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This is a transcript for dialogue with Faydra.


DLC01PhaedraArenaFight I'm ready to fight. Neutral 50 This'll be your last fight, scab. One more and I don't get to call you that anymore. You ready? 1
I'm ready to fight. Neutral 50 I wouldn't count on luck this time. You damn well better be ready. 2
I'm ready to fight. Neutral 50 Are you sure about that? Once I lock the door, there's no going back. Arena rules. 3
DLC01PhaedraArenaFightNO No, not yet. Neutral 50 I'm not surprised. Just don't take too long. And don't get yourself killed anywhere but in here. 4
DLC01PhaedraArenaFightWho Who am I going to be fighting? Neutral 50 You're going up against Gruber. He's one of the only slaves to win in the Hole. There's only ever been... what? Three? 5
Neutral 50 I guess he got a taste for blood. But unfortunately for you, he's got a pretty decent gun. 6
Neutral 50 So, odds are, this is the last time you and I will be talking. 7
Who am I going to be fighting? Neutral 50 Ashur says he wants to make this one good so he gave you the Bear Brothers. They're a couple of mean bastards. 8
Neutral 50 Hell, rumor has it that they're half way to Trog as it is. But I'm sure you'll do fine. Just fine. 9
Who am I going to be fighting? Neutral 50 We're gonna throw you in there with a bunch of the other scabs who think they got what it takes. 10
Neutral 50 You're all gonna fight it out and the last one standing gets to move on. Probably won't be you, though. 11
DLC01PhaedraArenaFightYES Let's do it! Neutral 50 Well all right! That's what I like to hear! Get on in there! 12
Let's do it! Neutral 50 Well all right! That's what I like to hear! Get on in there! 13
Let's do it! Neutral 50 If you're ready, just step on in. 14
DLC01PhaedraArenaSignUp I want to fight in the Arena. Neutral 50 Oh yeah? You sure you're ready to die? 15
DLC01PhaedraGreeting1 Where do I sign up? Neutral 50 You don't sign up. You tell me that you want to fight. I set up a fight. You die, and I repeat it with the next jackass slave who comes in here. 16
Neutral 50 Sound good? You want in? C'mon, death's got to be better than your life, am I right? 17
DLC01PhaedraGreeting2 What goes on down here? Neutral 50 What? One of the boys hit you upside the head a little too hard? This is the arena. You want to fight? You tell me. I'll set it up. 18
Neutral 50 Then you die and we all have a good laugh. So what do you say? C'mon? We haven't had a good bloodbath in a while. 19
DLC01PhaedraGreetingSignUpNO Not right now. Neutral 50 I'm not surprised. Just don't take too long. And don't get yourself killed anywhere but in here. 20
DLC01PhaedraGreetingSignUpYES Yes. Put me down for a fight. Neutral 50 Well, all right. I've got one for you right away. Or you can take some time to put your affairs in order. It's up to you. 21
DLC01PhaedraTopicArenaRules What are the Arena Rules? Neutral 50 It's pretty simple. When the gates open, you fight. The last one standing wins. 22
Neutral 50 Of course, when the gates open, the barrels drop in. So just make sure you kill the other guy before you die of radiation poisoning. 23
Neutral 50 You don't wanna spend too much time with whatever is in those barrels. 24
DLC01PhaedraTopicArenaWeapons Do I get any weapons? Neutral 50 You have what you take in with you. 25
Neutral 50 But, if that's not enough, there are a couple of things in that locker over there. 26
DLC01PhaedraTopicOtherFighters Tell me about other slaves who have fought in the Arena. Neutral 50 What's to tell? Most die. One or two have made it out, but that's about it. 27
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Not bad, grinder. Not bad. The Bear Brothers were some pretty mean sons o' bitches. 28
Neutral 50 One more fight and you're free. But I wouldn't plan on making it through the next one. 29
Neutral 50 Here's a shot for the rads. Come back when you're ready for your last fight. 30
GREETING Neutral 50 Wow. Impressive, slave. Those were some of the toughest scabs around here. 31
Neutral 50 You've got some fight in you, it seems. But I wouldn't get too excited. I'm sure Ashur's got something special planned for your next fight. 32
Neutral 50 Here's something for the rads. Enjoy it while you can. Come back when you're ready for your next fight. 33
GREETING Neutral 50 And what're you doing down here, slave? Don't tell me that your pale ass is gonna throw down? 34
GREETING Neutral 50 Impressive, slave. But I guess I shouldn't call you that anymore. 35
GREETING Neutral 50 Not bad. Welcome to the club. 36
GREETING Neutral 50 Get in there, or die in here. Either way, I don't care. 37
GREETING Neutral 50 Don't wuss out on me now! Go! 38
GREETING Neutral 50 Well? Get on in there! 39
GREETING Neutral 50 You again? Back for more, huh? 40
GREETING Neutral 50 Unless you're looking to get killed, you'll get the fuck out of my Arena. 41


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Come back when you're ready to fight. 42
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Yeah, yeah. 43
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Hurry up! I want to see you die! 44
HELLO HELLO Happy 50 I don't see why Ashur's wasting his time with you. 45
HELLO Neutral 25 Lord Ashur wants a word with you. Good luck. 46
HELLO Neutral 25 Hurry over to Haven, kid. 47
HELLO Happy 25 Ashur's looking forward to meeting you, champ. {A little congratulatory, a little sinister} 48
HELLO Neutral 50 Good knowin' ya, scab! 49
HELLO Neutral 50 Man, I can't believe Ashur opened up the arena again! 50
HELLO Neutral 50 This is gonna be some good shit, I tell ya! 51
HELLO Neutral 50 Go on! Fight! 52
HELLO Neutral 50 Nothin' I love more than watchin' grinders die in the Hole. 53
HELLO Neutral 50 You? Fight in the hole? Oh, I can't wait for this. 54