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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brother Kane.


1DLC03CoA_DialogueNucleus_KaneGreetScene{Neutral} Wait. You're the one they're sayin' saw the Mother. Good omen. You looking for weapons? Ammo? Plenty of Gamma rounds.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
2{Neutral} Far Harbor finally sleeps beneath the Fog. Impressive work. Now, what can I show ya?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
3{Distaste. Your cult's crusader has been called off. / Disgust} Hmph. What has Far Harbor done to merit Atom's mercy. Plenty of arms if you're thinking of taking care of matters yourself.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
4{Neutral} Heard you took care of Sister Gwyneth. Heretic deserved what she got. Now, need a weapon?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
5{You're actually quite pleased with these events, and making very little effort to hide it. / SinisterSmile} Hmm. Seems someone ended Atom's peace. What a shame. Now, show you some arms?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
6{Neutral} Hard to believe they let Gwyneth back through the door. Wouldn't expect that from the High Confessor. Now, need a weapon?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
7{Neutral} Crusader. In need of arms?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
8{Neutral} Looking to send someone to their maker? Stock's reliable.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
9{Neutral} Gearing up? Should have what you need to stay alive.Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
10{Neutral} Lot of danger out in the Fog. But I suppose that's why you came to me. Need a weapon?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
11{Neutral} Atom's grace doesn't stop bullets. That's where I come in. Check the stock?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
12{Neutral} Inquisitor. In need of arms?Player Default: Let's see what you have.A
13Player Default: Let's see what you have.{Neutral} Arsenal of Atom, at your fingertips.A1a
14Player Default: Let's see what you have.{Neutral} Weapons of the chosen.A2a
15Player Default: Let's see what you have.{Neutral} Balanced the sights myself.A3a
16Player Default: Let's see what you have.{Quietly laughing at your own joke. / Neutral} Best arms in the bay. Heh.A4a
17Player Default: Let's see what you have.{Neutral} Oiled, cleaned, and deadly.A5a
18Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Here if you need me.B1a
19Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Atom guide you, sister.B2a
20Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Atom guide you, brother.B3a
21Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Stay vigilant.B4a
22Player Default: Not interested.{Neutral} Your call.B5a
23Player Default: Not interested.{A grunting acknowledgement that the player doesn't want to buy anything. / Neutral} Hmm.B6a
24Player Default: I'll think about it.{Neutral} I'm here till Division, brother.X1a
25Player Default: I'll think about it.{Neutral} I'm here till Division, sister.X2a
26Player Default: I'll think about it.{Neutral} Do what you have to.X3a
27Player Default: I'll think about it.{Neutral} Up to you.X4a
28Player Default: I'll think about it.{Neutral} Watch yourself out there.X5a
29Player Default: I'll think about it.{Neutral} Atom keep ya.X6a
30Player Default: Folks here seem pretty heavily armed for a religious organization.{Neutral} Island's a dangerous place. Heretics, Trappers, beasts of the Fog.Y1a
31{Neutral} Atom may have granted us this kingdom, but He left it to us to preserve it. Now, can I show you something?Player Default: Let's see what you have.Y1b
32-{Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. / Question} You having a vision or something?
33{Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. / Neutral} Look, if there's nothing you need...
34{Someone just stopped speaking to you in the middle of a conversation. / Question} Something off?
35{Muttering a prayer to yourself. / Neutral} ...fallen brethren, hear my prayers. Atom does not abandon you...
36{Muttering a prayer to yourself. / Neutral} ...Atom protect those who would fight for your glory...
37{Muttering a prayer to yourself. / Neutral} ...bring judgement to those that have earned it...
38{Muttering a prayer to yourself. / Neutral} ...your Inquisitor has done much for us. Thank you...
39{Muttering a prayer to yourself. / Neutral} ...your Crusader has done much for us. Thank you...
40{Irritated} Another time, eh?
41{Irritated} Unless you've suddenly taken over as High Confessor, you can wait until morning.
42{Irritated} Can provide you with whatever arms you need. Tomorrow.
43{Irritated} Stop by in the morning, all right?
44{Irritated} Praise Atom, brother.
45{Irritated} Praise Atom, sister.


46-{You've just been killed. / InPain} Uggh...
47{Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} Feel Atom's might!
48{Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} Burn! BURN!
49{Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Angry} This! This is your end!
50{Entering combat. / Angry} Blasphemer!
51{Entering combat. / Angry} Atom strike true!
52{Entering combat. / Angry} For Atom!


53DLC03CoA_DialogueNucleusSermon_SceneSisterMai: Glory to Atom!{Calling out during a thrilling sermon. / Awed} Glory to Atom!A1a
54-{Stage whisper. Someone is talking during an important sermon. / Stern} Should be paying attention, brother.A
55{Stage whisper. Someone is talking during an important sermon. / Stern} Should be paying attention, sister.A


56DLC03CoA_DialogueNucleusVictorySermonSceneGrandZealot: Glory to Atom!{Calling out during a thrilling sermon. / Awed} Glory to Atom!A1a
57-{Speaking to a friend during a sermon. / Impressed} Finally know Atom's judgement.A


58-{There's a ton of commotion going on in the sub bay. / Puzzled} The alarm... but that can only mean...A
59{To yourself. You're about to get nuked. You're scared and excited. / Awed} I am ready, holy Atom. I am ready.A
60{Extant. You're about to be nuked an reunited with your god. / Awed} Time. Time at last!


61DLC03MQ06a_HCSynthQuest_SermonSceneBrotherDevin: Glory to Atom!{Shouting a prayer. / Neutral} Glory to Atom!A1a
62-{Stage whisper. You're talking during a sermon, but you're surprised to hear the crusade against your great enemies is being called off. / Irritated} ...peace? With Far Harbor?A