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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mechanist (Automatron).


1DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo01{Isabel: Nervous, worried. / Worried} In case I haven't said it enough, I really am sorry about this.Player Default: It's fine. We all make mistakes. Some just bigger than others.A
2Player Default: You say that...{Isabel: Nervously explaining her childhood. / Nervous} I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had.A1a
3{Isabel: Nervously explaining her childhood. / Nervous} Sparks was my very first creation. My very first real friend.A1b
4{Isabel: Nervously explaining her childhood. Reflective. / Nervous} The General Atomics Factory originally drew me to the Commonwealth. I never expected to also find this entire military base dedicated to robotics.A1c
5{Isabel: Trying to add a little humorous play out of nervousness and to wrap up the conversation. / Friendly} But... I did, so I did what I knew best. I built amazing robots and hoped to save the Commonwealth. And I guess you know the rest of that story.Player Default: So you considered these robots to be your friends.A1d
6Player Default: Try me? I can be pretty understanding.{Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Worried} That's easy to say...IsabelCruz: I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had.Y1a
7Player Default: Actually, I just want to trade.{Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved} Sounds good to me.IsabelCruz: I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had.X1a
8Player Default: You're right. I don't have time for this.{Isabel: Uneasy, apologetic. / Apologetic} Right. You're right. I'm sure you have better things to do.IsabelCruz: I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had.B1a
9Player Default: You never know until you tell me.{Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Nervous} You say that...IsabelCruz: I just didn't have much in the way of friends while I was growing up. Robots are all I've ever really had.A1a
10Player Default: Right, but... I'm just not used to making mistakes. I'm usually... very precise about these things.{Isabel: Very regretful. / Somber} It's just... I really did think I could make a difference.Player Default: You never know until you tell me.A1a
11Player Default: What started all this? The suit, the robots. It had to be something.{Isabel: Worried. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Worried} You wouldn't understand.Player Default: You never know until you tell me.Y1a
12Player Default: I just want to trade.{Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved} Sounds good to me.IsabelCruz: It's just... I really did think I could make a difference.X1a
13Player Default: Dressing up and playing hero got a lot of people killed.{Isabel: Uneasy, apologetic. / Apologetic} I know. And I can't... undo that. I only hope that somehow I can make up for this.IsabelCruz: It's just... I really did think I could make a difference.B1a
14Player Default: It's fine. We all make mistakes. Some just bigger than others.{Isabel: Nervous, discussing a bit about herself which she doesn't normally do. / Nervous} Right, but... I'm just not used to making mistakes. I'm usually... very precise about these things.IsabelCruz: It's just... I really did think I could make a difference.A1a
15Player Default: I did. I thought, "Who could be trusted more than a robot?" but...yeah. At least I still have Sparks."{Isabel: Nervous. Feels like she may have said too much and trying to get out of the conversation. / Friendly} Anyway, I better get back to doing... something.A1a
16Player Default: Do you feel like the robots betrayed you?{Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Worried} In a sense. In some cases, I feel like I betrayed myself.Y1a
17{Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Somber} I look at everything I did and managed to accomplish... just to screw it all up. I trusted my robots and my ability to program them to do good.Y1b
18{Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Somber} And it... all blew up in my face.IsabelCruz: Anyway, I better get back to doing... something.Y1c
19Player Default: I think I just want to trade.{Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved} Sounds good to me.IsabelCruz: Anyway, I better get back to doing... something.X1a
20Player Default: So you're the crazy robot lady.{Isabel: Acting as if she's amused, but she's really hurt. / Nervous} Oh yeah. I haven't heard that one yet. Really.IsabelCruz: Anyway, I better get back to doing... something.B1a
21Player Default: So you considered these robots to be your friends.{Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Feeling stupid. / Nervous} I did. I thought, "Who could be trusted more than a robot?" but...yeah. At least I still have Sparks."IsabelCruz: Anyway, I better get back to doing... something.A1a
22DLC01Dialogue_IsabelConvo02{Isabel: Grateful, but nervous that he player might not like the idea of hunting down her loose bots. / Nervous} Thanks again for helping me try to make this right.Player Default: Don't worry. It needs to be done.A
23Player Default: All this inspired by a drawing?{Isabel: Worried about making herself look bad. / Worried} I know how it sounds, but the only things I had besides robots were comic books.Y1a
24{Isabel: Sadly reflecting on the past. / Somber} I used to... dream about being a hero. Everything just came together. I thought the Mechanist was the next logical step.Player Default: At least you tried. It's more than most people do these days.Y1b
25Player Default: I just want to trade.{Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved} Trade? Yes, let's do that.X1a
26Player Default: And now it's just a symbol of terror. Way to go.{Isabel: Regretful. / Apologetic} Right... Right. I'll just go back about my business.B1a
27Player Default: At least you tried. It's more than most people do these days.{Isabel: Apologetic and sad. / Apologetic} True. But I think we'd both agree, I'd be better off if I never found this place.A1a
28Player Default: I wish I could do more. Being the Mechanist... it helped.{Isabel: Recalling a memory. Reflective. / Somber} I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan.A1a
29{Isabel: Recalling a memory. Reflective. / Somber} It was like, some sort of hero that someone had created. Even made their own posters.A1b
30{Isabel: Recalling a memory. Reflective. / Somber} I took what I could and decided I wanted to bring that hero to life.A1c
31{Isabel: Recalling a memory. Reflective. / Somber} It was too late to save that caravan, but becoming the Mechanist was my way of keeping hope alive.Player Default: At least you tried. It's more than most people do these days.A1d
32Player Default: So tell me: why the Mechanist? How'd you come up with that?{Isabel: Worried. More to herself than to the player. Doesn't want to talk about her past. / Worried} It's a little silly.IsabelCruz: I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan.Y1a
33Player Default: I just want to trade.{Isabel: Relieved that the player changed the subject. / Relieved} Trade? Yes, let's do that.IsabelCruz: I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan.X1a
34Player Default: This is ridiculous. How many bots did you release out there?{Isabel: Uneasy, apologetic. / Apologetic} As many as I thought necessary at the time... which is unfortunately a lot.IsabelCruz: I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan.B1a
35Player Default: Don't worry. It needs to be done.{Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. / Nervous} I wish I could do more. Being the Mechanist... it helped.IsabelCruz: I found the idea, this... drawing, at a ransacked caravan.A1a
36DLC01Dialogue_IsabelDuringRadiants{Isabel: Concerned for the player's well being. / Worried} Hope those robots aren't giving you too much trouble.Player Default: Don't worry. I got this.A
37{Isabel: Concerned for the player's well being. / Worried} Be careful out there. With some of the modifications I added, the bots can be a little dangerous.Player Default: Don't worry. I got this.A
38{Isabel: Concerned for the player's well being. / Worried} I hope you won't run into more on your way there. They pose a bigger threat in larger numbers.Player Default: Don't worry. I got this.A
39{Isabel: Concerned for the player's well being. / Worried} I'm sorry. I know this must a real pain to deal with those robots.Player Default: Don't worry. I got this.A
40Player Default: You hanging in there?{Isabel: Confused. Feeling uncertain about herself. / Puzzled} Not... bad. Not good? Coming to terms I suppose.Y2a
41Player Default: You hanging in there?{Isabel: Confused. Feeling uncertain about herself. / Somber} I've been better. Just trying to keep busy. Sometimes I feel like the truth is still sinking in.Y3a
42Player Default: You hanging in there?{Isabel: Confused. Feeling uncertain about herself. / Puzzled} I guess... I'm still here? Alive, that is. It helps. Knowing that you're out there. And I'm still glad you've given me a second chance.Y4a
43{Isabel: Coming to terms with what's she's done. / Concerned} It's just... hard, still. You know?Y4b
44{Isabel: Agreeing to trade. / Neutral} Sure.X1a
45{Isabel: Agreeing to trade. / Neutral} Oh right. Sure.X2a
46{Isabel: Agreeing to trade. / Neutral} Of course.X4a
47Player Default: Hardly. Against those "scrapbots"?"{Isabel: Awkward at first. Trying to be positive. Player was rude about her robots, but at least they're getting the job done. Trails off at the end. / Friendly} Oh, yeah. Right. Well, that's good to know.B1a
48Player Default: Hardly. Against those "scrapbots?"{Isabel: Trying to be positive. Player was rude about her robots, but at least they're getting the job done. / Friendly} Oh. Yes. I didn't meant to say you couldn't handle them. I'm just... glad they aren't a problem.B2a
49Player Default: Hardly. Against those "scrapbots?"{Isabel: Trying to be positive. Player was rude about her robots, but at least they're getting the job done. / Friendly} Right. Good. I'm glad.B4a
50Player Default: Don't worry. I got this.{Isabel: More to herself than to the player. / Worried} I can't imagine how many more there must be out there.A1a
51Player Default: Don't worry. I got this.{Isabel: Nervous. / Worried} Thanks. You've no idea how... relieved I am that you're doing this.A2a
52Player Default: Don't worry. I got this.{Isabel: More to herself than to the player. / Worried} And I've no doubt there's a lot more where that came from.A4a
53DLC01Dialogue_IsabelGiveSuitPlayer Default: You're welcome.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} There's one more thing... a much bigger thing.A1a
54{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} There are still robots out there. Lots of them.A1b
55{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} My communications are down and I can't call them back, but I can tell you where they are... if you're interested.A1c
56Player Default: You really don't want it anymore?{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Neutral} No. It's part of a past I don't want to dwell on. It's time I move on.IsabelCruz: There's one more thing... a much bigger thing.Y1a
57Player Default: You don't have to do that.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} I want to. I need to move on, and this just seemed the right way to handle it.IsabelCruz: There's one more thing... a much bigger thing.X1a
58Player Default: I don't want it. You keep it.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} No, really. I insist. I can't have it anymore. Just toss if it you want. I don't care, as along as I don't have it.IsabelCruz: There's one more thing... a much bigger thing.B1a
59Player Default: Thank you.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Friendly} You're welcome.IsabelCruz: There's one more thing... a much bigger thing.A1a
60IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. Reinforces the word "thankful" as she realizes that's what she initially meant to say. / Happy} I just wanted to say, I'm really happy... thankful, that you've let me stick around here."A1a
61{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Happy} And in order to show you that I'm done with the past... I want you to have this, as a sort of promise I guess.A1b
62{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Friendly} It's the Mechanist suit I made.Player Default: Thank you.A1c
63Player Default: What's up?{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Friendly} Just a quick thing...IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz.Y1a
64Player Default: Speak. I'm listening.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} Great. Here goes...IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz.X1a
65Player Default: Get lost. I don't have time for you.{Isabel: Player was rude. Kinda, shaking it off and thinking. This line should be dragged out to sound like "Oooooh-kay" / Nervous} Oh ok. "B1a
66{Isabel: Recovering from the player being really rude. Decided to stay strong and press the subject. / Friendly} Well... it'll just take a minute.IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz.B1b
67Player Default: Sure, go ahead.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Relieved} Oh, good.IsabelCruz: Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz.A1a
68{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} Oh, have time for that quick chat now?Player Default: Sure, go ahead.A
69{Isabel: Nervous/Friendly / Friendly} Hey, just one more thing... if you have a minute.Player Default: Sure, go ahead.A
70{Isabel: Talking to herself. Player walked away. / Nervous} Ah, right then. Gotta work on those people skills.A1a
71Player Default: Oh, good.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. Introducing herself. / Nervous} Um, Isabel. That's my name, Isabel Cruz.IsabelCruz: I just wanted to say, I'm really happy... thankful, that you've let me stick around here.A1a
72DLC01Dialogue_IsabelOfferRadiantsPlayer Default: Seriously? How many robots are out there?{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} Quite a few. There's a lot of ground to cover on the Commonwealth, so... there's kind of a whole bunch out there.Player Default: Sure.Y1a
73Player Default: Actually, I'd like to trade a few things.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Puzzled} Oh ok. Maybe later then, right? Here's what I have.X1a
74Player Default: No way.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Nervous} That's ok. Maybe later? If you change your mind, you... know where to find me.B1a
75Player Default: Sure.{Isabel: Friendly/Nervous. / Happy} Great.A1a
76-{Demanding / Confident} Speak!
77{Demanding / Confident} Answer me, villain.
78{Demanding / Confident} Choose your words carefully.
79{Neutral} So awkward...
80{Neutral} Oh, were we still talking?
81{Neutral} Um, hello?
82{Spoken during combat when grenades are thrown. / Concerned} Incoming!
83{Spoken during combat when grenades are thrown. / Concerned} Sparks! Look out!
84{Spoken during combat when grenades are thrown. / Concerned} Sparks! Take cover!
85{Attacking the enemy in hand to hand combat. / Angry} You asked for this!
86{Attacking the enemy in hand to hand combat. / Confident} For the Commonwealth!
87{Attacking the enemy in hand to hand combat. / Angry} Take that!
88{Taunting in combat. / Confident} You've caused the Commonwealth enough pain!
89{Taunting in combat. / Confident} I can't allow your reign of terror to continue.
90{Taunting in combat. / Confident} Someone needs to stop this madness.
91{Taunting in combat. / Confident} This ends now.
92{More of a hurt declaration (with fear of death) rather than a taunt. / Worried} It didn't have to be this way.
93{More of a hurt declaration (with fear of death) rather than a taunt. / Worried} I never should have trusted you.
94{More of a hurt declaration (with fear of death) rather than a taunt. / Worried} Is violence all you know?
95{Mechanist: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned} Argh!
96{Isabel: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned} Argh!
97{Mechanist: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned} Ugh!
98{Isabel: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned} Ugh!
99{Mechanist: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned} Nargh!
100{Isabel: Getting hit in combat. / Concerned} Nargh!
101{Getting hit in combat. Almost taunting. / Concerned} Is that the best you've got?
102{Getting hit in combat. Almost taunting. / Concerned} Do your worst.
103{Getting hit in combat. Trying to self motivate. / InPain} I can't give up.
104{Getting hit in combat. Trying to self motivate. / InPain} Gotta keep going.
105{Dying. / InPain} Failure... Imminent...
106{Bleeding out, going to die. / InPain} No, not possible.


107DLC01Lair_MBattle_1120_P1_Group2Start{Mechanist: Giving commands. / Irritated} Hmph. Sparks, some backup!Sparks: (affirmative bleep)A1a
108DLC01Lair_MBattle_1130_P1_Group3Start{Mechanist: Coldly, giving commands. / Irritated} Bring in the turret.Sparks: (affirmative bleep)A1a
109DLC01Lair_MBattle_1150_SelfDestructStartMechanist: EyeBots. They're so... expendable, you know?{Mechanist: Commanding her Eyebots to self-destruct. / Irritated} Initiate Self-Destruct. Code 0-0-1.A1a
110{Mechanist: Taunting, about to have all the eyebots self destruct. / Amused} EyeBots. They're so... expendable, you know?Mechanist: Initiate Self-Destruct. Code 0-0-1.A1a
111DLC01Lair_MBattle_1150_SelfDestructStart2Sparks: (inquisitive bleep){Mechanist: Slight frustration. / Irritated} Of course I don't mean you, Sparks.Sparks: (wary bleep)A1a
112DLC01Lair_MBattle_1200_IntroMechanist: Impressive. But I think you fail to grasp the full reality of your situation.{Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident} Look around you. This entire facility is at my command. For every robot you destroy, ten more will come.Mechanist: Struggle all you want. There is nothing you can do to stop me. Nothing!A1a
113{Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident} Impressive. But I think you fail to grasp the full reality of your situation.Mechanist: Look around you. This entire facility is at my command. For every robot you destroy, ten more will come.A1a
114Sparks: (alarmed bleep){Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident} I'll deal with you myself. Come, my robots! Destroy him!A1a
115Sparks: (alarmed bleep){Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident} I'll deal with you myself. Come, my robots! Destroy her!A2a
116Mainframe: Warning. Power generation capacity exceeded. Now drawing reserve power.{Mechanist: Irritated, commanding tone. / Irritated} Sparks!Sparks: (alarmed bleep)A1a
117Mechanist: Look around you. This entire facility is at my command. For every robot you destroy, ten more will come.{Mechanist: Confidently addressing the player. Feels she has the upper hand. / Confident} Struggle all you want. There is nothing you can do to stop me. Nothing!Mainframe: Warning. Power generation capacity exceeded. Now drawing reserve power.A1a
118DLC01Lair_Mbattle_1220_WarningMainframe: Reserve power at 82%.{Mechanist: Annoyed, angry, yelling command. / Angry} Shut that thing off!Sparks: (alarmed bleep)A1a
119DLC01Lair_MBattle_1230_WarningMainframe: Reserve power at 58%.{Mechanist: Giving commands; ordering a new robot brought in. / Confident} Sparks, bring her in.Sparks: (affirmative bleep)A1a
120DLC01Lair_Mbattle_1240_WarningMainframe: Reserve power at 34%.{Mechanist: Frustrated, she's losing power in her facility. / Irritated} Grr...A1a
121DLC01Lair_MBattle_1280_JunkbotStartSparks: (inquisitive bleep){Mechanist: Insistent, frustrated, giving commands. / Angry} Everything!A1a
122Mainframe: Warning. Critical power failure is imminent.{Mechanist: Frustrated, giving commands. / Angry} Dammit, Sparks! Throw everything at him!Sparks: (inquisitive bleep)A1a
123Mainframe: Warning. Critical power failure is imminent.{Mechanist: Frustrated, giving commands. / Angry} Dammit, Sparks! Throw everything at her!Sparks: (inquisitive bleep)A2a
124DLC01Lair_MBattle_1290_JunkbotFinalCountdownMainframe: 3...{Mechanist: Frustrated. About to lose power in her facility. / Angry} Dammit!Mainframe: 1...A1a
125Mainframe: 7...{Mechanist: Frustrated, near panic. Losing power in her facility. / Afraid} Come on, come on!Mainframe: 5...A1a
126DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part1Player Default: To what end? So you can crush me as you crushed my allies?{Mechanist: Amused at the player's efforts to get her to leave a safe spot. / Amused} Besides, do you truly think I'd leave the safety of my command center?Player Default: Good people listen. If you were making a grave mistake, you'd want to know the truth.A1a
127Player Default: Don't you want to know the truth?{Mechanist: Being defiant. / Neutral} The destruction you've caused is truth enough.Player Default: Good people listen. If you were making a grave mistake, you'd want to know the truth.Y1a
128Player Default: How can either of us know who's sincere without looking each other in the eye? You can't afford to take that risk.{Mechanist: Agreeing to talk. / Neutral} You're right. The truth must be known.X1a
129Player Default: Bots take orders. You're the only one with the motivation to stop me. Now show me what you've got and fight me.{Mechanist: Agreeing to fight. / SinisterSmile} Fine. I'll show you what I'm truly capable of!B1a
130Player Default: You're confused. It's obvious. We need to talk this out, face to face.{Mechanist: Stating the obvious to the player. / Confident} We're speaking now.Mechanist: Besides, do you truly think I'd leave the safety of my command center?X1a
131Player Default: Quit hiding and come face me you coward.{Mechanist: Amused the player thinks she'll leave the safety of her room. / Amused} I watched you survive what should have been a guaranteed attempt to stop you.Mechanist: Besides, do you truly think I'd leave the safety of my command center?B1a
132Player Default: I'm not a villain. I just want you to hear me out, face to face.{Mechanist: Suspicious of the player's motives. / Suspicious} To what end? So you can crush me as you crushed my allies?Mechanist: Besides, do you truly think I'd leave the safety of my command center?A1a
133Player Default: I'm not a villain. I just want you to hear me out, face to face.{Mechanist: Agreeing to talk. / Neutral} Very well. I will hear you out, but only for the sake of the Commonwealth.A2a
134Sparks: (negative bleep){Mechanist: Frustrated, giving commands. / Irritated} Emergency power, then!Sparks: (affirmative bleep)A1a
135Mechanist: Grah!{Mechanist: Frustrated, giving commands. / Irritated} Sparks, get the power back on.Sparks: (negative bleep)A1a
136{Mechanist: Frustrated, furious. Just lost power. / Angry} Grah!Mechanist: Sparks, get the power back on.A1a
137Sparks: (affirmative bleep){Mechanist: Recovering a bit. Turning to address the player. / Confident} This isn't over, Scourge. I will not rest until I see the Commonwealth free of you.Player Default: I'm not a villain. I just want you to hear me out, face to face.A1a
138Player Default: Why are you accusing me of being a bad guy?{Mechanist: / Confident} You've destroyed my robot allies. They seek to save the people of the Commonwealth and yet you deliberately stand in their way.Player Default: I'm not a villain. I just want you to hear me out, face to face.Y1a
139{Mechanist: Frustrated. Addressing the player, tired of waiting. She's coming out to fight. / Disgust} Enough. Let's finish this.A1a
140DLC01Lair_MBattle_1300_MechanistEmerges_Part2DialogueMechanist: Sparks, with me.{Mechanist: Straightforward. Addressing the player. Ready to speak. / Neutral} All right, then.A1a
141{Mechanist: Heading out to confront the player. Commanding Sparks to follow her. / Confident} Sparks, with me.Mechanist: All right, then.A1a
142DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropArcTraps{Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident} Activate the Tesla Coils!A1a
143{Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident} Bring the Coils back around!A2a
144{Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident} Reroute power to the Coils!A3a
145{Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident} Initiate power transfer... now!A4a
146DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropMines{Mechanist: Smug, to herself. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident} Recalibrate the electromagnets, and... there. Sparks, bring them in!A1a
147{Mechanist: Smug, taunting the player. / Confident} Watch your step.A2a
148{Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. / Confident} More mines! Now!A3a
149{Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. / Confident} Sparks! More mines!A4a
150DLC01Lair_MBattle_DropTanks{Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. She's calling in a weapon. / Confident} Reroute the fuel tanks. Prepare to drop on my mark!A1a
151{Mechanist: Giving orders during battle. / Confident} Sparks, more fuel tanks! Now!A2a
152{Mechanist: Taunting the player. / Confident} Incoming!A3a
153{Mechanist: Taunting the player. / Confident} Bombs away!A4a
154DLC01Lair_MBattle_RoboticsExpertResponseMechanist: Fool! You think to turn my robots against me?{Mechanist: Taunting the player. The robots the player took over have self-destructed. / Disgust} Better they perish than serve the likes of you.A1a
155{Mechanist. Incredulous, taunting the player. / Amused} Fool! You think to turn my robots against me?Mechanist: Better they perish than serve the likes of you.A1a


156DLC01MQ05_750_MechSparksKilled{Mechanist: Player killed Sparks, her constant robot companion. / Angry} Sparks! You'll pay for that!A1a
157{Isabel: Upset. Player killed Sparks, her constant robot companion. / Disbelief} Sparks, no!A2a
158DLC01MQ05_800_MechanistInitialConfrontationPlayer Default: The Shroud, as always, walks the path of justice. It is you who has fallen, Mechanist.{Mechanist: Confident, but disgusted with the player for dressing as the Silver Shroud. / Disgust} Lies, Shroud! Lies!Mechanist: The Commonwealth has suffered more than its fair share of injustices because of you.X1a
159{Mechanist: Commanding, confrontational. First close meeting with the player. / Stern} Halt, miscreant!Player Default: There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe... we should talk about this.A1a
160{Mechanist: Confrontational. Player dressed as Silver Shroud. / Stern} The Silver Shroud.Player Default: There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe... we should talk about this.A2a
161{Mechanist: Speaking to her nemesis. Player has walked away. / Confident} Very well. My righteous robots will end your tyranny once and for all!A1a
162Mechanist: The Commonwealth has suffered more than its fair share of injustices because of you.{Mechanist: Confronting her nemesis (the player). / Confident} Now you'll face the full might of the Mechanist! My righteous robots will end your tyranny once and for all!A1a
163Player Default: Lies, Shroud! Lies!{Mechanist: Confronting her nemesis (the player). / Confident} The Commonwealth has suffered more than its fair share of injustices because of you.Mechanist: Now you'll face the full might of the Mechanist! My righteous robots will end your tyranny once and for all!A1a
164Mechanist: Halt, miscreant!{Mechanist: Confrontational. First close meeting with the player. / Stern} You may have infiltrated my sanctum and destroyed my robots, but your reign of terror ends here.Player Default: There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe... we should talk about this.A1a
165Mechanist: Halt, miscreant!{Mechanist: Confrontational. Player dressed as Silver Shroud. / Stern} I cannot believe someone so respected, so honorable... Would come here and destroy my robots. Your reign of terror ends here, Shroud.Player Default: There seems to be some sort of misunderstanding here. Maybe... we should talk about this.A2a
166DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistMainConfrontation{Isabel: Knows the gravity of what she's done (killed hundreds of innocents). / Depressed} I... understand now.Mechanist: I wanted to help the Commonwealth... and robots are all I know.A
167{Mechanist: About to attack the player. / Confident} Halt! Only the guilty would turn their back to reason.A1a
168{Isabel: About to start combat. Player walked away. / Irritated} Walking away only proves one thing to me: you are an enemy of the Commonwealth.A2a
169{Isabel: Confused that the player walked away. / Puzzled} Where are you going? Are we done talking?A3a
170Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots.{Isabel: Defensive. Defending her robots/work. / Concerned} Only people that threaten the safety of the Commonwealth. They'd never harm an innocent person.Mechanist: The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly.Y1a
171Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots.{Isabel: Concerned, yet trying to be confident. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Concerned} No. That can't be right.Mechanist: The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly.X1a
172Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots.{Isabel: Trying to sound confident, although she's beginning to doubt herself. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Concerned} I'm not confused. That just can't be right.Mechanist: The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly.X2a
173Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots.{Isabel: Concerned she could potentially be wrong, and angry at how the player is being so rude. / Concerned} No. They're programmed to protect. You're lying.Player Default: Open your eyes. Those robots are killing innocent people.B1a
174Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots.{Isabel: Confident. Truly believes she's right. / Confident} No. That's not true.Mechanist: The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly.A1a
175Ada: They have taken innocent lives. My friends... they were simple traders. All dead at the hands of your robots.{Isabel: Doubting herself. Spoken more to herself than to the player. "Explain yourself" more suspicious than demanding. / Concerned} That can't be right... Explain yourself."Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them.A2a
176Mechanist: I'm Isabel. Cruz.{Isabel: Nervous, defeated. / Somber} The Mechanist was just an easy way for me to help the Commonwealth.A1a
177{Isabel: Defeated. / Apologetic} But all my technical knowledge, all of these resources, and I still failed.A1b
178{Isabel: Defeated. Hopeless. / Apologetic} How does the Commonwealth have any hope against people like you?Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.A1c
179{Isabel: Nervous and awkward. She's finally exposed herself. / Somber} I'm Isabel. Cruz.Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.A1a
180{Isabel: Nervous. She's exposed herself for who she really is. / Nervous} There. Now, we both know who we're dealing with.Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.A2a
181Player Default: Deceiver! You may have tricked me, but you'll find I'm no easy foe!{Defeated. / Apologetic} You're... you're right. I'm no match for the Silver Shroud.Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.A1a
182Player Default: Deceiver! You may have tricked me, but you'll find I'm no easy foe!{Transitioning from Mechanist to Isabel: Dropping "the Mechanist" act. Realizing that it's time to confront the player face to face. / Neutral} You're... you're right."Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.A2a
183Player Default: Deceiver! You may have tricked me, but you'll find I'm no easy foe!{Mechanist: Agreeing. / Confident} You're right. It's time I faced the true enemy of the Commonwealth.Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.A3a
184Player Default: That's where you're wrong, Mechanist. The only way this ends is with violence.{Mechanist: Accusing the player of lying and about to go into combat. / Angry} Deceiver! You may have tricked me, but you'll find I'm no easy foe!Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.B1a
185Player Default: How can you not know what they're doing? You must have some way of watching them.{Isabel: Defensive. Defending her robots/work. / Concerned} My bots have never violated their protocol. Their data dumps only show the elimination of hostile encounters.Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them.Y1a
186Mechanist: No. That's not true.{Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. / Thinking} The robots are programmed to protect. Their subroutines are clean: observe, evaluate, and react accordingly.A1a
187{Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. / Thinking} The testing was thorough. I ran every scenario. All passed.Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them.A1b
188Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them.{Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. Considering the possibility. / Thinking} Saving by... killing?A1a
189{Isabel: Nervous, she's come to the realization the the player is right, her bots are killing innocents. / Concerned} No, it's... the logic... it's there... I can see it now.A1b
190{Isabel: Realizing what a terrible thing she's done. / Nervous} I was hoping it was the Robobrains, an issue with their memory wipes... but you're right. Their primary directive was flawed.Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped.A1c
191Player Default: They're misinterpreting orders. Your own Robobrain said as much. They're saving people by killing them.{Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. In denial. / Thinking} No, I don't believe you. They can't alter their programming. They're programmed to save people, not kill them.Player Default: Think about it. There's probably a reason these robots weren't in mass production.A2a
192Mechanist: And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved.{Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. / Thinking} No, it's... the logic. It's there... I can see it now.A1a
193{Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. / Thinking} I was hoping it was the Robobrains, an issue with their memory wipes... but you're right. Their primary directive was flawed.Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped.A1b
194Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped.{Isabel: Disappointed in herself. Under breath, as if noting an old cliche and not appreciating the similarity. / Thinking} The hero unknowingly became the villain...Mechanist: I wanted to help the Commonwealth... and robots are all I know.A1a
195Player Default: Well, your technicality cost a lot of innocent people their lives.{Isabel: Concerned she could potentially be wrong, and angry at how the player is being so rude. / Concerned} Judging from the numbers in the data dump, if even a small percentage are innocents...Mechanist: I wanted to help the Commonwealth... and robots are all I know.B1a
196Player Default: The Robobrains require memory wipes?{Isabel: Explaining but with the growing realization that she may be responsible for a lot of deaths. / Thinking} Yes. The human brain has a way of... re-wiring itself. If not properly maintained, it can... corrupt.Player Default: That sounds like a serious flaw. And a dangerous one at that.Y1a
197Player Default: The hero unknowingly became the villain...{Isabel: Numb sadness. Speaking more to herself than to the player. / Neutral} I wanted to help the Commonwealth... and robots are all I know.A1a
198{Isabel: Numb sadness. Speaking more to herself than to the player. / Thinking} I found this place, and figured I could finally do my part.Mechanist: I accept full responsibility. I can't take back what I've done or even atone for it.A1b
199Mechanist: I found this place, and figured I could finally do my part.{Isabel: Trying to be strong to accept what's happened, but she's very nervous at the same time as well as scared, sad. / Sad} I accept full responsibility. I can't take back what I've done or even atone for it.A1a
200{Isabel: Hopeful, she believes she can still make up for the harm she's done. / Pleading} But this doesn't have to end in violence.Player Default: Though your action initially appeared felonious, your intent was not. Seek redemption, Mechanist. You have much to atone for.A1b
201Player Default: Though your action initially appeared felonious, your intent was not. Seek redemption, Mechanist. You have much to atone for.{Isabel: Relieved, happy and excited, but not overly so. / Relieved} Done. Consider it done.A1a
202{Isabel: Being hopeful. / Nervous} And you won't regret this. I promise. None of the Commonwealth will.Mechanist: Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe.A1b
203Player Default: There is but one sentence for evildoers. Death has come for you, Mechanist. And I am its Shroud.{Isabel: Disappointed in the player's choice. Didn't want a fight. / Worried} Damnit. I should have known that was coming.Mechanist: Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe.B1a
204Player Default: There is but one sentence for evildoers. Death has come for you, Mechanist. And I am its Shroud.{Isabel: Disappointed in the player's choice. Didn't want a fight. / Worried} Why'd I have a feeling you'd say that?Mechanist: Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe.B2a
205Player Default: Your plan backfired. If you're telling the truth, this was one costly accident.{Isabel: Reinforcing her honesty. / Concerned} It's the truth. I only ever wanted to make the Commonwealth a safer place.X1a
206{Isabel: Stressing how she sees herself as a good person. / Concerned} I grew up on a settlement. I've seen how good people struggle against Raiders and Super Mutants.X1b
207{Isabel: Reinforcing that she's being honest and how much she dislikes bad guys. / Concerned} I'd never want to be counted among them.Mechanist: Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe.X1c
208Player Default: Tell me. Why the mask? What's with the Mechanist?{Isabel: Explaining, admitting flaws. / Thinking} I'm... not good with people. The Mechanist gave me a way to put myself out there without really being out there at all.Y1a
209{Isabel: Somewhat pleading, she knows her life is on the line, and hopeful. / Apologetic} But... you're kind of keeping me in suspense here. I can turn this around. I just need a chance.Player Default: Though your action initially appeared felonious, your intent was not. Seek redemption, Mechanist. You have much to atone for.Y1b
210Player Default: And you won't regret this. I promise. None of the Commonwealth will.{Isabel: Doing her best to be friendly and not come across as awkward. / Friendly} Here. Take this. It's the password to the mainframe.A1a
211{Isabel: Reassuring and thankful. / Friendly} You can use it to shut down the security protocols. I just... I rather this place be in your hands now.A1b
212Mechanist: I took all the necessary precautions. Innocent lives should never be taken.{Isabel: Speaking more to herself than to the player. As if thinking out loud. Comes to a realization at the end when she says "Saved." / Thinking} And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved."Mechanist: No, it's... the logic. It's there... I can see it now.A1a
213Ada: A deadly misinterpretation.{Isabel: Defensive. Defending her robots/work. / Concerned} I am listening, I'm just... processing. So many precautions and safeguards.Mechanist: And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved.Y1a
214Ada: You know there is a chance we are right, you are just afraid to take it.{Isabel: Concerned, yet trying to be confident. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Concerned} It can't be true. I would never program a robot to harm another living person, or creature for that matter.Mechanist: And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved.X1a
215Ada: If you saw them in action, you'd instantly see how wrong you are.{Isabel: Concerned she could potentially be wrong, and angry at how the player is being so rude. / Concerned} I need to think. You have to believe with the number of precautions I took, anyone would have concluded it was safe.Player Default: Open your eyes. Those robots are killing innocent people.B1a
216Ada: The introduction of a human brain creates too many unknown variables. You can't claim to know them all.{Isabel: Confused. Thinking the possibility of the situation over. / Concerned} I took all the necessary precautions. Innocent lives should never be taken.Mechanist: And the data. They were always reporting hostiles killed and lives... saved.A1a
217{Mechanist: Trying to sound brave and heroic. / Confident} The Silver Shroud is no common criminal.Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.A1a
218{Mechanist: Trying to be brave. Wants to talk it out. / Confident} Let us discuss this... amicably.Player Default: Hey, I'm not the enemy. I'm the one trying to protect the Commonwealth against your robots.A2a
219DLC01MQ05_850_MechanistSideConfrontationPlayer Default: A regretful miscalculation.{Mechanist: Confident. / Confident} You bypassed the pinnacle of pre-war security systems. I can see you're no common criminal. Perhaps we can reason this out.A1a
220Player Default: You're done, Mechanist.{Mechanist: Suspicious yet confident. / Concerned} There are still multiple outcomes to be had here.Mechanist: You bypassed the pinnacle of pre-war security systems. I can see you're no common criminal. Perhaps we can reason this out.B1a
221Player Default: You underestimated me.{Mechanist: Suspicious yet confident. / Concerned} A regretful miscalculation.Mechanist: You bypassed the pinnacle of pre-war security systems. I can see you're no common criminal. Perhaps we can reason this out.A1a
222{Mechanist: Speaking as the Mechanist. Controlled surprise. / Suspicious} Impossible. I control all points of access to this room.Player Default: You underestimated me.A1a
223DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchGoading{Isabel: Player walked away. This puts Isabel into combat mode. She's about to attack the player. / Irritated} I won't be ignored!A1a
224Player Default: No, I... It's people like you that are ruining this world. People like you that need to be stopped.{Isabel: About to go into combat. / Confident} I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't allow you to keep terrorizing the Commonwealth.A1a
225Player Default: Open your eyes. Those robots are killing innocent people.{Isabel: Considering the possibility. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Thinking} Innocent people?Mechanist: Saving by... killing?A1a
226Player Default: Did the rads fry your brain? It's over Mechanist. You're lucky we're even having this conversation.{Isabel: Reasserting herself. Player has been so rude, she now believes she must in the right. / Confident} No, I... It's people like you that are ruining this world. People like you that need to be stopped.Mechanist: I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't allow you to keep terrorizing the Commonwealth.B1a
227Player Default: The Silver Shroud is no villain. The only guilty here are you and your relentless automatons.{Isabel: Concerned, yet trying to be confident. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Concerned} No. That can't be right.Mechanist: I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't allow you to keep terrorizing the Commonwealth.X1a
228Player Default: The Silver Shroud is no villain. The only guilty here are you and your relentless automatons.{Isabel: Reasserting herself. Player has been so rude, she now believes she must in the right. / Confident} No, my bots would never violate their protocol. You're the only threat here.Mechanist: I didn't want it to come to this, but I can't allow you to keep terrorizing the Commonwealth.X2a
229Player Default: How can you not know what they're doing? You must have some way of watching them.{Isabel: Explaining but with the growing realization that she may be responsible for a lot of deaths. / Thinking} My bots have never violated their protocol. Their data dumps only show the elimination of hostile encounters.Player Default: Open your eyes. Those robots are killing innocent people.Y1a
230DLC01MQ05_850_SideBranchRobobrainsPlayer Default: Is that even ethical? Not only are you using human brains, but you're... wiping them, too?{Isabel: Making scientific sense of a brutal act. / Puzzled} Why waste a resource that someone... died for? It's a skewed outlook, but it gives that life meaning.Y1a
231{Isabel: Thinking again, speaking more to herself than to the player. / Thinking} Potentially, over 200 years in preservation may have made them more susceptible to corruption.Player Default: That sounds like a serious flaw. And a dangerous one at that.Y1b
232Player Default: It takes a sadistic mind, indeed, to enslave a human brain for your metal monstrosities.{Isabel: Concerned, yet trying to be confident. / Concerned} In retrospect, I can see the adversity. But this was breakthrough science, a huge advance for robotics.X1a
233Player Default: It takes a sadistic mind, indeed, to enslave a human brain for your metal monstrosities.{Isabel: Matter of fact. / Neutral} It was a risk, but a minor one at the time.Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped.X2a
234Player Default: "Corrupt"? That's the understatement of the year. They're killing machines."{Isabel: Reasserting herself. Accepting responsibility. / Neutral} I take every precaution. The risk is minimal.Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped.B1a
235Player Default: That sounds like a serious flaw. And a dangerous one at that.{Isabel: Considering the possibility. Spoken more to herself than to the player. / Thinking} It is. But the process is thorough. They're wiped after each mission.A1a
236{Isabel: Cuts off her thought and changes course. Speaking distantly. / Neutral} They're... I found it's best to not let them recall what they've been through.Player Default: Now you know the truth. Your robots are dangerous. They had to be stopped.A1b
237{Isabel: Player walked away from the conversation. / Nervous} We're not done here, are we?A1a
238-{Mechanist: Trying to sound brave and heroic. / Confident} A woman of reason and resourcefulness. I can see you're no common criminal.
239{Mechanist: Trying to sound brave and heroic. / Confident} A man of reason and resourcefulness. I can see you're no common criminal.
240{Friendly/nervous. / Nervous} Use the password to shut down the security. After that, the base is yours.
241{Friendly/nervous. / Grateful} Thank you for... understanding.
242{Upset with herself. / Depressed} I should have been more thorough.


243-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} I have a tracking signal from another one of my bots.A
244{Isabel: Worried. / Concerned} Let me see... yes, I'm picking up a signal. Be careful.


245-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} I'm picking up a group of bots. Be careful.A
246{Isabel: Worried, nervous. / Worried} Give me a minute... holy smokes, I'm tracking multiple bots. Be careful, okay?
247{Isabel: Under her breath as an afterthought. Feeling awkward. / Nervous} Holy smokes? Who says that?


248-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} I'm tracking multiple signals. Could be real trouble.A
249{Isabel: Concerned, worried. / Worried} Let me see what I can pick up... damn, this signal's too strong for a single bot. Must be a group traveling together. You'd better be careful.


250-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} I've got a strong signal... at least two bots. Be careful.A
251{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} Hold on... yeah, tracking at least two bots. Could be more. You should plan accordingly.


252-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} Looks like a large group of bots traveling together. Not to be taken lightly.A
253{Isabel: Concerned, worried. / Worried} Let me see what we've got... hmm, assuming this is accurate, looks like a whole swarm of bots traveling together.
254{Isabel: Concerned, worried. / Worried} Who knows what kind of damage they're doing.


255DLC01MQPostQuestRadiantParentMechanistIntroPlayerVoiceFemale01: Isabel, are you tracking any more of your rogue bots?{Isabel: Friendly, slightly nervous. / Friendly} Oh right. Let me see if I can pick up a signal.Player Default: Yes, please.A2a
256PlayerVoiceFemale01: Isabel, are you tracking any more of your rogue bots?{Isabel: Friendly, slightly nervous. / Friendly} Tracking, yes. I can check on that for you.Player Default: Yes, please.A3a
257PlayerVoiceFemale01: Isabel, are you tracking any more of your rogue bots?{Isabel: Friendly, slightly nervous. / Friendly} Ah yes. I can. I mean, I am. I'll locate one for you.Player Default: Yes, please.A4a
258Player Default: Do you think there are any more out there?{Isabel: Nervous. / Apologetic} Well... it's hard to say. I wasn't keeping very close track of how many I released during my... "Mechanist phase."Y1a
259Player Default: I'd like to trade a few things.{Isabel: Friendly, nervous. / Friendly} Sure, take a look.X1a
260Player Default: Never mind.{Isabel: Friendly, slightly nervous.} No problem.B1a
261-{Isabel: Slight worry, a bit nervous. / Puzzled} I'm not picking up a signal from any of my bots right now, but that doesn't necessarily mean you've found them all.
262{Question} Are you ready to start tracking down some robots?


263-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} I have a tracking signal from another one of my bots.A
264{Isabel: Worried. / Concerned} Let's see here... yes, there's another one out there. Hope it's not too much trouble.


265-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} I have a tracking signal from another one of my bots.A
266{Isabel: Worried. / Concerned} Let's see here... yes, there's another one out there. Hope it's not too much trouble.


267-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} I have a tracking signal from another one of my bots.A
268{Isabel: Worried. / Concerned} All right... yes, I've picked up another one. Shouldn't be too bad... I hope.


269-{Isabel: Worried. / Worried} I've got a tracking signal from another one of my bots. I hope you can take it out before it does any more damage.A
270{Isabel: Worried. / Concerned} Okay... tracking something... got it. Looks like only one signal this time. Still, no point in taking any chances, right?