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This is a transcript for dialogue with The Archemist.


1DLC03CoA_ConvArchemistGeneric_SceneChild01: Archemist?{InPain} Yes... my child?Child01: It's... I've been having these nightmares. I can't sleep. Is there anything I can take?A1a
2Child01: Archemist?{InPain} What do you need, child?Child01: It's... I've been having these nightmares. I can't sleep. Is there anything I can take?A2a
3Child01: Archemist?{InPain} Hmm? Do you... require something?Child01: It's... I've been having these nightmares. I can't sleep. Is there anything I can take?A3a
4Child01: It's... I've been having these nightmares. I can't sleep. Is there anything I can take?{InPain} Do not... fear, child. This... should help.Child01: Oh, thank you.A1a
5Child01: It's... I've been having these nightmares. I can't sleep. Is there anything I can take?{InPain} Here. Take this... before your evening prayers.Child01: Oh, thank you.A2a
6Child01: It's... I've been having these nightmares. I can't sleep. Is there anything I can take?{InPain} I have... a remedy for such things. But not too much. Potent stuff.Child01: Oh, thank you.A3a


{You were wounded a long time ago and never fully recovered. Speak is painful and you're a bit blind. / InPain} Ah. The latest addition to... our little family. Welcome, child. If you are in need of aid... you've come to the right place.Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
8{You were wounded a long time ago and never fully recovered. Speak is painful and you're a bit blind. / InPain} Far Harbor. Claimed by Fog. Atom's will be done. Now, you required assistance?Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
9{You were wounded a long time ago and never fully recovered. Speak is painful and you're a bit blind. / InPain} Peace in Atom's kingdom. Such a... strange event. Did you need aid?Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
10{Neutral} My child. This must be serious... if it cannot wait until morning.Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
11{Neutral} What time is... never mind. Tell me your ailments.Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
12{Neutral} Who am I to turn away the ill? Even at this hour. What ails you?Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
13{You were wounded a long time ago and never fully recovered. Speak is painful and you're a bit blind. / InPain} You require... care, child?Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
14{You were wounded a long time ago and never fully recovered. Speak is painful and you're a bit blind. / InPain} Are you... unwell, child?Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
15{You were wounded a long time ago and never fully recovered. Speak is painful and you're a bit blind. / InPain} What care... do you require?Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.A
16Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.{InPain} Tell me what troubles you.A1a
17Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.{InPain} What ails you?A2a
18Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.{InPain} I will do... what I can. What's wrong?A3a
19Player Default: Not interested.{InPain} Very well.B1a
20Player Default: Not interested.{InPain} Fine.B2a
21Player Default: Not interested.{InPain} Go with Atom.B3a
22Player Default: Not interested.{InPain} Atom watch over you.B4a
23Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{InPain} Certainly. Here.X1a
24Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{InPain} All that I have.X2a
25Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{InPain} Curatives and chemicals.X3a
26Player Default: Could use some supplies, actually.{InPain} I may have what you're looking for.X4a
27Player Default: You don't sound so great. Are you all right?{Neutral} Old wounds. Reminders of a wicked life.Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.Y1a
28Player Default: You don't sound so great. Are you all right?{InPain} I was a doctor. In Far Harbor. I fell for a... pious man. A man... who has since abandoned us. We were chased from town by those upset with our union.Y2a
29{This referring to your illness. / Amused} I must've angered Atom, as well, as He afflicted me with... this.Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.Y2b
30Player Default: You don't sound so great. Are you all right?{A little smirk on "On a stretcher." / InPain} On a stretcher, I'm told. I grew ill during our exile. When I woke, I was in this place.Y3a
31{InPain} They said a woman wreathed in black led us here. But that it was already occupied. By an old robot lost in its own dreams.Y3b
32{InPain} Slept away its days in the upper chambers. Had little interest in Atom, but interested in us.Y3c
33{InPain} But it left many years ago. Decided it would be best if we had a place... of our own.Player Default: Not feeling great at the moment.Y3d
{InPain} Good. Good. Was there... something more?A2a
35{InPain} Good. Was there more you needed attended to?A3a
36{InPain} May it stay that way. Now, what else?A4a
37{Examining someone's wounds. / InPain} Allow me to... hmm. Not too bad. You won't be joining Atom just yet.A6a
38{Examining someone's wounds. / InPain} Mhmm. A simple remedy. This may burn a bit.A7a
39{Examining someone's wounds. / InPain} Nothing too bad. Still, risky... to leave untreated.A8a
40{Seriously concerned about the level of injury the player has suffered. / InPain} Oh, child. This... may hurt. A lot.A10a
41{You're surprised by the extent of the player's wounds. / Surprised} Atom above. This will require... extra antiseptic.A11a
42{InPain} Atom's will, you're lucky to be breathing. This requires immediate attention.A12a
43{InPain} I'm sorry, child. My supplies... they have costs. Is there something else I can do?A14a
44{InPain} We all must contribute to the church. You... cannot. Now, something else?A15a
45{InPain} This procedure, there are costs. You understand, don't you, child? You require... something else?A16a
46{InPain} Caps are a... necessary evil, in this case. Our stocks cost much to refill. But was there something else?A17a
47{played asked for help, then changed his mind / InPain} Take care of yourself, my child.B2a
48{played asked for help, then changed his mind / InPain} Fare well, child.B3a
49{played asked for help, then changed his mind / InPain} Very well, then.B4a
50{InPain} Atom watch over you.B6a
51{InPain} Tread carefully.B7a
52{InPain} Atom guide you.B8a
53{examining a patient, they just told you their radiation levels are normal / InPain} All the better to embrace the Glow anew. Now... something else?X1a
54{seeing signs of radiation sickness / InPain} I understand. Let us begin your scouring, then.X3a
55{You're a bit reticent to perform this proceed. / Neutral} Hmm. I see. Very well. This... will not be pleasant.X4a
56{Reluctantly performing a medical procedure. / InPain} So it would seem. Atom touches us all in different ways. Let's begin.X5a
57Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{examining a patient, who says they are not addicted to any chems / InPain} Such things often distance us... from Atom. Now, was there more?Y1a
58Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{Curing someone's addiction. / InPain} Moment of weakness... let us return your strength.Y3a
59Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction / InPain} We befoul what Atom gives. I can treat you. Now, deep breath.Y4a
60Player Default: Yeah, see what's wrong with me, doctor.{curing patient's chem addiction / InPain} Of course, child. But, moderation in the future. For now...Y5a
{InPain} What else, child?A1a
62{InPain} Was there something more?A2a
63{InPain} Something else you needed?A3a
64{InPain} What more can I do?A4a
65{InPain} Something else?A5a
66-{InPain} Is muteness... a symptom?
67{InPain} Speak up... my child.
68{InPain} Please. Take your time. I am... in no rush.


69-{You've just been killed. / InPain} Ah-agh...
70{Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Neutral} Atom's victory is... inevitable.
71{Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Neutral} Do not fear... this death.
72{Threatening someone in the heart of combat. / Neutral} Yield before His glory.
73{Entering combat. / Angry} Atom... shield your children!
74{Entering combat. / Angry} This... is not our end!
75{Entering combat. / Angry} Atom... guide me!
76-{Stage whisper. Someone is talking during an important sermon. / Neutral} Not... now, child.A


77DLC03CoA_DialogueNucleusVictorySermonSceneGenericEntranceFemale: Glory to Atom!{Calling out during a thrilling sermon. / Awed} Glory to Atom!A1a
78-{A bit wistful. This was your old home, but they've killed a number of your friends. You're torn. / Neutral} Far Harbor. Gone.A


79-{There's a ton of commotion going on in the sub bay. / Puzzled} That noise... is that Him?A
80{You're about to get nuked. You're quietly excited. / Neutral} A thousand new worlds...A


81DLC03MQ06a_HCSynthQuest_SermonSceneGenericCoA04: Glory to Atom!{Shouting a prayer. / Neutral} Glory to Atom!A1a
82-{Stage whisper. You're talking during a sermon, but you're surprised to hear the crusade against your great enemies is being called off. / Surprised} Can... it be true?A