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This is a transcript for dialogue with Jezebel.


1-{sing song} Come out, come out, wherever you arrrreee...
2Now where could you be...
3Are you still there? Oh wait... I know you are.
4Now if I were a stupid, suicidal meat bag, where would I hide...?
5Looks like that's enough excitement for one day.
6Is that it? I was just starting to have fun.
7And just like that... it's over.
8Minions! Spread out and find him!
9Minions! Spread out and find her!
10Minions, initiate search pattern.
11Very well. We will find you sooner or later.
12Threat detected! Kill! Kill! Kill!
14Oh well. Maybe next time you'll introduce yourself.
15Fine. Be like that.
16So that's it? Taking your ball and going home?
17Ah well. Maybe next time.
18Well. Someone gets to live a little while longer.
19Boring fight anyway...
20Get up and run, you fool!
21Sneak time's over, don't you think?
22Well look who I found.
23You tried hiding, I found you, and now you'll die. Circle complete.
24Wow. You're pretty terrible at this whole sneaking thing.
25Found you!
26Oh, hello.
27You had your chance to run. You blew it.
28You didn't seriously think you could slip away?
29Let's try this again, shall we?
30Okay, that's it. Play time's over.
31Now you did it. You got me... flummoxed.
32Nothing yet? Any of you?
33I need to have the Mechanist improve your sensors.
34Find him!
35Find her!
36The Mechanist will send you all to the scrap heap if you fail again.
37Come on, you useless metal junkpiles. Don't let a mere human evade you.
38Don't hide. We're just trying to help.
39{Playful} I'm gonna fiiiindd yoooouu...
40Oooh, this is fun.
41Attention, my minions! Initiate search protocol!
42My orders from the Mechanist require that I help everyone, no exceptions.
43Do you want to fight or not? Please make up your mind.
44You vanished! Neat trick.
45Okay, how did you do that? Stealth Boy? Or are you just naturally sneaky?
46Whoa. Where did you go?
47Leaving so soon?
48Weird. Must be radroaches.
49{Sighs before speaking the line.} Stupid sensors. So unreliable...
50I'm hearing things, then I'm not. Can a robot go crazy? Because I swear, I'm going crazy.
51Nope. Nothing.
52Sensors on the fritz again. Lovely.
53Aannndd.... nothing.
57Not as sneaky as you thought, huh?
58Jig's up, I'm afraid.
59Well hey there!
60Look who's terrible at sneaking.
61This is going to hurt you a lot more than me.
62I really hope your will's up to date.
63Well. Time to die.
64Hey, what comes next? I apologize in advance.
65Try not to bleed on the chrome. It's sooo difficult to remove.
66I think this is the part where you run screaming.
67You may want to run now.
68I believe they call this "suicide by robot."
69The Mechanist's orders leave no room for mercy.
70So much to do.
71The Mechanist will be pleased with my progress.
72Who else needs my help?
73I hope I find someone else to assist soon.
74The Mechanist has sent me to help.
75Minions! Scatter!
76Beware, my minions!
77Minions! Evasive action, now!
78{Gives a "tsk tsk" before speaking the line.} Nobody likes a robot killer."
79How sad. I'll be sure to mourn them after you're dead.
80You know what? I think I'll just move over here.
81I'm starting to think I may be outmatched.
82I'm not running away - I'm withdrawing. Big difference.
83Minions! Tactical withdrawal!
84I've analyzed the situation, and a withdrawal is required.
85Follow me, my minions! Victory requires a tactical readjustment.
86Going right for the brain? How unsporting.
87You can slow me down, but you'll never stop me.
88Huh. Strange. Must have been a sensor blip.
89Report any sensor contact immediately!
90If I don't find you, my minions will.
91We will find you. Our orders do not allow us to ignore any chance to help.
92{Pause after the "Marco!" Like you're waiting to see if the other person will respond.} Marco! Come on... this only works if you play too."
93There's no point in trying to hide from me. I'm programmed to be quite relentless.
94Ooh, I love hide and seek. I'll be "it"... and you'll be dead."
95Wow, you're good. Have you had training as a ninja?
96I'll find you eventually, you know.
97Why hide? Are you some kind of chicken? Bawk bawk...
98{emphasis on the "am"} You know, I am a robot. With sensors. It's not like you can stay hidden forever."
99Minions, destroy him!
100Minions, destroy her!
101Trust me, this is for the best.
102The Mechanist has ordered me to clean up the Commonwealth.
103Don't let any of them get away. It will just prolong the agony.
104I'm just carrying out my orders. I'm sure you understand.
105The Mechanist has sent us to protect the Commonwealth.
106The best way to protect you is to destroy you. I promise, it all makes perfect sense.
107Sorry, but the Mechanist's orders require your destruction.
108I normally abhor violence. But you've forced my hand.
109You could run. I am trying to kill you, you know...
110Please believe me when I say I'm not enjoying this.
111I calculate your chance of success to be... Well, I don't want to be morbid.
112I'm not programmed to fail, just so you know...
113They could have programmed me to love, to forgive. But noooooo.
114I'm sorry, but my programming requires that I try to kill you. Nothing personal.
115I hope we can still be friends when this is all over.
116I'll miss you.
117Don't let the alluring voice fool you. I'm a lethal killing machine.
118I'm a much better tactician than you. It's all in the brain, you see.
119You may want to run now.
120You truly inspire me. To use deadly force.
121Nobody likes a thief.
122My my. Sticky fingers, is it?
123You always take things that aren't yours?
124Picking my pocket? Silly dear - I don't have pockets.
125{Needs to be edited in audio to trail off/malfunction} Tell the Mechanist I did my best...
126Oh. Oh my.
127Well now. That's unfortunate.
128{Needs to be edited in audio to trail off/malfunction} And now I die...
129Let's get... intimate.
130I'd really prefer you don't bleed on me.
131I can see the fear in your eyes. It's very unsettling.
132You know, I'm just as capable at killing you up close.
133If that's the way you want it.
134I'm really glad we could avoid any unpleasantness.
135Minions! Suppress that fire!
136Minions, keep his head down while I deal with him.
137Minions, keep her head down while I deal with her.
138Concentrate fire over there!
139Minions! Take cover!
140Find cover, my minions!
141We will all be destroyed if we don't find cover!
142Minions! Forward!
143Charge, my minions! For the Mechanist!
144Forward, my metal minions!
145Minions! Flank them!
146Minions, find a way to get behind them!
147Frontal assault is not the best option here, my minions.
148Minions! Protecting me is your highest priority!
149To me, my metal minions!


150DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayAssaultronTrapScene{Player set off a trap, you are surpised and annoyed by this.} Are you trying to get us killed?A1a
151DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayGrenadeTrapExplodedScene{In fear, the player just set off an explosive trap. } Watch it, you clod!A1a
152DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayGrenadeTrapSceneWatch the tripwires. I'd rather keep myself intact today, thank you.A1a
153DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayJezebelAmbientSceneExteriorDo you always resort to solving your problems with such violence?A1a
154Are you even listening to me?A2a
155{Sincerely condescending} I've heard humans use ten percent of their brains at a time.A3a
156What does that other 90 percent do? Just sit there? What a waste.A3b
157I have brainpower you could not begin to comprehend.A4a
158Such high level thought would likely cause your nose to bleed.A4b
159Your belongings are filthy. Do you pick up everything you stumble across?A5a
160{Serious suggestion} You know, as far as bodies go yours is not the worst. Perhaps you could empty your cranium for my occupation?A6a
161{To yourself. } No no no. It would be far too tight a squeeze. What was I thinking?A6b
162How do you even walk with all this junk?A7a
163If you find yourself experiencing migraine headaches, my higher level brainwaves are likely responsible.A8a
164{Half hearted. } Sorry about that.A8b
165{Said innocently, no malice. } Random thought. If we had met under different circumstances, I likely would have killed you.A9a
166{Innocently reflecting on the previous statement. } Hm.A9b
167I've had enough of jostling around in your pockets. Let me know when you've found me a body, will you?A10a
168{Sound as if you are fading away after the countdown. } Entering rest mode in 3... 2... 1... Goodnight.A10b
169DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayPlayerExitsDungeonScene{Relief and condescension } Thank goodness we are out of that hole.A1a
170{Condescending} Don't think your job is done. I refuse to cooperate until you provide a body that meets my standards.A1b
171DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayRaiderBossKilledScene{Calmly vengeful} Had I a body, I would have killed her myself.A1a
172{To yourself, then back to condescending tone. } Oh well, six of one, half dozen of the other. Good job, human.A1b
173DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayRaiderBossScene{Calmly vengeful} This is the one that ripped my head off. I demand we rip her head off. It's only fair.A1a
174DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayRaiderShackSceneYou really are taking the path of most resistance here, aren't you?A1a
175DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArraySentryBotKilledScenePlayer Default: You... destroyed Ahab.{Trying to hurry the player along, condescending tone. } Well, come on. Let's not wait around for more horrifying monstrosities.A1a
176{Surprised. You were certain the robot would kill the player. } You... destroyed Ahab.Player Default: Well, come on. Let's not wait around for more horrifying monstrosities.A1a
177DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArrayStorageRoomSceneBased on my limited experience with you, I estimate a 65 percent chance of making it out of here.A1a
178{Condescending suggestion} Not optimal. An increase in effort could have an impact on the odds.A1b


(Jezebel interview)
Player Default: How's that for a deal?{correcting yourself midstream since the other person is kind of slow / Irritated} Sigh. I suppose it will have to suffice... I mean... yeah, it's a deal.A1a
180Player Default: Fine. I'm listening.{Confident} I'll tell you everything I know about my own construction... all the bits that "Ivey" wants to hear. And I promise you, she won't be disappointed."A1a
181{Confident} In return, you keep those tools away from me and put me back onto my body.A1b
182{Irritated} You get what you want, and I don't get dissected like some kind of a laboratory experiment.A1c
183{Question} Do we have a deal?Player Default: Well, that would save me a lot of time... and Ivey doesn't like waiting...A1d
184Player Default: What the hell is an "accord?" You talking about wires or something?"{To self, aloud (under breath but audible) / Thinking} Right... I need to phrase this so even a dullard like you would understand...A1a
185{Confident} Let me put it this way. You need information that's going to make your boss happy. I want to keep my brain in one piece. Maybe we can "cut a deal."Player Default: Fine. I'm listening.A1b
186Player Default: Simple. She wants me to crack open that dome you have for a head and find out how your brain is connected to your circuits.{annoyed / Irritated} Perhaps I can be of assistance in that regard... after all, there isn't much else I can do now that you've removed my head from its chassis.A1a
187{Question} How about we forge some sort of an accord... just between the two of us? "Player Default: What the hell is an "accord?" You talking about wires or something?"A1b
188Player Default: All right, brainbox. Ivey wants me to find out what makes you tick, so let's get started.{slight concern / Concerned} There's no need for that. I'm certain we can discuss this rather unfortunate situation before it gets completely out of hand.A1a
189{Question} Now, what exactly did this "Ivey" tell you to do?"Player Default: Simple. She wants me to crack open that dome you have for a head and find out how your brain is connected to your circuits.A1b


190DLC01MQ04_Stage140_JezebelScene{Irritated} You don't look like one of the Rust Devils. What are you doing here?Player Default: Hunting down a Radar Beacon.A
191{Confident} The offer still stands if you're interested. Get me out of this place, find me a new body and I'll give you access to the Mechanist's facility.Player Default: Deal.A
192Player Default: A wise decision.{Confident} Once we're at our destination, I'll happily relinquish my Radar Beacon as a gesture of good faith.A1a
193{Irritated} Now, I strongly suggest you stop loitering in the middle of a hostile location and get us both out of here at once.A1b
194Player Default: How do I know you'll keep up your end of the bargain?{Confident} Even though there's a human brain floating in bio-gel inside my head, I'm still bound by my original programming.Y1a
195{Confident} It pains me to admit it, but one of my directives states that I cannot lie. Ever.Y1b
196{Confident} So, while I'm not the most charming robot you've ever encountered, the last thing I'm going to do is violate an agreement we've made.Y1c
197{Question} Now that we have that out of the way, do we have a deal?Player Default: Deal.Y1d
198Player Default: How do I know you'll keep up your end of the bargain?{Confident} You don't. You're just going to have to trust me.Y2a
199{Question} So, do we have a deal?Player Default: Deal.Y2b
200Player Default: I'm not sure.{Irritated} Well then, it appears you have some thinking to do.X1a
201{Irritated} When you make your decision, I'll be waiting. I'm certainly not going anywhere anytime soon.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: Once we're at our destination, I'll happily relinquish my Radar Beacon as a gesture of good faith.X1b
202Player Default: No, no deal.{Irritated} Well then, it appears we've reached a bit of an impasse.B1a
203{Irritated} When you make your decision, I'll be waiting. I'm certainly not going anywhere anytime soon.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: Once we're at our destination, I'll happily relinquish my Radar Beacon as a gesture of good faith.B1b
204Player Default: How could I possibly help you?{Confident} Willing to listen? How surprising. I'll take that as a gesture of good faith as I describe our potential bargain.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: Now, how can I put this as simple as possible so someone at your processing speed can understand?Y1a
205Player Default: I'm listening.{Confident} How refreshing. Then allow me to explain.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: Now, how can I put this as simple as possible so someone at your processing speed can understand?X1a
206Player Default: No reason to bargain when I can just take what I need.{mock question / Irritated} You really think just because I'm connected to this machine, you have the upper hand?B1a
207{Irritated} If you'd take a moment to listen, I'll explain precisely why you're wrong.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: Now, how can I put this as simple as possible so someone at your processing speed can understand?B1b
208Player Default: I could definitely use the help.{Confident} I thought you might say something like that.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: Now, how can I put this as simple as possible so someone at your processing speed can understand?A1a
209Player Default: A Radar Beacon. How very interesting.{Suspicious} That's a very specific part to be searching for and you don't look like the typical parts scavenger type to me.A1a
210{Confident} I calculate a 98.8 percent chance that you're looking for the Mechanist.A1b
211{Confident} If I'm correct, and I usually am, then perhaps we can help each other with our respective... predicaments.Player Default: I could definitely use the help.A1c
212Player Default: What did the Rust Devils do to you?{Irritated} They felt that by keeping my head online would prove useful to them.Y1a
213{Irritated} Fortunately for me, they're stupid enough to actually believe anything I say.Y1b
214{Irritated} Admittedly, it hasn't gotten me very far, but it has saved me from the same fate as my rather unfortunate comrades you see in pieces around you.Y1c
215{Question} Now, back to my original question. What are you doing here?Player Default: Hunting down a Radar Beacon.Y1d
216Player Default: Deal.{Confident} A wise decision.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: Once we're at our destination, I'll happily relinquish my Radar Beacon as a gesture of good faith.A1a
217Player Default: I thought you might say something like that.{To self, aloud / Thinking} Now, how can I put this as simple as possible so someone at your processing speed can understand?A1a
218{Confident} In order to find the Mechanist, you're going to need more than just my Radar Beacon, you're going to need access to the facility.A1b
219{Confident} I'm willing to provide said access... but you'll have to fulfill two simple conditions.A1c
220{Irritated} One, you need to get me as far away as you can from these lunatics.A1d
221{Confident} And two, find me a new body. Once both conditions are satisfied, I'll gladly provide you with everything you need.A1e
222{Question} Do we have a deal?Player Default: Deal.A1f
223Player Default: Maybe I'm just a Rust Devil wearing a clever disguise.{completely unimpressed by a terrible joke / Irritated} Please, don't insult my intelligence.X1a
224{Irritated} Why don't you just tell me why you're here and why we're even bothering to have this conversation?Player Default: Hunting down a Radar Beacon.X1b
225Player Default: Getting ready to crack open that dome you call a head to get your Radar Beacon.{Surprised} My Radar Beacon? Now that's unexpected.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: That's a very specific part to be searching for and you don't look like the typical parts scavenger type to me.B1a
226Player Default: Hunting down a Radar Beacon.{Surprised} A Radar Beacon. How very interesting.DLC01MQ04JezebelHead: That's a very specific part to be searching for and you don't look like the typical parts scavenger type to me.A1a
227DLC01MQ04_Stage200_JezebelScenePlayer Default: I find that very hard to believe.{Confident} I can't imagine why. It's actually quite simple.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: The Mechanist instructed me to seek out and help the people of the Commonwealth.X1a
228Player Default: You're lying. After all the trouble you've given me, why would you help a human?{Confident} Well, it's my primary directive... which I obey without question.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: The Mechanist instructed me to seek out and help the people of the Commonwealth.B1a
229{Irritated} Interesting. This body you've selected for me isn't quite what I had envisioned, but it will have to suffice.Player Default: I'm sorry you feel that way, it's the best I could do.A
230Player Default: I knew there was some good left inside that brain.{Puzzled} What you call "good" I call my "primary directive."DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: The Mechanist instructed me to seek out and help the people of the Commonwealth.A1a
231Player Default: Now there's a fascinating subject... The Mechanist.{Impressed} Amazingly adept at programming, a veritable genius with electronics. I'm not surprised you're interested.A1a
232{Confident} I've been dutifully carrying out the Mechanist's instructions to help the people of the Commonwealth for quite a long time.Player Default: I knew there was some good left inside that brain.A1b
233Player Default: You aren't stuck here. You could leave if you wanted.{Thinking} You've created an interesting stalemate between us. Something I didn't expect you to be capable of.Y1a
234{Impressed} I'm impressed. It's been a long time since I've been outsmarted.Y1b
235{Confident} Why don't you go ahead and ask me your questions.Player Default: Tell me everything you know about the Mechanist.Y1c
236Player Default: Why did General Atomics make you so... uncooperative?{Irritated} I haven't the faintest idea of what you're talking about.X1a
237{Irritated} I am a top-of-the-line model with an efficiency rating that makes a Mr. Handy look like a glorified toaster oven.X1b
238{Irritated} When given a set of instructions, I will complete them without question and without error.X1c
239{Irritated} Now, were there any other ridiculous questions you wanted to ask?Player Default: Tell me everything you know about the Mechanist.X1d
240DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: I'll upload the plans to your Pip-Boy device.{Confident} There... I've fulfilled my portion of our agreement.A1a
241{Confident} Perhaps I'll remain here for a while and see how things resolve between yourself and the Mechanist... purely for my own amusement, of course.A1b
242{Irritated} I suspect you'll have quite a tale to tell once you return, but then again, I'd be surprised if you ever return at all.A1c
243Player Default: Certainly.{Confident} It's rather simple, really.A1a
244{Confident} In order to gain entry to the Mechanist's facility, you're going to need to outfit one of your robots with an "M-SAT" modification."A1b
245{Confident} I'll upload the plans to your Pip-Boy device.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: There... I've fulfilled my portion of our agreement.A1c
246Player Default: Can we stop with the petty bickering and just get to the part where you tell me how to access the Mechanist's facility?{Irritated} I promised to answer your questions... and unlike humans, I don't have the capacity to lie.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: It's rather simple, really.Y1a
247Player Default: Enough! Just tell me how to access the Mechanist's facility... right now.{Irritated} There's no need to be rude.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: It's rather simple, really.B1a
248Player Default: You can believe whatever you want. Just tell me how to access the Mechanist's facility like you promised.{Confident} Certainly.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: It's rather simple, really.A1a
249Player Default: I'm doing exactly as I was instructed.{Confident} Assisting a human to the best of my abilities only affords a 25 percent survival rate.A1a
250{Confident} That means there's a 75 percent chance that despite my efforts, the human I'm assisting will die from something beyond my control.A1b
251{Confident} Therefore it's better to hasten the human's death and put them out of their likely chance of misery than to deplete my limited time.A1c
252{Confident} It's actually quite elementary, but given your minimal intellect, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you don't understand.Player Default: You can believe whatever you want. Just tell me how to access the Mechanist's facility like you promised.A1d
253Player Default: The Mechanist gave you these instructions? To kill people?{Confident} Well, not exactly. The specific instruction was to help people. I merely interpreted the most efficient way to perform my duties.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Assisting a human to the best of my abilities only affords a 25 percent survival rate.Y1a
254Player Default: You don't help people by killing them, that's insane!{Confident} On the contrary.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Assisting a human to the best of my abilities only affords a 25 percent survival rate.X1a
255Player Default: I can't deal with this. Just tell me how I can find the Mechanist.{Confident} Very well.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Assisting a human to the best of my abilities only affords a 25 percent survival rate.B1a
256Player Default: I don't think you understand the definition of "help."{Quoting / Confident} Help: to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or to satisfy a need.A1a
257{Confident} I'm doing exactly as I was instructed.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Assisting a human to the best of my abilities only affords a 25 percent survival rate.A1b
258Player Default: What you call "good" I call my "primary directive."{Confident} The Mechanist instructed me to seek out and help the people of the Commonwealth.A1a
259{Confident} By my calculations, the easiest way to help a human is simply to destroy it. There's no point in prolonging a laughably fragile life.A1b
260{Confident} It's the most efficient way to assist them. Any other effort to help tends to result in numerous complex side-effects. "Player Default: I don't think you understand the definition of "help."A1c
261Player Default: Helping the people of the Commonwealth? You?{Confident} Absolutely, it's my primary directive.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: The Mechanist instructed me to seek out and help the people of the Commonwealth.Y1a
262Player Default: I can't think of anything to ask right now.{Sarcastic} Take your time. Given your limited lifespan, I certainly have far more than you do.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Amazingly adept at programming, a veritable genius with electronics. I'm not surprised you're interested.B1a
263Player Default: Tell me everything you know about the Mechanist.{Impressed} Now there's a fascinating subject... The Mechanist.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Amazingly adept at programming, a veritable genius with electronics. I'm not surprised you're interested.A1a
264Player Default: Yes, well it's certainly better than being stuck to a machine surrounded by Rust Devils poking and prodding me for their amusement.{Irritated} Look... it's obvious we don't care for each other's company, which suits me just fine.A1a
265{Irritated} So, why don't you ask me everything you wanted to know and then I'll be on my way.Player Default: Tell me everything you know about the Mechanist.A1b
266Player Default: What kind of a body were you expecting?{Irritated} Considering I look like a junkbot that's been hastily welded together by an amateur, I'd say almost anything else would have been better.Y1a
267{Irritated} However, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given your limited skill set derived from your equally diminished intelligence.Player Default: I'm sorry you feel that way, it's the best I could do.Y1b
268Player Default: Well, I was going to connect your head to Liberty Prime's body, but I decided to do a little arts and crafts instead. Disappointed?{Irritated} If you're attempting to use sarcasm as an intimidation tactic, I'm afraid you're wasting your time.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Look... it's obvious we don't care for each other's company, which suits me just fine.X1a
269Player Default: I risked my neck saving you, so a little more gratitude wouldn't hurt.{Irritated} If the phrase "thank you" will allow us to get to conclude our bargain more rapidly, then I'm more than happy to utter it aloud on your behalf."DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Look... it's obvious we don't care for each other's company, which suits me just fine.B1a
270Player Default: I'm sorry you feel that way, it's the best I could do.{Irritated} Yes, well it's certainly better than being stuck to a machine surrounded by Rust Devils poking and prodding me for their amusement.DLC01MQ04JezebelBuilt: Look... it's obvious we don't care for each other's company, which suits me just fine.A1a
271-{Irritated} This is becoming intolerable! I want to know when I am to be removed from this machine and returned to my body.A
272{Question} I believe you had a few questions for me?A
273{Irritated} So, have you come to your senses, or are we going to continue our futile discussion?A
274{Confident} System re-initializing. Running self diagnostic...A
275{Irritated} I want answers! I demand to know what happened to the rest of my body.A
276{Confident} I'm detecting something unexpected in your voice... sincerity... a trait I normally find lacking in my interaction with others.
277{Confident} Very well, you may ask your questions.
278{Confident} Perhaps I've misjudged you. You seem to be a bit more brazen than your counterparts. It's something I often find lacking in others.
279{Confident} I'll tell you what. Since you've thoroughly impressed me, I'll answer your questions.
280{very patronizing / Sarcastic} Tsk, tsk. Trying to sway me with so-called "empathy?" How blatantly predictable."
281{Irritated} You're going to have to do better than that.
282{very patronizing / Sarcastic} Ah yes, resorting to the notion that once diplomacy fails, the next logical step is the use of violence.
283{Irritated} That might work when you're dealing with others, but allow me to remind you that robots don't fear death. Your threats are lost on me.
284{punch "your" before "lifespan" (important, or line won't make sense) / Confident} True, you could leave me here... but then your questions would remain unanswered until the end of your lifespan."
285{patronizing question / Irritated} So we've reached a bit of a stalemate, wouldn't you agree?


286-{Irritated} I expect you'll be leaving me behind. Typical.A
287{Irritated} Haven't you already interfered enough? Go away.A
288{Irritated} I never expected to spend the next part of my existence staring at a wall. How dreadfully tedious.A
289{Irritated} I'll have you know that leaving me connected to this machine is an invasion of privacy.A
290{Irritated} Just go away. Haven't you done enough to torment me already?A
291{Irritated} You should have left me with those Raiders at Fort Hagen. At least they treated me with the reverence I deserve.A
292{Irritated} At least now I'll have time to work on my "Pi to the last digit" calculation."A