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This is a transcript for dialogue with Trappers on The Island.


1-{trying to sniff out whoever is hiding / Suspicious} (sniffs air heavily)
2{trying to sniff out whoever is hiding / Suspicious} (frustrated grunt)
3{intimidating, searching for someone who just ran away from you / Angry} (sniffs air heavily then grunts)
4{intimidating, searching for someone who just ran away from you / Angry} (frustrated grunt)
5{intimidating, searching for someone who just ran away from you / Angry} You can't hide... Not forever...
6{yell as you start fighting / Angry} (bloodthirsty yell)
7{yell as you start fighting / Angry} (bloodthirsty yell)
8{Angry} (intimidating growl)
9{Angry} (intimidating growl)
10{yell as you start fighting / Angry} Had your chance to run!
11{yell as you start fighting / Angry} There!
12{yell as you start fighting / Angry} Wrong place, outsider!
13{grunt and shrug your shoulders as you give up searching for the player / Irritated} (annoyed grunt)
14{grunt and shrug your shoulders as you give up searching for the player / Irritated} (annoyed grunt)
15{grunt and shrug your shoulders as you give up searching for the player / Irritated} It's the Fog... Always playing tricks...
16{grunt and shrug your shoulders as you give up searching for the player / Irritated} Huh. Gone...? Good...
17{you were fighting the player and he suddenly vanished / Angry} (frustrated yell)
18{you were fighting the player and he suddenly vanished / Angry} Where'd you go!? No matter... I'll find ya...
19{you were fighting the player and he suddenly vanished / Angry} That's right! Run! Run and hide!
20{you were fighting the player and he suddenly vanished / Angry} You trying to hide? Good! More fun that way...
21{you just killed what you were fighting / Amused} (smug grunt)
22{you just killed what you were fighting / Amused} Heh. Easy.
23{you just killed what you were fighting / Amused} Now... Let's cut off the head...
24{yell as you start fighting / Angry} (bloodthirsty scream)
25{yell as you start fighting / Angry} (bloodthirsty scream)
26{yell as you start fighting / Angry} Kill!
27{yell as you start fighting / Angry} And now the fun part!
28{yell as you start fighting / Angry} Slice 'em!
29{you give up searching for the player / Angry} (annoyed grunt)
30{you give up searching for the player / Angry} Lucky... Next time...
31{you give up searching for the player / Angry} Ran off? Good.
32{you give up searching for the player / Angry} You come back, you're dead!
33{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, mildly alerted.} (suspicious grunt)
34{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, mildly alerted.} (suspicious grunt)
35{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, mildly alerted.} (suspicious grunt)
36{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, mildly alerted.} (suspicious grunt)
37{You hear a noise somewhere out in the darkness, mildly alerted.} (suspicious grunt)
38{yell as you start fighting / Angry} (bloodthirsty yell)
39{yell as you start fighting / Angry} (bloodthirsty yell)
40{yell as you start fighting / Angry} (bloodthirsty yell)
41{yell as you start fighting / Angry} Start running, outsider!
42{yell as you start fighting / Angry} You're dead!
43{Irritated} (bored groan)
44{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ...been out in the Fog too long... I'm seeing things... or am I?
45{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ... this is mine... no one's taking it from me... mine...
46{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ... the Fog... the deep vapor... so sweet... so deadly...
47{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ...need to hunt soon... Radstag... or an Angler...
48{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ...they think I'm soft... can't handle myself... I'll take down a Crawler... that'll show 'em...
49{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ...hmm... Too quiet...
50{muttering to yourself / Irritated} What was that!? No... no it's nothing...
51{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ...Silence... Never a good sign...
52{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ...hand is itching... longs for the kill...
53{muttering to yourself / Irritated} ... better stay out... that outsider comes back... (angry grunt)
54{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet. / Angry} Grrargh!
55{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet. / Angry} Aggghh!
56{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet. / Angry} Nyyarrggh!
57{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet. / Angry} Yearrgh!
58{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet. / Angry} Hyargh!
59{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Gah.
60{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Nuh.
61{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Hunh.
62{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Ugh.
63{A quick impact and death rattle, short and violent.} Agh.
64{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain. / InPain} (angry grunt)
65{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain. / InPain} (angry grunt)
66{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain. / InPain} (defiant grunt)
67{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain. / InPain} (defiant grunt)
68{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain. / InPain} (grunt)
69{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain. / InPain} (grunt)
70{Struck by a weapon or bullet / InPain} Ugh! That's the spirit!
71{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short / InPain} Agh! I can smell it. The blood...
72{Struck by a weapon or bullet / InPain} Ugh! I see... I see it!
73{Struck by a weapon or bullet / InPain} Yes! Fight for it!
74{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain. / InPain} Ugh! Are you real? Is this the Fog?
75{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
76{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Nnyyyaarrgghh!
77{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
78{enemy has just thrown a grenade at you} Shit!
79{enemy has just thrown a grenade at you} (surprised grunt)
80{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive / InPain} Oof! *heavy breathing*
81{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive / InPain} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
82{really shriek. critical injury / InPain} (shriek of pain)
83{really shriek. critical injury / InPain} (shriek of pain)
84{really shriek. critical injury / InPain} (shriek of pain)
85{quick shout as you flee} I'll be back!
86{quick shout as you flee} This isn't over!
87{angry dog has grabbed your arm with his teeth and won't let go} Get off!
88{angry dog has grabbed your arm with his teeth and won't let go} Let go!
89{angry dog has grabbed your arm with his teeth and won't let go} (angry grunt)
90{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} You're dead already!
91{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} Bleed! Coat the ground in red!
92{combat taunt, quick and violent, referring to the radioactive Fog that chokes the island / Angry} The Fog will get you! The Fog gets EVERYONE!
93{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} Yes! Let the blood flow!
94{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} Run! Run while you can!
95{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} You see the Fog? It has you!
96{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (low, extended laughter)
97{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (low, extended laughter)
98{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (low, extended laughter)
99{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (angry, guttural yell)
100{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (angry, guttural yell)
101{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (angry, guttural yell)
102{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (frustrated growl)
103{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (frustrated growl)
104{combat taunt, laughing in the middle of a fire-fight / Angry} (frustrated growl)
105{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} Afraid? That's how it starts!
106{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} I see what you are! I see it!
107{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} Your heart beating, outsider? How much can it take?
108{combat taunt, quick and violent / Angry} Do you hear it? Does it speak to you!?
109{warning an intruder away / Angry} (intimidating growl)
110{warning an intruder away / Angry} (intimidating growl)
111{warning an intruder away / Angry} (intimidating growl)

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This is a transcript for dialogue with trappers during The Arrival.


1-{Angry} You're lucky we don't kill you, outsider...
2{Angry} Boss is generous for now. Next time... We hunt you down...
3{Angry} I hope the Fog takes you, outsider...
4DLC03AcadiaM01_TrapperBossScene{intimidating / Angry} Fresh meat crawling in from the Fog? Don't care if it's Mirelurk or man...Player Default: I'm not looking for trouble. I just need to find someone, a young man with white hair. You help me, I'll leave.A
5Player Default: I'm not looking for trouble. I just need to find someone, a young man with white hair. You help me, I'll leave.{player has convinced you to help him / Angry} Yes... We found him... One of the Fog's creatures already attacked him... He was bleeding out... Why waste the meat?A1a
6{menacing chuckle at the end / Amused} Here... what's left... Take it. Hehehehe.TrapperBoss: Now go... Don't come back...A1b
7Player Default: I'm not looking for trouble. I just need to find someone, a young man with white hair. You help me, I'll leave.{Sinister whisper that rises into a shouted threat, a cue to attack. / SinisterSmile} You won't leave... Ever!TrapperBoss: Now go... Don't come back...A2a
8Player Default: What if it's a Mirelurk-Man? Hey, that would be a great name for a superhero...{intimidating growl / Angry} Leave... or die...Player Default: I'm not looking for trouble. I just need to find someone, a young man with white hair. You help me, I'll leave.X1a
9Player Default: I understand. I get the cravings, too. Maybe we can help each other? I'm just looking for a man with white hair.{player says he's a fellow cannibal. you agree to help him / Friendly} Yes... We can help you... We found him. Dragged him here. Had our fill. Here... What's left is yours...TrapperBoss: Now go... Don't come back...Y1a
10Player Default: I understand. I get the cravings, too. Maybe we can help each other? I'm just looking for a man with white hair.{player asks if you eat people, menacing growl / Angry} We... Survive...Player Default: I'm not looking for trouble. I just need to find someone, a young man with white hair. You help me, I'll leave.Y2a
11Player Default: Here... what's left... Take it. Hehehehe.{Angry} Now go... Don't come back...A1a
12-{Angry} You have what you wanted. Now go.
13{Angry} Leave...
14{Angry} Go...