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This is a transcript for dialogue with Debby.


1DLC03ConvFarHarbor MitchCat_01Mitch: Your damned cat knocked something over. Again.{Defiant} Aw, Tink don't mean anything by it, Mitch.Mitch: I swear, her tail's a menace. Does she even know it's attached to her bleeding hide?A1a
2Mitch: I swear, her tail's a menace. Does she even know it's attached to her bleeding hide?{Firm / Stern} If you want me to work in this flea-ridden bar of yours, you'll watch your tone.Mitch: Fine.A1a


3DLC03DialogueFarHarbor _DebbyVendorWhat's your order, sweety?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
4You want a drink?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
5The Plank's the only bar in town. So if you need a drink, don't be shy.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
6I hope mainlanders tip better than my regulars. Whatcha need?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
7Player Default: Let's see what you have.Certainly.A1a
8Player Default: Let's see what you have.We got what you need.A2a
9Player Default: Let's see what you have.You got my attention.A3a
10Player Default: Let's see what you have.If you got caps, we got the goods.A4a
11Player Default: No, thanks.Well, if you change your mind.B1a
12Player Default: No, thanks.I get you.B2a
13Player Default: No, thanks.Well, don't loiter too long, then.B3a
14Player Default: No, thanks.Well, maybe later, then.B4a
15Player Default: I'm thinking about it.Just flag me over if you need me.X1a
16Player Default: I'm thinking about it.Well take a load off until you decide.X2a
17Player Default: I'm thinking about it.Grab me if you need me later.X3a
18Player Default: I'm thinking about it.Take your time.X4a
19Player Default: What do you have to drink?All sorts of Old World booze. We carry Vim!, too.Y1a
20And before you ask, Vim! is an islander favorite. But it may pack more punch than the stuff you're used to.Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y1b
21-I... uh... You're kind of a big deal. Wow.


22-You want a bite, either Mitch or I can take your order.
23If you need a room, see Mitch.
24If you don't like the service, there's the door.
25We're the only bar in town.
26Oh, I think Tink likes you. Here, kitty.
27Mitch won't say it but: thank you.


28DLC03FarHarborS01 _100_QuestIntroDLC03MaleMitch: Everyone! Make way.{In awe / Awed} Did you really kill the Queen? The Mariner said you did.Mitch: Don't pester her, Debby. Of course she did. Now this is what a bad ass looks like.A1a
29Mitch: I fear we had you all wrong.{Smart alec / Irritated} Well, Captain Avery didn't.Mitch: Right, holier than thou Avery got the right of it. And thanks for reminding me. *sigh*A1a
30Player Default: And the others we find floating face down in the harbor. But not you!{Unsteady, but this is important / Nervous} Mitch. I mean. Since she did the Captain's Dance. Maybe... your uncle?Mitch: That's my own family business.A1a
31Player Default: And the others we find floating face down in the harbor. But not you!{Nervous} Mitch. I mean. Since he did the Captain's Dance. Maybe... your uncle?Mitch: That's my own family business.A2a
32Mitch: That's my own family business.{Ignores Mitch's warning tone, Pleading to PC / Pleading} Ma'am. Mitch's too damned proud. But we're worried about Uncle Ken.Player Default: If my family was in trouble, I'd do anything to help them.A1a
33Mitch: That's my own family business.{Pleading} Sir. Mitch's too damned proud. But we're worried about Uncle Ken.Player Default: If my family was in trouble, I'd do anything to help them.A2a
34Player Default: If my family was in trouble, I'd do anything to help them.{Grateful, takes strength from the PC / Confident} You hear that, Mitch? Even someone like her would ask for help.Waitress: Uncle Ken's the last one still living on the island. The last hold out.A1a
35Player Default: If my family was in trouble, I'd do anything to help them.You hear that, Mitch? Even someone like him would ask for help.Waitress: Uncle Ken's the last one still living on the island. The last hold out.A2a
36Player Default: For Pete's sake, pride is going to be the death of you lot.{Agrees with PC / Friendly} Captain's been saying that for years. Certainly his uncle's in need.Waitress: Uncle Ken's the last one still living on the island. The last hold out.B1a
37Player Default: I don't want to intrude on anything personal.{Trying to butter up the PC / Pleading} Don't believe any of that family business garbage. Mitch needs you.Waitress: Uncle Ken's the last one still living on the island. The last hold out.X1a
38Player Default: You hear that, Mitch? Even someone like her would ask for help.{Explaining, genuine concern / Concerned} Uncle Ken's the last one still living on the island. The last hold out.Mitch: Crazier than a bag full of starved Mole Rats, he is.A1a
39Mitch: Crazier than a bag full of starved Mole Rats, he is.{concerned, hoping / Concerned} Mitch sent him some of the... Fog Condensers? So he might still be alive; he's safe from the Fog.Mitch: But the campground's got to be swarming with god knows what.A1a
40DLC03FarHarborS01_500a_KenReunionDLC03MaleUncleKen: My boy!{Impressed} She actually did it.UncleKen: Did what? Chase me from my home? We should dump her in the Harbor.A1a
41DLC03MaleUncleKen: My boy!{Impressed} He actually did it.UncleKen: Did what? Chase me from my home? We should dump her in the Harbor.A2a
42DLC03FarHarborS01 _500b_WithoutKenMitch: That... That's cause for celebration.{Relieved} We were worried about him.Mitch: He really is all right? Do you think he's safe?A1a
43DLC03FarHarborS01 _500c_EndingMitch: Here. I... I...{Gentle, teasing / Amused} Mitch's at a loss for words.Mitch: Hush now. I owe you one.A1a
44-Thanks for helping Mitch.