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This is a transcript for dialogue with American soldiers.


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Okay, now you're just babblin'. I'll talk to ya later. 1
I have to go now. Neutral 50 You're crazy, you know that? 2
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Riiiiggghhhtt... 3
I have to go now. Neutral 50 We live through this, and you're buying the beers. 4
I have to go now. Neutral 50 It's like talking to a child sometimes, you know that? 5
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 So... you ready for this? 6
HELLO Neutral 50 How you feelin'? 7
HELLO Neutral 50 This waiting is killing me. I just want get out there, get it over with. How 'bout you -- doin' all right? 8
HELLO Neutral 50 Almost time. You doin' okay? 9
HELLO Neutral 50 God, the adrenaline is giving me the shakes. How you holdin' up? 10
HELLO Neutral 50 How can you be so relaxed? Before the day is out, we'll be fighting for our lives. You do realize that... right? 11
HELLO Neutral 50 Look at you, all calm, cool and collected. Doesn't the fact that we're surrounded by Chinese troops make you even a little bit anxious? 12
HELLO Neutral 50 Sir. 12
SoldierTalk1 SoldierTalk1 Anger 50 All I need is a weapon at my front and you sons o' bitches at my back. I'm ready to get this thing done. 13
SoldierTalk1 Anger 50 I'm ready to kill me some Commies, I can tell you that much. 14
SoldierTalk1 Anger 50 I ever tell you I got an aunt lives in Anchorage? She's in there... somewhere. And God help me, I'm gonna get those Reds out of her backyard. 15
SoldierTalk1 Anger 50 Man, Anchorage ain't nothin'. You know what all this is? Practice. Next stop, Shanghai. Just you wait. 16
SoldierTalk1 Happy 50 You know me. My day ain't complete unless I've killed me some Reds. So let's start the killin' already... 17
SoldierTalk1 Happy 50 I'm feelin' that "twitch" in my eyebrow. You, know, that one I get when there are Commies around. Gonna be a fun day! 18
SoldierTalk1 Anger 50 What good's having a weapon if they won't let me use it? Pal, I am ready to flick the safety off and engage. 19
SoldierTalk2 SoldierTalk2 Neutral 50 Well, don't you go actin' the hero on me, all right? You'll hog all the medals, like last time. 20
SoldierTalk2 Neutral 50 Yeah, well, you just remember you're not a one-man army, and you may live long enough to enjoy the victory. 21
SoldierTalk2 Neutral 50 Oh, that's right. You signed up for this crap. Sometimes I forget you actually like killing people. Maybe we can just send you in by yourself. 22
SoldierTalk2 Neutral 50 Spoken like a true defender of freedom. Just don't go doin' anything stupid out there, okay? Remember, I'll be standing next to you. 23
SoldierTalk2 Neutral 50 I just want to get in there, kill a couple Reds for good measure, and then get my ass back to base camp. 24
SoldierTalk3 SoldierTalk3 Neutral 50 Well, now, remember... We got a lot of damn Chinese to kill. Millions of 'em. You're gonna have to step up your game. Do some real soldierin'. 25
SoldierTalk3 Neutral 50 I haven't died yet, have I? In fact, I'm startin' to think I'm indestructible. Like some kind of superhero. You can call me... "Supergrunt." 26
SoldierTalk3 Neutral 50 Soldier, you just stick with me. We'll be the most highly decorated soldiers in the Army when this thing is done. 27
SoldierTalk3 Neutral 50 Hey, I'll do whatever it takes. You know why? If I don't protect the weak -- you know, people like you -- who will? 28
SoldierTalk3 Neutral 50 Well, I do have a sort of "secondary objective" I need to get done. My kid brother back home wants one of them Chinese guns. Things could get ugly. 29


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 Be more careful next time. 1
AcceptYield Neutral 50 That better have been an accident. 2
AcceptYield Neutral 50 Jeezus! What was that about? 3
Attack Attack Neutral 50 U.S.A.! 4
Attack Neutral 50 Stars and Stripes forever, you Commie sonsabitches! 5
Attack Neutral 50 Assaulting hostiles! 6
Attack Neutral 50 Firing! 7
Attack Neutral 50 Attacking! 8
Attack Neutral 50 Targets engaged! 9
Attack Neutral 50 Opening fire! 10
Attack Neutral 50 Going weapons hot! 11
Attack Neutral 50 Engaging targets! 12
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Hit the dirt! 13
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Duck and cover! 14
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Explosives! 15
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Take cover! 16
AvoidThreat Neutral 50 Incoming! 17
Death Death Neutral 50 Urrghh... 18
Death Neutral 50 Mother... 19
Death Neutral 50 Can't be... 20
Death Neutral 50 No... 21
DeathResponse DeathResponse Anger 50 I'll make you pay for that! 22
DeathResponse Anger 50 Damn it! 23
DeathResponse Anger 50 Shit. Lost one. 24
DeathResponse Anger 50 Gah! 25


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 Target in proximity. Search pattern seven-three. 26
AlertIdle Neutral 50 We got us a ghost here. Eyes on. 27
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Possible hostile contact. 28
AlertIdle Neutral 50 Movement detected. Keep sharp. 29
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Enemy sighted! Get him! 30
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 There he is! Drop that son-of-a-bitch! 31
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Target acquired! Engaging! 32
AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Hostile! Hostile! 33
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Lost the target. Must have bugged out. 34
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Nothing here. False alarm. 35
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 There's no one here. Stand down. 36
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Target lost. 37
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 The enemy ghosted himself. Keep your eyes on. 38
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Target's gone out of sight! Watch it! 39
CombatToLost Neutral 50 Lost visual on target! 40
CombatToLost Neutral 50 What the hell? Where did he go? 41
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Area secured. 42
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Chalk another one up for me! 43
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Welcome to Alaska, Commie. 44
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Hostile vaporized! 45
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Target is down! 46
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 G'night, Commie! 47
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Ha! Dropped one! 48
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 That's how we do things in my hometown! 49
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 U.S.A. forever! 50


PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 Are we under attack?! 52
PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Neutral 50 What's wrong? 53
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 I hope the safety's on. {confused, his comrade is pointing a gun at him} 54
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Sir? {confused, his comrade is pointing a gun at him} 55
PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 Jesus! Put that down! I'm a friendly! {confused, his comrade is pointing a gun at him} 56
PLAYERKNOCKOVEROBJECTS PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Neutral 50 Got the shakes, sir? Why don't you sit down and take a break? 57
PLAYER KNOCK OVER OBJECTS Neutral 50 Careful. You alright? 59
PLAYERPICKPOCKET PLAYER PICKPOCKET Neutral 50 There's nothing in there worth taking. {catching a friend trying to pick pocket him} 60
PLAYER PICKPOCKET Neutral 50 Is there something you need, sir? {catching a friend trying to pick pocket him} 61
PLAYER PICKPOCKET Neutral 50 Um... what are you doing? {catching a friend trying to pick pocket him} 62
PLAYERSTANDONFURNITURE PLAYER STAND ON FURNITURE Neutral 50 Combat stress getting to you, sir? {worried his comrade is flipping out} 63
PLAYER STAND ON FURNITURE Neutral 50 Well that's not something you see every day. {worried his comrade is flipping out} 64
PLAYER STAND ON FURNITURE Neutral 50 Got a better view from up there, sir? {worried his comrade is flipping out} 65
PLAYERSWINGMELEEWEAPON PLAYER SWING MELEE WEAPON Neutral 50 Whoa now. Careful with that! {afraid his comrade is going to accidentally hurt someone} 66
PLAYER SWING MELEE WEAPON Neutral 50 Maybe you should put that away. Before someone gets hurt. {afraid his comrade is going to accidentally hurt someone} 67
PLAYER SWING MELEE WEAPON Neutral 50 Look out. (not panicked, more like "woa there buddy) afraid his comrade is going to accidentally hurt someone} 68
PLAYERTHROWGRENADE PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 Fire in the hole! {after someone throws a grenade} 69
PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 Hot potato! {after someone throws a grenade} 70
PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 Heads up! {after someone throws a grenade} 71