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This is a transcript for dialogue with Adan.


DLC01AdanGreeting01 Family? You're all slaves. You're not family. Neutral 50 We are what we wish to be. I found this book once, over by the library. Midea read part of it to me. 1
Neutral 50 It said: "A good traveler has no fixed plan and is not intent on arriving." 2
DLC01AdanGreeting01a What does that even mean? Neutral 50 It means that I'd like to be free, but I'm not. And the harder I cling to that desire, the more miserable I'll be that I'm stuck here. 3
Neutral 50 And this work is hard enough without extra misery. Speaking of which, I should get back to it. 4
DLC01AdanGreeting01b So you're just happy to be where you are? Neutral 50 I'd like to be free, but I'm not. And the harder I cling to that idea, the more miserable I'll be that I'm stuck here. 5
Neutral 50 And this work is hard enough without extra misery. Speaking of which, I should get back to it. 6
DLC01AdanGreeting02 Why are you so cheery? Neutral 50 I'm not cheery, really. I've just accepted my role here. I found a book once. Midea read part of it to me. 7
Neutral 50 It said: "The Master doesn't try to be powerful; he is powerful. An ordinary man keeps reaching for power and thus never has enough." 8
DLC01AdanGreeting02a What does that even mean? Neutral 50 It means that I'd like to be free, but I'm not. And the harder I cling to that desire, the more miserable I'll be that I'm stuck here. 9
Neutral 50 And this work is hard enough without extra misery. Speaking of which, I should get back to it. 10
DLC01AdanGreeting02b So you're just happy to be where you are? Neutral 50 I'd like to be free, but I'm not. And the harder I cling to that idea, the more miserable I'll be that I'm stuck here. 11
Neutral 50 And this work is hard enough without extra misery. Speaking of which, I should get back to it. 12
DLC01Marco1a Yeah. Where is he? Neutral 50 He's in the Mill. He tried to keep out of sight of the bosses, so look around where they can't see. 13
DLC01Marco1b I've already found him. No worries. Neutral 50 Very well, then. Good luck on your path. 14
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there! Welcome to the family! 15
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm told that you might be looking for Marco. Am I right? 16
GREETING Neutral 50 And thanks to you, our path to freedom is somewhat closer. 17
GREETING Neutral 50 It's a shame that violence is the only thing that could solve this. 18
GREETING Neutral 50 All of this will pass, I assure you. 19
GREETING Neutral 50 Don't try to achieve your goal, and your goal will be achieved. 20
GREETING Neutral 50 Calming philosophy aside, being beaten kind of hurts. 21
GREETING Anger 50 Go away. 22
GREETING Neutral 50 Go away! They'll see us! 23


DLC01SpeechAnnouncement DLC01SpeechAnnouncement Neutral 50 All workers report to the Square. All workers report to the Square. 24
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 {Silence.} 25
HELLO Neutral 50 You seem so anxious. 26
HELLO Neutral 50 Relax. Good will come in its time. 27
HELLO Neutral 50 I don't have much time. Ask me what you will. 28
HELLO Neutral 50 Remain calm and you will achieve your goals. 29