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This is a transcript for dialogue with Knight-Captain Larsen.


1DLC03Acadia_BoS _LarsenAcadiaExteriorSceneAll right, this one's by the books! Move in, take it slow, and make sure nothing gets out!A1a
2DLC03Acadia_BoS _LarsenEndingScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: Hey, Larsen.Well, that could've been worse.Larsen: Are we sure that's all of them?A1a
3Larsen: Well, that could've been worse.Are we sure that's all of them?Player Default: Relax. We definitely got them all.A1a
4Player Default: Relax. We definitely got them all.You've seen this place, and... whatever the hell they were up to. I'm sure you can understand my concern.Larsen: The fact that these synths, operating on their own, organized into this group, and started... building things. It's horrifying.A1a
5Player Default: Hard to be sure. I don't think there are any left, but you never know.I don't like the thought of leaving this unfinished.Larsen: The fact that these synths, operating on their own, organized into this group, and started... building things. It's horrifying.B1a
6Player Default: Who cares? We got enough of them.We should all care. If we didn't wipe them out, they can rebuild and then we're back to square one.Larsen: The fact that these synths, operating on their own, organized into this group, and started... building things. It's horrifying.X1a
7Player Default: Are we sure there wasn't some other way to handle this?Little late to be having second thoughts, don't you think?Larsen: The fact that these synths, operating on their own, organized into this group, and started... building things. It's horrifying.Y1a
8Player Default: You've seen this place, and... whatever the hell they were up to. I'm sure you can understand my concern.The fact that these synths, operating on their own, organized into this group, and started... building things. It's horrifying.Larsen: Their presence here goes against everything the Brotherhood stands for. We've done the world a favor by eliminating them.A1a
9Larsen: The fact that these synths, operating on their own, organized into this group, and started... building things. It's horrifying.Their presence here goes against everything the Brotherhood stands for. We've done the world a favor by eliminating them.Larsen: We're going to retain a presence on the island, just to be sure the job is done. Pick off any stragglers coming in from the wilderness.A1a
10Larsen: Their presence here goes against everything the Brotherhood stands for. We've done the world a favor by eliminating them.We're going to retain a presence on the island, just to be sure the job is done. Pick off any stragglers coming in from the wilderness.Larsen: We've done good work here. Be proud.A1a
11Larsen: We're going to retain a presence on the island, just to be sure the job is done. Pick off any stragglers coming in from the wilderness.We've done good work here. Be proud.A1a
12DLC03Acadia_BoS _LarsenScenePlayer Default: Very good. We'll be here when you're ready.We've got this area locked down, but the sooner we can mobilize the happier I'll be.Larsen: Are we cleared to initiate the assault?A1a
13Player Default: Very good. We'll be here when you're ready.If I may... I don't like this place. At all.Larsen: Are we cleared to initiate the assault?A2a
14Player Default: Very good. We'll be here when you're ready.And here I thought the Commonwealth was a shithole.Larsen: Are we cleared to initiate the assault?A3a
15Player Default: Very good. We'll be here when you're ready.We're eager to get this over with.Larsen: Are we cleared to initiate the assault?A4a
16PlayerVoiceFemale01: Looks like you made it.{snapping to attention} Sir!Larsen: Knight-Captain Larsen. I'm heading up this little excursion.A1a
17PlayerVoiceFemale01: Looks like you made it.{snapping to attention} Ma'am!Larsen: Knight-Captain Larsen. I'm heading up this little excursion.A2a
18Larsen: Sir!Knight-Captain Larsen. I'm heading up this little excursion.Larsen: We've secured a perimeter, and are prepping for the assault.A1a
19Larsen: Knight-Captain Larsen. I'm heading up this little excursion.We've secured a perimeter, and are prepping for the assault.Larsen: It's my understanding that you were assigned reconaissance duty. That's proceeding as planned?A1a
20Larsen: We've secured a perimeter, and are prepping for the assault.It's my understanding that you were assigned reconaissance duty. That's proceeding as planned?Player Default: That's right. I'm scouting the target area.A1a
21Player Default: That's right. I'm scouting the target area.Very good. We'll be here when you're ready.Larsen: We've got this area locked down, but the sooner we can mobilize the happier I'll be.A1a
22Player Default: Let's take it down a notch, pal. I'll get around to it.Look, we're taking a risk being here. We're exposed, and we're separated from the main force. The sooner we get this over with, the better.B1a
23I'll be waiting for word that the mission can proceed.Larsen: We've got this area locked down, but the sooner we can mobilize the happier I'll be.B1b
24Player Default: Wait, that was my job? I thought I was in charge of party supplies!The longer we're out in the open, the greater the chance that we'll lose the element of surprise, or worse, come under attack.X1a
25We won't move until you make the call, but we can't wait forever.Larsen: We've got this area locked down, but the sooner we can mobilize the happier I'll be.X1b
26Player Default: What exactly is the plan for moving in?Once the order's been given, we'll air drop on to the site, lock it down, and obliterate every synth we find.Y1a
27But that order won't come until intelligence has been gathered. Are you making progress?Player Default: That's right. I'm scouting the target area.Y1b
28Larsen: We've got this area locked down, but the sooner we can mobilize the happier I'll be.Are we cleared to initiate the assault?Player Default: We're clear. Let's move out.A1a
29Player Default: We're clear. Let's move out.Very good. We'll see you there.A1a
30Player Default: Not yet. I need more time.{frustrated} If you say so... We'll just keep waiting.B1a
31Player Default: There must be some other way to resolve this...You know as well as I do that those synths cannot be allowed to exist. Don't worry, our men should be safe. Now, can we go?Player Default: We're clear. Let's move out.X1a
32Player Default: What's our strategy?We won't move in until you're on site. Then we do a sweep and clear, floor by floor.Y1a
33The vertibird will maintain a perimeter, in case any of them try and make a run for it.Y1b
34Are we clear to proceed?Player Default: We're clear. Let's move out.Y1c
38-Let's get this done.A
35You are listening, aren't you?
36Is everything all right?
37You seem... distracted.