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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sister Gwyneth.


1DLC03AtomM02_GwynethScene4SermonGwyneth: The Children of Atom have allowed themselves to be deceived, and I must show them the truth!{Giving a sermon / Awed} There is no Atom! There is Nothing! Nothing is endless, Nothing is deathless, and Nothing is without fear or remorse.A1a
2{Giving a sermon / Confident} Who better to understand this than you? You, who have become part of Nothing for eternity, as we must all someday.Gwyneth: You have come to know the one real truth of this world. Nothing is the only thing that truly matters.A1b
3Gwyneth: Who better to understand this than you? You, who have become part of Nothing for eternity, as we must all someday.{Giving a sermon / Confident} You have come to know the one real truth of this world. Nothing is the only thing that truly matters.A1a
4{Confident} Soon, soon more will come. My messages will reach them. It must! The word will spread and the Children of Atom will come.A1b
5{Awed} They will embrace Nothing, as I have, and then, at last, they will understand.A1c
6{Giving a sermon / Confident} The Children of Atom have allowed themselves to be deceived, and I must show them the truth!Gwyneth: There is no Atom! There is Nothing! Nothing is endless, Nothing is deathless, and Nothing is without fear or remorse.A1a
7DLC03AtomM02_GwynethScene5Confront{Firm, a challenge / Confident} Stop! This is a sacred place. Why have you come here? Are you seeking the truth of Nothing?Player Default: The Children of Atom want you dead. You need to stop defiling their holy sites.A
8Player Default: I can't. I have a duty that is greater than myself, one that is worth any sacrifice.{Preaching / Irritated} The Children of Atom have been deceived by Martin, by Tektus... it's a false gospel, all of it.A1a
9{Preaching / Irritated} What they don't want you to know is that Atom is but a tiny mote in the vastness of Nothing. Nothing is the true nature of existence.A1b
10{Preaching, in awe, you had a vision / Awed} I have seen it with my own eyes... a void so vast and empty, like a night sky without stars.A1c
11{Preaching with certainty / Confident} I know it is difficult to accept, but you must, and so must the others. They deserve to know the truth.Player Default: Look, I know you think you're trying to save the Children of Atom, but you could be wrong. It's not too late to turn back and atone for your actions.A1d
12Player Default: You're out here all alone. Don't you miss your brothers and sisters at the Nucleus? I know they're like a family to you.{Sad, lonely / Sad} Of course, I miss them more than anything. I've never been alone before.Y1a
13{Hope, fear and doubt all mingling / Worried} If I thought there was a chance they might accept me... but I'm a heretic, and my life is forfeit.Player Default: Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this.Y1b
14Player Default: The Children of Atom want you dead. You need to stop defiling their holy sites.{Devout, committed / Confident} I can't. I have a duty that is greater than myself, one that is worth any sacrifice.Gwyneth: The Children of Atom have been deceived by Martin, by Tektus... it's a false gospel, all of it.A1a
15Player Default: Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this.{An epiphany / Awed} Blinded by fear and doubt... I... can't deny the truth of those words.A1a
16{Regret / Sad} How could I have been such a fool? I was a Child of Atom, one of the beloved. I must seek forgiveness from the others.A1b
17{Resigned to your fate / Sad} Please tell Richter that I will return soon. I'll accept whatever punishment is deemed just.A1c
18Player Default: Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this.{Resigned / Sad} I've gone too far now. I have chosen my path, and I must walk it to the end.A2a
19Player Default: If you stay here, you're as good as dead. You need to leave this island and never come back.{Mulling over an idea / Thinking} Hm... there's wisdom in your words. If I cannot save the Children of Atom from their blindness, perhaps I can spread the word elsewhere.X1a
20{An epiphany / Awed} Yes... Nothing's will becomes more clear to me now. I must spread the message to all who will hear, no matter how far the journey.X1b
21{Confident in your new purpose / Confident} You should tell Richter and the others that I'm dead. I can't risk them following me.X1c
22{Grateful / Confident} Thank you for opening my eyes to that which I could not see.X1d
23Player Default: If you stay here, you're as good as dead. You need to leave this island and never come back.{Firm in your convictions / Stern} To abandon my task would be to defy the will of Nothing, and that's something I will never do.X2a
24{Firm in your convictions / Confident} I will spread the truth of Nothing and I will show the children of the false god the folly of their ways, even if it costs me my life.X2b
25Player Default: You've betrayed Atom with your lies and heretical messages.{Sympathetic / Confident} Not long ago, I would have said the same. But then I learned the truth.Gwyneth: The Children of Atom have been deceived by Martin, by Tektus... it's a false gospel, all of it.X1a
26Player Default: The truth of Nothing? What does that mean?{Certain, righteous / Confident} If you are truly prepared to hear it, then I will tell you.Gwyneth: The Children of Atom have been deceived by Martin, by Tektus... it's a false gospel, all of it.Y1a
27Player Default: Look, I know you think you're trying to save the Children of Atom, but you could be wrong. It's not too late to turn back and atone for your actions.{Sad / Sad} I wish I could believe that.Player Default: Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this.A1a
28Player Default: You saw something you didn't understand and it scared you. Now you've turned your back on Atom and your family.{Struggling with your beliefs, unsure what to think, rising doubt / Disbelief} I... I know what I saw!B1a
29{A difficult admission / Confident} Yes, I was afraid, but not for myself. I was afraid that my brothers and sisters were living a lie, and that's why I left.Player Default: Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this.B1b
30Player Default: You're not thinking clearly, and unless you stop, these delusions are going to get you killed. You can't go on like this, Gwyneth.{Tormented, lonely, sad / Sad} Do you think I wanted this? To leave my family behind? But now... I've gone too far.Player Default: Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this.X1a
31Player Default: What if you misunderstood what you saw and overreacted? Do you really believe that everyone is wrong about Atom except you?{Growing doubt / Concerned} I can't... I can't think about that now. I've strayed so far from the path. I don't dare look back.Player Default: Fear and doubt have blinded you, sister, but I think in your heart, you don't really believe any of this.Y1a
32-{The player has stopped talking, you're not sure why.} You seem distant.
33{The player has stopped talking, you're not sure why.} Take your time, gather your thoughts.
34{The player has stopped talking, you're not sure why.} What is it?
35{Going into battle with religious fervor / Angry} Come, Child of Atom! I give my life for Nothing!
36{Stern. / Irritated} Go. Leave this place.
37{Stern. / Irritated} I have nothing else to say to you.
38{Stern. / Irritated} DO what you must, but I have made my decision.
39{Stern. / Irritated} I have chosen my path.
40I will spread the truth of Nothing to the whole world!
41The Children of Atom are lost beyond hope. I can do nothing more for them.
42I tried to show the Children of Atom the truth, but they would not see it. Now I must show that truth to others.
43Soon... I will begin my journey soon.
44You have shown me a new path. Soon the whole world will know the truth of Nothing!
45I will spread the holy word to the masses! Nothing is real!
46Thank you for helping me to see reason.
47I just need time to prepare myself before I return.
48The Nucleus is my home. It's where I belong. I see that now.


49-{Your leader has decided to call off the crusade against your ancient foe. / Neutral} Atom's mercy. Such a glorious gift. But one Far Harbor deserves?
50{Pleased, humbled} Grand Zealot Richter convinced the High Confessor to show mercy. I can stay as long as I remain faithful. I can barely believe it.
51{Pleased, humbled} Not everyone has forgiven me, but it's still good to be home.
52{Pleased, humbled} Thank you for helping me see the truth.
53{Pleased, humbled} If not for you, I'd still be out there, lost and alone.
54{Pleased, humbled} Never again will I turn my back on Atom. My devotion has never been stronger.


55-{Your family's ancient foe has been destroyed. You take some mild pleasure in this. / Neutral} A shame Far Harbor could not be made to see the Light.A


Gwyneth's journal)
{Rhetorical, a spoken journal. Relief, a great work is done. Hopeful for the future} It's done. The messages are posted. I-I know it could mean my life, but the Children must know.A1a
57{You were finally driven to action when you saw this} I was paging through a pre-war tome when I saw it. The atom.A1b
58{You were finally driven to action when you saw this} A tiny speck of matter surrounded by endless depths. A vast emptiness that dwells within us all.A1c
59{An epiphany, you've realized an important truth} It only reaffirmed what I'd felt all this time. The truth the Confessor wanted no one to hear. The lie that is Atom.Player Default: It's not real! We aren't all infinite worlds. Just empty space. Dead. Cold. That we are Nothing.A1d
60Player Default: It only reaffirmed what I'd felt all this time. The truth the Confessor wanted no one to hear. The lie that is Atom.{Awe, reverence} It's not real! We aren't all infinite worlds. Just empty space. Dead. Cold. That we are Nothing.A1a
61{Trying to muster courage} Confessor won't be pleased by my messages, but I'm not afraid.A1b
62{Hopeful but nervous} I'm going to start moving things to the old church by the west access road, in case... in case they decide to join me.A1c
63{Nervous, afraid for friends whose souls may be in peril} I-I just hope I'm not too late to save them from Atom's lies.A1d
64DLC03AtomM02_GwynethReverseScene Cut content{Fervent preaching} Atom is a lie! The Children are deceived and I must save them!Player Default: Nothing is real! It is vast and endless and swallows all!A1a
65Player Default: Atom is a lie! The Children are deceived and I must save them!{Awe, reverence} Nothing is real! It is vast and endless and swallows all!A1a
66{Fervent preaching} I must show the Children the truth!A1b