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This is a transcript for dialogue with Harbormen.


7Stop that.
8Put that back.
9That ain't yours.
10Mess with me?
11If the island hasn't killed me yet, you sure as hell won't.
12Not gonna die today.
13You're already dead.
14Last mistake you'll ever make.
15Harbormen don't go down easy.
16Fightin' time.
17This ain't nothing.
18{Irritated and a little scared / Irritated} Don't talk to Bertha. She's crazy.
19You see what the Mariner done to the Hull? Huh.
20I heard some of the dregs got themselves a homestead inland.
21Nobody's heard nothing from those dregs that went inland.
22Allen's right! The Children of Atom are trying to kill us.
23{Mocking} Oh, I'm shivering in my boots. Don't squash me like you did the Red Death.
24A hunter saw flickerin' lights by Eden Meadows. All unnatural like.
25I saw one of them old world metal birds by a lake inland. Saw somethin' lurking there, too.
26You know anything about what happened to Acadia?
27Just like that, no more Children of Atom.
28I hope that nuke that went off don't make the Fog worse.
29You think this peace with the Children of Atom has any chance?
30The Children of Atom better keep their word about the peace.
31I knew DiMA was no good.
32Is someone in town really one of DiMA's synths?
33Avery... Wasn't Avery? I still don't believe it.
34I hope Avery - or whatever she was - does alright.
35How long was Avery not Avery? That thing got what was comin'.
36We had to put down that replacement Avery... right?
37Good job putting Allen in his place. Ha.
38Making it to Acadia without Longfellow. Well, that's somethin'.
39Thanks for patching Andre up. Him comin' through is the best news we've had in days.
40I never met someone that did the Captain's Dance before.
41It must be... 30 years? More? Since someone did the Dance like you.
42My kids ain't going to believe the stories about you.
43You're one of them Vault people? With the funny suits?
44Is that a... PipBoy? I've heard about those.
45What I would give to be rolling around in a genuine suit of Power Armor!
46What model power armor's that? Nice.
47My grandpappy had a suit of power armor. Been ages...
48Woah. Now that's some firepower there.
49With ordnance like that, no wonder you wiped out those crabs.
50Is your friend there, a what? A Super Mutant?
51Super Mutant? Just another mainlander in my book.
52A genuine Mr. Handy. Fancy.
53What's wrong with your friend's face? Are those wires in there?
54And we live another day.
55Why you crawling around like that? Looks ridiculous.
56You think the Fog's bad during the day. Night time... Whew.
57Night's the worst.
58The Children of Atom are dangerous. Don't trust them.
59The Fog's poison on account of the Children of Atom.
60Never look a Trapper in the eyes. They're... something else.
61A mainlander like you stands no chance against the Crawlers.
62In the Deep Fog, there's things out there...
63Mariner says the island's alive. And it's got it in for us.
64Mainlanders don't last long on the island.
65Old Longfellow knows what he's about.
66Need general supplies? Visit the Bait Shop.
67The Lee's sell guns over by the tourist shop.
68You talk to Cassie Dalton? Shame what happened to her family.
69Need to drown your troubles? Talk to Mitch at the Last Plank.
70Lost my home when the Fog rolled in.
71You need work? Talk with the Mariner. Lord knows she's always carrying on about something.
72What are you looking at?
73Captain Avery's all right, I guess.
74You eyeing me, mainlander?
75Every day, another Harborman leaves the island.
76I'll be damned if I give up on taking back my land.
77Take it one day at a time.
78Bring it on, island. I can take it.
79If the Fog doesn't get us, the storms will.
80What the hell is a synth, any way? Eh.
81I don't have time.
82You're from the Commonwealth, right?
83The Fog... It's dangerous, OK?
84A lot of people only got the clothes on their back here.
86I could use time. Alone.
87I'm scraping by.
88Hard times.
90Brooks is a mainlander, too. And a synth, whatever that is.
91The Acadia synth bastards had to go.
92Acadia got what was coming to them.
93Rumor is Acadia ran afoul of something.
94Acadia gave us no choice.
95{Mild Concern} Some mumbling from the dregs. Somethin' up.
96{Vaguely curious} If it ain't the Mariner's best friend. She's looking for you, you know.
97You hear what happened with DiMA? Came here and confessed to murder. Allen killed him dead.
98{Sincere warning, scared} You hear of the Red Death? A more vicious creature there never was. Avoid the coast if you value your life.