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This is a transcript for dialogue with High Confessor Tektus following his replacement with a synth.


1-{Pissed. You made a very clear decree and the player ignored it, but they're also one of atom's favorites. / Stern} You. Openly defying Atom's demands for peace. Were you not so favored by our radiant lord, I'd have you driven from this land.
2{Pissed. You made a very clear decree and the player ignored it, but they're also one of atom's favorites. / Stern} This will be your only warning.
3{Neutral} Such a vision... His ways are strange indeed.
4{Stern} Harmony will be maintained on the island. Or else.
5{Stern} We are all slaves to Atom's will.
6{Pissed. You made a very clear decree and the player ignored it, but they're also one of atom's favorites. / Stern} Do not test me, child.
7{Pissed. You made a very clear decree and the player ignored it, but they're also one of atom's favorites. / Stern} We must pray Atom does not punish us for your actions.
8{Stern} Any who threaten the island's peace will answer to me.


9-{You've just been killed. / InPain} Ugh!


10DLC03MQ06a_DiMAHCSceneDiMA: It sounds like quite the experience. But I'm glad to know there will be peace on the island again.{Neutral} Atom's vision was clear on the matter. I-I must thank you again for sheltering me while under its sway.DiMA: Think nothing of it. You're welcome to stay as long as you like.A1a
11DiMA: Think nothing of it. You're welcome to stay as long as you like.{Neutral} You're too kind, DiMA. I should only need, just a little more fresh air.A1a
12-{You just ran into someone you recognize in a strange place. You're a bit puzzled. / Puzzled} Hmm. Atom guides all His favored to Acadia today.A


13DLC03MQ06a_HCSynthQuest _HCScene{A little harshly. We want the player to think they might be in trouble. / Neutral} You. I knew it. I knew it was you.HCSynth: In my vision. There, beside our brilliant master.A
14DLC03CoAMaleHighConfessorTektusSYNTH: You. I knew it. I knew it was you.{Awed} In my vision. There, beside our brilliant master.HCSynth: Here. You must have this. It, it only seems right it's worn by His favored child.A1a
15HCSynth: In my vision. There, beside our brilliant master.{Grateful} Here. You must have this. It, it only seems right it's worn by His favored child.A1a
16DLC03MQ06a_HCSynthQuest _SermonScene{Giving a sermon. This one is calmer than the others. / Neutral} Gather, brothers and sisters. Gather to hear His word.HCSynth: Peace. In the throes of a brilliant vision, He spoke and now I obey.A1a
17HCSynth: Gather, brothers and sisters. Gather to hear His word.{Giving a sermon. This one is calmer than the rest. / Neutral} Peace. In the throes of a brilliant vision, He spoke and now I obey.HCSynth: Atom demands peace.A1a
18HCSynth: Peace. In the throes of a brilliant vision, He spoke and now I obey.{Neutral} Atom demands peace.HCSynth: With Far Harbor. With Acadia... within our family...A1a
19HCSynth: Atom demands peace.{Giving a sermon. This one is calmer than the rest. You're almost a little sad when you say "Within our family." You've realized what you've done. / Neutral} With Far Harbor. With Acadia... within our family...HCSynth: And any found disobeying Atom's word will answer for their crimes! Let none stand in the way of His radiant will!A1a
20HCSynth: With Far Harbor. With Acadia... within our family...{Giving a speech. Now you're getting back into your old firebrand habits. / Stern} And any found disobeying Atom's word will answer for their crimes! Let none stand in the way of His radiant will!HCSynth: Glory to Atom!A1a
21HCSynth: And any found disobeying Atom's word will answer for their crimes! Let none stand in the way of His radiant will!{Shouting a prayer. / Neutral} Glory to Atom!Archemist: Glory to Atom!A1a