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This is a transcript for dialogue with Midea.


DLC01AboutMarie1 If it's any consolation, Ashur says the cure will be shared with everyone. Anger 25 Oh sure, someday. Meanwhile, they keep bringing in more slaves to die. 1
Disgust 50 Be obedient and subservient because someday the god-king's only child will make everything better? Who'd fall for that one? 2
How's the baby doing? Sad 20 She's a handful, is what she is. I mean, I'm glad she's healthy, and I take care of her like she's my own, but it's a full-time job. {Worn-out} 3
Happy 50 And I hardly have any time to work on finding a cure from her. People help out here and there, but she's just such a handful! 4
DLC01AboutPitt Have things gotten better? Anger 50 What the hell do you think? We're still brought here against our will, and we still have to work until we fall over. 5
Anger 25 Sure, maybe the guards don't shoot us for fun as often. And there's a slim chance that someday we'll stop getting sick and dying. Maybe. {Angry sarcasm} 6
Disgust 75 Whoop-tee-fucking-doo. Thank goodness you came here to save us. {Angry sarcasm} 7
Have things gotten better? Happy 50 You better believe it. No more beatings, no more forced work, no more slaves being brought here in chains. You did some good work. 8
Anger 25 Of course, we've got all new problems, now that Ashur and the taskmasters are gone. Not enough food getting brought in, for one thing. 9
Anger 50 Wernher said he'll organize scavenging parties, but I think he'd rather stay up in the bar than actually do any leading. 10
Disgust 15 Whatever. We'll work it out, somehow. 11
DLC01BabyGift1 Would it help if I brought toys for Marie? Happy 25 That sure would help me out. Happier Marie is, the more likely I can get a full night's sleep for once in my life. {Desperately happy for some help.} 12
Neutral 25 She seems to really enjoy teddy bears. Creepy little things, but I guess she doesn't know any better. 13
Happy 50 Bring as many as you can, and you'll get paid plenty for it. I promise. 14
Teddy bear delivery for Marie! Here you go. Happy 50 Thanks, you have no idea how much this will help. Here's your pay. {Weary, but thankful.} 15
DLC01MideaPathA01A Sorry, but I just couldn't kidnap an innocent baby, even for your freedom. Disgust 50 We're just supposed to live and die in slavery, and watch our children turn into monsters, all because you don't have the balls to do your job? {Disgusted at the player's weakness} 16
Anger 50 Wake up, you simple-headed sap. That baby could do more good for us than all of his mongrel raider family ever did for us combined. 17
You didn't really expect me to steal a baby, did you? Anger 50 No, we expected you to steal the one thing that was both a cure for our children, and a hostage to earn our freedom. 18
Anger 50 But congratulations, your petty sentimentality has doomed us to continued slavery and pestilence. Thanks. {Dripping with venom and sarcasm.} 19
DLC01MideaPathA01B I joined with the winning side. Now shut your mouth, slave. Happy 50 Oh, now I see how it is! Think you're going to become Ashur's new lieutenant, do you? Maybe wait until you can take his throne? {Nastily amused by the player's hubris} 20
Disgust 50 I've seen your type come and go, and they always leave town face down in the river. 21
Disgust 50 So, fine. You picked your side, and you made your choice. See where that takes you. {Coldly dismissive. She is absolutely done with the player.} 22
Did you know the cure is actually a baby? Disgust 50 Of course I knew, you dolt. I also know it's the only chance we had of finding a cure and ransoming our freedom. 23
Anger 50 If they ever find a cure, do you think they'll share it with us? Of course not. Why waste medicine on people you'll just work to death, anyway? 24
DLC01MideaPathB01A I don't feel right about kidnapping. She's going to be safe, right? Happy 50 Of course, she'll be safe. We're just going to do our own research for the cure, and then ransom her back for our freedom. {Comforting a skittish collaborator} 25
Anger 50 You've seen how Ashur and his people treat us. It's far, far kinder than they deserve. 26
I'm not so sure this was the right thing to do. Neutral 50 Don't get all sentimental on us now. This child will provide us a cure, and in exchange for our freedom, she can go back to her family. {Trying to comfort a skittish collaborator} 27
Happy 15 And if something happens to her family, I'm sure she'll grow up fine with us. She wouldn't even have to know the monsters her real parents were. {A little cold about the child, and particularly venomous about her real parents.} 28
DLC01MideaPathB01B Seems like an awful lot of fuss over one little baby. Anger 50 She's not just any baby. She holds the promise of a cure for our own children, and we can ransom her back for our freedom. 29
Anger 15 Don't think I enjoy this any more than you. But it's the only way we can be free and healthy enough to leave. 30
Did you know the cure is actually a baby? Disgust 25 Of course I knew, but you don't see me blubbering about it. That baby is our only chance of a cure and freedom from this hellhole. {Disgusted at the player for having second thoughts.} 31
Disgust 50 But if it makes you feel better, when we're done, she'll be back with her parents, and never needs to know any of this happened. So quit whining. 32
DLC01MideaPathB02A As long as the kid's all right. Take her. Anger 15 She'll be all right - just not with me. Ashur's guards are always watching me. They'd find her right away. 33
Neutral 50 Wernher sent me word that he's hiding out in the Steelyard. He's got everything there to take care of the cure. 34
Happy 25 Take it to him, and he'll handle the rest. Now get going! 35
DLC01MideaPathB02B Whatever. I've done my part, now where's my reward? Anger 15 Not yet, hotshot. Ashur's got people watching me, and I can't keep a baby hidden in this dump. 36
Neutral 50 Wernher sent me word that he's hiding out in the Steelyard. He's got everything there to take care of the cure. 37
Happy 25 Take it to him, and he'll handle the rest. Now get going! 38
DLC01MideaSt100Greeting1 Arena? Before I go anywhere, you're going to explain this plan to me. Neutral 50 It's simple, really. From time to time, Ashur opens up the arena. Any slave who wants to can fight against the gladiators. 39
Neutral 50 If you win, you get your freedom. More importantly: you get an audience with Ashur. It's the only way a slave will ever get to talk to him directly. 40
Neutral 50 You fight. You win. And when you talk to Ashur, you take the cure. 41
DLC01MideaSt100Greeting1a And he'll just give it to me? Neutral 50 Not exactly, no. Wernher has a... distraction planned. We haven't been making these weapons for nothing, you know. 42
Neutral 50 But, when you're meeting with Ashur, you'll be close enough to grab the cure. Get it, and bring it to me. 43
Neutral 50 Now let's get out there and listen to Ashur's speech. There'll be hell to pay if the guards catch us in here. 44
DLC01MideaSt100Greeting1b Do I have to kill him to get it? Neutral 50 I wouldn't shed a tear, but no. Wernher has a... distraction planned. We haven't been making these weapons for nothing, you know. 45
Neutral 50 But, when you're meeting with Ashur, you'll be close enough to grab the cure. Get it, and bring it to me. 46
Neutral 50 Now let's get out there and listen to Ashur's speech. There'll be hell to pay if the guards catch us in here. 47
DLC01MideaSt100Greeting2 An arena? Interesting. So, that's part of your plan? Neutral 50 It's simple, really. From time to time, Ashur opens up the arena. We call it the Hole. Any slave who wants to can fight against the gladiators. 48
Neutral 50 If you win, you get your freedom. More importantly: you get an audience with Ashur. It's the only way a slave will ever get to talk to him directly. 49
Neutral 50 You fight. You win. And when you talk to Ashur, you take the cure. 50
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1 Whoa, whoa! Slow down! What's going on here? Neutral 50 I don't know what you saw on the way in, but the guards don't really take kindly to workers just standing around. 51
Neutral 50 You're going to need to look busy, or they'll sniff you out pretty quickly. And if they get too close, you don't look like you belong here. 52
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a Sounds dangerous. What will I be doing? Neutral 50 Outside of the mill, there are a bunch of old steel ingots just lying around. Every so often, the Foreman puts out a work order to collect them. 53
Anger 50 It's practically a death sentence and they never assign it to anyone. They make us pick who's going to do it. Bastards. 54
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a1 Actually, that doesn't sound very dangerous. Neutral 50 Yeah? Well the area is full of Trogs. 55
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a1a What the hell is a Trog? Neutral 50 They're what most of us hope we never become. The contamination gets to everyone to some degree. 56
Neutral 50 For most people, it's some form of cancer. Sometimes harmless, sometimes not. For others, the contamination drives them insane. 57
Neutral 50 If it doesn't kill them, it changes them. They become animals -- deformed and inhuman. It's not pretty. They're everywhere and they kill on sight. 58
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a1a1 So where can I get some weapons? Neutral 50 I can't really help you there. Ask around. Maybe check with Marco in the Mill. He's been making some of our tools into weapons. 59
Neutral 50 You might even be able to find a gun on one of the dead bosses out in the Steelyard. They- what was that? 60
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a1a2 So, I'm just supposed to strangle them with my bare hands if I meet one? Neutral 50 I can't really help you there. Ask around. Maybe check with Marco in the Mill. He's been making some of our tools into weapons. 61
Neutral 50 You might even be able to find a gun on one of the dead bosses out in the Steelyard. They- what was that? 62
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a1a3 I think I can handle it. Neutral 50 If you need a weapon, check with Marco in the Mill. He's been making some of our tools into weapons. 63
Neutral 50 You might even be able to find a gun on one of the dead bosses out in the Steelyard. They- what was that? 64
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a1b What is that, some kind of fish? Neutral 50 You're either an idiot or a smartass, either way I don't think it's funny. 65
Neutral 50 They're what most of us hope we never become but, the contamination gets to everyone. 66
Neutral 50 For most people, it's some form of cancer. Sometimes harmless, sometimes not. For others, the contamination drives them insane. 67
Neutral 50 If it doesn't kill them, it changes them. They become animals -- deformed and inhuman. It's not pretty. They're everywhere and they kill on sight. 68
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a2 And let me guess: the area is full of Super Mutants? Neutral 50 What in god's name is a Super Mutant? You know what, never mind. Whatever they are, you're wrong. 69
Neutral 50 What it is full of are Trogs. 70
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1a3 So, what's the catch? Neutral 50 Well... the area is full of Trogs. 71
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1b I didn't come here to work, I came to save you all! Neutral 50 Yeah, and right now, this is what you need to do to help us. 72
Neutral 50 You're not really going to be much use if the guards figure out who you are and stake you out for the Trogs, are you? 73
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1b1 I see your point. What do you need me to do? Neutral 50 Outside of the mill, there are a bunch of steel ingots just laying around. Every so often, the Foreman puts out a work order to collect them. 74
Neutral 50 It's pretty much a death sentence, but they never assign it to anyone. They make us pick who's going to do it. Bastards. 75
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1b1a That's not so bad. Neutral 50 By itself, no. It isn't. But the area is full of Trogs. 76
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1b1b Let me guess, the area is full of Super Mutants. Neutral 50 What in god's name is a Super Mutant? You know what, never mind. Whatever they are, you're wrong. 77
Neutral 50 What it is full of are Trogs. 78
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1b2 I'm not happy about it, but since I'm stuck here: whatever. Neutral 50 I assure you, no one is more unhappy about being here than us. But right now, we need you to do a job we call "collecting the trash". 79
Neutral 50 Outside of the mill, there are a bunch of steel ingots just laying around. Every so often, the Foreman puts out a work order to collect them. 80
Neutral 50 They never assign it to anyone. They make us pick who's going to do it. Bastards. 81
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1b3 So, what's the catch? Neutral 50 Well... the area is full of Trogs. 82
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1c Whatever it is, I can handle it. So... what is it? Neutral 50 Outside of the mill, there are a bunch of old steel ingots just lying around. Every so often, the Foreman puts out a work order to collect them. 83
Anger 50 It's practically a death sentence and they never assign it to anyone. They make us pick who's going to do it. Bastards. 84
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting1d The reward better be worth all of this. What do I need to do? Neutral 50 Well, if you mess it up and get killed, you won't get any reward, now will you? 85
Neutral 50 Now, outside of the mill, there are a bunch of old steel ingots just lying around. Every so often, the Foreman puts out a work order to collect them. 86
Anger 50 It's practically a death sentence and they never assign it to anyone. They make us pick who's going to do it. Bastards. 87
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting2 You're right. What can I do so I don't stand out? Neutral 50 I don't know what you saw on the way in, but the guards don't really take kindly to workers just standing around. 88
Neutral 50 You're going to need to look busy, or they'll sniff you out pretty quickly. And if they get too close, you don't look like you belong here. 89
Neutral 50 So, I'm going to send you out to do a job that will keep you away from the guards. 90
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting3 This place is a nightmare! Neutral 50 Yes. It is. I don't know what you saw on the way in. 91
Neutral 50 You're going to need to look busy, or the bosses will sniff you out pretty quickly. And if they look too close, you don't look like you belong here. 92
Neutral 50 So, I'm going to send you out to do a job that will keep you away from the guards. 93
DLC01MideaSt50Greeting4 Thanks for helping me out back there. Neutral 50 Someone needed to. I'm sure you noticed that the guards don't take kindly to newcomers. 94
Neutral 50 You're going to need to look busy, or they'll sniff you out pretty quickly. And if they get too close, you don't look like you belong here. 95
Neutral 50 So, I'm going to send you out to do a job that will keep you away from the guards. 96
DLC01MideaThreaten1A Tell me where Wernher is, or I'll kill each and every slave, right now. Fear 40 Just to find one man? You... you wouldn't dare! {Trying to be resolute, but uncertain and getting scared} 97
DLC01MideaThreaten1B I'll find out where he is, and then this is over. Just wait. Anger 40 Is this like when you said you'd free us slaves? Because I guess I'll be waiting a long time. {Mocking and spiteful.} 98
DLC01MideaThreaten2A Yeah, because I've never solved my problems with violence. <Intimidate> Fear 75 Dammit! Dammit, you monster! {Caving into fear and pressure} 99
Fear 50 Wernher's in the steelyard! Here, take his damn message, hunt him down, whatever. Just leave my people alone, you bastard! 100
DLC01MideaThreaten2B I don't want to do it, but it's the only way. You're forcing my hand, Midea. Anger 75 Don't you dare try to blame me for your actions, you bastard! I never made you turn your back on us, and I sure as hell never made you a murderer! {Furious, and giving in to rage} 101
Anger 50 But if this is what it's coming down to, I'm not going to let you hurt any more innocent people! 102
DLC01MideaTopicCure Tell me about this cure. Neutral 50 The cure is the key to healing the sickness around here. Look at us. We've all got it. 103
Neutral 50 And the more they force us to work in this mess, the worse it gets. People are going Trog faster than ever before. 104
Neutral 50 The cure is the first thing in this place that hasn't been infected. 105
DLC01MideaTopicMidea I want to talk about you. Neutral 50 What about me? I was born here. I'll probably die here. I've lived my whole life under Ashur's boot heel. 106
Neutral 50 The only thing that keeps me alive is the thought that I might be able to turn the tables someday. 107
DLC01MideaTopicPitt I want to talk about The Pitt. Neutral 50 I was born shortly after the Brotherhood Scourge. As bad as it is now, I can't imagine what it was like before Ashur. 108
Neutral 50 Some of the stories I heard when I was a little girl... about the Trogs and the Wildmen would scare the hell out of you. 109
Neutral 50 I don't care how tough you were. Honestly, I don't know how anything survived, let alone how Ashur managed to control any of those freaks. 110
Neutral 50 Sometimes... just sometimes, I think that maybe things are better with him here... 111
DLC01MideaTopicSlaves I want you to tell me about you and your people. Neutral 50 We come from all over. Most were born here, but lately, the bosses have been bringing us in from all over. 112
DLC01StopSlaveRiot Your riot isn't going to change anything. Except getting the slaves killed... Anger 50 They'd rather die for freedom than die working for the raiders. 113
DLC01WernherLocation I can't believe you were going to steal a baby from her loving parents. Surprise 50 It's not like we were going to harm her. We just needed to kidnap her for our freedom. Look, sometimes, these things have to happen! {Increasingly defensive, slowly realizing that she was going to kidnap an innocent to get her own freedom, and understanding the horror of what she wa} 114
Sad 50 Okay, okay! Wernher was the one who wanted to steal the baby. I just wanted our freedom. I didn't think about what it would take. {Overwhelmed with guilt} 115
Anger 25 Wernher's hiding in the steelyard. Look for a rooftop door in the southwest. There, are you happy? Go! Just stop looking at me like that! {Overwhelmed with guilt} 116
If you want to live, you'll tell me where Wernher is hiding. Disgust 50 Fine, if it'll get you out of the way, go check under the blast furnace in the steelyard. {Speech Challenge (1930454888)} 117
Disgust 25 Look for a rooftop door in the southwest. It's got a blue light, you can't miss it. But Wernher will put you in your place. {Speech Challenge (1930454888)} 118
GREETING GREETING Sad 50 So, I suppose you signed on with Ashur and his kind, did you? {Disappointed in the player} 119
Disgust 50 You're not the first to win their freedom and forget where they came from. {Disappointed and disgusted} 120
GREETING Happy 50 You kicked the hornet's nest now, didn't you? I was lucky to get away even for a second. 121
Happy 25 But more importantly, I hear you've stolen the cure. Mind if I see it? 122
GREETING Happy 50 Sounds to me like you've stirred up a bit of a fuss with the raiders. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of murderers. {Quietly happy at their pain} 123
Happy 25 But more importantly, I hear you've stolen the cure. Mind if I see it? 124
GREETING Anger 25 Go get to Wernher. We can't keep the guards occupied forever, you know. 125
GREETING Anger 50 What a waste you turned out to be. 126
GREETING Disgust 50 Here to scare me, are you? 127
GREETING Happy 25 Good work sticking it to those taskmasters. 128
GREETING Disgust 50 I'm done with you. {Flatly refusing to talk, even if it means her death} 129
GREETING Disgust 50 You can't make me talk. {Flatly refusing to talk, even if it means her death} 130
GREETING Neutral 50 Good work. You're one step away from Ashur... and our freedom. 131
GREETING Neutral 50 That fight was impressive. One more to go. 132
GREETING Neutral 50 Watch yourself in the arena. We can't do this without you. 133
GREETING Neutral 50 Good luck in your fight. We're all counting on you. 134
GREETING Neutral 50 Let's get outside. We can talk later. 135
GREETING Neutral 50 Let's go. I don't want the guards to catch us in here. 136
GREETING Neutral 50 Listen to this guy. He thinks he's some sort of king. 137
GREETING Neutral 50 Just listen to the speech. Your time will come. 138
GREETING Neutral 50 Good. Just in time. Ashur has ordered everyone into the square. Rumor has it that he's going to open up the arena. That's perfect for us. 139
GREETING Neutral 50 The longer we talk, the more the guards will know that something's going on. 140
GREETING Neutral 50 You're supposed to be blending in. Why are you here? 141
GREETING Neutral 50 You should be out gathering those ingots. The guards won't put up with a lazy slave. 142
GREETING Fear 50 Alright, we can talk now but we shouldn't take too long. They saw you come in here, so they'll come looking for you if you take too long. {She is tough, but scared of being caught.} 143
Neutral 50 I have a plan for getting you into Ashur's palace, but we need to wait. In the mean time, you're going to have to blend in. 144
GREETING Neutral 50 Not now! Later! In my house! 145
GREETING Neutral 50 Not here! We'll talk in my house! 146
GREETING Neutral 50 Get away from me! The guards can see us! We'll talk later! 147
GREETING Neutral 50 What were you thinking trying to shoot your way in here like that? That's not going to help anyone. 148
Neutral 50 I thought Wernher said you were supposed to be clever. Whatever. It doesn't matter. You're here now, and you look like one of us. So that's good. 149
Neutral 50 But we can't talk out in the open like this. Meet me in my house as soon as you get yourself together. We'll talk there. 150
GREETING Neutral 50 What were you thinking trying to sneak in here like that? These guards are smarter than you think. 151
Neutral 50 I thought Wernher said you were supposed to be clever. Whatever. It doesn't matter. You're here now, and you look like one of us. So that's good. 152
Neutral 50 But we can't talk out in the open like this. Meet me in my house as soon as you get yourself together. We'll talk there. 153
GREETING Neutral 50 Wernher sent you, didn't he? Good. He finally found someone. 154
Neutral 50 We can't talk out in the open like this. Meet me in my house as soon as you can. We'll talk there. 155
GREETING Neutral 50 What do you need? Make it fast. 156
GREETING Disgust 50 Still deigning to talk to us scabs? Well, how nice of you. {Sarcastic and full of barely contained hate} 157
GREETING Happy 50 We're all indebted to you for setting us free from those bastards. You just don't know what a difference you've made. {Sincere gratitude} 158
Happy 15 Now the rest is up to us. And I have to admit, it's pretty daunting. {Less excited, and a little overwhelmed} 159
Neutral 50 At least Wernher's taking care of organizing the city, so I can work on the cure. 160
GREETING Anger 15 We're all pretty busy getting this place back in shape. What do you want? {A little harried} 161
GREETING Anger 25 Argh! How am I supposed to take care of a kid while running delicate medical tests? {Very frustrated} 162
GREETING Anger 25 Make it quick. This kid is a handful. {frustrated} 163
GREETING Happy 25 Nice trophy from Ashur you got there. You sure earned it. {Grimly proud of the player} 164
GREETING Disgust 50 Guess you replaced Ashur completely, huh? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. 165
GREETING Disgust 50 Oh, just who I wanted to talk to while being worked to death. {Very sarcastic and angry to the speaker.} 166
GREETING Disgust 50 Oh joy. Our hero. {Very sarcastic and angry to the speaker.} 167
GREETING Anger 25 It's not easy keeping these people from tearing each other apart. I don't know how Ashur did it. {Frustrated with politics} 168
GREETING Happy 15 Kind of busy trying to keep this place in one piece. And here I thought freedom would make things easier... {Slightly frustrated} 169


DLC01AshurMarketSpeech02 DLC01AshurMarketSpeech02 Neutral 50 Right here! We have one! This woman here will fight in the Hole! 170
DLC01AshurMarketSpeech02 Neutral 50 Right here! We have one! This man here will fight in the Hole! 171
DLC01AshurMarketSpeech02 Neutral 50 C'mon, Ashur! Will you send someone to the Hole who actually stands a chance? 172
DLC01DowntownAmbushMideaHelpPlayer DLC01DowntownAmbushMideaHelpPlayer Neutral 50 Relax. They messed you up pretty bad. 173
DLC01DowntownAmbushMideaHelpPlayer Neutral 50 Take it easy. Don't move too quickly. 174
DLC01DowntownAmbushMideaHelpPlayer Neutral 50 Come on. Sit up now. 175
DLC01JacksonMidea1 DLC01JacksonMidea1 Fear 50 Uhm... nothing. Nothing... uh... sir. I was just telling this new worker about the job the Foreman posted. 176
DLC01JacksonMidea3 DLC01JacksonMidea3 Neutral 50 Yes sir. I told him what he needs to do. He knows. 10 ingots. As fast as he can. 177
DLC01JacksonMidea3 Neutral 50 Yes sir. I told her what she needs to do. She knows. 10 ingots. As fast as she can. 178
DLC01MideaGuidePLayer DLC01MideaGuidePLayer Neutral 50 You head down to the hole. Talk to Faydra. She sets up the fights. 179
DLC01SandraDismissPlayer DLC01SandraDismissPlayer Anger 50 Leave this bastard alone, boys. His fate's in Ashur's hands, now. {Calling out a command to guards threatening the player} 180
DLC01SandraDismissPlayer Anger 50 Leave this bitch alone, boys. Her fate's in Ashur's hands, now. {Calling out a command to guards threatening the player} 181