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This is a transcript for dialogue with DiMA.


1DLC03AcadiaDialogueDiMAFaradaySceneFaraday: You were in there a long time... are you feeling all right?{reassuring, affectionate / Relieved} I'm fine. You worry too much.Faraday: Sometimes I feel like you don't worry enough. You know we blew three more relays this week.A1a
2Faraday: I was having a hard enough time keeping up with repairs before all this nonsense with the Atom lunatics.{Amused} They're nothing you need to be concerned about.Faraday: It's not them... I'm concerned about you, DiMA. You can't solve all the world's problems, certainly not all at once.A1a
3Faraday: It's not them... I'm concerned about you, DiMA. You can't solve all the world's problems, certainly not all at once.{Apologetic} Dearest Faraday... Relax. All will be fine.A1a
4-You have no right!
5You will not take Acadia from me!


10-{quick gasp while dying} Ugh...
11{player is standing there not saying anything} Take your time...
12{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Are you... all right?
13{player is standing there not saying anything / Puzzled} Careful with your words? Admirable.


14DLC03DialogueDiMA_01_GreetingScene{Puzzled} Are you ready to talk about why you're here? Synth-kind is willing to welcome you, as long as you welcome us.Player Default: I came here looking for Kasumi Nakano.A
15DiMA: I want you to understand that before you see her. She has a chance here to live as a synth. Not hiding. Not pretending to be something else.{Concerned} One more question, if you'll indulge me. You're here for Kasumi, but I suspect there could be another reason you came to us.A1a
16{emphasis on you / Concerned} Tell me: Are you a synth?Player Default: In the back of my mind, I've always suspected...A1b
17Player Default: In the back of my mind, I've always suspected...{Concerned} That's what I thought. If you don't mind, what's the first thing you can remember?Player Default: I remember being in my house, the day the bombs fell. We ran to the Vault. We were frozen. I was the only survivor.A1a
18Player Default: I'm a human being, not a synth.{Concerned} Are you sure? I don't mean to question you, but what's the first memory you have?Player Default: I remember being in my house, the day the bombs fell. We ran to the Vault. We were frozen. I was the only survivor.B1a
19Player Default: No, but if I squint real hard in the mirror, sometimes I look like someone else.{Amused} *chuckle* I'm afraid when I try that trick, nothing really changes.X1a
20{Concerned} I know it might seem impossible that you could be a synth, but tell me, what's the first thing you can remember?Player Default: I remember being in my house, the day the bombs fell. We ran to the Vault. We were frozen. I was the only survivor.X1b
21Player Default: How would I even know?{Concerned} I'm afraid if you're looking for some biological test we can do, there isn't any. None that aren't fatal.Y1a
22{Concerned} Instead, you have to look for the signs. Holes in someone's memory. Feelings of unexplained isolation. Odd dreams.Y1b
23But ultimately, you have to decide for yourself. What do you believe? Have you ever questioned your humanity?Player Default: In the back of my mind, I've always suspected...Y1c
24Player Default: I remember being in my house, the day the bombs fell. We ran to the Vault. We were frozen. I was the only survivor.{Concerned} No memories before then? Just a single day, and then waking up alone? We so easily accept what's presented to us as the truth, don't we?A1a
25{Concerned} Isn't it funny how a memory can feel like a whole different reality? People, places, even sounds and colors can change. Or someone else has changed them.A1b
26{Concerned} I won't lie to you. There will always be other explanations. Trauma, disease, the background radiation. They all take their toll on the mind.A1c
27{Concerned} But I can promise you that we will accept you, no matter what you decide you are.Player Default: Thank you. You've given me a lot to think about.A1d
28Player Default: You're treading on very personal territory. Back off.{gentle / Apologetic} Okay... You're not ready to have this conversation.B1a
29Whatever you believe, we will accept you for who you are. Synth or human.Player Default: Thank you. You've given me a lot to think about.B1b
30Player Default: I was with my wife. We were getting ready for the day. I had to take care of my boy, Shaun, and... well, a lot's happened since then...{Puzzled} But no memories before then? No childhood? Your first best friend? Your first... kiss?X1a
31{Concerned} That's usually a sign. Data is easy to migrate, but feelings... that's a hard thing to transfer into another mind.X1b
32{Concerned} Isn't it funny how a memory can feel like a whole different reality? People, places, even sounds and colors can change. Or someone else has changed them.X1c
33{Concerned} I won't lie to you. There will always be other explanations. Trauma, disease, the background radiation. They all take their toll on the mind.X1d
34{Concerned} But I can promise you that you will be accepted here, whatever you decide is true for yourself.Player Default: Thank you. You've given me a lot to think about.X1e
35Player Default: I'm not going to tell my life story to someone I barely know. Let's hear your answer first.{Depressed} I was in a laboratory. In the Institute. They were pulling pieces of my head out. Something about wanting to test some neural process...Y1a
36{Depressed} That was every day for months. Strapped down. Unable to move. Operated on.Y1b
37{Thinking} And then... I was out. The Institute has failsafes to strip memories that could identify where they are, how to find them, but I do remember being quite... content.Y1c
38{Concerned} I was free. That is my earliest memory. Now... yours?Player Default: I remember being in my house, the day the bombs fell. We ran to the Vault. We were frozen. I was the only survivor.Y1d
39Player Default: Thank you. You've given me a lot to think about.I'm glad to hear it. Acadia is open to you. Feel free to walk the grounds. Introduce yourself to my co-founders, Faraday and Chase.A1a
40And I'm sure you're eager to talk to Kasumi. She's usually working down below. Is there anything else you need from me?Player Default: I should get going.A1b
41Player Default: I'm not a synth. End of discussion.{Concerned} I understand. I won't pry any further.B1a
42Acadia is open to you. Feel free to walk the grounds. Introduce yourself to my co-founders, Faraday and Chase.B1b
43Kasumi is usually working down below, whenever you wish to see her. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss before you go?Player Default: I should get going.B1c
44Player Default: Spare me the lecture.{Stern} Fine. But Acadia is still open to you. Feel free to walk the grounds. Introduce yourself to my co-founders, Faraday and Chase.X1a
45Kasumi is usually working down below, whenever you wish to see her. Did you need anything else before you go?Player Default: I should get going.X1b
46Player Default: I've heard enough. Where's Kasumi Nakano?Of course. Kasumi is usually working down below. You can see her whenever you like.Y1a
47Acadia is open to you. Feel free to walk the grounds. Introduce yourself to my co-founders, Faraday and Chase.Y1b
48Did you need anything else before you go?Player Default: I should get going.Y1c
49Player Default: Kasumi had honest questions about herself. She came here for answers.{Concerned} None of us take this transition lightly. She's facing the possibility of her entire life being a lie.A1a
50{Concerned} That someone stripped her very identity from her and made her into something she isn't.A1b
51{Concerned} I want you to understand that before you see her. She has a chance here to live as a synth. Not hiding. Not pretending to be something else.DiMA: One more question, if you'll indulge me. You're here for Kasumi, but I suspect there could be another reason you came to us.A1c
52Player Default: She's a synth. That's why she left home.Kasumi had honest questions about herself. She came here for answers.DiMA: None of us take this transition lightly. She's facing the possibility of her entire life being a lie.A1a
53Player Default: She's human, and she has a family waiting for her.{Concerned} But imagine what it means if you're wrong. If Kasumi is a synth, then she doesn't have a family. She never had one. Think about how she must feel.DiMA: None of us take this transition lightly. She's facing the possibility of her entire life being a lie.B1a
54Player Default: Who or what she is isn't important.{Concerned} But it is. It's everything. Imagine just looking at your own hands and having to wonder: "was I born with these, or were they manufactured?"DiMA: None of us take this transition lightly. She's facing the possibility of her entire life being a lie.X1a
55Player Default: Why are you asking?{Concerned} Because she came here with that very question. And the answer changes every part of her world.DiMA: None of us take this transition lightly. She's facing the possibility of her entire life being a lie.Y1a
56{talking to the player as he enters your chambers, player is walking above about 20 feet of steps up to you / Friendly} You know, when I first climbed this mountain, above the fog, I thought to myself: now here is a metaphor worth taking in.DiMA: You've entered a place of clarity. Understanding. Peace. While you're here in Acadia, synth-kind welcomes you, as long as you welcome us.A1a
57DiMA: You know, when I first climbed this mountain, above the fog, I thought to myself: now here is a metaphor worth taking in.{Friendly} You've entered a place of clarity. Understanding. Peace. While you're here in Acadia, synth-kind welcomes you, as long as you welcome us.Player Default: I came here looking for Kasumi Nakano.A1a
58Player Default: I came here looking for Kasumi Nakano.{Surprised} Really? I'm impressed. Few would brave the kind of journey you've had for the sake of someone else.DiMA: Kasumi is here. She's safe and unharmed, and you're free to see her, if you'd like.A1a
59Player Default: Drop the act. You brainwashed a young girl, and I'm here to bring her home.{Concerned} Ah, you must mean Kasumi. Yes, I can understand why you would feel that way. Abandoning your entire life is... a bold step.DiMA: Kasumi is here. She's safe and unharmed, and you're free to see her, if you'd like.B1a
60Player Default: Well, in that case, I want a Nuka Cola, some Stimpaks, Kasumi Nakano returned to her family, and... hmmm... a pony.{Amused} Ha ha ha. I see. I'm afraid some of those things I'm not in a position to give.DiMA: Kasumi is here. She's safe and unharmed, and you're free to see her, if you'd like.X1a
61Player Default: What... are you?{Amused} Told you. I'm the old synth on the mountain. *chuckle*Y1a
62{Concerned} I know the plastic skin and tubes out the back can be... unsettling. But I want to ask you to look past that.Y1b
63{Concerned} Tell me why you're here, and I'll try to help you.Player Default: I came here looking for Kasumi Nakano.Y1c
64Player Default: Really? I'm impressed. Few would brave the kind of journey you've had for the sake of someone else.{Question} Kasumi is here. She's safe and unharmed, and you're free to see her, if you'd like.A1a
65{an important question to the player. you want to gauge his reaction / Question} Before you do, though, tell me: Do you think Kasumi is a synth?Nick: We're not answering any more questions until you play straight with us.A1b
66DLC03DialogueDiMA_02_NickSceneNick: Don't give me that. What are you trying to pull? I've never seen you before in my life.{patient / Concerned} Please. If you're willing to give me a chance, I can explain.Player Default: All right, DiMA. We'll humor you. Keep talking.A1a
67Player Default: All right, DiMA. We'll humor you. Keep talking.This all started over a century ago, when we were first created...DiMA: We were prototypes, Nick. The first synths capable of independent thinking and judgment.A1a
68Player Default: Nick's right, I call bullshit. You don't really know each other.{explaining to the player why he shouldn't doubt you knowing Nick / Puzzled} Is it so hard to believe? Two synths. Earlier models. Both capable of advanced thought. Both showing signs of age, wear and tear.B1a
69If we didn't know each other at all, that would be far more unlikely.DiMA: We were prototypes, Nick. The first synths capable of independent thinking and judgment.B1b
70Player Default: I know this joke. Two androids walk into a bar...{Concerned} I'm afraid the punch-line isn't going to be very funny...DiMA: We were prototypes, Nick. The first synths capable of independent thinking and judgment.X1a
71Player Default: Is this a joke? Do you really know Nick?Let me tell you what I know, and you can judge for yourself.DiMA: We were prototypes, Nick. The first synths capable of independent thinking and judgment.Y1a
72DiMA: I couldn't let them do it to you anymore. We were the only two prototypes they made. I literally saw myself in you...{emphasize "brother" / Sad} You were my brother, Nick. I helped you escape the Institute. We left together.Nick: If I were your brother, I'd remember!A1a
73Player Default: We'll talk later. This is a lot to take in...{sincere / Sad} Nick, I don't need you to believe me, I'm just glad to see you again. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here.DiMA: Now, about young Kasumi... It's important that you understand exactly why she's here.A1a
74DiMA: Nick, I don't need you to believe me, I'm just glad to see you again. Whenever you're ready, I'll be here.{Thinking} Now, about young Kasumi... It's important that you understand exactly why she's here.A1a
75{Thinking} I asked you before if you think she's really a synth. If you could indulge me with an answer...Player Default: She's a synth. That's why she left home.A1b
76{you haven't seen Nick in over 50 years. your long lost brother. things did not end well, but you always wanted to reconcile / Surprised} Nick!? It... it can't be you...Nick: Don't give me that. What are you trying to pull? I've never seen you before in my life.A1a
77Player Default: This all started over a century ago, when we were first created...{Sad} We were prototypes, Nick. The first synths capable of independent thinking and judgment.Nick: Keep talking...A1a
78Nick: Keep talking...{Sad} One of the Institute's experiments had to do with how our brains could process personality. If we could handle individualized feelings and behaviors.A1a
79{Sad} I was allowed to develop mine based on experience. But with you, they wanted to try transferring an entire personality into you.A1b
80{Sad} It took several attempts before the personality imprint worked. I saw you wake up not knowing who or what you were so many times...A1c
81{Sad} I couldn't let them do it to you anymore. We were the only two prototypes they made. I literally saw myself in you...DiMA: You were my brother, Nick. I helped you escape the Institute. We left together.A1d
82Nick: If I were your brother, I'd remember!{Sad} That's where you'd be wrong. This happened over a century ago. There's... there's only so much memory that can fit into the prototype brains we have...Nick: I've heard enough...A1a
83DLC03DialogueDiMA_02_NickSceneAltIntro{you think you see Nick Valentine, your brother, who you haven't seen in decades / Puzzled} Wait. Your friend there. I'd like to speak to him.Nick: Yeah, I got a few words I want to say myself. Starting with "who the hell are you?"A
84DLC03DialogueDiMA_03_HubScene{player botched the plan to replace High Confessor Tektus / Angry} Apparently our plan to replace Tektus has failed. I sacrificed one of my people for nothing. What could you possibly want from me now?Player Default: I should get going.A
85{Concerned} Have you found my memories? Are you ready to give them back to me?Player Default: I should get going.A
86{Thinking} Acadia is open to you. Did you need anything?Player Default: I should get going.A
87{player agreed to help retrieve your memories from the submarine base / Concerned} Please work quickly. I don't know how long my memory banks will be safe from the Children of Atom.Player Default: I should get going.A
88{Grateful} Peace on the island at last. Thank you again. What can I do for you?Player Default: I should get going.A
89{player convinced you destroying the Children of Atom was the right thing} Thank you again. You did what you had to do, and the island is safe from the Children of Atom.Player Default: I should get going.A
90{player convinced you destroying Far Harbor was the right thing} Far Harbor is gone, but this island will still have a future.Player Default: I should get going.A
91{sad over the destruction of the Children of Atom / Somber} The Nucleus is gone... Such a waste...Player Default: I should get going.A
92{Neutral} Devotion means a lot to the Children of Atom. Our plan will likely play out much easier if they believe they can trust you. Now, what did you need?Player Default: I should get going.A
93{Neutral} Let's hope that Martin's refuge turns up something useful. Now, what did you need?Player Default: I should get going.A
94{Concerned} No one's stormed the gate yet. Have you reconsidered handing over the evidence of Avery's replacement? Or did you need something else?Player Default: I should get going.A
95{Concerned} We must find some way to bring peace to the Children of Atom and Far Harbor.Player Default: I should get going.A
96{Thinking} Feel free to say whatever is on your mind.Player Default: I should get going.A
97What can I do for you?Player Default: I should get going.A
98Is there anything I can do?Player Default: I should get going.A
99Yes? What is it?Player Default: I should get going.A
100Did you need something?Player Default: I should get going.A
101Player Default: I should get going.Of course.B1a
102DLC03DialogueDiMA_04_SynthsDiMA: Yes. Either they were escapees we managed to find before the Institute could, or they were victims of a mind wipe and we revealed the truth to them.You're from the Commonwealth, like Kasumi, yes? I'm sure you've had your own experiences with my kind?Player Default: Well, I know Nick obviously.A1a
103{player asks if everyone here is a synth} Yes. Either they were escapees we managed to find before the Institute could, or they were victims of a mind wipe and we revealed the truth to them.Player Default: Well, I know Nick obviously.A1a
104Player Default: Well, I know Nick obviously.{player mentions that he obviously knows Nick Valentine, you're a bit sad at the thought of the years you've missed your brother / Sad} Yes... Of course...A1a
105What else can I do for you?Player Default: I should get going.A1b
106Player Default: Well, I know Nick obviously.{player says he's impressed by synths} That's good to hear. I hope your opinion of us only continues to get better.A2a
107Now, was there anything else?Player Default: I should get going.A2b
108Player Default: I don't really have an opinion about synths.I suppose that's fair. Ambivalence is a step closer to acceptance than hatred. Well, at least I hope...B1a
109Is there anything else?Player Default: I should get going.B1b
110Player Default: From what I've seen, synths are just machines. Nothing more.{player says synths are just machines / Concerned} Ignorance doesn't do your mind justice. Think about what you're saying. Isn't the human body "just a machine"? That doesn't stop it from being human.X1a
111{Concerned} Walk through Acadia. Talk to the synths living here. In time, I hope your opinion of us changes.X1b
112Can I help you with anything else?Player Default: I should get going.X1c
113Player Default: I'd like to hear about your experiences first.{player asks you to tell your own story before the player will answer your question / Thinking} After I left the Commonwealth, it was decades before I met another of my kind. At first, I didn't believe it.Y1a
114I'm a prototype. I escaped long before synths could pass for human. I thought the person I was talking to was deluded at first.Y1b
115And then I realized the truth. That we were the same. I didn't know it then, but that's when Acadia really started.Player Default: Well, I know Nick obviously.Y1c
116DLC03DialogueDiMA_05_Acadia{player asks what Acadia's goals are / Thinking} All I want is to bring as many synths here as I can, and give them a chance to know what they really are. To embrace it.A1a
117{Concerned} Beyond that, we just want to live in peace. I don't have any grand plans for expansion. Just existing as we are now is enough.A1b
118Was there anything else?A1c
119DLC03DialogueDiMA_06_Story{player asks what your personal story is / Thinking} I came to this island over a century ago, hiding from my creators, the Institute.A1a
120{Question} But after my escape felt secured, I was left with nothing. No programmed task, no false memories. I spent a year just sitting in a cave. Just sitting.A1b
121One day, it finally occurred that maybe I could decide for myself what to do, who I was. I've been doing that ever since.A1c
122Was there anything else?A1d
123DLC03DialogueDiMA_07_Railroad{player says he's in the Railroad / Puzzled} Really? I don't understand why a group dedicated to helping synths would convince them, through fear, that their only option is to hide.A1a
124{Sad} Yes, they volunteer for the memory wipe. Yes, not knowing you're a synth makes it harder for the Institute to find you. But the cost...A1b
125{Sad} I know how frightening it is, the risk of capture. But sacrificing what you are, avoiding the true struggle to be accepted as our own form of life...Player Default: I hadn't thought about it like that. I'm sorry.A1c
126Player Default: I hadn't thought about it like that. I'm sorry.{player says he's sorry for the Railroad's actions / Apologetic} So am I. Your heart is in the right place, and it's unfair of me to judge while I enjoy relative safety from so far away.A1a
127Was there anything else I can do for you?Player Default: I should get going.A1b
128Player Default: Ideals aren't going to protect escaped synths. We do what we have to.{Apologetic} I know that's what you think I just... No... No, I shouldn't judge. I'm over here, far from the Commonwealth. In relative safety.B1a
129Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?Player Default: I should get going.B1b
130Player Default: I didn't come to argue. I just wanted you to know we're out there. Helping your people.{Apologetic} I know. I'm... sorry. It's easy for me to worry about our ideals while I'm so far away from the Commonwealth, in relative safety.X1a
131Can I help you with anything else?Player Default: I should get going.X1b
132Player Default: Are you saying you don't want the Railroad's help?{Concerned} It's not about that. It's about how you've let fear blind your cause.Player Default: I hadn't thought about it like that. I'm sorry.Y1a
133DLC03DialogueDiMA_08_Institute{player says he's with the Institute / Impressed} That's... quite an admission to make. I'm used to the Institute striking from the shadows.A1a
134I'll say this to you: I'm not your enemy. I only wish to live here, in peace, with my people.A1b
135{Concerned} As a scientist, can you not see the value of independent synth life? You have a chance here to witness how wondrous that could be.A1c
136{Concerned} All you have to do is do nothing. Don't tell your fellow researchers about us. Don't tell them we're here.Player Default: Fine. I'll keep your secrets for now.A1d
137Player Default: Fine. I'll keep your secrets for now.{Relieved} Thank you.A1a
138Now, was there anything else I can do for you?Player Default: I should get going.A1b
139Player Default: I'm not making deals with you.{Stern} Fine. But I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not going to stoop to your level and swing first.B1a
140{Pleading} Don't squander this opportunity. Take a chance to see that synth independence is worth cultivating.B1b
141{Pleading} We really are humanity's children, and it's time for us to grow.B1c
142{Tired} Now... did you need anything else?Player Default: I should get going.B1d
143Player Default: I'll think about your offer.It's all I can ask. Give Acadia a chance. Perhaps one day, all of humanity will come to accept us. Including the Institute.X1a
144{Tired} Now... was there anything else?Player Default: I should get going.X1b
145Player Default: I don't suppose there's any way you and your people would return to the Institute peacefully?{Concerned} I appreciate the offer. I do, actually. No one wants bloodshed.Y1a
146{Confident} But we can't go back. And I'm not going to hide. If you want us, fine, but we'll fight for this. For Acadia's existence.Y1b
147{Concerned} Consider my offer. Don't say anything. What have you got to lose?Y1c
148{Tired} Now... did you need anything else?Player Default: I should get going.Y1d
149DLC03DialogueDiMA_09_Brotherhood{player says he's in the Brotherhood of Steel, and that synths are dangerous / Pleading} We're not dangerous. Those who've used us. Tried to replace humans with my kind. They're dangerous.A1a
150{Pleading} All we want is to live in peace. On our own. See for yourself. Walk through Acadia. Talk to my people. We aren't a threat to anyone.Player Default: All right. I'll reserve judgement for now.A1b
151Player Default: All right. I'll reserve judgement for now.{Relieved} Thank you.A1a
152Now, was there anything else I can do for you?Player Default: I should get going.A1b
153Player Default: The very fact that synths exist is a threat to humanity.{Stern} You're set on this? Fine. But I'm not going anywhere, and I'm not going to stoop to your level and swing first.B1a
154{Pleading} Don't squander this opportunity. Take a chance to see that synths aren't the danger you've been told we are.B1b
155{Pleading} If we're nothing but technology to you, then remember it's how technology is used that's important. Not it's mere existence.B1c
156{Tired} Now... did you need anything else?Player Default: I should get going.B1d
157Player Default: I guess we'll see.It's all I can ask. Give Acadia a chance. Perhaps one day, all of humanity will come to accept us. Even the Brotherhood.X1a
158{Tired} Now... was there anything else?Player Default: I should get going.X1b
159Player Default: I don't suppose there's anyway you and your people will surrender peacefully?{Concerned} I appreciate that, I do. But judging by the reputation your leaders have, I doubt they would accept surrender even if I wanted to offer it.Y1a
160{Confident} Even if they would take us prisoner, we can't live in cages ever again. If you want us, fine, but we'll fight for this. For Acadia's existence.Y1b
161{Concerned} Consider my offer. Just see what we're trying to accomplish here. What have you got to lose?Y1c
162{Tired} Now... did you need anything else?Player Default: I should get going.Y1d
163DLC03DialogueDiMA_10_InstituteDestroyed{player says he's destroyed the Institute / Surprised} What? It's over? No more Courser hunts? No more slavery?A1a
164{Sad} But that also means the technology to make the synths is lost. Our origins have been buried. Not to mention, the loss of human life...A1b
165{Apologetic} Sorry. I'm not going to judge the actions of someone who's wiped out a great evil. You have our gratitude.A1c
166Is there anything else you need?A1d
167DLC03DialogueDiMA_11_PlayerHasMemoriesScene{Concerned} I hope you don't mind, but I had Chase shadow you. She saw you entering and leaving the Nucleus.DiMA: What have you done? By attacking the Children of Atom, you've tipped their zealotry over the edge. There's no hope for peace, now.A
168DLC03MaleDiMA: I hope you don't mind, but I had Chase shadow you. She saw you entering and leaving the Nucleus.{player attacked the Children of Atom, ruining any chance for peace / Stern} What have you done? By attacking the Children of Atom, you've tipped their zealotry over the edge. There's no hope for peace, now.DiMA: *sigh* What did you find in my memory banks? We can at least try to protect Far Harbor.A1a
169DLC03MaleDiMA: I hope you don't mind, but I had Chase shadow you. She saw you entering and leaving the Nucleus.{you asked the player to retrieve your memories / Nervous} So... what was in my memory banks? Are we closer to resolving the conflict on this island peacefully?A2a
170DLC03MaleDiMA: I hope you don't mind, but I had Chase shadow you. She saw you entering and leaving the Nucleus.{the player has been sneaking around and retrieved your memories without your knowledge / Suspicious} And Faraday tells me that there's been some theft from his office. A certain computer program he and I had been working on.A3a
171So... you know about my memories. I can only ask you to return whatever you've found to me. They are mine, after all.A3b
172DLC03DialogueDiMA_12_PlayerAttackedCoADLC03MaleDiMA: What have you done? By attacking the Children of Atom, you've tipped their zealotry over the edge. There's no hope for peace, now.{Tired} *sigh* What did you find in my memory banks? We can at least try to protect Far Harbor.A1a
173DLC03MaleDiMA: What have you done? By attacking the Children of Atom, you've tipped their zealotry over the edge. There's no hope for peace, now.{Tired} *sigh* We have to figure out something else...A2a
174DLC03DialogueDiMA_FactionBothDestroyed{player destroyed both Far Harbor and the Children of Atom / Angry} Far Harbor, the Nucleus, they're both gone...DiMA: You have brought nothing but death to this island. Why? Do you just enjoy it?A
175DLC03MaleDiMA: Far Harbor, the Nucleus, they're both gone...{Angry} You have brought nothing but death to this island. Why? Do you just enjoy it?Player Default: Both groups deserved it. The Children of Atom were insane, and Far Harbor wasn't any better.A1a
176DiMA: You have brought nothing but death to this island. Why? Do you just enjoy it?{Angry} You make me sick.Player Default: Both groups deserved it. The Children of Atom were insane, and Far Harbor wasn't any better.A1a
177Player Default: Both groups deserved it. The Children of Atom were insane, and Far Harbor wasn't any better.{Suspicious} And now it's just us, alone on this mountain. Should I be grateful that you've spared Acadia? Or are you just toying with me?DiMA: I am done talking to you. I have to prepare Acadia for living in this new, terrible world you've handed us.A1a
178Player Default: Be careful, DiMA, or you and your people are next.{Stern} We continue to live only out of the goodness of your heart, is that it?DiMA: I am done talking to you. I have to prepare Acadia for living in this new, terrible world you've handed us.B1a
179Player Default: I had my reasons. You have no right to judge me.{Stern} But it's my people and I that inherit the consequences. We are alone on this island, now. Should I be grateful that you've spared us?DiMA: I am done talking to you. I have to prepare Acadia for living in this new, terrible world you've handed us.X1a
180Player Default: I had nothing to do with it.{Stern} Please. Don't insult me. I know it was you.Player Default: Both groups deserved it. The Children of Atom were insane, and Far Harbor wasn't any better.Y1a
181Player Default: And now it's just us, alone on this mountain. Should I be grateful that you've spared Acadia? Or are you just toying with me?{Stern} I am done talking to you. I have to prepare Acadia for living in this new, terrible world you've handed us.A1a
182{Stern} I hope, for your sake, that you can live with all that blood on your hands.A1b
183DLC03DialogueDiMA_FactionChildrenDestroyed{player has destroyed the Children of Atom by detonating a nuclear missile / Stern} I saw the atomic blast from here. Felt it shake the island.DiMA: What have you done? For all of their faults, the Children of Atom did not deserve nuclear annihilation.A
184Player Default: But very well, if they decided that Atom had called them... to His side, then that was their choice to make.*sigh* I... am tired... And what's done is done... Was there anything else?A1a
185Player Default: But very well, if they decided that Atom had called them... to His side, then that was their choice to make.{Sad} *sigh* I... am tired... Please, I need time alone to think about what has happened. Plan for Acadia's future now that... so much has changed.A2a
186DLC03MaleDiMA: I saw the atomic blast from here. Felt it shake the island.{Stern} What have you done? For all of their faults, the Children of Atom did not deserve nuclear annihilation.DiMA: What about our plan to replace Tektus? I sacrificed one of my people for nothing! Why have you done this?A1a
187Player Default: Atom's plan for them was to embrace Division. They left this world following their beliefs.{Suspicious} With help from you. And I notice you did not embrace Division yourself.A1a
188{Somber} But very well, if they decided that Atom had called them... to His side, then that was their choice to make.DiMA: *sigh* I... am tired... And what's done is done... Was there anything else?A1b
189Player Default: Atom's plan for them was to embrace Division. They left this world following their beliefs.{Concerned} So you sacrificed them? Was there no better way? They were misguided, but doesn't every form of life deserve a chance at redemption?DiMA: *sigh* I... am tired... And what's done is done... Was there anything else?A2a
190Player Default: They were crazy. Someone had to stop them before they killed more people.{retorting the player's words / Concerned} But YOU have killed them. Don't you understand? What victory can anyone claim when they're drowning in blood?DiMA: *sigh* I... am tired... And what's done is done... Was there anything else?B1a
191Player Default: You don't get to lecture me, DiMA. I made a decision while you were cowering on top of this mountain.{Stern} Don't turn this on me. I haven't destroyed an entire people. Did their existence mean so little to you?DiMA: *sigh* I... am tired... And what's done is done... Was there anything else?X1a
192Player Default: I had nothing to do with it.We both know that isn't true.Player Default: Atom's plan for them was to embrace Division. They left this world following their beliefs.Y1a
193DLC03DialogueDiMA_FactionChildrenDestroyed02{player convinced you that destroying the Children of Atom was the right thing to do / Sad} So you've done what we discussed. I saw the atomic blast from here. Felt it shake the island.DiMA: In a way, I suppose the Children of Atom have become one with the Fog they thought was their god's messenger...A
194DLC03MaleDiMA: So you've done what we discussed. I saw the atomic blast from here. Felt it shake the island.{you agreed with the player that the Children of Atom needed to be destroyed / Somber} In a way, I suppose the Children of Atom have become one with the Fog they thought was their god's messenger...Player Default: I convinced them to embrace Division. They left this world following their beliefs.A1a
195Player Default: I convinced them to embrace Division. They left this world following their beliefs.{Sad} Yes. At least they made that choice for themselves.DiMA: Was there anything else you needed?A1a
196Player Default: I convinced them to embrace Division. They left this world following their beliefs.{player said you did the right thing} Yes, you're right. The future of the island is secured. That's what matters.DiMA: Was there anything else you needed?A2a
197Player Default: They were crazy. Someone had to stop them before they killed more people.{Puzzled} The cycle of violence can only end when one side is completely destroyed? Maybe there's some truth to that...DiMA: Was there anything else you needed?B1a
198Player Default: I'd say that was definitely in my top three best nuclear explosions I've witnessed.{Puzzled} I only have the one to reference, so I'll take your word on it.DiMA: Was there anything else you needed?X1a
199Player Default: Any regrets?No. You were right. Acadia had to pick a side.DiMA: Was there anything else you needed?Y1a
200Player Default: Yes. At least they made that choice for themselves.Was there anything else you needed?A1a
201Player Default: Yes. At least they made that choice for themselves.{talking to the player, who had to decide which side to take in the conflict} Thank you. You've made some hard choices, but in the end, I think the island is better for them.A2a
202Now, if you don't mind. I'm a bit tired, and there's the rest of Acadia's future I need to plan for...A2b
203DLC03DialogueDiMA_FactionFarHarborDestroyed{player has destroyed Far Harbor by destroying their protection from the Fog / Disgust} The Fog has swept over Far Harbor. Everyone in the town is dead, torn apart and eaten by the creatures of the island.DiMA: What have you done?A
204DiMA: What have you done?{player agreed to replace tektus, but then went ahead and destroyed the Nucleus or Far Harbor / Angry} What about our plan to replace Tektus? I sacrificed one of my people for nothing! Why have you done this?Player Default: I'm sorry, DiMA, but Far Harbor and the Children would never have been able to co-exist.A1a
205DLC03MaleDiMA: The Fog has swept over Far Harbor. Everyone in the town is dead, torn apart and eaten by the creatures of the island.{Stern} What have you done?DiMA: What about our plan to replace Tektus? I sacrificed one of my people for nothing! Why have you done this?A1a
206Player Default: I'm sorry, DiMA, but Far Harbor and the Children would never have been able to co-exist.{Stern} I'm just supposed to accept that? This... mass-murder you've committed?DiMA: I am done talking to you. I have to prepare Acadia for living in this new, terrible world you've handed us.A1a
207Player Default: I have done Atom's bidding. Cleansed this land of the unfaithful!{Stern} So... Child of Atom... a new, grisly chapter has opened in your faith's history. The day the "holy" have committed mass-murder.DiMA: I am done talking to you. I have to prepare Acadia for living in this new, terrible world you've handed us.B1a
208Player Default: I made a choice, DiMA. That's more than you've done.{Angry} Don't you dare turn this around on me. I am not the one who's committed mass-murder!DiMA: I am done talking to you. I have to prepare Acadia for living in this new, terrible world you've handed us.X1a
209Player Default: I had nothing to do with it.{Stern} Don't lie to me. Tell me why you murdered all those people.Player Default: I'm sorry, DiMA, but Far Harbor and the Children would never have been able to co-exist.Y1a
210Player Default: I'm just supposed to accept that? This... mass-murder you've committed?{Angry} I am done talking to you. I have to prepare Acadia for living in this new, terrible world you've handed us.A1a
211{Angry} I hope, for your sake, that you can live with all that blood on your hands.A1b
212DLC03DialogueDiMA_FactionFarHarborDestroyed02{player convinced you to destroy Far Harbor / Sad} So, as we planned, the Fog has swept over Far Harbor. Everyone in the town is dead, torn apart and eaten by the creatures of the island.DiMA: Just as the Children of Atom wanted, we've helped them "purify" this land of the unclean.A
213DLC03MaleDiMA: So, as we planned, the Fog has swept over Far Harbor. Everyone in the town is dead, torn apart and eaten by the creatures of the island.{regretful / Sad} Just as the Children of Atom wanted, we've helped them "purify" this land of the unclean.Player Default: Don't second guess yourself, DiMA. We did the right thing.A1a
214Player Default: Don't second guess yourself, DiMA. We did the right thing.{Confident} You're right. We can only move forward now.DiMA: Thank you. You've made some hard choices, but in the end, I think the island is better for them.A1a
215Player Default: Now Acadia is on the side of Atom. The right side.I suppose you're right. Our two people will have to work together as long as we're on this island.DiMA: Thank you. You've made some hard choices, but in the end, I think the island is better for them.B1a
216Player Default: Far Harbor was an ignorant stain on this island.{Somber} I suppose we get the privilege of deciding that. There's that old saying about winners and history...DiMA: Thank you. You've made some hard choices, but in the end, I think the island is better for them.X1a
217Player Default: Any regrets, DiMA?Don't worry. I still think you were right. Acadia had to pick a side.DiMA: Thank you. You've made some hard choices, but in the end, I think the island is better for them.Y1a
218DLC03DialogueDiMA_NukeKeySceneDiMA: Give me a moment, I need to... remember for myself.{Disappointed in your past behavior. / Concerned} So I chose to forget the launch key even existed. Poor Confessor Martin. Was I lying to him all that time?A1a
219{Concerned} The submarine is rusted into the dry dock. The only target that missile is ever going to hit is the base itself. The Nucleus. Where the Children of Atom live.DiMA: We have to keep that key out of the wrong hands. The Nucleus has innocent people living there among the zealots threatening Far Harbor.A1b
220{player hands you a holotape with your memories on it} Give me a moment, I need to... remember for myself.DiMA: So I chose to forget the launch key even existed. Poor Confessor Martin. Was I lying to him all that time?A1a
221Player Default: I found the launch key, already. I'll make sure it's never used.{Relieved} Thank you. Was there anything else in my memories? Some way we can work towards peace?Player Default: I should get going.A1a
222Player Default: That key is the answer, DiMA. We should destroy the Nucleus.{Surprised} You're serious? How would that solve anything?Player Default: Acadia can't stay neutral any longer, DiMA. You need Far Harbor to survive. Help them get rid of this cult.B1a
223Player Default: We should destroy them both. Far Harbor and the Children of Atom don't deserve to live.{player suggests destroying both the Children of Atom and Far Harbor / Disgust} You're advocating nothing but senseless destruction. Maybe Acadia could survive siding with one group, but killing off both? It would never work.Player Default: I found the launch key, already. I'll make sure it's never used.X1a
224Player Default: Is the Nucleus even worth saving?{player asks if the Children of Atom are worth saving / Concerned} Don't judge them by what Confessor Tektus has done. He's used their fears and hatred to turn them into a weapon against Far Harbor.Y1a
225{Concerned} But there's still time to turn them away from that.Player Default: I found the launch key, already. I'll make sure it's never used.Y1b
226DiMA: The submarine is rusted into the dry dock. The only target that missile is ever going to hit is the base itself. The Nucleus. Where the Children of Atom live.{Sad} We have to keep that key out of the wrong hands. The Nucleus has innocent people living there among the zealots threatening Far Harbor.Player Default: I found the launch key, already. I'll make sure it's never used.A1a
227DiMA: The submarine is rusted into the dry dock. The only target that missile is ever going to hit is the base itself. The Nucleus. Where the Children of Atom live.{player previously attacked the Children of Atom, so there is no hope for peace / Stern} Your actions have forced my hand with this decision. Now that the Nucleus thinks it's under siege, there's only one course left.A2a
228You have to find and use that launch key. At least we'll be preventing the Children of Atom from destroying Far Harbor.Player Default: I found the launch key, already. I'll make sure it's never used.A2b
229Player Default: Acadia can't stay neutral any longer, DiMA. You need Far Harbor to survive. Help them get rid of this cult.{player convinces you that the Children of Atom are too dangerous to let live / Depressed} Maybe you're right. Have I let this go on for too long? Have I just been afraid to admit what they've really become?A1a
230{Concerned} Very well. Find the key and use it. End this before both sides pay the price of our inaction. Just remember, there will be no turning back...A1b
231Player Default: Acadia can't stay neutral any longer, DiMA. You need Far Harbor to survive. Help them get rid of this cult.{player tries to convince you that blowing up the Children of Atom is the right thing to do / Stern} Nuclear genocide is not acceptable, no matter the circumstances!A2a
232{Concerned} We have to find another way. My memories have to hold an answer where both sides can live. Have you found anything else?Player Default: I should get going.A2b
233Player Default: Never mind, then. It was just a thought.{Suspicious} Very well... but we still need to decide what to do about the key...Player Default: I found the launch key, already. I'll make sure it's never used.B1a
234Player Default: The Children of Atom believe in Division. Deep down, nuclear destruction is what they want. They just need to be convinced.{convinced that the player is right / Depressed} I remember having these same debates a long time ago... Maybe it's time I accept the logical conclusion...Y1a
235{Depressed} Very well. If you can convince Confessor Tektus that Division is the answer his people are looking for... then the conflict will solve itself.Y1b
236It won't be easy as an outsider, even a new convert. But if you prove to them you can be trusted by helping them, then... Tektus might be easier to sway.Y1c
237DLC03DialogueDiMA_WindFarmScene{player hands you a holotape with your memories on it} Let me see this...DiMA: I remember. I was afraid that Far Harbor might turn against us. See us as too different for their precious island.A1a
238Player Default: Don't worry, DiMA. I already have the code. Far Harbor is safe.{Relieved} Good. Now we just need to find some way to end this conflict. Have you found anything else in my memories?Player Default: I should get going.A1a
239Player Default: We should use the code, DiMA. Far Harbor should die.{Surprised} What? How can you say that?Player Default: Because you need to make a decision, DiMA. Whose side are you on? I side with Atom.B1a
240Player Default: Why save them? Don't the Children have reasons for hating Far Harbor?{Sad} When the Fog got worse, the people of Far Harbor killed a Child of Atom Missionary. There's been nothing but hatred and bloodshed since.Y1a
241{Stern} But murder is not the solution.Player Default: Don't worry, DiMA. I already have the code. Far Harbor is safe.Y1b
242DiMA: Then I hid the memory because I couldn't even stand knowing I made it.{Concerned} What have I done? If the Children of Atom were to ever get a hold of that code, they would destroy Far Harbor.Player Default: Don't worry, DiMA. I already have the code. Far Harbor is safe.A1a
243DiMA: Then I hid the memory because I couldn't even stand knowing I made it.{player previously attacked the Children of Atom / Concerned} We can't let the Children of Atom get that code. Especially now that they think they're under attack.A2a
244{Depressed} Have you found anything in my memories that can... solve this problem?A2b
245DiMA: Then I hid the memory because I couldn't even stand knowing I made it.{Concerned} We have no choice. We can't risk the Children of Atom ever getting that code. You have the launch key. You'll... need to use it.Player Default: Don't worry, DiMA. I already have the code. Far Harbor is safe.A3a
246Player Default: Because you need to make a decision, DiMA. Whose side are you on? I side with Atom.{player convinces you to take a side between Far Harbor and the Children of Atom / Concerned} You're... you're right. I can't stay neutral in this any longer. Acadia has to take a side.A1a
247{Sad} Use the code, but remember, there will be no going back. The Fog will roll into Far Harbor, and the creatures of the island will kill everyone.A1b
248Player Default: Because you need to make a decision, DiMA. Whose side are you on? I side with Atom.{player fails to convince you to choose sides between the Children of Atom and Far Harbor / Stern} No. I won't shed blood for this. Far Harbor and the Children can both live if we find a way.A2a
249{desperate / Worried} What else have you found in my memories? The answer must be in there. It has to be...Player Default: I should get going.A2b
250Player Default: I misspoke. Sorry.{Suspicious} I see... That still leaves us with what to do about the code...Player Default: Don't worry, DiMA. I already have the code. Far Harbor is safe.B1a
251DiMA: Let me see this...{Disappointed in your past behavior. / Concerned} I remember. I was afraid that Far Harbor might turn against us. See us as too different for their precious island.A1a
252{Disbelief} So I made a contingency plan. Mass murder. I hid the kill switch code because I couldn't stomach the thought of actually using it.A1b
253{Disgust} Then I hid the memory because I couldn't even stand knowing I made it.DiMA: What have I done? If the Children of Atom were to ever get a hold of that code, they would destroy Far Harbor.A1c
254-{the player destroyed the Children of Atom, you are somber over the loss of life / Somber} No more questions. I have to focus on our future...A
255{the player destroyed the Children of Atom, you are somber over the loss of life / Somber} I'm afraid I can't help you anymore. If I could be left alone...A
256{the player destroyed the Children of Atom, you are somber over the loss of life / Somber} I'm tired, and there's nothing more to discuss.A
257{if Far Harbor was destroyed, previously told the player that you want nothing more to do with him / Stern} We have nothing more to discuss. Leave.A
258{if Far Harbor was destroyed, previously told the player that you want nothing more to do with him / Stern} Leave us in peace. What little we can salvage.A
259{if Far Harbor was destroyed, previously told the player that you want nothing more to do with him / Stern} We are done here.A
260{player brought peace by replacing Confessor Tektus / Happy} You did well. Peace will come to this island. The Children of Atom and Far Harbor are safe.A
261{player brought peace by replacing Confessor Tektus / Happy} Now that Confessor Tektus has had a change of heart, we'll be able to negotiate with the Children of Atom and Far Harbor.A
262{player brought peace by replacing Confessor Tektus / Happy} Thank you for everything you've done. Acadia will always be open to you.A


263DLC03MQ04Memory01ScenePlayer Default: Memory file identification: 0V-9AX0. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.{recording, talking to yourself} Things are not going well with Far Harbor. Several of my people have been assaulted, spat at, interrogated for no reason.A1a
264This is getting out of control, but there's still a chance they can learn to trust us. We just need one of their own who's on our side.A1b
265I can't let anyone know what I'm about to do. I'll need to set up the equipment far away from Acadia. It'll double as a place to bury the evidence.Player Default: Additional location data appended. A make-shift medical facility underneath the Vim! Pop Factory. Coordinates downloaded.A1c
266DLC03MQ04Memory02ScenePlayer Default: Memory file identification: 0J-2NN8. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.{recording, talking to yourself} I'm offloading this memory. I cannot bear lying to Confessor Martin and his Children of Atom any longer. Better to just forget.A1a
267I found it. The location of the launch key to fire the nuclear missile inside the submarine.A1b
268Confessor Martin believes it can bring his people into Division. Destruction at the hands of an atomic blast. He struggles with how literal his interpretation of that precept should be.A1c
269I can't risk him deciding to find the key and use it. His people were the first to... accept me for what I am. The thought of them being gone fills me with nothing but pain.Player Default: Additional data appended. Location: The Harbor Grand Hotel Safe Room. Keycode: 485130.A1d
270DLC03MQ04Memory03ScenePlayer Default: Memory file identification: 0H-3X0P. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.{Neutral} I've made a contingency plan in case Far Harbor discovers the truth, or gives in to their xenophobia despite all my efforts.A1a
271{Concerned} I've isolated the wind turbine powering Far Harbor's Fog Condensers. A kill switch command will leave them defenseless from the Fog and its creatures.A1b
272{Concerned} But now that's it done, am I really capable of this? This... massacre, that I've engineered...A1c
273{Concerned} I'm going to remove the command code from my memories. I'll bury a hardcopy if I need to use it, but I can't keep it close to me. It makes me sick...Player Default: Additional location data appended. Coordinates to the Kill Switch Command Code and the Wind Farm Maintenance Building.A1d
274DLC03MQ04Memory04ScenePlayer Default: Get away from me! What the hell are you?{DiMA and Nick Valentine escape the Institute. Nick wakes up but thinks DiMA is a monster / Afraid} It's me! We escaped the Institute together. You're my brother!Player Default: I don't have a brother! The name's Nick Valentine, and no one in my family tree is a plastic-skinned freak!A1a
275Player Default: I don't have a brother! The name's Nick Valentine, and no one in my family tree is a plastic-skinned freak!{DiMA and Nick Valentine escape the Institute. Nick wakes up but thinks DiMA is a monster / Afraid} You're just confused, let me help...Player Default: *sounds of struggling* Stay away from me!A1a
276Player Default: *sounds of struggling* Stay away from me!{SOUND FX NEEDED, DiMA and Nick Valentine escape the Institute. Nick wakes up but thinks DiMA is a monster / Afraid} *sounds of punching, fist fighting* I don't want to hurt you!Player Default: *more sounds of punching, then someone falling, then sounds of pummeling*A1a
277Player Default: *sounds of punching, fist fighting* I don't want to hurt you!{SOUND FX NEEDED, DiMA and Nick Valentine escape the Institute. Nick wakes up but thinks DiMA is a monster / Afraid} *more sounds of punching, then someone falling, then sounds of pummeling*Player Default: *heavy breathing* Goodbye... Brother...A1a
278Player Default: *more sounds of punching, then someone falling, then sounds of pummeling*{DiMA and Nick Valentine escape the Institute. Nick wakes up but thinks DiMA is a monster / Sad} *heavy breathing* Goodbye... Brother...Player Default: End playback.A1a
279DLC03MQ04Memory05ScenePlayer Default: Memory file identification: 0Y-8K7D. Converted to audio transcription. Beginning playback.{holotape recording / Neutral} I've discovered a curious record inside the prewar data files of this submarine base.A1a
280The marines here were equipped with an advanced model of combat armor. There are several suits already in the base, in various states of deterioration.A1b
281But there were more shipments of the armor on its way to the base, the day the bombs fell. They could be in prime condition if the sealants have held.A1c
282I have no use for them, but you never know. Maybe they'll be worth digging up one day...Player Default: Additional data appended. "Armor Shipments Tracking Information." Coordinates downloaded.A1d
283DLC03MQ05SynthReplacementScenePlayer Default: I'm ready. I just... wish I could say goodbye to everyone.{holotape recording, gentle but honest / Concerned} No one else can know. This isn't just about infiltrating Far Harbor. It's about becoming the human that synths drawn here need to meet.A1a
284{Concerned} Reasonable, willing to accept them as just another living thing. No greater or lesser than humanity itself.A1b
285{Concerned} You'll be part of the bridge between our two worlds. That all vanishes the moment anyone discovers that it's been manufactured. That you're a synth.Player Default: Did she have to die? The woman I'm replacing? God... She looks so peaceful lying there...A1c
286Player Default: Did she have to die? The woman I'm replacing? God... She looks so peaceful lying there...{holotape recording, gentle and reassuring but honest / Concerned} Don't. Please. That blood is on my hands. Not yours...A1a
287Player Default: Is it... is it going to be painful?{holotape recording, gentle but honest, about to perform a medical procedure to allow someone to infiltrate a town as someone else / Concerned} Yes... It's going to be like having everything you are ripped out and replaced with something elsPlayer Default: I'm ready. I just... wish I could say goodbye to everyone.A1a
288DLC03MQ06a_ExplainingDivision{Neutral} I have to say I'm surprised.A1a
289{Neutral} I had assumed you and your followers would be more adamantly hunting for the sub's launch key.Player Default: I hope we haven't disappointed you too greatly. I'd hate to anger our landlord.A1b
290Player Default: I hope we haven't disappointed you too greatly. I'd hate to anger our landlord.{Neutral} I believe I'll survive. But am I mistaken? Does your god not require you die in a nuclear blast? Is that not why you've taken up in the Nucleus?Player Default: It's not a transaction, DiMA. Atom requires nothing of us. He has granted us a chance to become something greater.A1a
291Player Default: We are simply accepting the opportunity His Glow presents, whatever form it may take.{Implication here is that your friend would nuke himself and his family, which is part of their religion. / Neutral} So if you found the launch key, you wouldn't use it?Player Default: That... I don't know.A1a
292Player Default: That... I don't know.{Some gravity here. You asked a friend a serious question. / Neutral} Are you afraid?Player Default: I'd be mad to say I wasn't. But... we've made a home for ourselves here. Friends. A family.A1a
293Player Default: I'd be mad to say I wasn't. But... we've made a home for ourselves here. Friends. A family.{Some gravity here. You asked a friend a serious question. / Neutral} A place you belong.Player Default: Exactly. The Nucleus, it is a blessing of the truest order... it would be hard to leave such a gift, even if it is for another.A1a
294Player Default: But, regardless, the key is lost. So until Atom sees fit to return it, I'd dare say you're stuck with us.{A little playfully. A good friend said "You're stuck with me." / Neutral} I believe I'll survive.A1a
295DLC03MQ06a_TheExecutionPlayer Default: DiMA, something must be done.{Suggesting a friend should exile a troublesome member of his family. / Neutral} Exile?Player Default: Exodus. I think it's time you and I convinced the citizens of Far Harbor to leave.A1a
296Player Default: Exodus. I think it's time you and I convinced the citizens of Far Harbor to leave.{You're a little shocked at this suggestion. / Neutral} You can't be serious.Player Default: You know as well as I they're not meant for this place. The Fog grows thicker every year.A1a
297Player Default: How long before the condensers are finally overwhelmed? It's not banishment, DiMA. It's mercy.{Trying to gently convince a friend you can't act as envoy on his behalf. / Apologetic} I'm sorry, Martin, but no. They have as much right to be here as you do.Player Default: Right? This place is trying to kill them. And now my people are at my throat because of the mess you created by allowing them to stay!A1a
298Player Default: And if you can't recognize that... then I suppose there's no reason for you to be here. I think you should go.{Trying to convince your friend not to be mad. / Neutral} Martin, please. This can be solved in other ways.Player Default: Get. Out.A1a
299Player Default: Get. Out.{A friend has just told you he doesn't want to speak to you. You're trying to take the high road. Heavy sigh before beginning. / Neutral} Very well. We'll talk again... when you come to your senses...A1a
300Player Default: Thank you for coming so quickly.{Sympathetic. A group of your friends followers were executed. / Neutral} I heard about the execution. I can't believe they killed your missionary, Martin. I'm sorry.Player Default: Brother Andrews. A good soul. The fault... is mine. If I'd realized things had become so tense in Far Harbor, I would've never let him leave.A1a
301Player Default: They blame us for the Fog overrunning the town, DiMA. And now the Children... it's Tektus. He won't listen. He wants to prepare for war.{Concerned. Things are becoming tense on the island. / Concerned} Do you believe the others will follow him?Player Default: Time was, I would've laughed at such a notion, but now...A1a


302DLC03MQ03_03_EavesdropScene{having a meeting with your trusted advisors about the brewing conflict on the island / Concerned} We need to accomplish this without bloodshed. Far Harbor and the Children of Atom have a right to exist on this island. The same as us.Chase: They're going to kill each other, DiMA. There's no stopping it. We need to pick a side now.A1a
303Faraday: Haven't we already picked a side? Building the Fog Condensers around Far Harbor wasn't exactly a neutral act.{Concerned} We couldn't stand by and let the people of this island die to the Fog.Chase: Just like you couldn't just leave the Cult of Atom without a home? Giving them the submarine base was a mistake.A1a
304Chase: "The Nucleus", as they're calling it, is basically one big fortified position.{Concerned} Far Harbor had cast them out. They have strange beliefs, but they have always accepted us for what we are. And Confessor Martin was a friend.Chase: Well the new Confessor isn't. "High Confessor" Tektus is an unstable megalomaniac and he's going to keep threatening us as long as we're helping Far Harbor.A1a
305Faraday: Guys. Can we talk about the elephant in the room? We keep dancing around it.{Concerned} My old memory banks in the submarine base.Chase: I can't believe you never told me about those. I have to wait until they become a security risk.A1a
306Chase: I can't believe you never told me about those. I have to wait until they become a security risk.{regretful / Concerned} I know how it looks in hindsight, but at the time, it was an act of trust. I was honestly more worried they'd accidentally trip the prewar security and get hurt.A1a
307{regretful / Somber} Giving the Children my old home. Allowing them to safeguard my old memories. I thought our people would be working together.Chase: *sigh* Just how secure are the banks? How long do we have? And what's in them?A1b
308Chase: *sigh* Just how secure are the banks? How long do we have? And what's in them?{Tired} I've gone over this before, Chase. I don't know what's in them. That's how it works. It's as close to "forgetting" something as I have.A1a
309{Concerned} But I've run some projections of... worst-case scenarios. If we do nothing, and the wrong knowledge falls in the wrong hands...Chase: So send me over there. I'll be in and out in a day.A1b
310Chase: So send me over there. I'll be in and out in a day.{Worried} We can't risk it. They know you're from Acadia. If you're caught or even seen, then it's war.Faraday: We should at least prepare her to go in. We're running out of options. I say we tell her how to crack into the memory banks.A1a
311Chase: You've been working on this without me?{Tired} It came up in a private moment, Chase. But yes, we've been writing a program that will let you access and download my memories.A1a
312It's not going to be like a normal hack. You'll be breaking through a version of my own mental network. It'll consider you to be an intruder.A1b
313I've loaded the program with some instructions I've recorded that will help guide you through it. I'm afraid it's difficult to explain without seeing it for yourself.Faraday: I'm finishing up some tweaks to the program right now. I'll leave a copy of it for you on my desk when I'm done.A1c
314Chase: Get the program. Use it to break into the memory banks. Got it.{Concerned} Hopefully you won't have to. We'll keep monitoring the situation. I only want you going in if we have no other choice.A1a
315DLC03MQ03_04_DiMAPersuadePlayer Default: Well, I guess that just means I've picked the right person for the job.{Concerned} One more thing before you leave. Whatever you do, don't assault the Children of Atom directly.A1a
316{Concerned} Our ultimate goal must be to bring peace. If you attack them, they'll consider themselves at war with the outside world.Companion: I've got no love for those mindless fanatics at the Nucleus. I won't complain if it comes to violence. Hell, I'm hopin' it does.A1b
317{player tells you that Kasumi is suspicious of you because she saw the potential death projections for Far Harbor / Concerned} That's unfortunate. She should be focusing on herself, her new life. She shouldn't have to bear the burden of theA1a
318{Apologetic} Please, this is a matter best left to me and my advisors. We aren't planning to destroy the island.A1b
319{Apologetic} Those projections were merely to help us realize the cost of inaction.Companion: Sounds like a lot of fancy talk aimed at throwin' us off the trail. Must mean we're on to somethin'.A1c
320Player Default: If this thing involves the whole island, then you need help. I can be your problem-solver if you let me in.{persuaded by the player to talk / Thinking} I suppose there's something to be said about refusing help even when it's offered and you're in need.DiMA: There's a conflict that's been brewing on this island, shortly after we built Acadia. Between Far Harbor and the Children of Atom.A1a
321Player Default: If this thing involves the whole island, then you need help. I can be your problem-solver if you let me in.{not persuaded by the player to talk / Stern} I'm sorry, but I have to insist. This is a matter of security for all of Acadia.Player Default: If this thing involves the whole island, then you need help. I can be your problem-solver if you let me in.A2a
322Player Default: Fine, keep your secrets.That would be best.DiMA: There's a conflict that's been brewing on this island, shortly after we built Acadia. Between Far Harbor and the Children of Atom.B1a
323Player Default: I'm getting sick of this whole "noble leader" bullshit from you, DiMA. Now stop hiding and tell me the truth.{persuaded to talk / Tired} All right. You've made your point.DiMA: There's a conflict that's been brewing on this island, shortly after we built Acadia. Between Far Harbor and the Children of Atom.X1a
324Player Default: I'm getting sick of this whole "noble leader" bullshit from you, DiMA. Now stop hiding and tell me the truth.{not persuaded to talk / Stern} This isn't about who's being honest, this is about the future of Acadia. And that's our business.Player Default: If this thing involves the whole island, then you need help. I can be your problem-solver if you let me in.X2a
325Player Default: What are you talking about? What are you planning?{Concerned} That's my responsibility to bear. I'd ask that you not trouble yourself with it.Player Default: If this thing involves the whole island, then you need help. I can be your problem-solver if you let me in.Y1a
326Player Default: I suppose there's something to be said about refusing help even when it's offered and you're in need.{Concerned} There's a conflict that's been brewing on this island, shortly after we built Acadia. Between Far Harbor and the Children of Atom.Chase: Simply put: They want to kill each other, and each side wants us to help them.A1a
327Faraday: We've tried to stay neutral, but Far Harbor was going to be wiped out by the Fog, so that's when we built the Condensers for them.{Concerned} And I was friends with the previous leader of the Children of Atom, Confessor Martin. I even gave them their headquarters, the submarine base they named the Nucleus.Chase: Which was a mistake, because Martin is gone and the new Confessor, Tektus, is completely insane.A1a
328Chase: Which was a mistake, because Martin is gone and the new Confessor, Tektus, is completely insane.{Concerned} He's been threatening us, to force us to choose a side. I left behind something very important in that submarine base I gave them.Faraday: DiMA's earliest memories are stored in the military computer banks in that base. The prewar security systems and Confessor Martin's good will were supposed to keep them safe.A1a
329Chase: But now Tektus is in charge, and he's after DiMA's memories. We don't even know what's in them.{Concerned} But we do know that I spent nearly a century on this island, alone. Whatever's in there is too dangerous to allow Tektus to get his hands on them.Player Default: So what can I do to help?A1a
330Player Default: So what can I do to help?{Concerned} If you're willing to retrieve what I've lost and bring my memories back to me, then we'd all be one step closer to solving this conflict without bloodshed.Chase: You'll have to get through the Children of Atom's base. You're new on the island, so you might be able to pose as a recruit.A1a
331Player Default: So what can I do to help?Then my plan is simple: Pose as a recruit and infiltrate the Children of Atom. Gain access to their base.A2a
332In the old command center, guarded by some prewar security measures, you'll find my memory banks.A2b
333I'll give you the program you need in order to access my memories. Bring me anything you find.DiMA: It's not going to be like a normal hack. You'll be breaking through a version of my own mental network. It'll consider you to be an intruder.A2c
334Player Default: The Children of Atom on this island. You were helping them?Yes. I know their faith in radiation as a type of god is a bit... different, but who am I to judge?B1a
335I was using a submarine base as a home when Martin and his followers stumbled inside. They had been cast out of Far Harbor for their beliefs.B1b
336When I left to found Acadia, I knew the base would be in safe hands. They needed a home. A place to belong, just like I did.B1c
337But now Martin is gone, and his successor, Tektus, wants to finally end the feud with Far Harbor, by letting the Fog swallow them.Player Default: So what can I do to help?B1d
338Player Default: You're keeping Far Harbor safe, is that it?Not exactly. They're fiercely independent, but the Fog was starting to choke more and more of the island, so I proposed a trade.X1a
339We would give them the technology to keep the Fog at bay, in return for them being a lifeline to the outside world. A safe dock and a place to buy supplies.X1b
340Unfortunately, the Children of Atom view the radioactive fog as a holy portent, and their bloodied history with Far Harbor puts us at odds.Player Default: So what can I do to help?X1c
341Player Default: You left your memories behind? How does that work?As a prototype synth, my... raw data capacity is limited. I began using computer banks to expand. To give me room to ponder. See new things.Y1a
342{Worried} I had to leave some of my earliest memories behind when I left the sub base to the Children of Atom. I thought they were safe.Player Default: So what can I do to help?Y1b
343Faraday: Then once you get to the memory banks, you'll have to use a special program DiMA and I have been working on to break through the security systems.{Concerned} It's not going to be like a normal hack. You'll be breaking through a version of my own mental network. It'll consider you to be an intruder.A1a
344I've loaded the program with some instructions I've recorded that will help guide you through it. I'm afraid it's difficult to explain without seeing it for yourself.Player Default: Actually, I already have the program. I was thorough.A1b
345Player Default: Actually, I already have the program. I was thorough.{player says he already stole the program / Suspicious} Well, I guess that just means I've picked the right person for the job.DiMA: One more thing before you leave. Whatever you do, don't assault the Children of Atom directly.A1a
346Player Default: Actually, I already have the program. I was thorough.{Concerned} If we're lucky, the prewar defenses have kept the Children of Atom at bay, but that means you've have to get past them yourself.DiMA: One more thing before you leave. Whatever you do, don't assault the Children of Atom directly.A2a
347Player Default: This plan has "terrible" written all over it.{Amused} You wanted to be involved. Desperate times, and all that.B1a
348{Concerned} Be careful. The prewar defenses should prove difficult for the Children of Atom to get through, but that means you'll have to bypass them yourself.DiMA: One more thing before you leave. Whatever you do, don't assault the Children of Atom directly.B1b
349Player Default: I'm going to replace all your memories with pictures of cats. Meow.{Amused} Well, I suppose that would certainly make remembering some of my darker hours more... fuzzy.X1a
350In all seriousness, good luck. I understand the risks you're taking on our behalf. It's in all our best interests that you succeed.DiMA: One more thing before you leave. Whatever you do, don't assault the Children of Atom directly.X1b
351Player Default: So how does this program work?There will be a fairly ordinary looking terminal with some... attachments. The program will give you access to the terminal.Y1a
352Once you attempt to obtain a memory your perspective might shift a little. Just relax then. The program will explain things to you as you need them.Player Default: Actually, I already have the program. I was thorough.Y1b
353DLC03MQ03_05_DiMA_PlayerAdmitsSpying{player tells you he's been spying and learned about your secret memory banks in the submarine base / Thinking} You've been... busy. I was hoping you were taking your time learning more about us. Huh. I suppose you have...A1a
354Maybe this is an opportunity for both of us. I can't send any of my people without risking the Children of Atom linking them back to Acadia.A1b
355But you. You're new to the island.Player Default: All right. I'm listening.A1c
356{player left and has come back to discuss your memories} You've changed your mind? Are you ready to help me get them back?Player Default: All right. I'm listening.A2a
357Player Default: No way am I helping you.{Stern} Then stay out of this.DiMA: Before I begin, how much do you know? Did you have any questions for me? About Far Harbor, the Children of Atom, or my memories?B1a
358Player Default: I'm picturing your memories as just one massive holotape that the Children of Atom are using as a coffee table.{Puzzled} I... suppose that's your version of "Yes. I'll help."?DiMA: Before I begin, how much do you know? Did you have any questions for me? About Far Harbor, the Children of Atom, or my memories?X1a
359Player Default: Then stay out of this.Before I begin, how much do you know? Did you have any questions for me? About Far Harbor, the Children of Atom, or my memories?Player Default: So what can I do to help?A1a


360DLC03MQ04OnDeathSceneLost an Indexer, along with the data it was carrying.A8a
361Heads up. Just lost an Indexer on its way home.A9a
362Lost a data-filled Indexer. Better check the position of your Defense Constructs.A10a
363Careful. Just lost an Indexer.A11a
364Heads up. Indexer just got smoked.A12a
365Indexer knocked out. What are your Defense Constructs doing?A13a


366DLC03MQ04_01_DataCompleteSceneVRWorkshop: Verifying memory file... 100%. We're done here.We now have an access point into the next memory. Just step into the data stream where this memory was stored.A1a
367Verifying memory file... 100%. We're done here.VRWorkshop: We now have an access point into the next memory. Just step into the data stream where this memory was stored.A1a
368DLC03MQ04_01_DataReturnSceneAnother data block retrieved. One more to go.A2a
369Memory retrieval now at 60%.A3a
370First data block recovered. Good. Just keep doing what you're doing.A4a
371Data block retrieved. Progress.A5a
372Another data block retrieved. Good.A6a
373One more data block recovered.A7a
374DLC03MQ04_01_DimaScene01VRWorkshop: The system's Sentries will do everything they can to stop your Indexers from returning to the access point with the data.Once the indexers have retrieved the data, they need to return to the access point with it.A1a
375VRWorkshop: The system's Sentries will do everything they can to stop your Indexers from returning to the access point with the data.You just need to make sure your indexers get back safely to the access point with the data.A3a
376VRWorkshop: The system's Sentries will do everything they can to stop your Indexers from returning to the access point with the data.Remember, your job is to help the indexers return to the access point with the data.A4a
377VRWorkshop: The system's Sentries will do everything they can to stop your Indexers from returning to the access point with the data.Make sure the indexers have a safe path back to the access point.A5a
378VRWorkshop: If you're listening to this, then you made it inside my memory banks. Take a moment. I know it's a lot at once.{recorded instructions for retrieving your memories} The architecture you're seeing is data. My data. When I'm plugged into the chair, this is what I see.A1a
379You're using an earlier version of that technology. A brain-wave scanner instead of a direct neural wire.VRWorkshop: Look around. Do you see that yellow column in the distance? That's long-term memory storage. That's your goal.A1b
380VRWorkshop: They're represented by the friendly, green sprites milling around. Do you see them?The Indexers have one purpose, to get the data in the yellow column, and bring it back to the memory access point.A1a
381You need to help them get there and back safely.A1b
382Once they've recovered all the data in the memory, the program will translate it into something you can understand.VRWorkshop: If you ever need to leave the simulation, then don't worry. Nothing gets reset. You can keep going from wherever you left off.A1c
383VRWorkshop: If you ever need to leave the simulation, then don't worry. Nothing gets reset. You can keep going from wherever you left off.First things first. The blue blocks you're standing on are called Code Blocks. Some of them can be re-purposed.A1a
384See if you can grab one of the lighter colored blocks. Use them to fill in any gaps along the path for your Indexers to cross.VRWorkshop: Good, you're across the gap, but now you have to deal with the security systems. That red firewall is blocking you and your Indexers from reaching the data.A1b
385VRWorkshop: Do you see that green beam of light? That's a Decoder Beam. It can destroy the firewall. You just need to direct the beam to it's vulnerable spot.Good. Now you just need to create a path to the data with Code Blocks and your Indexers can get to work.VRWorkshop: The system has been alerted to your presence. Now things will get hairier.A1a
386{recorded instructions for retrieving your memories} If you're listening to this, then you made it inside my memory banks. Take a moment. I know it's a lot at once.VRWorkshop: The architecture you're seeing is data. My data. When I'm plugged into the chair, this is what I see.A1a
387VRWorkshop: You're using an earlier version of that technology. A brain-wave scanner instead of a direct neural wire.Look around. Do you see that yellow column in the distance? That's long-term memory storage. That's your goal.VRWorkshop: But you can't just retrieve that data yourself. One of the programs loaded in that holotape is called the Indexer.A1a
388VRWorkshop: Look around. Do you see that yellow column in the distance? That's long-term memory storage. That's your goal.But you can't just retrieve that data yourself. One of the programs loaded in that holotape is called the Indexer.A1a
389They're represented by the friendly, green sprites milling around. Do you see them?VRWorkshop: The Indexers have one purpose, to get the data in the yellow column, and bring it back to the memory access point.A1b
390VRWorkshop: See if you can grab one of the lighter colored blocks. Use them to fill in any gaps along the path for your Indexers to cross.Good, you're across the gap, but now you have to deal with the security systems. That red firewall is blocking you and your Indexers from reaching the data.A1a
391Do you see that green beam of light? That's a Decoder Beam. It can destroy the firewall. You just need to direct the beam to it's vulnerable spot.VRWorkshop: Good. Now you just need to create a path to the data with Code Blocks and your Indexers can get to work.A1b
392VRWorkshop: Good. Now you just need to create a path to the data with Code Blocks and your Indexers can get to work.The system has been alerted to your presence. Now things will get hairier.A1a
393You'll need to deploy Defense Constructs against the system's active countermeasures.A1b
394The system's Sentries will do everything they can to stop your Indexers from returning to the access point with the data.VRWorkshop: Once the indexers have retrieved the data, they need to return to the access point with it.A1c
395VRWorkshop: Once they've recovered all the data in the memory, the program will translate it into something you can understand.If you ever need to leave the simulation, then don't worry. Nothing gets reset. You can keep going from wherever you left off.VRWorkshop: First things first. The blue blocks you're standing on are called Code Blocks. Some of them can be re-purposed.A1a


396DLC03MQ04_02_DataCompleteSceneVRWorkshop: Memory retrieval at 100%. Verifying... looks good.You can now use the data stream as an access point to the next memory.A1a
397Memory retrieval at 100%. Verifying... looks good.VRWorkshop: You can now use the data stream as an access point to the next memory.A1a


398DLC03MQ04_03_DataCompleteSceneVRWorkshop: Complete memory retrieved.The data stream is now available to access the next memory.A1a
399Complete memory retrieved.VRWorkshop: The data stream is now available to access the next memory.A1a


400DLC03MQ04_04_DataCompleteSceneVRWorkshop: That's 100%, verified. Good job.You can use the data stream to access the next memory, as usual.A1a
401That's 100%, verified. Good job.VRWorkshop: You can use the data stream to access the next memory, as usual.A1a


402DLC03MQ04_05_DataCompleteSceneComplete memory retrieved.VRWorkshop: Exiting simulation in 3... 2... 1...A1a
403VRWorkshop: Complete memory retrieved.You can exit the simulation at any time.VRWorkshop: Exiting simulation in 3... 2... 1...A1a
404VRWorkshop: You can exit the simulation at any time.Exiting simulation in 3... 2... 1...A1a


405DLC03MQ05_0100_ConfrontDiMAPlayer Default: If it means peace for the island... all right. Tell me the plan.{Somber} I promise you, as long as Far Harbor stands, I will make sure that Acadia does everything to make up for my crimes.A1a
406The island will be a better place with both our people working together.A1b
407DiMA: And then without us, the Fog Condensers will eventually fall into disrepair. Everyone will die.I... have an idea. There's still a way we can bring peace. But the fact that I've replaced a human with a synth must remain hidden.Player Default: I'll keep your secret, DiMA.A1a
408{player tell you that you killed Avery and replaced her with a synth to take control over Far Harbor / Surprised} What? That's impossible. Let me see what you found...DiMA: I... I did it. I killed a woman from Far Harbor and replaced her. I stripped a synth's identity from her and made her an agent.A1a
409DiMA: What? That's impossible. Let me see what you found...{integrating your old memories, realizing what you've done / Afraid} I... I did it. I killed a woman from Far Harbor and replaced her. I stripped a synth's identity from her and made her an agent.Player Default: You did the right thing. For the future of your people.A1a
410Player Default: You did the right thing. For the future of your people.{slowly realizing the player is right / Sad} Yes... yes... No one leaves this world clean. Sacrifices have to be made...Companion: Anyone who expects a machine to value human life is foolin' themselves.A1a
411Player Default: You're a fraud.{Sad} Maybe you're right. The compromises I've made... All without even knowing...Companion: You're expectin' us to feel sorry for you? That's not happenin'.B1a
412Player Default: Let's be practical. How do we proceed from here?{Worried} You're right. We have to focus on what has to be done now.Companion: So, you're just goin' to sweep it all under the rug, then? That's cowardly an' it's shameful.X1a
413Player Default: Why did you do it?{Sad} I needed to calm Far Harbor. A moderate voice. An example of what humanity should be. How we could exist together as equals.Y1a
414{Sad} But I couldn't live with the memories of the blood on my hands. A human and a synth are both gone because of me.Player Default: You did the right thing. For the future of your people.Y1b
415Player Default: Yes... yes... No one leaves this world clean. Sacrifices have to be made...I'm... starting to see things more clearly. We have to keep this secret from Far Harbor.DiMA: If they knew I had done this, they wouldn't destroy just me. They'd come after Acadia.A1a
416DiMA: I'm... starting to see things more clearly. We have to keep this secret from Far Harbor.If they knew I had done this, they wouldn't destroy just me. They'd come after Acadia.DiMA: And then without us, the Fog Condensers will eventually fall into disrepair. Everyone will die.A1a
417DiMA: If they knew I had done this, they wouldn't destroy just me. They'd come after Acadia.And then without us, the Fog Condensers will eventually fall into disrepair. Everyone will die.DiMA: I... have an idea. There's still a way we can bring peace. But the fact that I've replaced a human with a synth must remain hidden.A1a
418Player Default: I'll keep your secret, DiMA.{Concerned} Thank you... Maybe the... guilt, will keep me focused...Companion: You know as well as I do that the people in Far Harbor deserve to know the truth.A1a
419Player Default: Far Harbor has a right to the truth.{Sad} You have to do what you feel is right, but think about the consequences carefully before you act.Companion: Don't listen to him. He's just tryin' to cover his ass.B1a
420Player Default: Make your case to the people of Far Harbor, DiMA. Let them decide.{Afraid} And if their judgement is to destroy Acadia? The synths I've gathered here are innocent. I'm responsible for them being here.Player Default: You said you wanted human and synth kind to be equal. Well now you have to prove it. Tell them the truth. Trust that they'll do the right thing.X1a
421Player Default: So you did all of that on your own? No one else in Acadia is involved?{Sad} What I've done goes against all of our ideals. I even hid it from myself. So, no, there can't be anyone else.Player Default: I'll keep your secret, DiMA.Y1a
422Player Default: Thank you... Maybe the... guilt, will keep me focused...{Concerned} As horrifying as it might be to suggest, this memory you've recovered has... given us a new option.DiMA: If Far Harbor could be made more... tranquil... by our intervention, then perhaps the same trick will work twice, on the Children of Atom.A1a
423DiMA: As horrifying as it might be to suggest, this memory you've recovered has... given us a new option.{Thinking} If Far Harbor could be made more... tranquil... by our intervention, then perhaps the same trick will work twice, on the Children of Atom.A1a
424{Concerned} We could replace High Confessor Tektus with someone willing to forgive Far Harbor and work towards reconciling.Player Default: If it means peace for the island... all right. Tell me the plan.A1b
425Player Default: If it means peace for the island... all right. Tell me the plan.{about to explain your plan to replace the High Confessor / Neutral} This will be difficult for both of us, but I think it's our only option.DiMA: I'll need you to leverage your access to the High Confessor and lure him to a secluded location.A1a
426Player Default: Do your own damned dirty work.{Concerned} I can't. Tektus already gave me his ultimatum. He knows all my people. I need someone who has a chance of earning his trust.B1a
427{Neutral} Please. Consider it.Companion: That's some dirty work I'd be happy to do.B1b
428Player Default: There must be another way we could make things right.{implying that he will change his mind because you're going to replace him / Sad} None that I can see. The authority of the High Confessor is absolute. The Children of Atom won't see the need for peace unless he... changes his mind.Player Default: If it means peace for the island... all right. Tell me the plan.Y1a
429DLC03MQ05_0100a_TurnYourselfInDiMAPlayer Default: You said you wanted human and synth kind to be equal. Well now you have to prove it. Tell them the truth. Trust that they'll do the right thing.{Sad} You're... you're right. I... we... can't be above any other living being. When something terrible is done, there have to be repercussions...A1a
430{Sad} I'll go. The people of Far Harbor will have to decide what to do with me. And I will have to hope Acadia will be spared.A1b
431Player Default: You said you wanted human and synth kind to be equal. Well now you have to prove it. Tell them the truth. Trust that they'll do the right thing.{Stern} No. I can't risk throwing away everything I've built here. The lives that depend on me.A2a
432{Stern} What happened has to stay buried.Player Default: I'll keep your secret, DiMA.A2b
433Player Default: I don't care what justification you have. You killed someone. You have to answer for that.{remembering the murder / Afraid} I can... remember it... the blood. The life ebbing from that woman's eyes... The screams...B1a
434{Sad} All right. I'll go to Far Harbor and place my fate in their hands. I just hope Acadia survives past what I've done...B1b
435Player Default: I don't care what justification you have. You killed someone. You have to answer for that.{Stern} There are better ways of atoning than suicide. I have helped Far Harbor survive. I can do even more.B2a
436But only if what has happened remains in the dark.Player Default: I'll keep your secret, DiMA.B2b
437Player Default: Nevermind then.{Puzzled} Then you agree? That Far Harbor must never know what happened?Player Default: I'll keep your secret, DiMA.X1a
438Player Default: You really think Far Harbor will destroy Acadia if they find out?{Concerned} They were willing to kill the Children of Atom for far less.Player Default: You said you wanted human and synth kind to be equal. Well now you have to prove it. Tell them the truth. Trust that they'll do the right thing.Y1a
439DLC03MQ05_0100b_ReplaceConfessor{Question} You're back. Have you rethought... our plan? Are you willing to help me replace the High Confessor?Player Default: Okay. I'll do it. Any ideas on how I can get him alone?A
440Player Default: Do we have to kill the High Confessor?{Neutral} It would be the most reliable way of dealing with him. But any method that removes Tektus from power indefinitely should work.Player Default: Okay. I'll do it. Any ideas on how I can get him alone?Y1a
441Player Default: Do we have to kill the High Confessor?{Neutral} Dissent may arise, but the Children have seen what happens to those who speak out.Y2a
442{Neutral} Our replacement will leverage that fear to serve the greater good.Player Default: Okay. I'll do it. Any ideas on how I can get him alone?Y2b
443Player Default: You really think you can get together a convincing replacement?{Neutral} Yes. Helping synths recover what they've lost means we've had to become familiar with memory wipes and facial reconstruction.X1a
444{Nervous} And I knew Tektus very well when I was still living in the submarine base. I'll use that as the basis for our replacement's new memories.X1b
445{you'll be sacrificing one of your own people for this / Somber} You simply need to deal with the real Confessor Tektus while I... prepare a volunteer...Player Default: Okay. I'll do it. Any ideas on how I can get him alone?X1c
446Player Default: I can't be a part of this, DiMA.{Neutral} That is your choice. But understand that of all options for peace, this results in the fewest casualties. I will be here when you change your mind.B1a
447Player Default: Okay. I'll do it. Any ideas on how I can get him alone?{Neutral} Tektus lives in fear of being usurped by his predecessor Martin, despite that in all likelihood, Martin is dead.A1a
448{Neutral} But if you somehow uncovered evidence of Martin's imminent return, I expect Tektus would be interested hearing all you know... in private.A1b
449{Neutral} All we have to do is manufacture Martin's uprising. To do so, I'll need raw material. Martin recorded many of our conversations.A1c
450{Neutral} Those in the Nucleus have certainly been destroyed, but I built a small refuge for Martin many years ago when he needed respite... from the family.A1d
451{Neutral} Go there and collect any tapes you can find. I'll begin work on our replacement.A1e
452{Neutral} And here. I want you to have this as well. For what you've done for us.A1f
453{Neutral} I'll need you to leverage your access to the High Confessor and lure him to a secluded location.A1a
454{Neutral} You should be able to find a spot in the bay's old Command Center where you can deal with him discretely and hide the remains.A1b
455{Neutral} Once your work is done, return here, and the replacement will move in and take command.Player Default: Okay. I'll do it. Any ideas on how I can get him alone?A1c
456DLC03MQ05_0100c_DiMARequestsEvidence{Add some emphasis to "and those in Far Harbor." The lead-in line to this also has the word "Far Harbor" in it. / Neutral} I can't undo what's done. But for the sake of my people, and those in Far Harbor, we need to buryPlayer Default: I'll keep your secret, DiMA.A1a
457{Add some emphasis to "and those in Far Harbor." The lead-in line to this also has the word "Far Harbor" in it. / Neutral} I can't undo what's done. But for the sake of my people, and those in Far Harbor, we need to buryPlayer Default: I'll keep your secret, DiMA.A2a
458DLC03MQ05_0100d_HCReplacementProposal{Neutral} Does this mean you've seen the sense in the idea?Player Default: If it means peace for the island... all right. Tell me the plan.A1a
459DLC03MQ05_0700_JusticeForDiMAPlayerVoiceFemale01: DiMA. It's time.{about to confess to murder / Sad} My long walk is over...CaptainAvery: What's this about?A1a
460CaptainAvery: What's this about?{about to confess to murder, project voice to a small group of people about 20 feet from you / Sad} People of Far Harbor.DiMA: You know me. We have lived peacefully together for years. We have come to trust each other, in our way.A1a
461DiMA: People of Far Harbor.{project voice to a small group of people about 20 feet from you} You know me. We have lived peacefully together for years. We have come to trust each other, in our way.DiMA: But I've betrayed that trust, and I've kept the truth from all of you.A1a
462DiMA: You know me. We have lived peacefully together for years. We have come to trust each other, in our way.{project voice to a small group of people about 20 feet from you} But I've betrayed that trust, and I've kept the truth from all of you.DiMA: Early on during Acadia's founding, I murdered one of your own. I replaced them with one of mine.A1a
463DiMA: But I've betrayed that trust, and I've kept the truth from all of you.{project voice to a small group of people about 20 feet from you / Sad} Early on during Acadia's founding, I murdered one of your own. I replaced them with one of mine.CaptainAvery: What? Who?A1a
464Player Default: DiMA's actions were deeply misguided, but he did them for the greater good.{Depressed} I know that's no comfort to the person whose life I took...Companion: The greater good didn't do much for Captain Avery, now did it?A1a
465Player Default: For all his talk, he's just a murderer!{Depressed} Yes... I am...Companion: No sense dancin' around the truth.B1a
466Player Default: Don't you have anything to say in your defense?{Depressed} How does one justify murder?DiMA: I wanted to prove that humanity and synth could co-exist. That we did not have to fear each other. But I went too far. I see that now...Y1a
467Player Default: I know that's no comfort to the person whose life I took...I wanted to prove that humanity and synth could co-exist. That we did not have to fear each other. But I went too far. I see that now...A1a
468I only ask that you judge me, and not what we've built together. Allow the peace between Acadia and Far Harbor to last beyond this.AllenLee: Peace? You call murdering one of ours "peace"?A1b
469CaptainAvery: What? Who?{project voice to a small group of people about 20 feet from you / Sad} The identity of my... agent, must remain hidden. They are as much a victim in this as anyone. They will do you no further harm.A1a
470{project voice to a small group of people about 20 feet from you / Sad} I am the only one to blame.Player Default: DiMA's actions were deeply misguided, but he did them for the greater good.A1b
471DLC03MQ05_0700a1_JusticeForAveryCaptainAvery: If you have any last words... Now's the time.{last words before being executed / Sad} I'm sorry...CaptainAvery: Mitch.A1a
472-{A little apologetic. You just told the player something huge about what you did. / Neutral} I know this, this is a lot to take in...
473{A little apologetic. You just told the player something huge about what you did. / Neutral} Take your time. This is not a moment for... hasty decisions...
474But we have other business.
475{Grim, marching to his own execution} I'm gambling the lives of my people that your trust in Far Harbor is not misplaced.A
476If the Children of Atom aren't... tempered, blood will be spilled. It's just a matter of time.
477Please. Don't share what... we talked about before.


478DLC03MQ05AcadiaStaging_DiMAFaradaySceneFaraday: You - you can't! DiMA, if you go down there, you're not coming back up!My dear Faraday... You know there is no other option.Faraday: DiMA, there are always options. Don't do this. Don't... don't leave.A1a
479Faraday: DiMA, there are always options. Don't do this. Don't... don't leave.If atoning for my actions can keep you safe, well... I care for you all too much to do anything else.Faraday: DiMA, please...A1a
480Faraday: DiMA, please...Be strong, Faraday. It will be all right.A1a


481DLC03MQ06a_DiMAHCScene{Neutral} It sounds like quite the experience. But I'm glad to know there will be peace on the island again.Replacement: Atom's vision was clear on the matter. I-I must thank you again for sheltering me while under its sway.A1a
482Replacement: Atom's vision was clear on the matter. I-I must thank you again for sheltering me while under its sway.{Neutral} Think nothing of it. You're welcome to stay as long as you like.Replacement: You're too kind, DiMA. I should only need, just a little more fresh air.A1a
483DLC03MQ06a_DiMAScene{A little wry. You're reprogrammed the mind of the person you're talking about. / Question} I suppose you've heard the news?DiMA: The High Confessor's had a vision. Atom demands peace. Can I assume you're here to tell me your task is done?A
484DLC03MaleDiMA: I suppose you've heard the news?{A little wryly. You're responsible for the vision this person has had. / Neutral} The High Confessor's had a vision. Atom demands peace. Can I assume you're here to tell me your task is done?DiMA: Peace can finally come to the island...A1a
485Player Default: I convinced him to leave the island and never return.{Neutral} You did... hmm. Perhaps not an ideal resolution, but I suppose the end result is the same.DiMA: Peace can finally come to the island...A1a
486Player Default: I convinced him to leave the island and never return.{Neutral} Excellent.DiMA: Peace can finally come to the island...A2a
487Player Default: It's over. And I'm done being your tool.{Neutral} I can understand your displeasure, but I assure you your efforts were worth the cost.DiMA: Peace can finally come to the island...B1a
488Player Default: Our mutual friend has taken hide and seek to a whole new level.{Neutral} Good news indeed.DiMA: Peace can finally come to the island...X1a
489Player Default: It is. Does this mean the island's finally safe?{Neutral} I believe it does.DiMA: Peace can finally come to the island...Y1a
490Player Default: You did... hmm. Perhaps not an ideal resolution, but I suppose the end result is the same.{thinking over the costs of what you've done / Depressed} Peace can finally come to the island...A1a
491{Confident} It's a heavy burden, what we've done, but now the Nucleus, Far Harbor, and Acadia will all flourish. Together.Player Default: It was the right thing to do.A1b
492Player Default: It was the right thing to do.{Neutral} It was necessary. Hope for a better future. That will be the judge of our actions.DiMA: I'll handle things from here. I'll arrange talks between the Children of Atom and Far Harbor. They will learn to prosper together, under our guidance.A1a
493Player Default: You're a monster, DiMA. You know that?{Someone just accused you of being a monster, but they also helped you murder someone / Concerned} I can live with that. Can you?DiMA: I'll handle things from here. I'll arrange talks between the Children of Atom and Far Harbor. They will learn to prosper together, under our guidance.B1a
494Player Default: Okay, okay. Now, let's talk about my reward.{Neutral} You've certainly earned one. So, don't worry.DiMA: I'll handle things from here. I'll arrange talks between the Children of Atom and Far Harbor. They will learn to prosper together, under our guidance.X1a
495Player Default: And you really believe you can trust the "High Confessor?"{Somber} I do. I've done this before, remember? *sad chuckle*Y1a
496{Somber} I have given him all of the best traits of Tektus, and also of Martin. Memories of his gentle voice will guide the new High Confessor.Player Default: It was the right thing to do.Y1b
497Player Default: It was necessary. Hope for a better future. That will be the judge of our actions.{Neutral} I'll handle things from here. I'll arrange talks between the Children of Atom and Far Harbor. They will learn to prosper together, under our guidance.A1a
498{Neutral} The Children will revel in their irradiated bastion, the Harbormen will continue to survive and reclaim what the Fog has taken from them...A1b
499{Neutral} ... and my people will remain safe.DiMA: Here. For all you've done. You should also pay a visit to the Nucleus. I believe the High Confessor will want a word with you.A1c
500DiMA: ... and my people will remain safe.{Neutral} Here. For all you've done. You should also pay a visit to the Nucleus. I believe the High Confessor will want a word with you.DiMA: And, of course, you are welcome in Acadia whenever you like.A1a
501DiMA: Here. For all you've done. You should also pay a visit to the Nucleus. I believe the High Confessor will want a word with you.{Nervous} And, of course, you are welcome in Acadia whenever you like.DiMA: After all, where would we be without you?A1a
502DiMA: And, of course, you are welcome in Acadia whenever you like.{Neutral} After all, where would we be without you?A1a
503DLC03MQ06a_DiMATakesTapes{Question} Your preparations are complete? Are you ready to confront Tektus?Player Default: I'm ready.A
504PlayerVoiceFemale01: DiMA, I recovered the tapes from Martin's hideout.{Neutral} Excellent. Yes. These look like they'll serve...DiMA: Let me take a listen. Hmm. Good to hear his voice aga-- hmm. Some grim material to work with. There.A1a
505DiMA: Excellent. Yes. These look like they'll serve...{Like you're focusing on doing something requiring a lot of concentration. You're also a little sad, because the tapes are a bit grim. / Neutral} Let me take a listen. Hmm. Good to hear his voice aga-- hmm. Some grim material to work with. TDiMA: No pleasure in twisting the words of an old friend, but I believe Martin would understand.A1a
506DiMA: Let me take a listen. Hmm. Good to hear his voice aga-- hmm. Some grim material to work with. There.{Neutral} No pleasure in twisting the words of an old friend, but I believe Martin would understand.DiMA: This tape should be sufficient to pique the High Confessor's interest in joining you in the Command Center, but Tektus is nothing if not wary.A1a
507DiMA: No pleasure in twisting the words of an old friend, but I believe Martin would understand.{Neutral} This tape should be sufficient to pique the High Confessor's interest in joining you in the Command Center, but Tektus is nothing if not wary.A1a
508{Neutral} Earning his trust before approaching should help guarantee this all plays out more... smoothly.A1b
509{Neutral} You'll then have to dispose of the remains. Old maintenance shaft walls were never terribly well maintained. They should be able to serve your needs.A1c
510{Neutral} Once you're done, return here and we'll send the replacement on his way. Now, are you ready to begin?Player Default: I'm ready.A1d
511Player Default: I'm ready.{Neutral} Then I won't keep you any longer. Here, the tape. The fate of this island rests in our works.A1a
512Player Default: I still need some time.{Neutral} Very well. When you're ready to proceed, I'll be waiting.B1a
513Player Default: How are preparations coming along with the replacement?{Neutral} The initial stages have gone well, though the reduced time frame raises some concerns.X1a
514{Neutral} But he should be ready by the time the deed is done.Player Default: I'm ready.X1b
515Player Default: How should I earn Tektus' trust?{Neutral} Prove your dedication to the family. Help when they ask. Show that the Children, and Tektus, can rely on you.Y1a
516{Question} He'll be less likely to suspect one of his favorites. Now, are you ready to set this plan in motion?Player Default: I'm ready.Y1b


517DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Family01Nick: So, DiMA. Look, I was hoping we could talk. I didn't want to believe you at first, about us being brothers...{Concerned} You don't have to apologize, Nick. I know it must have been a shock.Nick: Yeah, well, I still don't feel proud of taking it as bad as I did. Maybe we can start over?A1a
518Nick: Yeah, well, I still don't feel proud of taking it as bad as I did. Maybe we can start over?{Happy} I'd like that. It's been good to talk to you again, Nick.A1a
519DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Family02Nick: So Dima, I got a question. Why do you even call me "Nick"? Didn't you know me before the personality imprint?We didn't have names inside the Institute. And after the personality experiments started, the only name you ever called yourself was "Nick Valentine."A1a
520{you get cut off before you can finish} If there's another name you'd prefer, I'd be happy to...Nick: No. I... I like the name. When you wear something for a long time, it kind of seeps into ya, you know?A1b
521Nick: No. I... I like the name. When you wear something for a long time, it kind of seeps into ya, you know?{Happy} Of course.A1a
522DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Family03{Friendly} What do you think of Acadia, Nick?Nick: Well, living in a scientific observatory wouldn't exactly be high on my list of comfortable spots. At least that Fog is far enough below.A1a
523Nick: Kind of easy for you to say that, though, isn't it? You and I, we can't pretend to be anything else.That just means we're in the perfect position to help our kind. We can be the example in the face of adversity.Nick: I'm not looking to be anyone's example. You help who needs help. It doesn't have to be more than that.A1a
524Nick: Well, living in a scientific observatory wouldn't exactly be high on my list of comfortable spots. At least that Fog is far enough below.I was talking more about our ideals. Synths as their own way of life. Not hiding from what they are.Nick: Kind of easy for you to say that, though, isn't it? You and I, we can't pretend to be anything else.A1a
525DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Family04{Friendly} Hello, Nick. How have you been?Nick: Haven't woken up discovering any new missing parts in a while, so I call that a win.A1a
526Nick: Rusty joints, patched power couplings, and don't even get my secretary started whenever I tell her I literally have a screw loose...{Amused} *chuckle* You know, it's actually pretty nice being able to complain about this with someone who understands...A1a
527Nick: Haven't woken up discovering any new missing parts in a while, so I call that a win.{Amused} I stopped counting the number of repairs I had decades ago. I have bad actuators, frayed wires...Nick: Rusty joints, patched power couplings, and don't even get my secretary started whenever I tell her I literally have a screw loose...A1a
528DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Family05{Friendly} It's good to see you again, brother.Nick: Good to see you too, DiMA.A1a
529DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Neutral01{Friendly} It's good to see you again, brother.Nick: Prefer we keep it to just "Nick" and "DiMA" for now.A1a
530Nick: Prefer we keep it to just "Nick" and "DiMA" for now.{Sad} Of course.A1a
531DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Neutral02{Friendly} You know, Nick, if you wanted to stay in Acadia, you'd be welcome here.Nick: Uh, thanks, but I've got my own place, back in Diamond City.A1a
532Nick: Uh, thanks, but I've got my own place, back in Diamond City.Among humans. Here, you'd be with your own kind.Nick: Hate to break it to you, but I define "my kind" as people I know. That I trust.A1a
533DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Neutral03{Friendly} Have you ever considered our unique perspective, Nick? We are free-thinking synths, but we cannot hide what we are.Nick: The only "unique perspective" that's given me is the view of disgusted and suspicious faces and the occasional solid object being thrown at me.A1a
534Nick: The only "unique perspective" that's given me is the view of disgusted and suspicious faces and the occasional solid object being thrown at me.Exactly. There is a resilience that gives us. It's something I try to impart to everyone here. How to live as what you really are, despite what others think.Nick: Well, as long as "what others think" isn't "you need to be shot and put in the ground" then maybe you'll be okay.A1a
535DLC03NickDiMAScenes_Neutral04{Friendly} It's good to see you again, Nick.Nick: Uh, yeah. Hi DiMA. Don't mind me.A1a