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This is a transcript for dialogue with Machete Mike.


1DLC03FarHarborFF03a_200_MacheteMikeMy offer for them tools won't stay open forever.Player Default: We have a deal.A
2{Raised voice, telling the player to stop! / Stern} Hold up!MacheteMike: I been casing those ghouls for weeks - waiting for an opening.A
3Player Default: What's the big deal about these tools?{A tech head talking about his favorite stuff!! / Happy} Pelmen's pumps out more foot pounds of torque than a Deathclaw on Psycho.Y1a
4{Some condescension at Pauly, licking his lips with greed / Confident} And before Pauly ran off, he kept those tools shiny. Nothing like them on this island. Period.Player Default: I remember commercials for Pelmen's tools. Expensive stuff but top of the line.Y1b
5Player Default: What the hell's a commercial? Wait, it don't matter.{Puts 2 + 2 together here - and dammit! / Irritated} Mariner sent you, didn't she? God damned Mitch and his big mouth.MacheteMike: No matter what she's offering, it's nothin'. Serious builders would give an arm for them tools.A1a
6MacheteMike: Mariner sent you, didn't she? God damned Mitch and his big mouth.{A salesman trying to make a sale / Confident} No matter what she's offering, it's nothin'. Serious builders would give an arm for them tools.MacheteMike: I'll pay you 2000 caps right here, right now. Deal?A1a
7MacheteMike: No matter what she's offering, it's nothin'. Serious builders would give an arm for them tools.{Salesman making the deal of a lifetime / Confident} I'll pay you 2000 caps right here, right now. Deal?Player Default: We have a deal.A1a
8Player Default: We have a deal.{Ecstatic, thinks the player is a chump / Happy} Here you go, just like we promised. Ha! I got myself some Pelmen's.A1a
9DLC03MaleMacheteMike: Hold up!{Irritated and impressed / Irritated} I been casing those ghouls for weeks - waiting for an opening.MacheteMike: And you dive in and choppy-chop bang-bang and the whole lot of them... dead.A1a
10MacheteMike: I been casing those ghouls for weeks - waiting for an opening.{Trying to downplay it a bit, but genuinely impressed / Impressed} And you dive in and choppy-chop bang-bang and the whole lot of them... dead.MacheteMike: You even know what you got right there? A premium set of Pelmen's Power Tools.A1a
11MacheteMike: And you dive in and choppy-chop bang-bang and the whole lot of them... dead.{Salivating here, greedy / Confident} You even know what you got right there? A premium set of Pelmen's Power Tools.Player Default: I remember commercials for Pelmen's tools. Expensive stuff but top of the line.A1a
12Player Default: I remember commercials for Pelmen's tools. Expensive stuff but top of the line.{Confused, but back to the point / Puzzled} What the hell's a commercial? Wait, it don't matter.MacheteMike: Mariner sent you, didn't she? God damned Mitch and his big mouth.A1a
13Player Default: I really don't care what these are.{Thinking, getting excited / Thinking} Wait. So you're not salvagin' them? Oh...MacheteMike: Mariner sent you, didn't she? God damned Mitch and his big mouth.B1a
14Player Default: With the shape of the world right now, tools like this are useful.{Neutral} Exactly. You got it. Wait...MacheteMike: Mariner sent you, didn't she? God damned Mitch and his big mouth.X1a
15Player Default: I'll pass on the offer.{This is a bluff, he desperately wants the player to take the deal / Nervous} I ain't hanging around forever. Walk away from this, and you'll regret it.B1a
16Player Default: Tools in condition like this... They're positively unique. Maybe I should auction them off someplace.{Outsold the slick salesman, player should feel awesome that they break his demeanor / Irritated} *groan* 2750. Say yes now before I change my mind.Player Default: We have a deal.X1a
17Player Default: Tools in condition like this... They're positively unique. Maybe I should auction them off someplace.{Confident, thinks he's better than the player / Confident} I'm offerin' a fortune and you know it.Player Default: We have a deal.X2a
18Player Default: Why do you need the tools so much?{Intentionally vague - he wants to do something shady and illegal with them / Suspicious} I got my own special projects. For the caps I'm payin', that's all you need to know.Player Default: We have a deal.Y1a
19-I got myself my Pelmen's. Ha!
20Mariner's ripping you off. Don't be a sap.
21I'd have words with you.