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This is a transcript for dialogue with robobrains in Automatron.


1-Minions! Scatter!
2Beware, my minions!
3Minions! Evasive action, now!
4Minions! Protecting me is your highest priority!
5To me, my metal minions!
6Minions! Flank them!
7Minions, find a way to get behind them!
8Frontal assault is not the best option here, my minions.
9Minions! Forward!
10Charge, my minions! For the Mechanist!
11Forward, my metal minions!
12Minions! Take cover!
13Find cover, my minions!
14We will all be destroyed if we don't find cover!
15Minions! Suppress that fire!
16Minions, keep his head down while I deal with him.
17Minions, keep her head down while I deal with her.
18Concentrate fire over there!
19The Mechanist's orders leave no room for mercy.
20So much to do.
21The Mechanist will be pleased with my progress.
22Who else needs my help?
23I hope I find someone else to assist soon.
24The Mechanist has sent me to help.
25I'm really glad we could avoid any unpleasantness.
26If that's the way you want it.
27Let's get... intimate.
28I'd really prefer you don't bleed on me.
29I can see the fear in your eyes. It's very unsettling.
30You know, I'm just as capable at killing you up close.
31{Needs to be edited in audio to trail off/malfunction} Tell the Mechanist I did my best...
32Oh. Oh my.
33Well now. That's unfortunate.
34{Needs to be edited in audio to trail off/malfunction} And now I die...
35Picking my pocket? Silly dear - I don't have pockets.
36Nobody likes a thief.
37My my. Sticky fingers, is it?
38You always take things that aren't yours?
39Minions, destroy him!
40Minions, destroy her!
41Trust me, this is for the best.
42The Mechanist has ordered me to clean up the Commonwealth.
43Don't let any of them get away. It will just prolong the agony.
44I'm just carrying out my orders. I'm sure you understand.
45The Mechanist has sent us to protect the Commonwealth.
46The best way to protect you is to destroy you. I promise, it all makes perfect sense.
47Sorry, but the Mechanist's orders require your destruction.
48I normally abhor violence. But you've forced my hand.
49You could run. I am trying to kill you, you know...
50Please believe me when I say I'm not enjoying this.
51I calculate your chance of success to be... Well, I don't want to be morbid.
52I'm not programmed to fail, just so you know...
53They could have programmed me to love, to forgive. But noooooo.
54I'm sorry, but my programming requires that I try to kill you. Nothing personal.
55I hope we can still be friends when this is all over.
56I'll miss you.
57Don't let the alluring voice fool you. I'm a lethal killing machine.
58I'm a much better tactician than you. It's all in the brain, you see.
59You may want to run now.
60You truly inspire me. To use deadly force.
61Report any sensor contact immediately!
62If I don't find you, my minions will.
63We will find you. Our orders do not allow us to ignore any chance to help.
64{Pause after the "Marco!" Like you're waiting to see if the other person will respond.} Marco! Come on... this only works if you play too.
65There's no point in trying to hide from me. I'm programmed to be quite relentless.
66Ooh, I love hide and seek. I'll be "it"... and you'll be dead.
67Wow, you're good. Have you had training as a ninja?
68I'll find you eventually, you know.
69Why hide? Are you some kind of chicken? Bawk bawk...
70{emphasis on the "am"} You know, I am a robot. With sensors. It's not like you can stay hidden forever.
74Not as sneaky as you thought, huh?
75Jig's up, I'm afraid.
76Well hey there!
77Look who's terrible at sneaking.
78This is going to hurt you a lot more than me.
79I really hope your will's up to date.
80Well. Time to die.
81Hey, what comes next? I apologize in advance.
82Try not to bleed on the chrome. It's sooo difficult to remove.
83I think this is the part where you run screaming.
84You may want to run now.
85I believe they call this "suicide by robot."
86Weird. Must be radroaches.
87{Sighs before speaking the line.} Stupid sensors. So unreliable...
88I'm hearing things, then I'm not. Can a robot go crazy? Because I swear, I'm going crazy.
89Nope. Nothing.
90Sensors on the fritz again. Lovely.
91Aannndd.... nothing.
92Minions! Spread out and find him!
93Minions! Spread out and find her!
94Minions, initiate search pattern.
95Very well. We will find you sooner or later.
96Attention, my minions! Initiate search protocol!
97My orders from the Mechanist require that I help everyone, no exceptions.
98Do you want to fight or not? Please make up your mind.
99You vanished! Neat trick.
100Okay, how did you do that? Stealth Boy? Or are you just naturally sneaky?
101Whoa. Where did you go?
102Leaving so soon?
103Looks like that's enough excitement for one day.
104Is that it? I was just starting to have fun.
105And just like that... it's over.
106Nothing yet? Any of you?
107I need to have the Mechanist improve your sensors.
108Find him!
109Find her!
110The Mechanist will send you all to the scrap heap if you fail again.
111Come on, you useless metal junkpiles. Don't let a mere human evade you.
112Don't hide. We're just trying to help.
113{Playful} I'm gonna fiiiindd yoooouu...
114Oooh, this is fun.
115{sing song} Come out, come out, wherever you arrrreee...
116Now where could you be...
117Are you still there? Oh wait... I know you are.
118Now if I were a stupid, suicidal meat bag, where would I hide...?
119Get up and run, you fool!
120Sneak time's over, don't you think?
121Well look who I found.
122You tried hiding, I found you, and now you'll die. Circle complete.
123Wow. You're pretty terrible at this whole sneaking thing.
124Found you!
125Oh, hello.
126You had your chance to run. You blew it.
127You didn't seriously think you could slip away?
128Let's try this again, shall we?
129Okay, that's it. Play time's over.
130Now you did it. You got me... flummoxed.
131Oh well. Maybe next time you'll introduce yourself.
132Fine. Be like that.
133So that's it? Taking your ball and going home?
134Ah well. Maybe next time.
135Well. Someone gets to live a little while longer.
136Boring fight anyway...
138Threat detected! Kill! Kill! Kill!
139Huh. Strange. Must have been a sensor blip.
140Going right for the brain? How unsporting.
141You can slow me down, but you'll never stop me.
142You know what? I think I'll just move over here.
143I'm starting to think I may be outmatched.
144I'm not running away - I'm withdrawing. Big difference.
145Minions! Tactical withdrawal!
146I've analyzed the situation, and a withdrawal is required.
147Follow me, my minions! Victory requires a tactical readjustment.
148{Gives a "tsk tsk" before speaking the line.} Nobody likes a robot killer.
149How sad. I'll be sure to mourn them after you're dead.