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This is a transcript for dialogue with William Moseley.


1DLC03Acadia_Institute_ExteriorSceneWell, that about wraps things up, doesn't it?WilliamMoseley: They should be ready to receive this bunch back at the Institute. Looks like they can be salvaged, thankfully.A
2All right; you know your jobs.WilliamMoseley: I want a thorough sweep. Don't leave anything to chance.A1a
3WilliamMoseley: All right; you know your jobs.I want a thorough sweep. Don't leave anything to chance.WilliamMoseley: I'll come in once the all-clear is given.A1a
4DLC03Acadia_Institute_MoseleyFinishSceneWilliamMoseley: I want a thorough sweep. Don't leave anything to chance.I'll come in once the all-clear is given.A1a
5DLC03MaleMoseley: Well, that about wraps things up, doesn't it?They should be ready to receive this bunch back at the Institute. Looks like they can be salvaged, thankfully.WilliamMoseley: Odds are most of them will be back at work before you know it, with no recollection of any of this nasty business.A1a
6WilliamMoseley: They should be ready to receive this bunch back at the Institute. Looks like they can be salvaged, thankfully.Odds are most of them will be back at work before you know it, with no recollection of any of this nasty business.WilliamMoseley: Couldn't have done this without you. Great work, really.A1a
7WilliamMoseley: Odds are most of them will be back at work before you know it, with no recollection of any of this nasty business.Couldn't have done this without you. Great work, really.Player Default: I'm just glad this is over.A1a
8Player Default: I'm just glad this is over.You and me both. I am not fond of field work. I'll be very happy to get back to the Institute.WilliamMoseley: I'll be heading back now; guess I'll see you around.A1a
9Player Default: I hope someone's going to look into why these synths malfunctioned.I'm sure the SRB will do a thorough analysis. Incidents like these don't reflect well on anyone, you know what I mean?WilliamMoseley: I'll be heading back now; guess I'll see you around.B1a
10Player Default: Hey, you know me - always glad to enslave the little guy.{slightly uncomfortable} Heh, I mean... it's not really enslaving. We're just getting them back to what they were built for.WilliamMoseley: I'll be heading back now; guess I'll see you around.X1a
11Player Default: DiMA's some sort of prototype. What's going to happen to him?Hmm. That'll be up to someone else, but I'd guess it will be taken apart, and looked over. See if we can find the initial malfunction.Player Default: I'm just glad this is over.Y1a
12Player Default: You and me both. I am not fond of field work. I'll be very happy to get back to the Institute.I'll be heading back now; guess I'll see you around.A1a
13DLC03Acadia_Institute_MoseleyStage50SceneAh, good to see you again!WilliamMoseley: So, the current situation: the Relay has been modified to reach this far, but it's taking an awful lot of power.A
14DLC03MaleMoseley: Ah, good to see you again!So, the current situation: the Relay has been modified to reach this far, but it's taking an awful lot of power.WilliamMoseley: Even with the reactor online, it takes a while to build up enough juice to activate the Relay.A1a
15WilliamMoseley: So, the current situation: the Relay has been modified to reach this far, but it's taking an awful lot of power.Even with the reactor online, it takes a while to build up enough juice to activate the Relay.WilliamMoseley: But, we should be ready to go. Just waiting on your order, ma'am.A1a
16WilliamMoseley: So, the current situation: the Relay has been modified to reach this far, but it's taking an awful lot of power.It takes a tremendous amount of power to relay across these kinds of distances. Not something we can do often.WilliamMoseley: But, we should be ready to go. Just waiting on your order, ma'am.A2a
17WilliamMoseley: Even with the reactor online, it takes a while to build up enough juice to activate the Relay.But, we should be ready to go. Just waiting on your order, ma'am.Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.A1a
18WilliamMoseley: Even with the reactor online, it takes a while to build up enough juice to activate the Relay.But, we should be ready to go. Just waiting on your order, sir.Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.A2a
19WilliamMoseley: Even with the reactor online, it takes a while to build up enough juice to activate the Relay.My understanding is that you're providing additional recon.Player Default: I'm on top of it, don't worry. Everything's fine.A3a
20Player Default: I'm on top of it, don't worry. Everything's fine.Oh no, Director, I wasn't worried at all.Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.A1a
21Player Default: I'm on top of it, don't worry. Everything's fine.Of course, sir. Wasn't worried at all.Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.A2a
22Player Default: I'm on top of it, don't worry. Everything's fine.Of course, ma'am. Wasn't worried at all.Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.A3a
23Player Default: You worry about your job, I'll worry about mine.Right. Sorry. I'll just be here when you need me, then.Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.B1a
24Player Default: They'll name me Prom King any day now, just you wait.Heh. Uhh, okay.... I'll be ready when you are, then.Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.X1a
25Player Default: Do you need anything?No, I think we'll be prepared once the operation is a go. Just let me know when it's time.Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.Y1a
26Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.Right. We'll get the relay fired up, then.A1a
27Player Default: I'm not ready yet. I need more time.Okay... I guess... it's your call, I mean. We'll be ready when you are.B1a
28Player Default: There must be some other way to handle this...It's a little late to be second-guessing things now, don't you think? We'll re-purpose all of them, don't worry. But you didn't answer the question...Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.X1a
29Player Default: What exactly is the plan?Same as any other retrieval op, really. Just on a larger scale.Y1a
30Coursers go in with synth backup, and subdue any escaped synths. Resistance is met with force.Y1b
31So, are we clear?Player Default: It's time. We need to move on Acadia now.Y1c
32DLC03Acadia_Institute_MoseleyTeleportOutSceneInstitute, this is Dr. Moseley. We've got things wrapped up here. Commence relay back home.A1a
33DLC03Acadia_Institute_MQ01ScenePlayer Default: Well, this is the first I've heard of it. That would be an unfortunate development... If it's true, I mean.If you're already actively working on this, would you mind following up on it? I'd be interested to hear if anything turns up.A1a
34PlayerVoiceFemale01: I need to talk to someone about a situation up north.Pleasure to meet you. William Moseley, Advanced Systems.WilliamMoseley: If you're already actively working on this, would you mind following up on it? I'd be interested to hear if anything turns up.A1a
35PlayerVoiceFemale01: I need to talk to someone about a situation up north.Yes, Director? What is it?WilliamMoseley: If you're already actively working on this, would you mind following up on it? I'd be interested to hear if anything turns up.A2a
36PlayerVoiceFemale01: I need to talk to someone about a situation up north.Of course. How can I help?WilliamMoseley: If you're already actively working on this, would you mind following up on it? I'd be interested to hear if anything turns up.A3a
37Player Default: There are rumors of some kind of synth colony up north.Well, this is the first I've heard of it. That would be an unfortunate development... If it's true, I mean.WilliamMoseley: If you're already actively working on this, would you mind following up on it? I'd be interested to hear if anything turns up.A1a
38Player Default: I found a holotape - someone's encouraging synths to flee up the coast to the north.There have been a few units that have been particularly difficult to track down. If they're leaving the Commonwealth entirely, that would explain it.WilliamMoseley: If you're already actively working on this, would you mind following up on it? I'd be interested to hear if anything turns up.B1a
39Player Default: I'm tracking a woman named Kasumi, who believes she's a synth.Kasumi? Not one of ours, clearly. Perhaps a defective unit who's been re-programmed by someone?WilliamMoseley: If you're already actively working on this, would you mind following up on it? I'd be interested to hear if anything turns up.X1a
40Player Default: Is the SRB running some kind of sting operation? Something out of a place called "Far Harbor"?What? No... I've never heard of that.WilliamMoseley: If you're already actively working on this, would you mind following up on it? I'd be interested to hear if anything turns up.Y1a
41DLC03Acadia_Institute_MQ03ScenePlayer Default: I'm sure you'll be fine.Thank you, Director.Player Default: There's a place called Acadia...A1a
42Player Default: I'm sure you'll be fine.Thank you. I'm eager to help, though admittedly I'm a bit lacking in field experience.Player Default: There's a place called Acadia...A2a
43Player Default: Hate to burst your bubble pal, but I'm already disappointed.Oh. Oh dear. Okay, well I'll try... harder? I'll work on it.Player Default: There's a place called Acadia...B1a
44Player Default: Let's skip the small talk and get to work.Right, sorry. Of course.Player Default: There's a place called Acadia...X1a
45Player Default: What's your story, William?Me? Oh... Uhh, I've been acting as sort of a liason between Advanced Systems and the SRB for a few years now.Y1a
46Doctors Li and Ayo didn't really get along, as I'm sure you can imagine. It worked better if someone could sort of bridge the gap.Y1b
47Anyway, I'm just here trying to do my part.Player Default: There's a place called Acadia...Y1c
48WilliamMoseley: I'm happy to help in whatever capacity I can.I hope I don't disappoint.Player Default: I'm sure you'll be fine.A1a
49WilliamMoseley: Pleasure to meet you. William Moseley, Advanced Systems.I'm happy to help in whatever capacity I can.WilliamMoseley: I hope I don't disappoint.A1a
50WilliamMoseley: You know what would make this easier? If we had their recall codes. That would help minimize asset loss.We can put together a response to this, but not immediately. The more data we have, the better.WilliamMoseley: Sounds like sending in a Courser isn't an option right now, but if you've already made contact, and they trust you...A1a
51WilliamMoseley: We can put together a response to this, but not immediately. The more data we have, the better.Sounds like sending in a Courser isn't an option right now, but if you've already made contact, and they trust you...WilliamMoseley: Learn whatever you can about them; I'll talk to Advanced Systems about re-calibrating the Relay and putting a team together.A1a
52Player Default: I'm on it.I'll make sure you get whatever support you need.Player Default: He looks like one of the older models. Not human at all.A1a
53Player Default: I won't make any promises. I've got a lot to do.I understand.Player Default: He looks like one of the older models. Not human at all.B1a
54Player Default: There's still the issue of this girl, Kasumi... she thinks she's a synth.I can tell you that she's not one of ours.X1a
55I mean, if she's a synth, obviously she belongs to the Institute, but I have no record of an asset deployed with that identity.X1b
56I suppose it's possible that someone else meddled with Institute property. Certainly wouldn't be the first time.X1c
57I'm sorry I can't tell you more. If you can verify that she is one of ours, let me know, all right?Player Default: I'm on it.X1d
58Player Default: What do you know about the synth calling himself DiMA?The designation isn't ours, I know that much. I'm afraid I don't know anything... This is all very frustrating.Y1a
59Is there anything else you can tell me?Player Default: He looks like one of the older models. Not human at all.Y1b
60Player Default: He looks like one of the older models. Not human at all.Not a 3rd generation? That's... I'm not sure what to make of that. The personality matrices for earlier synths were so limited...Player Default: He looks like one of the older models. Not human at all.A1a
61Player Default: That's all I can tell you.Well, okay. I feel like a bit of a broken holotape here, but the more information you can bring me, the better.Player Default: I'm on it.B1a
62Player Default: He looks like he's been heavily modified.Self-modification? We've never run into problems with that in the history of the program. At least, not that I'm aware of.Player Default: He looks like one of the older models. Not human at all.X1a
63Player Default: He claims to be unique. Some kind of prototype, maybe?I suppose that's possible, but... Well, I'd have to look through archived records to learn more.Player Default: He looks like one of the older models. Not human at all.Y1a
64PlayerVoiceFemale01: I have some more information about the synths up north.Yes, Director. Anything you can tell me would be helpful.Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.A3a
65PlayerVoiceFemale01: I have some more information about the synths up north.Were you able to verify things? Any additional information would help.Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.A4a
66Player Default: Acadia... that sounds so familiar. Where have I heard it before?Just... tell me whatever you can.Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.A1a
67Player Default: Really. That's pretty serious, if true.Tell me everything you know.Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.X1a
68Player Default: Anyway, yes. It's very rare but it has happened. I take it you found something?Give me as much information as you have.Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.Y1a
69Player Default: There's a place called Acadia...Acadia... that sounds so familiar. Where have I heard it before?WilliamMoseley: Just... tell me whatever you can.A1a
70Player Default: Actually, never mind.Oh, okay.Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.B1a
71Player Default: I found a group of escaped synths. I thought the SRB should know.Really. That's pretty serious, if true.WilliamMoseley: Tell me everything you know.X1a
72Player Default: Ever had a problem with a Courser going missing?Besides the one you're responsible for eliminating?Y1a
73Sorry, that was... I mean, we're fine with that. It's okay that happened.Y1b
74Anyway, yes. It's very rare but it has happened. I take it you found something?WilliamMoseley: Give me as much information as you have.Y1c
75Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.Synths giving themselves new designations is certainly never a good sign. And he's manipulating others?WilliamMoseley: This certainly sounds like something the SRB needs to look into. What else can you tell me?A1a
76Player Default: They've holed up in an old Observatory. Looks like a fortified location.So, an effort to reclaim them has been anticipated. All right...WilliamMoseley: This certainly sounds like something the SRB needs to look into. What else can you tell me?B1a
77Player Default: There are a good number of them already, and they're actively looking for more.Definitely concerning. Individuals aren't that difficult to reclaim, but large groups are trickier.WilliamMoseley: This certainly sounds like something the SRB needs to look into. What else can you tell me?X1a
78Player Default: They have a former Courser helping them.Well, that borders on horrifying.WilliamMoseley: This certainly sounds like something the SRB needs to look into. What else can you tell me?Y1a
79Player Default: Synths giving themselves new designations is certainly never a good sign. And he's manipulating others?This certainly sounds like something the SRB needs to look into. What else can you tell me?Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.A1a
80Player Default: Synths giving themselves new designations is certainly never a good sign. And he's manipulating others?It's a good thing you brought this to my attention. Is there anything else?Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.A2a
81Player Default: Synths giving themselves new designations is certainly never a good sign. And he's manipulating others?What else can you tell me?Player Default: A synth calling himself "DiMA" is running things.A3a
82Player Default: Synths giving themselves new designations is certainly never a good sign. And he's manipulating others?Okay, I've heard enough. This clearly needs our attention, but being up north it's going to be difficult to deal with.WilliamMoseley: You know what would make this easier? If we had their recall codes. That would help minimize asset loss.A4a
83WilliamMoseley: Okay, I've heard enough. This clearly needs our attention, but being up north it's going to be difficult to deal with.You know what would make this easier? If we had their recall codes. That would help minimize asset loss.WilliamMoseley: We can put together a response to this, but not immediately. The more data we have, the better.A1a
84WilliamMoseley: Sounds like sending in a Courser isn't an option right now, but if you've already made contact, and they trust you...Learn whatever you can about them; I'll talk to Advanced Systems about re-calibrating the Relay and putting a team together.Player Default: I'm on it.A1a
85-I'm still outlining the parameters for an operation up north. Don't worry.A
86Let's just focus on the task at hand.A
87I have several projects going right now, but one more shouldn't be an issue.
88So, this is what they call "The Field."
89I'll be happy to get back to the Institute.
90I hope everything goes smoothly.