: We don't have much to offer, but my father traveled the Commonwealth. He had quite a collection before he died.A1a
103DLC03MaleMrNakano: I need to speak to you...{Irritated} Thank you for telling me the truth. I can't believe that synth almost had me fooled.MisterNakano: We don't have much to offer, but my father traveled the Commonwealth. He had quite a collection before he died.A2a
104DLC03MaleMrNakano: I need to speak to you...{player found Kasumi, but she decided to stay in acadia / Concerned} There's one last thing you and I need to discuss. Your reward. My daughter might not be coming home, but at least she's safe.MisterNakano: We don't have much to offer, but my father traveled the Commonwealth. He had quite a collection before he died.A3a
105DLC03MaleMrNakano: I need to speak to you...{player convinced you to accept Kasumi as a synth, big moment where you call her your daughter after initially refusing to accept her / Sad} Thank you for... bringing my daughter home. This... wasn't what I expected, but we're a family again, and that's all that matters.MisterNakano: We don't have much to offer, but my father traveled the Commonwealth. He had quite a collection before he died.A4a
106MisterNakano: There's one last thing you and I need to discuss. Your reward for bringing my daughter home safely.We don't have much to offer, but my father traveled the Commonwealth. He had quite a collection before he died.A1a
107I buried it all near the house. I'm not the explorer he was. I don't need them. I think they would be better with you.Player Default: Thank you, Kenji.A1b
108Player Default: Thank you, Kenji.You've earned it. You traveled far and back to get me answers.MisterNakano: Thank you again. You saved my family. We won't forget that.A1a
109Player Default: You don't need to do that. You keep your father's collection for your family.Thank you. Perhaps we'll need it someday. God knows plenty has happened to us already...MisterNakano: Thank you again. You saved my family. We won't forget that.B1a
110Player Default: I get to dig up buried treasure? Yar har har!{Puzzled} Uh... yes... But you're not going to need a map or anything. I buried it. I know where it is.MisterNakano: Thank you again. You saved my family. We won't forget that.X1a
111Player Default: What's in this collection?{Thinking} Things he picked up out at sea or trading at different towns he visited. I never really sat down and looked through it all.Player Default: Thank you, Kenji.Y1a
112DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene01MrsNakano: Oh my god. My baby is okay!{happy, sad, holding back tears, all at the same time / Sad} Welcome back home, Kasumi.Kasumi: It's good to be home.A1a
113DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene02{Grateful} You saved my daughter. Thank you.Player Default: Happy to do it, Kenji.A
114Kasumi: I know, mom. I'm sorry. I was just so... confused. I wanted to go somewhere. Anywhere.{Concerned} It's okay, Kasumi. You're home now.Player Default: Listen to Kasumi next time, Kenji. Don't just try to keep her safe. Talk to her.A1a
115{player has found your daughter and brought her home / Grateful} You. You saved my daughter. Thank you.Player Default: Happy to do it, Kenji.A1a
116Player Default: Happy to do it, Kenji.{Grateful} You don't often see kindness in the Commonwealth. I'll never forget this.Companion: If any of you ever need help again, you know where to find us.A1a
117Player Default: Don't thank me. Just getting the job done.{Friendly} I made the right decision sending you to find her.Companion: If any of you ever need help again, you know where to find us.B1a
118Player Default: Time to pay up, Kenji.{Friendly} Don't worry. You've earned it.Companion: If any of you ever need help again, you know where to find us.X1a
119Player Default: Are you all going to be okay, now?{Happy} Yes. You've made our family whole again.Companion: If any of you ever need help again, you know where to find us.Y1a
120Player Default: Listen to Kasumi next time, Kenji. Don't just try to keep her safe. Talk to her.{Sad} I know... I will... I was holding on so tightly I almost lost her...A1a
121Player Default: Kenji, it's not true. Kasumi really is a synth. She replaced your daughter.{Surprised} What!? What are you saying?Companion: Just had to open that can of worms, didn't you?B1a
122Player Default: Hold on to her, Kenji. You never know when your family is going to be taken from you...{Depressed} I'm glad you understand. It's a terrible world out there... We only have each other.X1a
123Player Default: Do you folks need a minute?{Apologetic} No. We'll have plenty of time to talk, now. We shouldn't keep you.Player Default: Listen to Kasumi next time, Kenji. Don't just try to keep her safe. Talk to her.Y1a
124DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene03A{player tells you that Kasumi is a synth, she appears to confess / Afraid} Kasumi... Is it true? You're not my daughter?Kasumi: I... Yes it's true... I mean... I can't prove it, but when I made it to Acadia, I just knew...A1a
125Player Default: Kenji, listen to me. She's not to blame for this. Give her a chance. She's lost everything, too.{player has convinced you to let Kasumi stay after telling you she's a synth, you're searching your feelings / Sad} We've been through... so much...MisterNakano: You... you look just like her. Act like her... Talk like her...A1a
126Player Default: Kenji, listen to me. She's not to blame for this. Give her a chance. She's lost everything, too.{Stern} You do not get to lecture me! This is my family. Not yours.MisterNakano: I never want to see you again... synth. You've brought enough pain to this family. Leave.A2a
127Player Default: She's still your daughter, Kenji. She might be a synth, but you and Rei both loved her like one of your own. And she loved you back. You know that.{player has convinced you to let Kasumi stay after telling you she's a synth, you're searching your feelings / Sad} I... I don't know what to do...MisterNakano: You... you look just like her. Act like her... Talk like her...X1a
128Player Default: She's still your daughter, Kenji. She might be a synth, but you and Rei both loved her like one of your own. And she loved you back. You know that.{Angry} No, it was all a lie! Don't you understand? I've been worrying about this... thing, when I should have been mourning for the real Kasumi.MisterNakano: I never want to see you again... synth. You've brought enough pain to this family. Leave.X2a
129Player Default: You're just going to kick her out?{Angry} If she's not my daughter, she doesn't belong here.Player Default: Kenji, listen to me. She's not to blame for this. Give her a chance. She's lost everything, too.Y1a
130Kasumi: I... Yes it's true... I mean... I can't prove it, but when I made it to Acadia, I just knew...{Stern} Where's the real Kasumi?Kasumi: I don't know. There's no telling when I replaced her. I... I never knew what I was before. I never wanted to hurt you...A1a
131Kasumi: I don't know. There's no telling when I replaced her. I... I never knew what I was before. I never wanted to hurt you...{cold, angry / Stern} Get out.MrsNakano: Kenji!A1a
132MrsNakano: Kenji!{cold, angry / Angry} You heard me. You've been lying to us this whole time? My real daughter is dead? Get out of here. Never come back.Player Default: Kenji, listen to me. She's not to blame for this. Give her a chance. She's lost everything, too.A1a
133DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene03B{player just said Kasumi was a synth, but seems to have gone back on that / Stern} Both of you need to explain to me what's going on.Kasumi: He's saying I'm a synth, because that's what I told him. I was so sure. No one could talk me out of it.A1a
134DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene04A{player has convinced you Kasumi is a synth, but that you should accept her / Sad} You... you look just like her. Act like her... Talk like her...Kasumi: I know... And I know how much she meant to both of you. You're both good people. You deserve to have your daughter back.A1a
135Kasumi: I know... And I know how much she meant to both of you. You're both good people. You deserve to have your daughter back.{Sad} But you're not...MrsNakano: Kenji, stop! I don't care anymore. Look at her! Can't we salvage what we can from this horrible world?A1a
136MrsNakano: Kenji, stop! I don't care anymore. Look at her! Can't we salvage what we can from this horrible world?{Sad} *sad sigh* Okay... Okay... She can stay...A1a
137DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoReunionScene04B{player failed to convince you to accept Kasumi for being a synth / Angry} I never want to see you again... synth. You've brought enough pain to this family. Leave.Kasumi: *sad exhale* Goodbye mom... dad...A1a
138Kasumi: *sad exhale* Goodbye mom... dad...{player failed to convince you to accept Kasumi for being a synth / Angry} You don't get to call us that anymore. Now go.A1a
139DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoScene1KasumiDeadPlayer Default: Oh god. I knew it. They lured her away, and now she's dead...{Sad} She died over all this nonsense about being a synth. Tell me it wasn't true. Tell me she was still my daughter.Player Default: Kasumi was human. You have my word.A1a
140PlayerVoiceFemale01: Mister Nakano. I have bad news. Kasumi... She... She didn't make it.{shocked, angry, and devastated all at once / Sad} What? I hired you to find her, to bring her back safely! What happened? What did they do to my little girl?Player Default: That synth colony she ran away to was attacked. They didn't stand a chance.A1a
141Player Default: That synth colony she ran away to was attacked. They didn't stand a chance.{Sad} Oh god. I knew it. They lured her away, and now she's dead...Companion: I'm sorry, Kenji. I wish we could tell you different...A1a
142Player Default: Those synths she ran away to find are the reason your daughter is dead. You were right to be worried, Kenji.{Sad} It's everything I was afraid of. They lured her away, and now she's gone...Companion: I'm sorry, Kenji. I wish we could tell you different...B1a
143Player Default: You don't want to know the details, Kenji. I'm sorry.{player has just told you that your daughter is dead / Sad} God... Our Kasumi... our little girl... It's everything I was afraid of...Companion: I'm sorry, Kenji. I wish we could tell you different...X1a
144Player Default: Kasumi was human. You have my word.{taking it in, you want to believe it's true, so you do / Sad} *deep breathe* Thank you...A1a
145{Sad} If you'll excuse me, my wife and I need some time alone...A1b
146Player Default: I don't have any proof either way.{Sad} So we just have to wonder? Did she die up North, or did she die here a long time ago. Taken and... replaced...B1a
147{Sad} Please... Just leave... My wife and I need time alone...B1b
148Player Default: Does it really matter, Kenji?{Sad} My daughter is dead. Oh god...Y1a
149{Sad} My wife and I need time alone right now. If you could leave us...Y1b
150DLC03MQPostQuest _NakanoScene4KasumiStayingPlayer Default: I did everything I could to make she sure was safe, Kenji. She'll be fine.{Concerned} You're sure? It's just... all this nonsense about her being a synth. She doesn't still think she's one of them, does she?Player Default: I'm sorry, Kenji, but it's true. She's a synth. Your real daughter was replaced at some point.A1a
151Player Default: For god's sakes, get over it Kenji. She was going to leave home at some point.{Irritated} I know that! Wouldn't you be worried if it was your child? Trust me, it doesn't matter how old they get...B1a
152{Concerned} But maybe you're right... It's just... all this nonsense about her being a synth. She doesn't still think she's one of them, does she?Player Default: I'm sorry, Kenji, but it's true. She's a synth. Your real daughter was replaced at some point.B1b
153Player Default: She made a choice, Kenji.{Concerned} But why wouldn't she come home? She doesn't still think she's a synth, does she?Player Default: I'm sorry, Kenji, but it's true. She's a synth. Your real daughter was replaced at some point.X1a
154Player Default: What else could I do, Kenji? Drag her back?{Concerned} No, of course not! I just... want to know she's safe...Y1a
155{Concerned} Why did she decide to stay? She doesn't still think she's a synth, does she?Player Default: I'm sorry, Kenji, but it's true. She's a synth. Your real daughter was replaced at some point.Y1b
156PlayerVoiceFemale01: Mister Nakano. Kasumi isn't coming home. She's staying with the synths up North.{shocked, angry, and devastated all at once / Angry} What? I hired you to find her, to bring her back safely! You left her there?Player Default: I did everything I could to make she sure was safe, Kenji. She'll be fine.A1a
157Player Default: I'm sorry, Kenji, but it's true. She's a synth. Your real daughter was replaced at some point.{player tells you that Kasumi is not only dead but was a synth, meaning your real daughter died a long time ago / Sad} No... No it isn't true... Oh god... How long was I worried about that... thing, when the real Kasumi was already dead?A1a
158{Sad} Please... Just leave... My wife and I need time alone....A1b
159Player Default: She's not a synth, but she has people there she cares about.{Sad} So Rei was right. Kasumi needed to make her own life. Away from us.B1a
160{Sad} I guess I... just didn't want to believe she had grown up. That she was going to leave me.B1b