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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jule.


1DLC03Acadia_Conv_CogJule01SceneCog: How you holdin' up, kiddo?You mean aside from feeling like my head is filled with shards of broken glass?Cog: Sorry I can't do anything more for you.A1a
2Cog: How you holdin' up, kiddo?Everything just feels hazy... fuzzy, kind of. Does that make any sense?Cog: Sorry I can't do anything more for you.A2a
3Cog: How you holdin' up, kiddo?I just can't remember anything today. I'll think of something, and then... it's just gone.Cog: Sorry I can't do anything more for you.A3a
4Cog: How you holdin' up, kiddo?Come on, Cog. You know I feel like shit.Cog: Sorry I can't do anything more for you.A4a
5Cog: Sorry I can't do anything more for you.At least you're acting concerned. More than I can say for anyone else.A1a
6DLC03Acadia_Conv_CogJule02SceneCog: Okay, here's what I'm thinking: later on tonight, we go streaking through town, freak out the locals. Sound good?Oh, fuck off Cog. You know I'm not doin' that.Cog: Yeah, I figured. Just throwin' it out there.A1a


7DLC03AcadiaDialogueJuleInititalSceneNew guy, right?Jule: Look, I'm not anybody worth talking to, my head is killing me... Now's not a good time.A
8New girl, right? Must be, because I don't recognize you.Jule: Look, I'm not anybody worth talking to, my head is killing me... Now's not a good time.A
9Player Default: I'm sorry. I didn't know.Yeah, well... you couldn't have, so just forget it.A1a
10Player Default: Whatever's going on with you, doesn't make it okay to be rude.Okay, sure. Whatever.B1a
11Player Default: Sounds like you should get some help.Yes, right. Brilliant. If only I'd thought of that, and, oh, I don't know, gone someplace to see synths that could help me. Like, maybe... Acadia?X1a
12Thanks so much for the advice.X1b
13Player Default: What do you mean, "mind wipe?"Oh for fuck's sake...Y1a
14You're a synth on the run. You go to someone, you get a new face, and they wipe your mind so the Institute can't find you.Y1b
15Only somebody screwed mine up. So here I am.Y1c
16Now, just... Please... Leave me alone.Y1d
17Player Default: It's not your fault...You try having somebody botch a mind-wipe on you, and see how it feels. Then get back to me, okay?Player Default: I'm sorry. I didn't know.A1a
18DLC03FemaleJule: New guy, right?Look, I'm not anybody worth talking to, my head is killing me... Now's not a good time.Player Default: Sorry, didn't mean to bother you.A1a
19Player Default: Sorry, didn't mean to bother you.It's not your fault...Jule: You try having somebody botch a mind-wipe on you, and see how it feels. Then get back to me, okay?A1a
20Player Default: Nice attitude. You must have tons of friends.Yeah, I'm so broken up about it.Jule: You try having somebody botch a mind-wipe on you, and see how it feels. Then get back to me, okay?B1a
21Player Default: Oh, yeah. Practically a five-star resort you've got here.Okay yeah sure, it's rough around the edges. But someday, it'll be amazing.Jule: You try having somebody botch a mind-wipe on you, and see how it feels. Then get back to me, okay?X1a
22Player Default: What's wrong?We're doing this anyway? Even after saying I don't wanna talk? God.Jule: You try having somebody botch a mind-wipe on you, and see how it feels. Then get back to me, okay?Y1a
27{waiting for player to respond, sarcastic} Oh no, it's fine. I'll just stand here all day.
28{waiting for player to respond, annoyed} Come on, already...
29{waiting for player to respond, annoyed} I don't have time for this shit...
30Freakin' Children of Atom... Of course those idiots went nuclear. They probably cheered it.
31{bitter, remorseful} The worst part about this? I got nowhere else to go!
32Turns out you can't trust anyone. Anyone.
33{bitter, remorseful} It's all fucked. All of it.
34I am really not up to chatting right now.
35I just can't deal with social interactions, okay?
36Some other time, okay?


37DLC03AcadiaM04CogJuleStage50SceneCog: Hey there, kiddo. Need to you tell our friend here what you told me.{Angry} What the fuck, Cog? That was between us!Cog: Skip it, okay? She's here to help. Promise.A1a
38Cog: Skip it, okay? She's here to help. Promise.Fine. I don't see the point...A1a
39DLC03AcadiaM04Stage100JuleScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: Cog said you needed to talk about something.All right, look. You know my head is messed up, right? Brains scrambled or whatever?Jule: I keep havin' these dreams. They're sorta like dreams, I guess... but... it's like they're more real.A1a
40Jule: All right, look. You know my head is messed up, right? Brains scrambled or whatever?I keep havin' these dreams. They're sorta like dreams, I guess... but... it's like they're more real.Jule: There's... god, this is so stupid... There's this boat, and it's on fire. And I hear screaming...A1a
41Jule: I keep havin' these dreams. They're sorta like dreams, I guess... but... it's like they're more real.There's... god, this is so stupid... There's this boat, and it's on fire. And I hear screaming...Jule: I think it's me screaming, but I can't be sure. And... and that's it.A1a
42Jule: There's... god, this is so stupid... There's this boat, and it's on fire. And I hear screaming...I think it's me screaming, but I can't be sure. And... and that's it.Player Default: That sounds awful. I'm sorry you're going through this.A1a
43Player Default: That sounds awful. I'm sorry you're going through this.Okay, let's not get all sappy. I thought it was all bullshit, only...Jule: Okay I know this sounds ridiculous, but I found this key. I had it... somewhere... it's fuzzy, but I swear it's connected.A1a
44Player Default: So you're having bad dreams. Boo hoo.{dismissive, but then getting serious} Yeah, yeah. Poor little me. Whatever. Except...Jule: Okay I know this sounds ridiculous, but I found this key. I had it... somewhere... it's fuzzy, but I swear it's connected.B1a
45Player Default: That's so weird... I have this recurring nightmare where an insufferable asshole keeps talking at me about all her shitty problems, and I can't escape.{surprised, amused, but then getting serious / SinisterSmile} Wow... Okay, I gotta hand it to you. That's pretty good. But... I mean...Jule: Okay I know this sounds ridiculous, but I found this key. I had it... somewhere... it's fuzzy, but I swear it's connected.X1a
46Player Default: What do you think it means?Fuck if I know. I thought it was just one more thing that got screwed up when I had my head wiped. But...Jule: Okay I know this sounds ridiculous, but I found this key. I had it... somewhere... it's fuzzy, but I swear it's connected.Y1a
47Player Default: Okay, let's not get all sappy. I thought it was all bullshit, only...Okay I know this sounds ridiculous, but I found this key. I had it... somewhere... it's fuzzy, but I swear it's connected.Jule: It means something, and Cog says he knows what, and he says you know too. So just take it and... I don't know. Fix this.A1a
48Jule: Okay I know this sounds ridiculous, but I found this key. I had it... somewhere... it's fuzzy, but I swear it's connected.It means something, and Cog says he knows what, and he says you know too. So just take it and... I don't know. Fix this.A1a
49DLC03AcadiaM04Stage400JuleScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: Jule, I need to talk to you.{dreading the answer / Concerned} Oh. Shit. This is about that key, isn't it? And the boat... You found something, didn't you? What is it?Player Default: Jule, you would have died if Faraday hadn't saved your life. But in order to do that, they had to wipe your mind.A1a
50PlayerVoiceFemale01: Jule, I need to talk to you.{dreading the answer / Concerned} Come on, what's this about? Is it that key? Did you find something?Player Default: Jule, you would have died if Faraday hadn't saved your life. But in order to do that, they had to wipe your mind.A2a
51Player Default: Jule, you would have died if Faraday hadn't saved your life. But in order to do that, they had to wipe your mind.{shocked, confused} What?... I...Jule: You know, on some level, I fucking knew it. I knew that these people, who call themselves my friends, tell me they want to help...A1a
52Player Default: You know what? Never mind.Uhh, okay...Jule: You know, on some level, I fucking knew it. I knew that these people, who call themselves my friends, tell me they want to help...B1a
53Player Default: You were in an accident. You would have died if Faraday hadn't done extensive surgery on you...{shocked, confused} No... that's...Jule: You know, on some level, I fucking knew it. I knew that these people, who call themselves my friends, tell me they want to help...X1a
54Player Default: Are you sure you really want to know?Well when you put it like that... Just tell me. This suspense is killing me.Player Default: Jule, you would have died if Faraday hadn't saved your life. But in order to do that, they had to wipe your mind.Y1a
55Player Default: What?... I...{bitter, raw / Disgust} You know, on some level, I fucking knew it. I knew that these people, who call themselves my friends, tell me they want to help...Jule: They did this to me! And who the hell gives them the right to decide that I don't get to be me anymore!A1a
56Jule: You know, on some level, I fucking knew it. I knew that these people, who call themselves my friends, tell me they want to help...{angry, emotional / Angry} They did this to me! And who the hell gives them the right to decide that I don't get to be me anymore!Jule: I didn't ask for this. I didn't want any of this... God, this place is no different than any other. You just get screwed no matter what.A1a
57Jule: They did this to me! And who the hell gives them the right to decide that I don't get to be me anymore!{Depressed} I didn't ask for this. I didn't want any of this... God, this place is no different than any other. You just get screwed no matter what.Jule: Well, I'm done. I quit. You can have my stuff; doesn't mean shit to me anymore. There's a chest down in the basement. This'll open it.A1a
58Jule: I didn't ask for this. I didn't want any of this... God, this place is no different than any other. You just get screwed no matter what.Well, I'm done. I quit. You can have my stuff; doesn't mean shit to me anymore. There's a chest down in the basement. This'll open it.Jule: I'm outta here.A1a
59Jule: Well, I'm done. I quit. You can have my stuff; doesn't mean shit to me anymore. There's a chest down in the basement. This'll open it.I'm outta here.A1a