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This is a transcript for dialogue with The Mariner.


1DLC03ConvFarHarborMarinerWarpath_01{This argument has been had before, but that makes her only more irritated about it / Irritated} If the bells sound, Allen, I need you to pass out guns to any Harborman that'll carry them.A1a
2{Stern} The Hull needs to be fully manned.Generic: I'm happy to give any man or woman a gun, for caps. I don't do charity.A1b
3Generic: I'm happy to give any man or woman a gun, for caps. I don't do charity.{Angry / Angry} Get this through your rum-soaked skull: the Hull falls, we die. That simple.Generic: I've lived on this island my whole life without some rickety wall to protect me.A1a
4Generic: I've lived on this island my whole life without some rickety wall to protect me.{Irritated} Why I even bother...A1a


5-DiMA and all those synths.... I had no idea.A
6You one of those narcoleptics?
7Sure, I have all the time in the world.
8You ain't big on conversation, are you?
9At last...
11I ain't goin' down alone.
12Filthy mainlander.
13Ha! Haha.
14Leave my docks alone!
15No thieves on my dock, dammit.
16I saw some flashes on the mountain. It weren't lightning, neither.
17With that nuclear fallout, the Fog's going to get fierce. Mark my words.
18I don't have much love for the Children of Atom. But no one deserves what they got.
19This peace with the Children of Atom... Seems a little too good to be true.
20DiMA? Maybe Allen's right about mainlanders.
21What we did with Avery... *sigh*
22Avery worked tirelessly to help all us islanders...
23You shut Allen down real good. Hopefully he'll stay shut down.
24Well, I'll be. Survived the Captain's Dance. Never thought it'd happen in my lifetime.
25Avery... And Acadia both. Gods forgive me, Allen might need to be our next Captain.
26I want nothing to do with you.
27Look at all we've done to the Harbor. I finally feel safe.
28It weren't easy telling Avery about my condition. Glad that's over.
29Just need to make it through the day.
30Dying's a right bitch. *chuckle*
31There's a foul wind coming. Mark my words.
32The island's restless. No good can come of it.
33If these knuckleheads don't pitch in, the whole lot of us are doomed.
34Only sounds that used to be here was the squabbling of gulls and the slapping of the waves.
35If the stowaways keep pushing, one day I'll be gone on the high tide. Then where will they be?
36*sigh* The Red Death...
37You ever heard of... Machete Mike? Hmm.
38With proper tools, the things I can do.
39It looks like a proper Hull now, don't it? *chuckle*
40{Proud} Nothing more to be done for the Hull.


41DLC03FarHarborFF03a_100_Intro{Stern} I could still use those power tools by the tannery. 450 caps.Player Default: Sign me up, I'll help.A
42{Tired / Irritated} Everyone's always ripping into me about the Hull.Mariner: But without my walls, all of us would've been killed long ago.A
43{Worried, the Hull protects the whole town - so if it breaks people die / Worried} The Hull took a battering, to be sure.Mariner: But without my walls, all of us would've been killed long ago.A
44DLC03FemaleMariner: Everyone's always ripping into me about the Hull.{Defensive / Irritated} But without my walls, all of us would've been killed long ago.Mariner: They call me the Mariner, shipwright, handyman, and the only one keeping the Harbor afloat. Well, besides Captain Avery.A1a
45DLC03FemaleMariner: Everyone's always ripping into me about the Hull.{Grateful in a gruff way / Grateful} But she wouldn't be standing at all if it weren't for you.Mariner: They call me the Mariner, shipwright, handyman, and the only one keeping the Harbor afloat. Well, besides Captain Avery.A2a
46Mariner: But without my walls, all of us would've been killed long ago.{Irritated} They call me the Mariner, shipwright, handyman, and the only one keeping the Harbor afloat. Well, besides Captain Avery.Player Default: The town's lucky you're here.A1a
47Player Default: The town's lucky you're here.{Player's friendliness rubs her wrong / Irritated} You blowing smoke up my sails? Bah. But there is...Mariner: I don't suppose you'd be willing to lend a hand? In order to do proper repairs I need tools. Specialized tools.A1a
48Player Default: You have an awfully high opinion of yourself.{Respects the player for telling him his mind, but confident / Confident} No sin in knowing you're own worth.Mariner: I don't suppose you'd be willing to lend a hand? In order to do proper repairs I need tools. Specialized tools.B1a
49Player Default: You have an awfully high opinion of yourself.{Irritated at not being appreciated, too / Irritated} You and me both. Been saving these whelps for ages without even a word of thanks. Bah.Mariner: I don't suppose you'd be willing to lend a hand? In order to do proper repairs I need tools. Specialized tools.B2a
50Player Default: A pleasure to meet you.Likewise. I hope the island doesn't kill you quick. Or slow for that matter.Mariner: I don't suppose you'd be willing to lend a hand? In order to do proper repairs I need tools. Specialized tools.X1a
51Player Default: Why doesn't anyone help you?{Taking care to explain a concept mainlanders don't get} Each Harborman is the captain of his own ship.Y1a
52Worked fine for generations on the homesteads. Your land, your rules.Y1b
53{Starting to get worked up / Irritated} But when the island pushed them onto my dock, one-by-one, the ungrateful bastards expect me to look after "my land."Y1c
54{Irritated} Even though they're squatting on it, like wretches.Player Default: The town's lucky you're here.Y1d
55Player Default: Why doesn't anyone help you?{She's hiding something - can be a little obvious, her excuse here is intentionally weak and not really believed by her / Nervous} I couldn't very well toss them back into the Fog, could I? Bad luck, that.Y2a
56{Still making an excuse / Nervous} Surely their spirits would haunt me to my grave, and that's a fact.Player Default: The town's lucky you're here.Y2b
57Player Default: You blowing smoke up my sails? Bah. But there is...{Uncomfortable asking / Nervous} I don't suppose you'd be willing to lend a hand? In order to do proper repairs I need tools. Specialized tools.Mariner: And they won't be easy to come by. 450 caps if you can, though.A1a
58Mariner: I don't suppose you'd be willing to lend a hand? In order to do proper repairs I need tools. Specialized tools.{Trying to stumble through an offer / Nervous} And they won't be easy to come by. 450 caps if you can, though.Player Default: Sign me up, I'll help.A1a
59Player Default: Sign me up, I'll help.{Brusque but vaguely friendly / Stern} Eagle's Cove Tannery. Tools are certain to be there. Now git.A1a
60Player Default: I'll take a pass.{Sighing, resigned - but doesn't blame the PC one bit / Depressed} If the bleeding Harbormen won't lift a finger, too much to hope a Mainlander would.B1a
61{Resigned / Depressed} Fair journeys to you, though.B1b
62Player Default: So I'd be risking my life for only 450 caps?{Not very used to this, being sincere - but unsteady / Nervous} *sigh* I'm a bit short on caps... But I have Old Jimmy's shotgun, I can give you.X1a
63{Old Jimmy is dead, which is sad / Somber} Heavens know he can't use it any more.Player Default: Sign me up, I'll help.X1b
64Player Default: So I'd be risking my life for only 450 caps?{Implacable / Confident} The pay is what the pay is. Are you in or out?Player Default: Sign me up, I'll help.X2a
65Player Default: You've kept the walls together this long, why do you need special tools now?{A hint of urgency here (more urgent than the player might guess) / Stern} I want to build the Hull up proper. Make it strong.Y1a
66{This is here Mission(tm) / Stern} And keep those blasted crabs out for good.Player Default: Sign me up, I'll help.Y1b
67DLC03FarHarborFF03a_300_TurnIn{Anxious / Nervous} You been to the tannery? You find my tools yet?Player Default: I sold those tools to Machete Mike.A
68Player Default: I sold those tools to Machete Mike.{Pissed off / Angry} That silver-tongued devil. We had a deal. Well, it's good to know your worth. Leave!A1a
69Player Default: I sold those tools to Machete Mike.{Impressed by the player, pleased / Grateful} A fair bit of luck running into you. Here's your reward, well earned.A2a
70{Looking forward to building / Happy} And now to work on the Hull!A2b
71Player Default: I sold those tools to Machete Mike.{Sincere warning / Stern} As I said, it's a dangerous place. Mind yourself.A3a
72Player Default: Those tools were worth a fortune. And you were trying to rip me off.{Knows the player reneged on a deal - pissed / Angry} *groan* Machete Mike got to you, did he? Some things are worth more than caps.B1a
73{Passionate / Disgust} Protection for friends and family. A bit of respect.B1b
74{Disgust} Not like a cad like you would understand. Leave me.B1c
75Player Default: Those tools were worth a fortune. And you were trying to rip me off.{It's important / Stern} Keep looking then!B2a
76Player Default: I'm not going to keep looking for your tools.{Let down, but sincere / Depressed} The tannery's full of dangers, no doubt. Might be this is for the best.X1a
77{Friendly} Keep an eye out on the horizon, mainlander.X1b
78Player Default: I'm not going to keep looking for your tools.Look out for yourself.X2a
79Player Default: Can you tell me about the tannery?{Pauly was a friend who left / Sad} A man named Pauly used to camp there. Very handy fellow.Y1a
80{Sad that so many friends are leaving town / Sad} Fog rolled in a year back and he had to pull up his stake.Y1b
81{Stern} He left the Harbor recently, so every thing that's there is fair salvage.Player Default: I sold those tools to Machete Mike.Y1c
82-All manner of good I can do with those tools.
83Be careful by the Tannery. It's dangerous.


84DLC03FarHarborFF03b_100_QuestAccepted{Really worried / Worried} The Hull's in sad shape.Mariner: If it ain't tended to in a major way, one good attack and... But there's some hope.A
85{Happy / Happy} Those tools you found are a joy to work with.Mariner: If it ain't tended to in a major way, one good attack and... But there's some hope.A
86DLC03FemaleMariner: The Hull's in sad shape.{Things are potentially dire / Worried} If it ain't tended to in a major way, one good attack and... But there's some hope.Mariner: A cargo freighter foundered ages ago. To the south.A1a
87DLC03FemaleMariner: The Hull's in sad shape.It gave me this idea...Mariner: A cargo freighter foundered ages ago. To the south.A2a
88Mariner: If it ain't tended to in a major way, one good attack and... But there's some hope.{Neutral} A cargo freighter foundered ages ago. To the south.Mariner: With a bit of arc welding and some elbow grease the Hull could be reinforced to be sturdy. Fierce.A1a
89Mariner: A cargo freighter foundered ages ago. To the south.{Thinking of the engineering, 90% sure this'll work / Thinking} With a bit of arc welding and some elbow grease the Hull could be reinforced to be sturdy. Fierce.A1a
90{She's hiding something, something's very much on her mind. The player should be wondering loudly, "Why soon?" So soon needs to be punched hard. / Worried} Best to do it soon... Before... Well, soon.Player Default: Those Trappers at the Azalea have already been dealt with.A1b
91Player Default: Those Trappers at the Azalea have already been dealt with.{Surprised and very pleased / Surprised} What? Well, of course you have. Why not? Ha.Mariner: I'll send the work crew over.A1a
92Player Default: Those Trappers at the Azalea have already been dealt with.{Trying to downplay being in awe of the player / Impressed} I'd say be careful, but after that Captain's Dance... How about: have fun. Ha.Mariner: The ship's the MS Azalea. Expect Trappers, mean ones.A2a
93Player Default: Those Trappers at the Azalea have already been dealt with.{Stern} The island should never be underestimated.Mariner: The ship's the MS Azalea. Expect Trappers, mean ones.A3a
94Player Default: Just a little bit of overkill.{100% certain, expert in her area of expertise / Confident} A charging Fog Crawler packs a lot of force. A thick sheet of reinforced steel still may not be enough, but it's a good start.Mariner: The ship's the MS Azalea. Expect Trappers, mean ones.B1a
95Player Default: Why does it need to be soon?{Obviously hiding something very, very important / Nervous} I... That's not a matter for you. Just... The Hull needs fixing.Player Default: Those Trappers at the Azalea have already been dealt with.Y1a
96Player Default: Why does it need to be soon?{Big big sigh, about to share something very personal / Sad} Fine. Fine. *sigh*Mariner: Doc Teddy... Well, I have a condition. Terminal. No cure.Y2a
97Player Default: Why does it need to be soon?{Irritation and even a touch of suspicion directed to the player / Irritated} My business is my own. Either help me with the cargo freighter or not.Player Default: Those Trappers at the Azalea have already been dealt with.Y3a
98Player Default: I'd say be careful, but after that Captain's Dance... How about: have fun. Ha.The ship's the MS Azalea. Expect Trappers, mean ones.Mariner: Once you mop the decks with them, I'll send my crew over. Best of luck!A1a
99Mariner: The ship's the MS Azalea. Expect Trappers, mean ones.{Friendly} Once you mop the decks with them, I'll send my crew over. Best of luck!A1a
100DLC03FarHarborFF03b_100a_MarinersStory{Unsteady - first time she's shared this with anyone, raw / Nervous} Doc Teddy... Well, I have a condition. Terminal. No cure.Mariner: *sigh* Hard to get that out. When... I take the Long Walk, I can't count on anyone else keeping the Hull in good repair.A1a
101Mariner: Doc Teddy... Well, I have a condition. Terminal. No cure.{Urgency, sadness - but DUTY above all / Sad} *sigh* Hard to get that out. When... I take the Long Walk, I can't count on anyone else keeping the Hull in good repair.Mariner: So it's best to get her ready before then.A1a
102Mariner: *sigh* Hard to get that out. When... I take the Long Walk, I can't count on anyone else keeping the Hull in good repair.{Grim / Sad} So it's best to get her ready before then.Player Default: I have no idea what you're going through. If there's any way I can help.A1a
103Player Default: I have no idea what you're going through. If there's any way I can help.{Awkwardly grateful, not wanting to break down / Grateful} I... I've shed my fill of tears on this.A1a
104{Maybe a throat clear, getting back to something else} But we've got business to be about.Mariner: The ship's the MS Azalea. Expect Trappers, mean ones.A1b
105Player Default: That's more than I wanted to know.{Uncomfortable, wishes she could take it back / Nervous} Well, you won't hear anything about it again. So let's keep it all business-like.Mariner: The ship's the MS Azalea. Expect Trappers, mean ones.B1a
106Player Default: I don't know what to say.{Muscling past the depression - complete tone shift next line, maybe even with a throat clear / Depressed} Nothing to be said. But there's things to do.Mariner: The ship's the MS Azalea. Expect Trappers, mean ones.X1a
107Player Default: Is there really no cure?{Absolutely no hope, not yet firmly resigned to it / Sad} Even in the old days, plenty of diseases were never beat. And this... well...Y1a
108{Maybe said quietly, she has a death sentence / Depressed} Teddy sent word to some mainland doctors, with my charts and all. Only heard back regrets.Player Default: I have no idea what you're going through. If there's any way I can help.Y1b
109DLC03FarHarborFF03b_300_TurnInMariner: We're done.{Unsteady, but appreciative / Grateful} If your offer of help is still open, I could use some advice.Mariner: I'm... thinking of casting off once the Hull's done. Slip out in the middle of the night.A1a
110Mariner: I'll send the work crew over.{Awkward, wishes the player didn't know something so personal about her / Nervous} And about that... personal matter. Don't breathe a word of it to no one.A1a
111{Grateful, but also close to saying "Goodbye" to everything / Grateful} We're done.Mariner: If your offer of help is still open, I could use some advice.A1b
112Mariner: I'll send the work crew over.{Bitter sweet / Happy} And once we haul a piece of the ship here, the Hull will be a sight to see.Mariner: If your offer of help is still open, I could use some advice.A2a
113Mariner: I'll send the work crew over.{Been thinking a LOT about this, maybe quiet / Nervous} Listen... I haven't told no one except the doc... About my condition.Mariner: If your offer of help is still open, I could use some advice.A3a
114Mariner: I'm... thinking of casting off once the Hull's done. Slip out in the middle of the night.{She both hates and loves the other people here / Irritated} But as much as these ingrates drive me to distraction... *sigh*A1a
115{More to herself / Puzzled} For the life of me, I don't know why I even told you in the first place.Player Default: Your friends would want to help you. Spend time with you before the end.A1b
116Player Default: Your friends would want to help you. Spend time with you before the end.{Grim humor, she's dying and trying to come to terms with it / Amused} *chuckle* You don't know my "friends" very well.A1a
117{Maybe quiet / Grateful} You've been of help. I won't forget it.Mariner: Off with you now. I've work to do.A1b
118Player Default: Many diseases are brutal in the final stages. Before it gets bad... It might be best to end it.{Contemplated suicide A LOT (an alternative to agonizing death from cancer) - wishing she could have one last sailing trip / Depressed} I've... thought of that. Figured throwing myself on one last adventure.B1a
119{Starting to give up on a last dream / Depressed} One I wouldn't come back from...Mariner: Off with you now. I've work to do.B1b
120Player Default: Leaving might be best. Let the Harbor remember you as you were... Not like you'll become.{Appreciates the player agreeing with her / Grateful} Yes. It's why I want to leave one last thing for them. Before I sail away.Mariner: Off with you now. I've work to do.X1a
121Player Default: It's a big decision. I'm sure if you listen to your heart, you'll know what to do.{Quietly sharing raw thoughts of a cancer patient / Depressed} When you're staring at the certainty of end of days. Clarity...Y1a
122{Sigh maybe, she's grappling with terrible things / Depressed} Well, I haven't found it yet. Guess I'll keep looking for it.Mariner: Off with you now. I've work to do.Y1b
123Player Default: You've been of help. I won't forget it.{Tone change, embarrassed sharing so much / Stern} Off with you now. I've work to do.A1a
124PlayerVoiceFemale01: The MS Azalea is good to go.{Pleased / Grateful} I'll send the work crew over.Mariner: And about that... personal matter. Don't breathe a word of it to no one.A1a
125Mariner: If your offer of help is still open, I could use some advice.{Deep breath before sharing something no one knows / Nervous} I'm... thinking of casting off once the Hull's done. Slip out in the middle of the night.Mariner: But as much as these ingrates drive me to distraction... *sigh*A1a
126-Single-handedly you wiped out all those trappers.
127Don't underestimate those Trappers by the Azalea.


128DLC03FarHarborFF03c_100_QuestAcceptMainlander.Mariner: I got one last idea. Crazier than a box of radroaches, but that hasn't stopped you before.A
129DLC03FemaleMariner: Mainlander.{Impressed by the player, a little devil may care / Grateful} I got one last idea. Crazier than a box of radroaches, but that hasn't stopped you before.Mariner: Hull's got plenty of stopping power now. But if a Mirelurk Queen went for a frontal assault...A1a
130Mariner: I got one last idea. Crazier than a box of radroaches, but that hasn't stopped you before.{Doing the math in her head, wants to protect everyone / Thinking} Hull's got plenty of stopping power now. But if a Mirelurk Queen went for a frontal assault...Player Default: I'd like to help if I can.A1a
131Player Default: I'd like to help if I can.{Appreciated the player / Grateful} I had a feeling I could count on you.Mariner: Thicker walls can beat the whole mass, velocity, force issue but the bigger problem is acid.A1a
132Player Default: Jeez. When's the wall going to be strong enough for you?{Appreciates the straight talk, reciprocated / Stern} Defense is one of those things you don't need until you do.Mariner: Thicker walls can beat the whole mass, velocity, force issue but the bigger problem is acid.B1a
133Player Default: I'm not sure anything could stop a Queen on a rampage.{Thinking} Might be right, that, but I had an idea...Mariner: Thicker walls can beat the whole mass, velocity, force issue but the bigger problem is acid.X1a
134Player Default: How are you doing? Are you feeling well?{The player asked a simple question - but the Mariner is so emotionally raw she vents. This isn't fair to the PC, but she shouldn't be too bitchy / Irritated} For the love of... This is why I didn't want to tell no one.Y1a
135{Raw, feisty / Irritated} I ain't some porcelain doll, mainlander. I plan on going down fighting.Y1b
136{Angry} So can we talk about the damned job?Player Default: I'd like to help if I can.Y1c
137Player Default: How are you doing? Are you feeling well?{Paranoid about the island / Worried} Well, not yet. But I'm telling you the island's bubbling over with menace.Y2a
138{A certain grimness (misplaced) / Stern} Only a matter of time, I reckon.Player Default: I'd like to help if I can.Y2b
139Player Default: I had a feeling I could count on you.{Expert talking / Confident} Thicker walls can beat the whole mass, velocity, force issue but the bigger problem is acid.Mariner: Only thing I've ever seen survive a Queen's acid are other Mirelurks. The Mirelurks on our islands have carapaces that are extra tough.A1a
140Mariner: Thicker walls can beat the whole mass, velocity, force issue but the bigger problem is acid.{Confident} Only thing I've ever seen survive a Queen's acid are other Mirelurks. The Mirelurks on our islands have carapaces that are extra tough.Mariner: So you gather up a bunch of the carapaces and lug them back here.A1a
141Mariner: Only thing I've ever seen survive a Queen's acid are other Mirelurks. The Mirelurks on our islands have carapaces that are extra tough.{Stern} So you gather up a bunch of the carapaces and lug them back here.Mariner: Then I'll reinforce the town as best as I'm able.A1a
142Mariner: So you gather up a bunch of the carapaces and lug them back here.{Stern} Then I'll reinforce the town as best as I'm able.Player Default: Far Harbor really owes you for all this.A1a
143Player Default: Far Harbor really owes you for all this.{Irritated and thinks the player is buttering her up (which annoys her) / Irritated} Yes and no. It's my dock people are squatting on.A1a
144{Stern} So I got a personal stake in it. Good luck.A1b
145Player Default: I'm not going to make any promises.{Understood, appreciates the candor / Grateful} Well, if you get around to it - all the better. If not, understood. Good luck either way.B1a
146Player Default: Mirelurk Carapaces. Got it.{Appreciative / Grateful} Best of luck to you.X1a
147Player Default: Where's a good hunting spot for Mirelurks?{Considering / Thinking} Crabs are crawling all over the island along the coast.Y1a
148{Trying to be helpful / Neutral} But you might want to check around Haddock Cove.Player Default: Far Harbor really owes you for all this.Y1b
149DLC03FarHarborFF03c_300_QuestTurnInPlayerVoiceFemale01: I got your Mirelurk carapaces.{Tired, this has been a long road - tinged with more finality than the task as hand / Tired} Finally, it's done. Everything that can be welded, duct taped, or super glued to the damn dock's all there.Mariner: Feels like I can finally sit a spell and relax. Take this. It's well earned.A1a
150Mariner: Finally, it's done. Everything that can be welded, duct taped, or super glued to the damn dock's all there.{Sighing in tone, resigned / Tired} Feels like I can finally sit a spell and relax. Take this. It's well earned.Player Default: Enjoy the break, Mariner.A1a
151Player Default: Enjoy the break, Mariner.{Wry sarcastic humor / Amused} I wonder how long before some sad sap gets a splinter in their wee toe and it's up to me to fix it.A1a
152{Sincere / Grateful} Take care, mainlander.A1b
153Player Default: Good. I'm sick of repairing the damned Hull.{Genuinely friendly / Amused} *chuckle* You and me both, mainlander. Take care.B1a
154Player Default: You sure you're done? It could use a moat. Some alligators. Maybe an orbital defense laser.{Appreciates the humor, though she tries to hide it / Amused} Oh, aren't we just a riot. We're done, mainlander.X1a
155Player Default: So what're you planning next?{Hiding something deeper / Depressed} Been far too long since I've taken to the sea... It calls me.Y1a
156{Bitter sweet / Sad} But that's for another day. Mainlander.Y1b
157DLC03FarHarborFF03c_300b_TrueMarinerEnding{Apologizing for being a bitch earlier, feels genuinely bad / Apologetic} Listen, I'm... sorry for chewing your head off about asking about my condition.Mariner: Not used to talking about any of this... The whole island's falling apart.A1a
158{Awkward, stumbling, sad / Sad} It might be time... Soon. For some big decisions. Hell.Mariner: Not used to talking about any of this... The whole island's falling apart.A2a
159Mariner: Listen, I'm... sorry for chewing your head off about asking about my condition.{Compassion, but worries about being selfish / Sad} Not used to talking about any of this... The whole island's falling apart.Mariner: So many dead from the Fog, the crabs, or whatever. And I just keep wonderin' how many good weeks I have left. Three? Four? Two?A1a
160Mariner: Not used to talking about any of this... The whole island's falling apart.{Feels guilty, wracked with deep emotions / Sad} So many dead from the Fog, the crabs, or whatever. And I just keep wonderin' how many good weeks I have left. Three? Four? Two?Player Default: You should take it easy.A1a
161Player Default: You should take it easy.{Solemn / Somber} As long as I got the strength, I can't waste it. And to think...Mariner: Before the news I was powerful close to tossing the whole lot off my docks.A1a
162Player Default: I just want to stay out of this.{Deeply embarrassed / Apologetic} I feel a fool for burdening you after you've helped so much.B1a
163{Quickly changes subject - she will never bring this topic up again / Apologetic} I'll get the carapaces installed, and you don't worry about me.Mariner: Before the news I was powerful close to tossing the whole lot off my docks.B1b
164Player Default: You should treasure every minute. Leave it all on the table.{Cancer preoccupies her / Sad} It's hard. Things that used to bring me joy... Taste like ash. I remember the way things were.Mariner: Before the news I was powerful close to tossing the whole lot off my docks.X1a
165Player Default: Are you in any pain?{Stoic, she's in genuine physical pain - but is muscling through / Stern} Doc's given me somethin' to treat most of the symptoms.Y1a
166{Unsteady to admit this... But wants to be honest / Sad} Having a hard time keeping everything down, though. My energy level's not quite what it used to be.Y1b
167{Grim grim grim / Depressed} And it's only going to get worse.Player Default: You should take it easy.Y1c
168Player Default: As long as I got the strength, I can't waste it. And to think...{Some satisfaction thinking about this - GET OFF MY LAWN / Amused} Before the news I was powerful close to tossing the whole lot off my docks.Mariner: But afterward... There weren't no point in defending my land. Let 'em come, I guess.A1a
169Mariner: Before the news I was powerful close to tossing the whole lot off my docks.{Raw, uncertain as to her own motives / Depressed} But afterward... There weren't no point in defending my land. Let 'em come, I guess.Mariner: And now watching them all squabble instead of lending a hand, hell, a single finger to help.A1a
170Mariner: But afterward... There weren't no point in defending my land. Let 'em come, I guess.{Wisdom of the dying / Irritated} And now watching them all squabble instead of lending a hand, hell, a single finger to help.A1a
171{Irritated} Don't they realize that all the bickering for just a little bit more is a waste of breath?Player Default: When times get tough, a community should come together.A1b
172Player Default: When times get tough, a community should come together.{Thinking deep thoughts / Thinking} I used to think the Captain was an idealistic fool. But on this side of the road...Mariner: After I get the carapaces installed. There's one last thing I want to do.A1a
173Player Default: There's nothing inherently wrong with protecting your own interests.{Players words leave a deep impact, thinking about it / Thinking} It's all a jumble for me. You might be right. *sigh*Mariner: After I get the carapaces installed. There's one last thing I want to do.B1a
174Player Default: I don't think it's that black and white.{Sad} Nothing ever is. *sigh*Mariner: After I get the carapaces installed. There's one last thing I want to do.X1a
175Player Default: Isn't there some way we could make things better?{A little uncomfortable about being noble / Thinking} Figured I'd bequeath my land to everyone. I think we've lived alone on this island too long.Y1a
176{Hoping against hope her people grow / Sad} With some common land maybe a real community can be formed. Even if they have to be drug into it.Player Default: When times get tough, a community should come together.Y1b
177Player Default: I used to think the Captain was an idealistic fool. But on this side of the road...{Quiet, death wish here / Sad} After I get the carapaces installed. There's one last thing I want to do.Mariner: You've been a real... friend... through this. If you're willing to see it to the end...A1a
178Mariner: After I get the carapaces installed. There's one last thing I want to do.{Grateful, hates to ask for one last thing / Grateful} You've been a real... friend... through this. If you're willing to see it to the end...Mariner: Well, got to get to work.A1a
179Mariner: You've been a real... friend... through this. If you're willing to see it to the end...{Maybe a sniff, closing this off before the emotions become too much / Grateful} Well, got to get to work.A1a
180-Shouldn't take too long to work the carapaces into the Harbor.
181Cutting carapaces is a dirty job. The pay'll be worth it.


182DLC03FarHarborS03_100_QuestAccept{Hopeful / Somber} Change your mind about hunting the Red Death?Player Default: Count me in.A
183{She's done all she could / Somber} Harbor's safe as it's going to get...Mariner: You ever get a gnawing in your belly to do something crazy? But reason and sense keep steering you clear?A
184DLC03FemaleMariner: Harbor's safe as it's going to get...{She's considering something genuinely suicidal / Worried} You ever get a gnawing in your belly to do something crazy? But reason and sense keep steering you clear?Player Default: I like playing it safe.A1a
185Player Default: I like playing it safe.{Approves of the player's attitude, trying to be persuasive / Somber} Well, hear me out before you make your judgments, then.Mariner: The Red Death. May have heard of it. The big monster lives beneath the waves. Only strikes when the Fog is thick.A1a
186Player Default: The craziest ideas are usually the best.{Very approving of the player's attitude / Amused} *chuckle* Fortune favors the bold, and unbalanced, right?Mariner: You're the only mainlander I'd ever tell of this, so hear me out.B1a
187Player Default: If you abandon your common sense it rarely turns out well.{A little annoyed / Irritated} That's good advice, but I don't think I can take it.Mariner: You're the only mainlander I'd ever tell of this, so hear me out.X1a
188Player Default: Are you alright? People with serious medical conditions sometimes make rash decisions.It's nothing like that. I've been steeling myself to do this for years. Can't go putting it off any more, can I?Mariner: The Red Death. May have heard of it. The big monster lives beneath the waves. Only strikes when the Fog is thick.Y1a
189Player Default: *chuckle* Fortune favors the bold, and unbalanced, right?{Deep breath - sharing something she may get mocked about / Defiant} You're the only mainlander I'd ever tell of this, so hear me out.Mariner: The Red Death. May have heard of it. The big monster lives beneath the waves. Only strikes when the Fog is thick.A1a
190Mariner: You're the only mainlander I'd ever tell of this, so hear me out.{Knows this sounds crazy - but you got to BELIEVE ME (can't help have a bit of a tall tale vibe) / Defiant} The Red Death. May have heard of it. The big monster lives beneath the waves. Only strikes when the Fog is thick.Mariner: People think it's some drunken sailor's tale. But no one goes sailing when there's a Fog on.A1a
191Mariner: The Red Death. May have heard of it. The big monster lives beneath the waves. Only strikes when the Fog is thick.{Conspiracy theory defending the crazy theory / Defiant} People think it's some drunken sailor's tale. But no one goes sailing when there's a Fog on.Mariner: In their bones, they know there's something out there.A1a
192Mariner: People think it's some drunken sailor's tale. But no one goes sailing when there's a Fog on.{She's genuinely frightened / Concerned} In their bones, they know there's something out there.Player Default: For whatever it's worth, I believe you.A1a
193Player Default: For whatever it's worth, I believe you.{Relief / Relieved} *sigh* Thank you.Mariner: With my business here done, and knowing someone like yourself...A1a
194Player Default: This whole "Red Death" sounds like bullshit to me.{Been told this all her life, stubborn / Irritated} Then there's no danger in looking for it, then.Mariner: With my business here done, and knowing someone like yourself...B1a
195Player Default: I suppose the Red Death could exist.Good. An open mind.Mariner: With my business here done, and knowing someone like yourself...X1a
196Player Default: Is there any evidence the Red Death is real?{Sharing a traumatic story, this really haunts her / Somber} When I was a little one, I went sailing with my aunt. Fog rolled in thick and fast.Y1a
197{Haunted by this memory / Somber} And we saw it. Glowing red, crimson. An unholy light that stretched to the sky!Y1b
198{Urgent, the day she avoided death / Defiant} My aunt was no fool, we rowed to shore with all our might. Tide made it hard, but we hit landfall.Player Default: For whatever it's worth, I believe you.Y1c
199Player Default: *sigh* Thank you.{Double meaning here - the Hull's construction is done, but also she has weeks to live - so fatalistic / Somber} With my business here done, and knowing someone like yourself...Mariner: I seek to end this unholy terror. Dozens of boats over the long years been claimed by it.A1a
200Mariner: With my business here done, and knowing someone like yourself...{Plans to spit the Devil in the eye / Defiant} I seek to end this unholy terror. Dozens of boats over the long years been claimed by it.Mariner: I mean to hunt this Red Death. Are you with me?A1a
201Mariner: I seek to end this unholy terror. Dozens of boats over the long years been claimed by it.{Full of purpose, punch - rousing / Defiant} I mean to hunt this Red Death. Are you with me?Player Default: Count me in.A1a
202Player Default: Count me in.{Excited, wants to get into action / Happy} Bring whatever weapons of death and mass destruction you got.A1a
203{Confident} Meet by the docks, you take your boat - I'll take mine.A1b
204{Defiant - steeling herself / Defiant} This trip is going to test our mettle more than anything.A1c
205Player Default: I'm not interested, Mariner.{Doesn't blame the player at all / Somber} Well, I'll be here if you change your mind.B1a
206Player Default: What's in it for me?{Trying to hide the disdain / Disgust} Listen, I've thrown every cap I have into the Hull. I'm close to beggared defending the Harbor.X1a
207{Thinks less of the player / Irritated} But anything you find on the Red Death is yours, I just want to put it down for good.Player Default: Count me in.X1b
208Player Default: How do we go about this hunt?{Sharing a dangerous plan / Worried} No one's encountered the Red Death up close and lived. But many folk have seen its glow from afar.Y1a
209{This has been a lifetime of research - dead ends, false leads, finally has what she needs / Defiant} I've been collecting the details of those sightings for years.Y1b
210{I'm 100% sure. Well, maybe 90%. OK, I'm 50% sure. / Confident} We take our boats and I can get us there. I know it!Y1c
211{Feels obligated to mention how very deadly this is / Somber} But... it could be the deadliest challenge we ever face. So I'll understand if you pass.Player Default: Count me in.Y1d
212DLC03FarHarborS03_150_AveryConfrontationCaptainAvery: We need you. Please, turn back.{Irritated - and some vindication / Irritated} I thought you didn't believe, Captain? Well, the mainlander does.A1a
213{Firm, defiant / Defiant} And together we're going to put an end to it.CaptainAvery: Mainlander, if the Red Death's real... We can't afford to lose you both.A1b
214CaptainAvery: We need you. Please, turn back.{Dismissing the Captain's concern, fatalistic / Defiant} The Hull's strong. And one more rifle won't make a difference.CaptainAvery: Mainlander, if the Red Death's real... We can't afford to lose you both.A2a
215DLC03FarHarborS03_150b_SecondThoughts{Stern / Irritated} You'll never change my mind on this. So don't you go getting cold feet on me now, mainlander.Mariner: You pledged to help me, so let's be about it.A1a
216Mariner: You'll never change my mind on this. So don't you go getting cold feet on me now, mainlander.{Honor means a ton to her / Irritated} You pledged to help me, so let's be about it.A1a
217DLC03FarHarborS03_200a_LeavingDocks{Over the radio ("Is this thing on?" vibe)} You read me, mainlander?BoatSpeaker: I plotted a safe course for your boat, don't tamper with it.A1a
218BoatSpeaker: You read me, mainlander?{Caution} I plotted a safe course for your boat, don't tamper with it.A1a
219{More warning} The shoals near where we're headed can easily capsize a boat of your size.BoatSpeaker: I'll catch up to you.A1b
220BoatSpeaker: The shoals near where we're headed can easily capsize a boat of your size.{Said distractedly as she's getting her boat ready} I'll catch up to you.A1a
221DLC03FarHarborS03_200b_ShipScene{Hyper alert} Not much further, mainlander.BoatSpeaker: When Aunty Stacey told others of her brush with the Red Death, they laughed at her.A1a
222BoatSpeaker: Not much further, mainlander.{Distracted chit chat while driving her boat, solemn} When Aunty Stacey told others of her brush with the Red Death, they laughed at her.BoatSpeaker: Called her a drunk or worse. True, she was known to dip into her cups.A1a
223BoatSpeaker: When Aunty Stacey told others of her brush with the Red Death, they laughed at her.{Defiant story - she's been chasing Big Foot and being ridiculed for years} Called her a drunk or worse. True, she was known to dip into her cups.BoatSpeaker: Then two weeks after a full fishing boat never came back.A1a
224BoatSpeaker: Called her a drunk or worse. True, she was known to dip into her cups.{Grim} Then two weeks after a full fishing boat never came back.BoatSpeaker: From the beach they saw the glow on the horizon.A1a
225BoatSpeaker: Then two weeks after a full fishing boat never came back.{Haunted by it} From the beach they saw the glow on the horizon.BoatSpeaker: I been looking to end the reign of the Red Death's terror my whole life.A1a
226BoatSpeaker: From the beach they saw the glow on the horizon.{Life's mission, steely resolve} I been looking to end the reign of the Red Death's terror my whole life.BoatSpeaker: Wrecks all around it.A1a
227BoatSpeaker: I been looking to end the reign of the Red Death's terror my whole life.{Hyper alert as she's driving} Wrecks all around it.BoatSpeaker: There...A1a
228BoatSpeaker: Wrecks all around it.{Awe, nervous - red glow on the horizon, the boogeyman is there} There...BoatSpeaker: You see it, right?A1a
229BoatSpeaker: There...{Steeling herself through the fear} You see it, right?BoatSpeaker: Meet you there. And get prepared...A1a
230BoatSpeaker: You see it, right?{Steeling herself more} Meet you there. And get prepared...A1a
231DLC03FarHarborS03_300_FoundRedDeath{Shocked, unsteady / Disbelief} It can't be.Mariner: That? That's the Red Death?A
232DLC03FemaleMariner: It can't be.{The "Red Death" is a tiny little crab with glowing eyes / Disbelief} That? That's the Red Death?Player Default: Looks like you achieved your goal. There it is.A1a
233Player Default: Looks like you achieved your goal. There it is.{Feels ridiculous / Disbelief} My whole life I've been having nightmares about... a little mirelurk? *sigh*Mariner: What do we say to all the folk back home?A1a
234Player Default: Yeah, yeah, let's get on with it.{Uncomfortable, unsteady - depressed / Depressed} Well, he's a menace... So he's got to be put down. But...Mariner: What do we say to all the folk back home?B1a
235Player Default: Think we can handle it? We could always call in the Marines.{Annoyed / Irritated} Oh, ha ha.Mariner: What do we say to all the folk back home?X1a
236Player Default: Are you sure this is it?{Depressed - but confident / Depressed} It's got to be... The red glowing eyes.Y1a
237{Trying to defend herself from ridicule / Irritated} I mean, when the Fog's thick - that little fella is deadly in his own fashion. The shoals around here are treacherous.Y1b
238{Sheepish, embarrassed / Irritated} A middling captain with a mite of curiosity would run aground for certain. And this far from shore, that'll end you.Player Default: Looks like you achieved your goal. There it is.Y1c
239Player Default: My whole life I've been having nightmares about... a little mirelurk? *sigh*{She's going to be a joke from now on, so humiliated / Worried} What do we say to all the folk back home?Mariner: I meant this to be my last great adventure.A1a
240Mariner: What do we say to all the folk back home?{She meant to be a hero... instead this / Worried} I meant this to be my last great adventure.A1a
241{Humiliated / Depressed} Instead, if we tell the folk back at town, I'll be a laughing stock.Player Default: It never pays to lie.A1b
242Mariner: What do we say to all the folk back home?{Humiliated / Depressed} If we tell them the truth, we'll be a laughing stock.Player Default: It never pays to lie.A2a
243Player Default: It never pays to lie.{Still humiliated, but wants to get on with it / Depressed} Easy for you to say, you don't have to live with those louts. *sigh*Mariner: Let's go. I thought... I got this for you to celebrate...A1a
244Player Default: Maybe we embellish a little. Or a lot. Make it the stuff of legends.{So uncomfortable lying, but resolved to do it / Nervous} I have little stomach for it... But, it's better than the alternative.Mariner: Let's go. I thought... I got this for you to celebrate...B1a
245Player Default: We could just say we didn't find him.{Relived - that's a good plan / Relieved} If you'll back me up, I'm happy to do that.Mariner: Let's go. I thought... I got this for you to celebrate...X1a
246Player Default: Would it really be that big of a deal?{Annoyed at the stupid people back home / Irritated} You've no idea how pig-headed and relentless Harbormen can be.Y1a
247{Humiliated / Depressed} Or maybe you do. The story'll be told for generations.Player Default: It never pays to lie.Y1b
248Player Default: Easy for you to say, you don't have to live with those louts. *sigh*{Depressed} Let's go. I thought... I got this for you to celebrate...A1a
249{Depressed / Depressed} I didn't think it would turn out like this.A1b
250DLC03FarHarborS03_500b_Truth{This entire thing should be comedic - Nervous, unsteady - hates to do this / Nervous} So... uh... we set sail.Mariner: And we found. Err. The Red Death.A1a
251Mariner: So... uh... we set sail.{Embarrassed / Nervous} And we found. Err. The Red Death.Mariner: It was a Mirelurk. A bit... uh... smaller than we expected.A1a
252Mariner: And we found. Err. The Red Death.{Embarrassed / Nervous} It was a Mirelurk. A bit... uh... smaller than we expected.Crowd01: So as big as one of the Queens?A1a
253Crowd01: So as big as one of the Queens?{Trying to find a way out of everyone laughing at her forever / Nervous} Well, smaller than that.Crowd02: What, like a giant Hunter? Them's big, too. With huge claws.A1a
254Crowd02: What, like a giant Hunter? Them's big, too. With huge claws.{Biting out every word / Nervous} Well, no.Crowd01: So how big are we talking?A1a
255Crowd01: So how big are we talking?{This is the punch line - so hesitate and then invite a belly laugh / Nervous} A bit bigger than a... dog.Crowd01: A dog? The Red Death is a tiny little crab? Ha!A1a
256Crowd01: You need a mini nuke or three? Big game, ha!{Deflated / Depressed} I knew it.A1a
257DLC03FarHarborS03_500c_TallTale{Comedic scene here - The Mariner is desperately trying to avoid lying, but she's so honorable she's deeply uncomfortable / Nervous} So... uh... we set sail.Mariner: It was a terrible fight.A1a
258Mariner: So... uh... we set sail.{Double meaning here - but true, careful choice of words / Nervous} It was a terrible fight.Crowd01: So you killed it?A1a
259Crowd01: So you killed it?{Picking her words for double meaning, to be technically not lying... nervous / Nervous} Oh yes, we did at that. It was... quite the sight.Crowd02: Did you hear? They did it! The Red Death's no more!A1a
260Crowd01: Did it take long? My gran figured it would take a mini nuke direct center to the eye to do it in.{Taken aback by all the attention, trying to technically not lie / Nervous} That... would've worked. But we made do.Crowd02: The seas are ours again, we can fish in peace!A1a
261Crowd01: Tell me. Are you injured, Mariner? Are you OK?{Nervous, unsteady / Nervous} No... We managed to get through unscathed.Crowd01: Thank God, I thought for sure you were sailing to your graves.A1a
262DLC03FarHarborS03_500d_NoJoy{Uncomfortable lying / Nervous} We looked for it. But, uh, just didn't find it.Crowd01: What a relief. I figure if you did find the Red Death, you would be goners for sure.A1a
263Crowd01: What a relief. I figure if you did find the Red Death, you would be goners for sure.{Hiding embarrassment / Nervous} Maybe. Uh... Maybe not.Crowd02: Ah well, perhaps you'll find it next time.A1a
264DLC03FarHarborS03_600_EndOfTheRoad{Depressed / Depressed} Seems like the end of the road.Mariner: Every time we've talked you've given me a lot to think about.A
265DLC03FemaleMariner: Seems like the end of the road.{On the cliff of a big decision / Depressed} Every time we've talked you've given me a lot to think about.Mariner: Might be time to come clean. Tell the others about my condition.A1a
266Mariner: Every time we've talked you've given me a lot to think about.{Steeling herself / Defiant} Might be time to come clean. Tell the others about my condition.Mariner: But after the lies... It makes the decision even harder.A1a
267Mariner: Every time we've talked you've given me a lot to think about.{Depressed, she wanted to die in a blaze of glory / Depressed} Maybe I was hoping for a noble end. A grand fight with the Red Death.A2a
268{Instead she's a fool / Depressed} Instead of ending things... another way.Mariner: But after the lies... It makes the decision even harder.A2b
269Mariner: Every time we've talked you've given me a lot to think about.{To die alone at sea / Depressed} I been stowing away gear and supplies for a final journey into the deep.Mariner: But after the lies... It makes the decision even harder.A3a
270Mariner: Might be time to come clean. Tell the others about my condition.{Ashamed to her core, very honorable / Depressed} But after the lies... It makes the decision even harder.Player Default: Just concentrate on what you think's the right thing to do.A1a
271Mariner: Might be time to come clean. Tell the others about my condition.{Ashamed / Depressed} But now all they'll say is what a fool I am. After all I've done.Player Default: Just concentrate on what you think's the right thing to do.A2a
272Mariner: Might be time to come clean. Tell the others about my condition.{Deeply sad and uncertain / Sad} But after all that... I just don't know.Player Default: Just concentrate on what you think's the right thing to do.A3a
273Player Default: Just concentrate on what you think's the right thing to do.{Proud, being humbled by cancer / Defiant} This was meant to be a final gesture while I still have strength.Mariner: I mean, at the end of it all, what's worth doing in your final days?A1a
274Player Default: What happened with the Red Death shouldn't change anything.{Not so certain / Nervous} Well, I hope not. What's done is done.Mariner: I mean, at the end of it all, what's worth doing in your final days?B1a
275Player Default: It's never easy, is it?{Appreciates the player's words / Grateful} And that's the truth.Mariner: I mean, at the end of it all, what's worth doing in your final days?X1a
276Player Default: So what's your plan?{Nervous} I'm working on it.Mariner: I mean, at the end of it all, what's worth doing in your final days?Y1a
277Player Default: This was meant to be a final gesture while I still have strength.{The heart of it all - deep thoughts at the end of your life / Defiant} I mean, at the end of it all, what's worth doing in your final days?A1a
278{More deep thoughts / Defiant} What's worth leaving behind?Player Default: You can never go wrong helping your friends and family.A1b
279Player Default: You can never go wrong helping your friends and family.{Literal gallows humor / Amused} Certainly seems like the Harbor would still fall into the sea without me. But... *sigh*Mariner: No matter what happens, or what goes down. You were a true friend.A1a
280Player Default: You're entitled to be a little selfish in the end.{Trying to convince herself / Irritated} I've given everything I have left to this town. It's got to be enough, right?Mariner: No matter what happens, or what goes down. You were a true friend.B1a
281Player Default: Do what you can to leave a legacy. Something to be remembered by.{Complex emotions here - leaving a legacy sounds good / Sad} I like the sound of that. *sigh*Mariner: No matter what happens, or what goes down. You were a true friend.Y1a
282Player Default: Certainly seems like the Harbor would still fall into the sea without me. But... *sigh*{Could very well be the last words she says - real weight behind them / Grateful} No matter what happens, or what goes down. You were a true friend.A1a
283-It wasn't supposed to be like this.
284{Grim, determined} I'll meet you there. The Red Death is going down.


285DLC03IntroSceneMarinerAndAllen_01{Litany of needs, steely purpose / Irritated} The Hull needs mending. You know, it just don't build itself. I need proper wood, steel, nails. The like.AllenLee: Nobody asked you to cobble together that stupid wall. You want yourself commodities, you know how to get 'em. Caps.A1a
286AllenLee: Nobody asked you to cobble together that stupid wall. You want yourself commodities, you know how to get 'em. Caps.{Can't believe Allen is that stupid / Angry} That "stupid wall" is the only thing that kept you stowaways alive. That and the mainlander.AllenLee: The mainlander? Ha. What kept us safe was Harbormen and the firepower I sold them.A1a
287AllenLee: Want supplies? Tell you what... Apply that big ol' brain of yours to dealing with the real threat: those Children of Atom whack-jobs.{Disgusted / Defiant} Haven't you fouled up things enough, Allen? And now you mean to make it worse.AllenLee: They're still alive aren't they, figure I got a whole lot more work to do.A1a
288AllenLee: They're still alive aren't they, figure I got a whole lot more work to do.{Disgusted / Irritated} No deal. But this isn't the last of it.AllenLee: Sure the hell looks like it to me.A1a


289DLC03MQ02_0200_AveryGreetingAllenLee: Dammit. Mariner's incoming.{Yelled at the top of the lungs - TO ARMS! REDCOATS ARE COMING! / Angry} Something's coming through the Fog!CaptainAvery: You. Help us defend the town, and I'll answer any questions you have.A1a
290DLC03MQ02_Fight_PreFightScene{Speaking Loud (person is 30' away): Commanding} Man the Hull. Something's out there.Male07Runner: Who? What?A1a
291Male07Runner: Who? What?{Speaking Loud (person is 30' away): Distracted, intensely watching the horizon for hostiles} Don't know - too far into the Fog. We don't got long.Male07Runner: You sure you saw something?A1a
292Male07Runner: You sure you saw something?{Speaking Loud (person is 30' away): Grumbly} This ain't a drill.DLC03MQ02FightGulperActivator: *Roar*A1a
293AllenLee: What the hell?{Speaking Loud (person is 30' away): Pick up in volume, intensity} Eyes peeled, everyone.A1a
294xxx_DLC03MQ02_OLDMale07Runner: They got Howard! Howard!{LOUD YELL - URGENT} Run, idiot!Mariner: If anything shows up, give him covering fire!A1a
295Mariner: Run, idiot!{Speaking Loud (person is 30' away): Urgent, Commanding} If anything shows up, give him covering fire!Male07Runner: I got it.A1a
296Male07Runner: I... I don't know. Fog's too thick. Howard...{Speaking Loud (person is 30' away): Irritation, commanding} Quiet all!Male07Runner: Man the Hull. Something's out there.A1a
297Male07Runner: Man the Hull. Something's out there.{Speaking Loud (person is 30' away): Last words before fighting for their lives} They're here!Male07Runner: Don't know - too far into the Fog. We don't got long.A1a
298-Keep a wary eye.A


299DLC03MQ02Fight_35_PreFightCaptainAvery: Mariner?{Worried. Something's coming... / Stern} There's no time. Look to the fog. They're coming.A1a
300CaptainAvery: Mariner?{Deadpan. Something's coming... / Stern} Look to the fog. They're coming.A2a
301DLC03MQ02Fight_60_Wave3StartAllenLee: It's over.{Deadpan. Stern, cautious. / Stern} No. Eyes on the fog. Something's coming.AnglerTalkingActivator: *Roar*A1a
302DLC03MQ02Fight_90_AllClear{Stern. It's over. / Stern} We're clear.CaptainAvery: *Sigh...* All right.A1a


303DLC03MQ05_0500c_SpareAverySandraLee: Don't listen to the mainlander. My brother's always protected you. Looked out for you.See the Hull? That's thanks to the mainlander. A true friend of the Harbor.TeddyWright: You going to listen to Allen's hate-mongerin'? You even remember who did the Captain's Dance?A1a
304UncleKen: What? The mainlander threatened me. Chased me from my home. Allen's a good boy. Listen to him.Everyone hear about Machete Mike? He was found dead. I don't have proof...A1a
305But I believe the mainlander may be connected with his death.TeddyWright: Smalls and Tony, and the others from the dregs. They went to the Lumber Mill.A1b
306UncleKen: What? The mainlander threatened me. Chased me from my home. Allen's a good boy. Listen to him.The mainlander wronged me, reneged on a deal.A2a
307Allen may be a handful, but he's always helped us when we needed it most.TeddyWright: Smalls and Tony, and the others from the dregs. They went to the Lumber Mill.A2b
308-You joining us? Acadia's got to pay.A
309Murderers gotta pay.A