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This is a transcript for dialogue with Protector McGraw.


DLC02McGrawSell Got anything to trade? Neutral 50 Absolutely. You're always welcome to trade with us at any time. We pick up odds and ends from all over the Wasteland, so keep checking back. 1
Got anything to trade? Neutral 50 Certainly. Take a look at what we've got. 2
DLC02OA1McGrawBackOut Maybe I should just be going. Neutral 50 You realize I could force you to stay? 3
Neutral 50 I'm not going to do that. I hope you take that gesture as it's intended -- to show that I really do want your help. 4
DLC02OA1McGrawExplain1 I was just exploring. I didn't mean to intrude. Neutral 50 Under different circumstances, that wouldn't be nearly enough of an explanation. 5
Neutral 50 But... I think you can be helpful, and so I'll overlook it for now. 6
DLC02OA1McGrawExplain2 Hey, I'm just here to help. I heard your radio broadcast. Neutral 50 Well, you're certainly not the help that Morrill had in mind, but from the looks of you, you might be useful in other ways. 7
DLC02OA1McGrawExplain3 You can't have me killed if you're dead. Anger 50 Try me, reject. Ouutcassttsss! Hostile in base! 8
DLC02OA1McGrawGreet1 What? No, of course I'm one of you... uhh, sir. <Lie> Neutral 50 I'm not an idiot. That computer you've got on your wrist there? That's not our tech. 9
Neutral 50 So how about you tell me what you're really doing here before I have you killed. 10
I hope we're talking "helpful" useful, and not "tasty" useful. Neutral 50 Do we look like cannibals? Are you really that dense? 11
Neutral 50 That computer on your wrist is what I'm talking about. I need that computer -- and the person attached to it -- to access the technology here. 12
DLC02OA1McGrawGreet2 How did you know? Neutral 50 That device on your wrist. That's not our tech. That, and the fact that none of us would be stupid enough to take our armor off. 13
Neutral 50 This is the part where I'd have you killed. At least, under normal circumstances. 14
Neutral 50 But, it turns out you might be useful to us. If you can help, I'll forget that you should be dead for wearing that armor. 15
How did you know? Neutral 50 That device on your wrist. That's not our tech. 16
Neutral 50 This is the part where I'd have you killed. At least, under normal circumstances. 17
Neutral 50 But, it turns out you might be useful to us. If you can help, I'll forget that you should be dead for wearing that armor. 18
Sure, who wouldn't want to help out the surly guys in scary armor? Neutral 50 Fine, fine. I get it. I'm not trying to intimidate you here. I just need your help, and we can both come out of this better off than we are now. 19
Neutral 50 That computer on your wrist there. I need that, and I need you to use it. Okay? That's it. No one's going to hurt you. 20
DLC02OA1McGrawGreet3 Guilty as charged. But it looks like you need help just the same. Neutral 50 You're not wrong. So for now I'll overlook the fact that you've got some of our tech. 21
Neutral 50 If you can assist us, it'll be worth your while. 22
I'd be happy to help, provided there's something in it for me. Neutral 50 IF you can help, then I suspect it will definitely be worth your time. 23
DLC02OA1McGrawGreet4 I've dealt with your group before. Fort Independence, right? Neutral 50 Yes, that is our main base of operations in the area. If Casdin is willing to trust you, then I hope we can work together. 24
DLC02OA1McGrawGreet5 I killed your buddies at Fort Independence. Now it's your turn. Anger 50 You arrogant little shit. Outcasssttssss! We've got a hostile! 25
DLC02OA1McGrawGreetINT So, my Pip-Boy makes me unique, and you need my help because of that... Surprise 50 So you do have half a brain. That's good. 26
Neutral 50 I'll keep it simple. I need you, and I need that computer of yours. You help me out, and I'll do what I can to help you. 27
Neutral 50 This isn't an offer the Outcasts extend to anyone, so you really should think carefully about it. 28
DLC02OA1McGrawGreetPER I must have something you want, so let's cut to the chase. Neutral 50 Heh, all right. You're obviously sharper than the average rubble dweller. 29
Neutral 50 That computer you've got on your wrist is a specialized piece of equipment. I need someone who knows how to use it. 30
Neutral 50 If you can be that someone, I'm willing to work with you to make your life easier. 31
DLC02OA1McGrawHowHelp1 Well, what do you want me to do? Neutral 50 Records indicate there's some high-value tech in this base, but we can't get to it. The armory is sealed by a blast door, and we can't get it open. 32
Neutral 50 We're pretty sure anyone who completes the facility's VR simulation program will gain access, but it requires a certain interface. 33
Neutral 50 Unfortunately, we don't have one. You do, right there on your wrist. 34
Neutral 50 I need you to go into the simulator and complete that program... which will unlock the armory. You'll get a share of the gear, of course. 35
DLC02OA1McGrawHowHelp1b Spit it out, McGraw. I ain't got all day. Neutral 50 Wasting your time, am I? You're in MY house, reject. You'd do well to remember that. Now shut up and listen. This could be worth your while. 36
Neutral 50 Records indicate there's some high-value tech in this base, but we can't get to it. The armory is sealed by a blast door, and we can't get it open. 37
Neutral 50 We're pretty sure anyone who completes the facility's simulation program will gain access, but it requires a certain interface. Like your Pip-Boy. 38
Neutral 50 I need you to go into the simulator and complete that program... which will unlock the armory. Do that, and you'll get a share of the gear. 39
DLC02OA1McGrawHowHelp1c You guys treat outsiders like shit, but you still beg for help. Typical. Neutral 50 I apologize for the gruffness of my men, but as you can see, everyone's under quite a bit of... duress. Maybe if I explain our situation? 40
Neutral 50 Records indicate there's some high-value tech in this base, but we can't get to it. The armory is sealed by a blast door, and we can't get it open. 41
Neutral 50 We're pretty sure anyone who completes the facility's VR sim program will gain access, but it requires a certain interface. Like your Pip-Boy. 42
Neutral 50 I need you to go into the simulator and complete that program... which will unlock the armory. Do that, and you'll get a share of the gear. 43
DLC02OA1McGrawHowHelp1d If you've got a paying job, I'm in. What's the situation? Neutral 50 Ah, so you're a mercenary. Suddenly everything has become much clearer... All right, I'll get right to the point. 44
Neutral 50 Records indicate there's some high-value tech in this base, but we can't get to it. The armory is sealed by a blast door, and we can't get it open. 45
Neutral 50 We're pretty sure anyone who completes the facility's simulation program will gain access, but it requires a certain interface. Like your Pip-Boy. 46
Neutral 50 I need you to go into the simulator and complete that program... which will unlock the armory. Do that, and you'll get a share of the gear. 47
DLC02OA1McGrawHowHelp2 First let's talk about what I get out of this. Neutral 50 You wasters, always thinking of yourselves. 48
Neutral 50 All right, look. I'm in a bind here. I need results from this expedition, and I need them now. 49
Neutral 50 If you can help us out, you get a cut of whatever we find locked up in here. You're not going to get a better deal from me than that. 50
DLC02OA1McGrawNo Maybe later. I just remembered I have somewhere else to be. Neutral 50 Look, local. I'm trying to be reasonable with you. Don't make me reconsider that decision. 51
Neutral 50 We'll be waiting for you. 52
DLC02OA1McGrawSimulation Simulation? Like... a computer simulation? Of what? Neutral 50 It's the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from Chinese Communists. It was a pretty significant event in American history, according to our Scribe. 53
Neutral 50 I won't lie to you. It's heavy combat -- safety protocols disengaged. That means you die in the sim... your body goes into massive cardiac arrest. 54
Neutral 50 You're still listening, so I'm going to assume you're interested. But time's wasting. Sibley can take you to the pod. Olin will get you briefed. 55
Neutral 50 If you want to walk away, you're free to leave. My men won't stop you. 56
DLC02OA1McGrawSimulationb So it's a computer game. I get it. Sounds like fun! Neutral 50 Well it's not. It's a hyper-realistic military training simulation of the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from Chinese Communists. 57
Neutral 50 This is heavy combat -- safety protocols off. That means you die in the sim... your body goes into massive cardiac arrest. Sim death... real death. 58
Neutral 50 You're still listening, so I'm going to assume you're interested. But time's wasting. Sibley can take you to the pod. Olin will get you briefed. 59
Neutral 50 If you want to walk away, you're free to leave. My men won't stop you. 60
DLC02OA1McGrawSimulationc Simulation, huh? Piece of cake. Neutral 50 Don't be so sure. It's the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from Chinese Communists. A pretty significant event in American history, I'm told. 61
Neutral 50 We're talking front line, heavy combat -- safety protocols disengaged. That means you die in the sim... your body goes into massive cardiac arrest. 62
Neutral 50 You're still listening, so I'm going to assume you're interested. But time's wasting. Sibley can take you to the pod. Olin will get you briefed. 63
Neutral 50 If you want to walk away, you're free to leave. My men won't stop you. 64
DLC02OA1McGrawSimulationd Oh, great. Let me guess, more psychotic little girls... Surprise 50 Umm.... Noooo.... 65
Neutral 50 It's the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from Chinese Communists. It was a pretty significant event in American history, according to our Scribe. 66
Neutral 50 We're talking front line, heavy combat -- safety protocols disengaged. That means you die in the sim... your body goes into massive cardiac arrest. 67
Neutral 50 You're still listening, so I'm going to assume you're interested. But time's wasting. Sibley can take you to the pod. Olin will get you briefed. 68
Neutral 50 If you want to walk away, you're free to leave. My men won't stop you. 69
DLC02OA1McGrawYes Okay, sure. I'll do it. Neutral 50 Very well. Sibley will take you to the simulator. 70
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Everything well with you? We're still busy cataloging all the gear you uncovered. 71
GREETING Neutral 50 Dropped by for another visit? Bring any good tech with you? 72
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back. We're still picking up the pieces from the... incident. 73
GREETING Neutral 50 You've saved us. Sibley would've had the upper hand if you hadn't been here. 74
Neutral 50 We'll be here for a while, cataloging all the tech. If you need anything, you come see us. 75
Neutral 50 You may not be one of us, but you're the next best thing. 76
GREETING Neutral 50 Thank you for helping. Sibley would've gotten the best of me if you weren't here. 77
Neutral 50 It's a damn shame about Olin, but she died well. 78
GREETING Neutral 50 Go on, take whatever you like. I never break my promises. 79
GREETING Neutral 50 All right, let's get this door open. 80
GREETING Neutral 50 We should be able to access the restricted areas now. Let's hope it's been worth all this time. 81
GREETING Neutral 50 Good job making it through that simulation. All you have to do now is open the Armory. 82
Neutral 50 And, as agreed, you get your share. Feel free to take whatever you want. If our records are right, there's plenty for all of us. 83
GREETING Neutral 50 So you're the one Morrill sent down. 84
Neutral 50 Except you're not one of us, are you? I'll have to have a little chat with Morrill about that. 85
Neutral 50 But... you do have that computer there on your wrist. Hmph. I can see now that Morrill made the right call. Maybe you can be useful after all... 86
GREETING Neutral 50 So you're the one Morrill sent down. 87
Neutral 50 I'll be perfectly honest -- I'd trust a Wastelander to shine my Power Armor, and even that's pushing it. 88
Neutral 50 But... you do have that computer there on your wrist. Hmph. I can see now that Morrill made the right call. Maybe you can be useful after all... 89
GREETING Neutral 50 Look, Wastelander. I'm not sure what brings you here, but we don't like surprise visits from the local populace. You're lucky you weren't killed. 90
Neutral 50 But... Maybe there's more to you than the average rubble dweller, hmm? That computer there on your wrist... 91
Neutral 50 Maybe you can be useful to us after all... 92
GREETING Neutral 50 This is a pre-war research facility. There's technology to be had, and I am determined to have it. 93
Neutral 50 Unfortunately, it's locked up tight. As far as we can tell, it's linked into some kind of simulator. 94
Neutral 50 But we can't access the simulator, because we lack the proper interface. Your little computer there is exactly what we're looking for. 95
Neutral 50 So, I'll make you a deal. You access the simulator and get us into the rest of this base, and I'll give you a cut of what we find. 96
Neutral 50 Payment for Services Rendered. You help us, and we'll help you. 97
GREETING Neutral 50 I've said my piece. If you're interested in assisting, follow Sibley to the simulation pod. Olin will help get you jacked into the sim. 98
GREETING Neutral 50 So you're the one Morrill sent down. 99
Neutral 50 I hope you've got half a brain in that head. You could be useful to us. 100
GREETING Neutral 50 Morrill will explain at the base. Focus on those mutants for now! 101
GREETING Neutral 50 Stick with us until we make it through to the base! 102
GREETING Neutral 50 Take that elevator and report in to Defender Sibley. 103
GREETING Neutral 50 I think Defender Sibley's going to want to talk with you. Take that elevator down into the base. 104
GREETING Neutral 50 Defender Morrill's going to want to talk with you. 105
GREETING Neutral 50 Nothing to report. 106
GREETING Neutral 50 Carry on. I've got this in hand. 107
GREETING Neutral 50 Kind of busy, here. {a little testy, but respectful} 108
GREETING Neutral 50 If you're here to help, then help. If not... back off. 109
GREETING Neutral 50 If you didn't notice, I'm busy. Get lost. 110
GREETING Neutral 50 Find someone else to bother, local. 111


DLC02FinSibleyMcGrawEndConv DLC02FinSibleyMcGrawEndConv Neutral 50 Burn in hell, traitor! 112
DLC02FinSibleyMcGrawEndConv Neutral 50 Treason, Sibley? Really? You're not going to get away with this. 113
DLC02FinSibleyMcGrawEndConv Neutral 50 I've made it quite clear that it's not your call. A deal's a deal. 114
DLC02FinSibleyMcGrawEndConv Neutral 50 Dammit Sibley, now's not the time. 115
DLC02OA1FightIntoRuins DLC02OA1FightIntoRuins Neutral 50 Yes, sir! Proceeding. 116
DLC02OA1FightIntoRuins Neutral 50 Yessir. Heading uphill, wiping out some green. 117
DLC02OA1FightIntoRuins Neutral 50 Let's move, people. 118
DLC02OA1FightToBase DLC02OA1FightToBase Neutral 50 Area clear. Returning to base. 119
DLC02OA1FightToBase Neutral 50 Done here. Back to base. 120
DLC02OA1FightToBase Neutral 50 That's the last of them. Moving to base. 121
DLC02OA1FightToRuins DLC02OA1FightChatter1 Neutral 50 Ready. Let's hit the ruins. 122
DLC02OA1FightChatter1 Neutral 50 Entering the ruins. 123
DLC02OA1FightChatter1 Neutral 50 Pushing into the ruined building. 124
DLC02OA1SibleyMcGraw1 DLC02OA1SibleyMcGraw1 Neutral 50 Noted, Defender. That'll be all. 125
DLC02OA1SibleyMcGraw1 Neutral 50 Thank you, Defender. Give us a moment, please. 126
DLC02OA1SibleyMcGraw1 Neutral 50 That'll be all, Defender. Thank you. 127
DLC02OA1SibleyMcGraw1 Neutral 50 You were supposed to keep an eye on our guest, Defender. 128
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Welcome back. 129
HELLO Neutral 50 Good work, for a local. 130
HELLO Neutral 50 Never would have thought a savage could do it. 131
HELLO Neutral 50 Thanks, I guess. 132
HELLO Neutral 50 Oh, great. Just what we need. {sarcastic, annoyed.} 133
HELLO Neutral 50 Keep moving, local. 134
HELLO Neutral 50 Nothing to report, soldier. 135
HELLO Happy 50 Glad you could join the party! 136
HELLO Happy 50 Nice to see a friendly faceplate. 137
HELLO Neutral 50 All clear, sir. 138
HELLO Neutral 50 Good to have reinforcements. 139
HELLO Neutral 50 Don't think I recognize your unit. Must be a new convert from old man Lyons. 140
HELLO Neutral 50 Watch it, local. 141
HELLO Neutral 50 If you're here to help, fine. Otherwise, out of my way. 142
HELLO Neutral 50 Shouldn't you be huddling in a cave somewhere? 143
HELLO Neutral 50 What're you doing here? 144
HELLO Neutral 50 Great, another local. 145
HELLO Neutral 50 Keep your distance, mutt. No knowing what you've got breeding on you. 146