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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cole.


1DLC03AcadiaDialogueColeInitialSceneYou're new here too, huh?Cole: I mean, I haven't been here that long myself.A
2Player Default: Thanks, but it doesn't matter now. I'm here, and I'm safe, and I'm never leaving.I'll see you around, okay?A1a
3DLC03MaleCole: You're new here too, huh?I mean, I haven't been here that long myself.Cole: Honestly, I'd be dead right now if it weren't for Chase.A1a
4Cole: I mean, I haven't been here that long myself.Honestly, I'd be dead right now if it weren't for Chase.Cole: Turns out it's pretty hard to live as a synth in the Commonwealth.A1a
5Cole: Honestly, I'd be dead right now if it weren't for Chase.Turns out it's pretty hard to live as a synth in the Commonwealth.Player Default: I'm sorry to hear that you suffered.A1a
6Player Default: I'm sorry to hear that you suffered.Thanks, but it doesn't matter now. I'm here, and I'm safe, and I'm never leaving.Cole: I'll see you around, okay?A1a
7Player Default: You didn't tell people you were a synth, did you? Should've kept it to yourself.Easy for you to say. You haven't had to spend your entire life pretending to be something you're not.Cole: I'll see you around, okay?B1a
8Player Default: It's a tough world. For everyone, not just synths.I'm not saying it isn't. Just... most folks don't want to kill you simply because you exist.Cole: I'll see you around, okay?X1a
9Player Default: Do you think you're better off, now that you're here?Oh, absolutely. I don't have to pretend, I don't have to lie, and I don't worry that someone's going to kill me in my sleep. Or worse.Cole: I'll see you around, okay?Y1a
14Uhh, hello?
15Were you gonna say something?
16{Depressed} All those people in Far Harbor, just... gone.
17Figured those Atom psychos would blow themselves up sooner or later. Just glad they didn't take us with 'em.
18I knew DiMA wanted us all to be safe, but I had no idea how far he'd go...
19If it weren't for DiMA, most of us would probably be dead.
20It might not look like much, but this is the only place I know of where I don't need to hide who I am.
21As long as we work together, we can sleep safely knowing we're free.
22DiMA's done so much for all of us. I'd do just about anything to repay him.


23-{You're nervous. You're going to have to replace someone and make it convincing. / Nervous} So... sounds like I'm going to be the next High Confessor... great ... great.A
24{You're nervous. You're going to have to replace someone and make it convincing. / Nervous} Wonder if I'll remember anything at all after the... operation.A
25{Initially like you're holding a sermon, but then nervous. You're going to have to replace someone and make it convincing. / Nervous} Atom demands it! That, that was good, right?A
26{You're nervous. You're going to have to replace someone and make it convincing. / Nervous} All DiMA's done for us. I-I can do this.A