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This is a transcript for dialogue with Kasumi Nakano.


5Was there something else...?
7Is everything... okay?


8-{angry at the player who has betrayed you / Angry} You. Haven't you done enough? Just leave me alone.A
9{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} You're... not saying anything...
10{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Hello? You're just standing there...


11DLC03DialogueKasumi _01_MQ03SceneAny luck? Have you found a way into DiMA's memories?Player Default: I got this program that Faraday and DiMA wrote. It's supposed to help me access the memory banks.A
12Player Default: I'll get DiMA's memories, and then we'll figure things out from there.Good luck.Companion: Can't say I know much about robots an' computers, but I'm up for anythin', long as there's a strong drink at the end of it.A1a
13Player Default: Just so we're clear: Anything good I find is mine.{Stern} All I want is answers. You can have anything else, okay? Good luck.Companion: Can't say I know much about robots an' computers, but I'm up for anythin', long as there's a strong drink at the end of it.B1a
14Player Default: If all I find in those memories is just 100 years worth of DiMA staring at a wall, I'm going to be really annoyed.{Puzzled} Well, if you did, that's almost good right? That means they're harmless. Anyway, good luck.Companion: Can't say I know much about robots an' computers, but I'm up for anythin', long as there's a strong drink at the end of it.X1a
15Player Default: So say I get the memories. What then?{Thinking} If it's something that really would threaten the island, then it's better out of the hands of the Children of Atom. Or Far Harbor, even.Y1a
16And if DiMA really can't be trusted, we'll have his own memories to confront him with.Player Default: I'll get DiMA's memories, and then we'll figure things out from there.Y1b
17PlayerVoiceFemale01: Turns out DiMA's earliest memories are in the hands of the Children of Atom. He's afraid of what they're going to find.{thinking through what you've seen before and what the player is telling you / Thinking} So is that what those death projections were about? It wasn't DiMA planning to destroy the island. He's worried the Children of Atom will?A1a
18{Thinking} Or is he still hiding something? What could be in those memories that he would leave them behind? Is there really something in them that's... dangerous?A1b
19Do you have a way in? Into his memories? Assuming you can get past the Children of Atom, of course...Player Default: I got this program that Faraday and DiMA wrote. It's supposed to help me access the memory banks.A1c
20Player Default: I got this program that Faraday and DiMA wrote. It's supposed to help me access the memory banks.{Thinking} Really? How would that work? When I was taking a peek in the computers he has here, DiMA was hooked up to his chair. I was just tapping into it.A1a
21{Puzzled} I wonder if you'll need to, you know, connect to the old banks the way he does? Some kind of connection between your head and the computer.A1b
22{excited to figure it out / Impressed} I'll bet that's it! And then Faraday's program would be translating DiMA's thoughts and data. Helping you through any security guarding it.A1c
23{Nervous} I'm sorry. I'm making assumptions. It's just... well, it's a little exciting, isn't it? You'll let me know what you find? I'll keep an eye on things here.Player Default: I'll get DiMA's memories, and then we'll figure things out from there.A1d
24Player Default: I haven't found anything yet.Okay. Let me know when you've found something. I doubt breaking into DiMA's memories is going to be simple.Player Default: I'll get DiMA's memories, and then we'll figure things out from there.B1a
25Player Default: I'm getting paid for all this, right?{Irritated} Don't worry, I have money. Not to mention the fact that you'll have whatever secrets are in DiMA's earliest memories.X1a
26He lived on the island for almost a century before building Acadia. He has to know about some treasure some where, don't you think?Player Default: I got this program that Faraday and DiMA wrote. It's supposed to help me access the memory banks.X1b
27Player Default: About the Children of Atom. What do you know about them?{Thinking} Well, I heard about them a little bit back in the Commonwealth. Radiation worship, something like that?Y1a
28{Concerned} I wasn't in Far Harbor long, but there's a lot of hatred for them there. I overheard someone talking about killing a Child of Atom missionary.Y1b
29I can see why DiMA would be worried. We just need to make sure we know he's not up to something else.Player Default: I got this program that Faraday and DiMA wrote. It's supposed to help me access the memory banks.Y1c
30-{player has convinced you to return home} I'll head back to the Commonwealth soon. Just need to finish up a few things...A
31{player has agreed to help you investigate DiMA} DiMA has secrets. We have to find out what he's really up to.
32{player has agreed to help you investigate DiMA} Let me know when you've found something.
33{player has agreed to help you investigate DiMA} Finding the truth will be worth the trouble. Thank you.
34{player has helped Acadia and you've decided to stay / Friendly} Thank you for helping Acadia. This really is a place worth fighting for.
35{player destroyed Far Harbor / Concerned} Things will be harder now that Far Harbor is gone. It was the only safe dock on the island.
36{player destroyed the Children of Atom / Concerned} I still can't believe that you blew up the Nucleus. I know you did what you had to, but all those people...
37{DiMA confessed to murder and was executed / Sad} DiMA... He was a murderer and a manipulator, but he had such a noble goal. What does that say about all of us?
38{Sad, you've decided to stay in Acadia, so you'll never see them again / Sad} Are you going to the Commonwealth anytime soon? Just... keep an eye on Kenji and Rei when you can... all right?
39{Happy, content / Friendly} No matter what happens now, I'm going to make a life here. Acadia really is where I belong.
40{Happy, content / Friendly} Good to see you again.
41{Happy, content / Friendly} Just fixing up a few things...
42{Thinking} Always another problem that needs fixing...
43{Thinking} What? Sorry. Got a lot on my mind...


44-{returned home to your parents. standing outside waiting to go in and greet them / Nervous} Can't believe I'm back. I'm so nervous...
45{bittersweet, you're pretending to be the real Kasumi} Thank you for everything. We're a family again. This is how it should be...
46{bittersweet, you're pretending to be the real Kasumi / Concerned} I never realized before what I put Kenji and Rei through... How much they've lost...
47{bittersweet, you're pretending to be the real Kasumi} It's good to be back. I had a lot of projects in the boathouse. Now I'll get to finish them.
48{bittersweet, player told your parents you are a synth, but convinced them to accept you / Concerned} Thank you for convincing Kenji and Rei to let me stay. You're right. They deserved to know the truth.
49{bittersweet, player told your parents you are a synth, but convinced them to accept you / Concerned} It's not going to be easy... being a reminder of the daughter they lost... but I'll do everything I can to take care of them.
50{bittersweet, player told your parents you are a synth, but convinced them to accept you / Concerned} We're a family again... I think Kenji and Rei will need some time, but I'm glad I'm back... This was the right thing to do.


(Kasumi's Projects: Holotapes)
Player Default: Kasumi! Your father needs help with the boat.I'll be right there! Oh... damn. Was I recording that? *sigh*A1a
52{making a personal recording for the first time / Nervous} Uh... Hello? Testing? *cough*A1a
53Project log. Holotape player. Managed to strip out the parts from this thing and make something that's easier to move around.A1b
54Granddad always said you need to make a record when you start something. You know, in case you have to go back to it.A1c
55{Thinking} So... I guess I'm going to start doing that. Maybe I should start with an inventory of all the parts I found?Player Default: Kasumi! Your father needs help with the boat.A1d
(Kasumi's Projects: Television)
Project log. Radiation King television. Mom says these things actually used to broadcast pictures and sounds back before the War.A1a
57She also mentioned that some of the ruins of the television studios are still around if you head into the city.A1b
58Of course she wasn't too happy when I asked if we could make a trip out there. *sigh* I'm getting off track.A1c
59I managed to repair the vacuum tubes and got the power working again, but, well it's not like there's any working signal for this thing to receive.A1d
60I'm just going to start stripping this thing for parts moving forward.A1e
(Kasumi's Projects: Lamp)
{Tired} Project log. Lamp. Yep. It's a lamp. Filament plus power equals light. I swear sometimes I think my parents break these things just to keep me busy.A1a
(Kasumi's Projects: Kitchen)
Player Default: I know you're disappointed, but I won't be long. I love you.{you understand your father is afraid for you're safety, but you're still disappointed / Sad} *sigh* I love you too, dad.A1a
63Player Default: I said no! I... *breathes* I'm sorry... You're safe here, okay? Just stay put for me.{you understand your father is afraid for you're safety, but you're still disappointed / Sad} *sigh* Okay...Player Default: I know you're disappointed, but I won't be long. I love you.A1a
64Player Default: I... It's better if I go alone, Kasumi. Don't worry, I have your list.{your parents aren't as technically inclined as you are} You don't know what half that list is, dad. I can help you. Really! I'll be...Player Default: I said no! I... *breathes* I'm sorry... You're safe here, okay? Just stay put for me.A1a
65Player Default: All right everyone, I'll be back in a few days. Was there anything else we needed from the city?{you're so eager to leave the house that you accidentally drop a wrench on your foot / Surprised} Wait, you're going now? *clang* Oww... Wait, dad, I could come with you!Player Default: I... It's better if I go alone, Kasumi. Don't worry, I have your list.A1a
66{making a recording as you're working / Thinking} Project log. Kitchen mixer. The circuits are still good, but all the mechanical parts are rusted through. Maybe I can...Player Default: All right everyone, I'll be back in a few days. Was there anything else we needed from the city?A1a
(Kasumi's Projects: Radio)
{excited for the first time in a long time / Happy} Project log. Radio. Correction: working radio! I'll finally get some news outside this house.A1a
68{making a reference to "Ohm's Law" from electrical circuit theory / Happy} My handle is going to be... Let's go with Ohm's Law.A1b
69{Happy} That should confuse the creeps, and if someone actually gets the reference, then we'll at least have circuitry in common...A1c
(Kasumi's final holotape)
{you just found out you might be a synth, and that your entire life could be a lie / Nervous} Project log. Um... Myself. I never really thought about who or... what I am, but... God, where do I start?A1a
71{Nervous} The radio. I was right about the range. I managed to get a signal. A strong signal, from up north.A1b
72{Nervous} There's a group of people up there. They say they're all synths, synthetic people. Made by the Institute.A1c
73{Nervous} They're trying to build a place for their kind. Where they can be themselves and be accepted for what they are alongside human beings.A1d
74{Nervous} It sounds wonderful, but ... then they started asking about me. And some questions came up. Questions I don't have answers to.A1e
75{Nervous} I mean... I've always felt... off... like I'm not really supposed to be here, but then there are things in my childhood I can't remember, and I've been having strange dreams...A1f
76{Nervous} I... I'm going to go. To meet with these synths. I... I have to know the truth about myself.A1g
77{Nervous} They've told me to sail up North to a town called Far Harbor. I can make my way to them from there.A1h
(Kasumi's holotape to grandad)
{recording a tape you're going to leave on your grandfather's grave / Sad} Granddad. I know you can't hear this, but I can't think of a better way to say goodbye.A1a
79{Sad} You taught me so much, and I won't forget any of it. I'm sorry that we'll never be able to fix up the old clunker we've got sitting in the boathouse.A1b
80{Sad} Wherever you are, I... I hope you're at peace...A1c
(Kasumi's Projects: Swings)
Project log. Swings. Re-attached the chains. A little rusted, and I'm way too old for them, now, but it was a nice distraction, I guess.A1a
82{Puzzled} It's funny. You know I never played on these swings growing up, even when I was little. At least, I don't remember...A1b
(Kasumi's Projects: Dreams)
Project Log. Dreams. Recording what I can remember when I wake up.A1a
84I keep having the same one. I'm in a white room. People are talking about me like I'm not there, or maybe they just don't care.A1b
85And then there's this... I don't know... Jolt. Like a spark of electricity to the back of my head. And then everyone turns to look at me.A1c
86God... I hope I don't have it again tonight...A1d


87DLC03MQ03_01 _KasumiChatter{tinkering with an electronic device, muttering to yourself / Thinking} *sigh* circuitry is completely fried...A1a
88{tinkering with an electronic device, muttering to yourself / Thinking} Maybe if I re-route the sensors...A2a
89{tinkering with an electronic device, muttering to yourself / Thinking} Energy output on these things are terrible. Who designed this?A3a
90{tinkering with an electronic device, muttering to yourself / Thinking} I'd almost have better luck rebuilding this from scratch...A4a
91DLC03MQ03_02 _KasumiGreetScene{player tries to get your attention while you're working / Thinking} Sorry, I'm right in the middle of something...Player Default: I'm a detective. I was hired to find you.A
92{player tries to get your attention while you're working / Thinking} Who are you? Are you new here?Player Default: I'm a detective. I was hired to find you.A
93Player Default: I know it must be hard for you. I just want to make sure you're here for the right reasons.{Concerned} Yeah, so am I... I mean... yes, I believe I'm a synth, but... there's something wrong here. With Acadia. There's more going on than just the refuge.A1a
94{Concerned} I can't leave until I've gotten to the bottom of it. I've done enough running...Player Default: If something's going on, then I can help. Just tell me what's happening.A1b
95Player Default: You haven't replaced anyone. Kenji and Rei are still your parents.{player convinces you to think about whether or not you're a synth / Concerned} I... I really wish that was true. If I wasn't a synth, things would be so much simpler...B1a
96{Concerned} *sigh* Acadia isn't what I thought it was. There's more going on here than just the refuge.B1b
97{Concerned} But I can't leave until I've gotten to the bottom of it. I've been running long enough...Player Default: If something's going on, then I can help. Just tell me what's happening.B1c
98Player Default: You haven't replaced anyone. Kenji and Rei are still your parents.{Concerned} Look, I get it. They hired you to bring their daughter back... and I wish I could, I really do...B2a
99{Concerned} Acadia isn't what I thought it was. There's more going on than just the refuge.B2b
100{Concerned} I can't leave until I've gotten to the bottom of it. I've been running for long enough...Player Default: If something's going on, then I can help. Just tell me what's happening.B2c
101Player Default: Kasumi, I think you're just confused. Everyone has doubts about who they are sometimes. That's part of life.{Concerned} But isn't the other part dealing with those doubts? Isn't that what I'm doing? I had questions, I came here for answers.X2a
102{Concerned} Look, I'm not here to just blindly follow Acadia's ideals. If anything... I feel like the only one who knows there's something wrong here.X2b
103{Concerned} There's more going on than just the refuge. I can't leave until I've gotten to the bottom of it. I've been running long enough...Player Default: If something's going on, then I can help. Just tell me what's happening.X2c
104Player Default: Do you have any proof that you're actually a synth?{Depressed} Little things. Dreams of waking up in a lab. Years I can't remember from when I was a kid. Not to mention how I never quite fit in back at home...Player Default: I know it must be hard for you. I just want to make sure you're here for the right reasons.Y1a
105Player Default: I don't know how you could... Wait... wait of course you can help! You find things. Track down answers. That's what you do, right? That's why you came after me?{Nervous} What if I told you that there's a secret. A big secret. Here on this island. Something way more important than just one lost girl?Player Default: All right. I'm listening.A1a
106Player Default: You... You're a what? You came all this way... for me?{correcting yourself as you've been convinced they aren't your parents / Sad} Look, my mom and dad... I mean, those people that were taking care of me. They wouldn't want me back. Not if they knew the truth.Player Default: Because you're not really their daughter. You're a synth.A1a
107Player Default: Yeah... exactly..{Sad} I thought if I just left it would be easier for them. How would that conversation have gone anyway?A1a
108{going over what the conversation with your parents would have been / Sad} I've been lying to you this whole time? Your real daughter is dead, and I replaced her? *sigh*Player Default: I know it must be hard for you. I just want to make sure you're here for the right reasons.A1b
109Player Default: I know. I've been working on that, but I haven't had much luck.{Conspiratorial} I keep seeing DiMA, Faraday, and Chase head into the laboratory at the other end of the hall. Then they come out later, looking like they've been arguing.A1a
110{Thinking} There's actually a storage space right next to there. It'd be a perfect spot to hide and eavesdrop, but it's been locked up.A1b
111I've also tried breaking into Faraday's terminal, since he and DiMA are so close, but the security on it is crazy.Player Default: This'll be easier if I just talk to DiMA. Convince him that he needs to be honest with us.A1c
112Player Default: This'll be easier if I just talk to DiMA. Convince him that he needs to be honest with us.{Grateful} All right. Good luck. Let me know what you find out.Companion: Whatever we find out, I hope there's a way to make some caps out of it.A1a
113Player Default: I'll figure this out. Just stay here.{Worried} Okay. Good luck, and come back as soon as you've found anything.Companion: Whatever we find out, I hope there's a way to make some caps out of it.B1a
114Player Default: Eavesdropping on the next meeting sounds like our best bet. I already found the key to that room.{player says he already found the key to the storage room / Happy} You did? Great! Come back as soon as you've found anything.Companion: Whatever we find out, I hope there's a way to make some caps out of it.X1a
115Player Default: Eavesdropping on the next meeting sounds like our best bet. I already found the key to that room.{player says he'll look for the key} Okay. Good luck, and come back as soon as you've found anything.Companion: Whatever we find out, I hope there's a way to make some caps out of it.X2a
116Player Default: Step aside and let the master hacker show you how it's done.{not sure if the player can really do it / Concerned} If you're sure. Good luck. Once you have something, let me know.Companion: Whatever we find out, I hope there's a way to make some caps out of it.Y1a
117Player Default: If something's going on, then I can help. Just tell me what's happening.{Thinking} I don't know how you could... Wait... wait of course you can help! You find things. Track down answers. That's what you do, right? That's why you came after me?Kasumi: What if I told you that there's a secret. A big secret. Here on this island. Something way more important than just one lost girl?A1a
118Player Default: You're coming with me, Kasumi.{suddenly thinking of something at the end / Nervous} No. I can't. I'm sorry, but there's something terrible going on here and I...B1a
119{Thinking} Wait... wait... you find things. Track down answers. That's what you do, right? That's why you came after me?Kasumi: What if I told you that there's a secret. A big secret. Here on this island. Something way more important than just one lost girl?B1b
120Player Default: Fine. It's your choice, Kasumi.{suddenly thinking of something at the end / Thinking} Thank you. Now I just have to figure how to...X1a
121{Thinking} Wait... wait... you find things. Track down answers. That's what you do, right? That's why you came after me?Kasumi: What if I told you that there's a secret. A big secret. Here on this island. Something way more important than just one lost girl?X1b
122Player Default: What kind of problem is there in Acadia?{Nervous} It's a long story. I just have to figure out how to...Y1a
123{Nervous} Wait... wait... you find things. Track down answers. That's what you do, right? That's why you came after me?Kasumi: What if I told you that there's a secret. A big secret. Here on this island. Something way more important than just one lost girl?Y1b
124Player Default: Okay... Where to begin?{Conspiratorial} You saw all those computers that DiMA's hooked up to, right? They hold his memories or offload data from his brain. Maybe some combination of both?A1a
125{Conspiratorial} Well, Faraday asked me to help do some repairs on them. And, you know, I got curious. There's like a century's worth of life experiences in there.A1b
126{Conspiratorial} And that's when I see it. Data models DiMA has been making. One was the Fog taking over Far Harbor. Another was a nuclear detonation on the island. Plus death counts.A1c
127{Concerned} What if DiMA is so open and welcoming because he's actually hiding something from us? A plan to wipe out the rest of the island?Companion: DiMA turning on Far Harbor. Now that would be cause for concern...A1d
128Player Default: I'll help if I can, but that's not much to go on.{Apologetic} I know. I've been working on that, but I haven't had much luck.Kasumi: I keep seeing DiMA, Faraday, and Chase head into the laboratory at the other end of the hall. Then they come out later, looking like they've been arguing.A1a
129Player Default: None of this sounds like my problem.{Irritated} Fine. Do this for me, and I'll pay you. It'll be worth your time. Trust me.B1a
130Now listen, I've tried to do some digging on my own, but I haven't gotten far.Kasumi: I keep seeing DiMA, Faraday, and Chase head into the laboratory at the other end of the hall. Then they come out later, looking like they've been arguing.B1b
131Player Default: Personally, I find calculated mass-murder to be very soothing.{Irritated} Look, help me out, and if I'm wrong, you can make all the jokes you want.X1a
132Now, I've tried doing some digging on my own, but I haven't had much luck...Kasumi: I keep seeing DiMA, Faraday, and Chase head into the laboratory at the other end of the hall. Then they come out later, looking like they've been arguing.X1b
133Player Default: You don't trust DiMA? After you came all this way for him?{Stern} I didn't come to Acadia for him. I came here because this place offered answers.Y1a
134{Stern} And now that I've found a place I belong, I'd rather not lose it all if DiMA is secretly planning to destroy everything.Player Default: I'll help if I can, but that's not much to go on.Y1b
135Player Default: I'm a detective. I was hired to find you.{skeptical / Puzzled} You... You're a what? You came all this way... for me?Companion: Went to some trouble, in fact. Took a walk through the fog to find you.A1a
136Player Default: Your parents sent me. They want you to come home.{skeptical / Suspicious} They... they did what? You came all this way... for me?Companion: Went to some trouble, in fact. Took a walk through the fog to find you.B1a
137Player Default: You don't belong here, Kasumi. You have a home back in the Commonwealth.{skeptical / Suspicious} You... you're from home? You came all this way... for me?Companion: Went to some trouble, in fact. Took a walk through the fog to find you.X1a
138Player Default: What's that you're working on?{Nervous} Just trying to cobble some prewar junk into something useable.Y1a
139{Suspicious} Now, do you mind telling me what you're doing here?Player Default: I'm a detective. I was hired to find you.Y1b
140Player Default: Because you're not really their daughter. You're a synth.{Sad} Yeah... exactly..Kasumi: I thought if I just left it would be easier for them. How would that conversation have gone anyway?A1a
141Player Default: Kasumi, listen to me. You're not a synth.{Sad} Believe me, I've thought about that. How you can never really know. But it just answers so many questions...Kasumi: I thought if I just left it would be easier for them. How would that conversation have gone anyway?B1a
142Player Default: You can work that out with your parents. I'm taking you home.{Irritated} No. You don't get it. I'm not their daughter. I'm a synth.Kasumi: I thought if I just left it would be easier for them. How would that conversation have gone anyway?X1a
143Player Default: What do you mean?{Concerned} I'm not their daughter. I'm a synth.Kasumi: I thought if I just left it would be easier for them. How would that conversation have gone anyway?Y1a
144Player Default: All right. I'm listening.{about to tell the player what you're worried about in Acadia} Okay... Where to begin?Kasumi: You saw all those computers that DiMA's hooked up to, right? They hold his memories or offload data from his brain. Maybe some combination of both?A1a
145Player Default: Whatever it is, the answer's no.I promise you'll want to hear this. Just listen...Kasumi: You saw all those computers that DiMA's hooked up to, right? They hold his memories or offload data from his brain. Maybe some combination of both?B1a
146Player Default: Sister, there's a lot of things on this island more important than you.{Irritated} If you could just hold the jokes for a second...Kasumi: You saw all those computers that DiMA's hooked up to, right? They hold his memories or offload data from his brain. Maybe some combination of both?X1a
147Player Default: What're you talking about?{Thinking} Where to begin...?Kasumi: You saw all those computers that DiMA's hooked up to, right? They hold his memories or offload data from his brain. Maybe some combination of both?Y1a
148-{player has agreed to help you, giving him advice as he investigates / Thinking} I swear someone has the key to that storage room. Maybe Cog? He's always moving supplies around as they come in.
149{player has agreed to help you, giving him advice as he investigates / Thinking} Faraday is probably the smartest person here. I don't think hacking his terminal is going to be easy.
150{player has agreed to help you, giving him advice as he investigates / Thinking} If you can convince DiMA to tell you the truth, just remember that he could still be hiding something.


151DLC03MQPostQuest_KasumiBranch1Main{Depressed} I hurt Kenji and Rei by leaving, didn't I? I could've just stayed home, pretended everything was all right, but I left them.A1a
152{Depressed} Should I go back? They obviously still care about me... or who they think I am... They need a daughter. They deserve to have one...A1b
153{Depressed} Everything in Acadia has been... settled. I found my answers. Maybe it's time I did something for someone else.Player Default: You're right, Kasumi. They need you. Go home.A1c
154Player Default: You're right, Kasumi. They need you. Go home.{Sad} I will... I'll start gathering my supplies and I'll have to say goodbye to everyone...A1a
155{Friendly} Thanks. For everything. Maybe I'll see you back in the Commonwealth?A1b
156Player Default: Kasumi. Please listen to me. You're not a synth. You're the real Kasumi. You're their daughter.{Thinking} That's the thing, isn't it? Now I'll never really know. That idea is always going to be there, somewhere in the back of my mind.B1a
157{bittersweet / Concerned} But you're right. I'm real enough, aren't I? Maybe that's all anyone can be sure of.B1b
158{Sad} I need to start packing, and I should start saying goodbye to everyone...B1c
159{bittersweet / Concerned} Thank you. For everything. Maybe I'll see you back in the Commonwealth?B1d
160Player Default: You already made your decision by coming here, Kasumi. Acadia is your home now. Your family.{Concerned} You're right. I need to decide where I belong, and it's here.X1a
161{Sad} Look after Kenji and Rei for me, all right? They're good people. I didn't mean to hurt them. I... I didn't know...X1b
162{Friendly} Thank you. For everything. I'll see you around Acadia.X1c
163Player Default: What are you talking about?{Worried} I know the real Kasumi is dead. She was replaced with me. But do Kenji and Rei really need to know that? What if... we could be a family again?Y1a
164{Concerned} All I have to do is go home. Give them the daughter they thought they lost. Don't I owe them that?Player Default: You're right, Kasumi. They need you. Go home.Y1b
165DLC03MQPostQuest_KasumiScene1Update{Urgent curiosity, concern / Concerned} You're back. So, what did you find? Can we really trust DiMA, or is he hiding something?Player Default: I'll sum it up. I found DiMA's earliest memories. He's killed before. He's manipulating the whole island.A
166{Urgent curiosity, concern / Concerned} Have you found anything yet?Player Default: I'll sum it up. I found DiMA's earliest memories. He's killed before. He's manipulating the whole island.A
167Player Default: I'll sum it up. I found DiMA's earliest memories. He's killed before. He's manipulating the whole island.{player tells you about DiMA's crimes / Depressed} Dammit. I was hoping I was wrong. But I just knew there was something...A1a
168{Concerned} Do you know why he did it?Player Default: I think he just wants peace for everyone on the island, even if it means controlling them from the shadows.A1b
169Player Default: I haven't found anything yet.{Concerned} Please. Let me know when you've found something.Player Default: I think he just wants peace for everyone on the island, even if it means controlling them from the shadows.B1a
170Player Default: Do you really want to know?{Irritated} I left home and came a long way to find answers. I'm not stopping now. I'm done with having the truth hidden from me.Player Default: I'll sum it up. I found DiMA's earliest memories. He's killed before. He's manipulating the whole island.Y1a
171Player Default: I think he just wants peace for everyone on the island, even if it means controlling them from the shadows.{struggling with your conscience, correcting yourself on "people" since they're really synths / Worried} So he means the best? Should we... help him? Is Acadia worth saving? There's good people... synths... here...Player Default: Acadia is still an ideal worth protecting. I'll do everything I can.A1a
172Player Default: Why does anyone do evil things? Because they can. Because it's easy.{struggling with your conscience, correcting yourself on "people" since they're really synths / Worried} God... is Acadia even worth saving? The people... the synths, here... they haven't done anything wrong...Player Default: Acadia is still an ideal worth protecting. I'll do everything I can.B1a
173Player Default: I think he was desperate. He thought it was the only way.{struggling with your conscience, correcting yourself on "people" since they're really synths / Worried} Has Acadia been a mistake this whole time? Is it worth saving? There are good people... synths... here...Player Default: Acadia is still an ideal worth protecting. I'll do everything I can.X1a
174Player Default: Does it matter? Isn't knowing what he did enough?{struggling with your conscience / Worried} He's been hiding so much from us. God... is Acadia even worth saving? There are good people... synths... here...Player Default: Acadia is still an ideal worth protecting. I'll do everything I can.Y1a
175Player Default: Acadia is still an ideal worth protecting. I'll do everything I can.{Thinking} You're right. We have to see this through. Maybe you can use what you've found in DiMA's memories and convince the old synth to do what's right?A1a
176{Concerned} I know you've been doing all the hard work. I've been making a few things. Take them. Maybe they'll help?A1b
177{Concerned} Come talk to me when this is all over, okay? Good luck.A1c
178Player Default: Acadia is going to burn, Kasumi. This can't continue.{Afraid} You're serious... but no one else here has done anything wrong!B1a
179{Stern} No, I've made up my mind. I'm staying. At least I'll be dying with my own kind.B1b
180{Angry} I should never have asked for your help. Just... leave...B1c
181Player Default: I need to think this through, Kasumi.{Tired} Yeah, we both do... Thank you for telling me the truth, at least.X1a
182Whatever you decide, just keep in mind that there are innocent lives here, no matter what DiMA has done.X1b
183Player Default: You should head home, Kasumi. Back to the Commonwealth.{Concerned} I've been thinking about that, actually, but I need to see this through. There are synths here I care about.Y1a
184{Concerned} Maybe when this is over, we can talk about it again?Y1b
185DLC03MQPostQuest_KasumiScene2Peace{Warm, friendly / Friendly} So it sounds like there's going to be peace on the island. It was you, wasn't it? You found a way to fix things.Player Default: It was the right thing to do.A
186Player Default: Can't believe people like you actually exist. Part of the reason I didn't trust DiMA was because he seemed too selfless, but you're just like him.{player previously said Acadia needed to be burned down / Relieved} So I guess Acadia didn't need to burn to the ground after all? I thought you were going to come back and kill us! I'm glad I was wrong.Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...A1a
187Player Default: It was the right thing to do.{chuckle at the beginning / Happy} Can't believe people like you actually exist. Part of the reason I didn't trust DiMA was because he seemed too selfless, but you're just like him.Kasumi: So I guess Acadia didn't need to burn to the ground after all? I thought you were going to come back and kill us! I'm glad I was wrong.A1a
188Player Default: I just hope it lasts. Peace can be fragile.{Friendly} That's a good point. But at least now everyone has a chance, right?Kasumi: So I guess Acadia didn't need to burn to the ground after all? I thought you were going to come back and kill us! I'm glad I was wrong.B1a
189Player Default: I'm just glad it's all over.{Friendly} No complaints here.Kasumi: So I guess Acadia didn't need to burn to the ground after all? I thought you were going to come back and kill us! I'm glad I was wrong.X1a
190Player Default: You been all right while I've been gone?{Friendly} Yeah, I have. I feel like a lot of weight has been lifted from my head.Kasumi: So I guess Acadia didn't need to burn to the ground after all? I thought you were going to come back and kill us! I'm glad I was wrong.Y1a
191DLC03MQPostQuest_ KasumiScene3CoADestroyed{Concerned} That explosion.... it was you, wasn't it? You used something in DiMA's memories to destroy the Children of Atom.Player Default: The island's going to be a lot safer with that cult gone.A
192Player Default: The island's going to be a lot safer with that cult gone.{Concerned} You're okay with that? Deciding who lives and who dies? I don't know if I could have made that choice.Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...A1a
193Player Default: They wanted to destroy Far Harbor. Acadia could've been next.{Concerned} So you killed them all? God, was that the only answer?B1a
194{Concerned} Sorry, I know it must have been a hard decision. At least now it's all over.Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...B1b
195Player Default: Turns out atomic fire is great for camping. I roasted marshmallows.{player is joking around about destroying Far Harbor or the Children of Atom / Puzzled} Nothing phases you, does it? It's all just one big joke? God, maybe that's for the best. Who else could've made that kind of decision?Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...X1a
196Player Default: You're not actually upset that they're gone, are you?{Concerned} It's not that, it's just... all those people. They were crazy, but did they have to die? I guess it doesn't matter now...Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...Y1a
197DLC03MQPostQuest_ KasumiScene4FHDestroyed{Concerned} I heard about Far Harbor. It was you, wasn't it? You found something in DiMA's memories to turn off the Fog Condensers.Player Default: I didn't have a choice. Far Harbor had to go.A
198Player Default: I had to make a decision. I chose Atom.{Concerned} So it's the synths and Atom, alone on the island for who knows how long? Maybe that's for the best...Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...B1a
199Player Default: You think I made the wrong decision?{Concerned} It's not that, it's just... all those people. Did they have to die? I guess it doesn't matter now...Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...Y1a
200DLC03MQPostQuest_KasumiScene5BothDestroyed{Concerned} Far Harbor and the Children of Atom. Gone. Acadia is almost all that's left of the island, now. Why did you do it?Player Default: It was only a matter of time before both groups turned on Acadia. I did what I had to.A
201DLC03MQPostQuest_ KasumiScene6DiMADead{Concerned} DiMA's gone. You found out the truth, and now he's paid for it. We... did the right thing. Didn't we?Player Default: He killed someone. He had to answer for that.A
202Player Default: You're right...{talking to the player now that everything is over / Concerned} Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...Kasumi: I hurt Kenji and Rei by leaving, didn't I? I could've just stayed home, pretended everything was all right, but I left them.A1a
203Player Default: He killed someone. He had to answer for that.{Sad} You're right...Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...A1a
204Player Default: It's not about right or wrong. We made decisions, just like he did. Now we have to live with it.{Concerned} *Sigh* God, this has all been so much more complicated than I expected...Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...B1a
205Player Default: I don't know. Sometimes there isn't a right answer...{Concerned} Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing a lot since this all started...Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...X1a
206Player Default: What do you think? Did we?{Concerned} I don't know. All that's happened... I feel like everything's so much more complicated than I could have imagined...Kasumi: Hey, listen. So when you first showed up, you came to get me. To bring me home. I've been thinking a lot about that...Y1a
207DLC03MQPostQuest_ NakanoReunionScene01{returning home after running away. big emotional moment / Nervous} Mom.... Dad... I'm... I'm home!MrsNakano: Kasumi!?A1a
208MisterNakano: Welcome back home, Kasumi.{happy, sad, holding back tears, all at the same time / Sad} It's good to be home.A1a
209DLC03MQPostQuest_ NakanoReunionScene02MrsNakano: Kasumi, does this mean... You know we're your parents, right? You're not a synth.{Sad} I know, mom. I'm sorry. I was just so... confused. I wanted to go somewhere. Anywhere.MisterNakano: It's okay, Kasumi. You're home now.A1a
210DLC03MQPostQuest_ NakanoReunionScene03{player tells your parents that you're a synth right after you've come back home / Afraid} Why are you doing this? I told you I made a decision. I came home. Can't that be the end of it?Player Default: They need to accept you for who you are.A1a
211Player Default: This is really what you want?{Afraid} Yes! Isn't that why you came after me? To bring me home? Well, I'm home. That's the only thing that matters.Player Default: They need to accept you for who you are.Y1a
212DLC03MQPostQuest_ NakanoReunionScene03AMisterNakano: Kasumi... Is it true? You're not my daughter?{Afraid} I... Yes it's true... I mean... I can't prove it, but when I made it to Acadia, I just knew...MisterNakano: Where's the real Kasumi?A1a
213MisterNakano: Where's the real Kasumi?{Afraid} I don't know. There's no telling when I replaced her. I... I never knew what I was before. I never wanted to hurt you...MisterNakano: Get out.A1a
214DLC03MQPostQuest_ NakanoReunionScene03BMisterNakano: Both of you need to explain to me what's going on.{Nervous} He's saying I'm a synth, because that's what I told him. I was so sure. No one could talk me out of it.Kasumi: But I was wrong. I belong here. I'm sorry I left...A1a
215MisterNakano: Both of you need to explain to me what's going on.{Nervous} She's saying I'm a synth, because that's what I told her. I was so sure. No one could talk me out of it.Kasumi: But I was wrong. I belong here. I'm sorry I left...A2a
216Kasumi: He's saying I'm a synth, because that's what I told him. I was so sure. No one could talk me out of it.{Nervous} But I was wrong. I belong here. I'm sorry I left...MrsNakano: It's okay. We're just glad you're home.A1a
217DLC03MQPostQuest_ NakanoReunionScene04AMisterNakano: You... you look just like her. Act like her... Talk like her...{you've been outted as a synth to your parents, you're telling them what you believe the truth is / Sad} I know... And I know how much she meant to both of you. You're both good people. You deserve to have your daughter back.MisterNakano: But you're not...A1a
218DLC03MQPostQuest_ NakanoReunionScene04BMisterNakano: I never want to see you again... synth. You've brought enough pain to this family. Leave.{Sad} *sad exhale* Goodbye mom... dad...MisterNakano: You don't get to call us that anymore. Now go.A1a
219-{player previously said he'll burn Acadia to the ground / Angry} Leave. Unless you're planning to help Acadia, we have nothing to talk about.A
220{Worried} Come talk to me when this is all over. There's a lot I have to think about...A