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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cutter.


DoctorMedical I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Unless you've got hurt feelings, there's not a damn thing wrong with you. Come back when you've got some injuries that I can earn some money from. 1
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Hey, if you needed help, I'd gladly take your money, but you're just fine, buck-o. Now stop wasting my time. 2
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Let's see, a few Stimpaks and a couple of stitches should get you goin'. And it'll only run you 50 caps. 3
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 All right, a few stitches and a couple of bandages should fix you up. Let's call it 50 caps. Sound good? 4
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 A few broken bones, a couple of cuts... I should be able to do you up for 75. 5
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Sure, I'll help you. If you have the caps. Looks to me like you're pretty banged up, though. Let's say... 75 caps and I'll fix you good as new. 6
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 You know, when I saw you limping in here, I knew that I smelled money. That'll be 100 caps. Or you can just bleed to death. Your choice. 7
I'm hurt. I need help, Doc. Neutral 50 Well, hello, meal ticket. 100 caps. Or I can just wait for you to die and take it. 8
DoctorMedical33YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Alright, hold still. 9
All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 This may sting a little... 10
Actually, I don't have 100 caps. Neutral 50 Then what the hell are you wasting my time for? 11
DoctorMedical66YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Alright, hold still. 12
All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 This may sting a little... 13
Actually, I don't have 75 caps. Neutral 50 Then what the hell are you wasting my time for? 14
DoctorMedical99YES All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 Alright, hold still. 15
All right, here's your money. Neutral 50 This may sting a little... 16
Actually, I don't have 50 caps. Neutral 50 Then what the hell are you wasting my time for? 17
DoctorMedicalContNO That's all I need. Neutral 50 Alright. Come back anytime you have the caps to pay. 18
DoctorMedicalContYES There was something else I needed... Neutral 50 Make it quick. 19
DoctorMedicalNO On second thought, I'll be fine. Neutral 50 Then why are you bothering me? 20
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Now next time, try to be where the bullets aren't. 21
GREETING Neutral 50 There you go. All better, you big baby. You need anything else? 22
GREETING Neutral 50 That should keep you going for a bit longer. 23
GREETING Disgust 50 You're a mess. I hope you brought a lot of money with you. 24
GREETING Disgust 50 Are you just going to bleed on me, or are you going to pay me to fix you? 25
GREETING Happy 50 I love the sight of a limping Waster. You just look like a walking pile of caps to me. 26
GREETING Happy 50 Well now, look at you limping in here like that. Did you bring some caps for Auntie Cutter? 27
GREETING Neutral 50 You look like you've seen better days. A few caps'll fix that up for you. 28
GREETING Neutral 50 Been in a few fights, have we? Well, that's why they pay me the big bucks... 29
GREETING Happy 50 Ain't nothing that I love more than an injured Slaver with more caps than sense. Hopefully, you fall into that category. 30
GREETING Neutral 50 You look alright to me. Are you here for some supplies? 31
MS08MedicalClue1 Do you know anything about some android who needed a surgeon? Neutral 50 You believe that ancient crap? Rumors of an escaped robot looking for a hacksaw and a computer expert. Forget about it. 32
MS08MedicalClue2 What do you know about this android from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 That old "android recording?" Some of the boys took that seriously. Clearly it was a hoax. Here's a copy of the holotape. Listen for yourself. 33
Tell me more about this holotape about the android. Neutral 50 You don't take that seriously do you? They sent tapes like that all over the Wasteland. Try bothering someone else. 34
MS08MedicalClue3 Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 Hmm... that reminds me of this old hoax. Here, listen to this. It's clearly a joke. No one's got the tech to do that without risking infection. 35
Ever do any facial surgery? Maybe on someone from the Commonwealth? Neutral 50 No one's got the tech to do that without risking infection. 36
I found some info about an android. What do you know about his facial surgery? Neutral 50 It's clearly a joke. No one's got the tech to do that without risking infection. 37
MS08MedicalClue3Bribe You ever do a face job on an android from the North? <Jingle purse of 100 caps.> Neutral 50 Hmm... that reminds me of this old hoax. Here, listen to this. It's clearly a joke. No one's got the tech to do that without risking infection. 38
MS08MedicalClue3Stat A patient of mine needs a facial epidermal augmentation. You ever perform one? Neutral 50 Hmm... that reminds me of this old hoax. Here, listen to this. It's clearly a joke. No one's got the tech to do that without risking infection. 39
MS08MedicalClue4 You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer? Neutral 50 Try Pinkerton at Rivet City. Heard he has the goods. Hope he doesn't try to actually use them on anyone. Bet he would though. He's nuts. 40
You know who might have a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer? Neutral 50 Try Pinkerton at Rivet City. Heard he has the goods. Hope he doesn't try to actually use them on anyone. Bet he would though. He's nuts. 41
I found this holotape. What do you know about facial reconstruction? Neutral 50 I tell these assholes to just stop looking in the mirror. But if you want to mess up your face, try Pinkerton at Rivet City. He's crazy enough. 42
MS08MedicalClue4Bribe Here's 100 caps for the locale of a Lipoplasticator or Micro Dermal Graftilizer. Neutral 50 Try Pinkerton at Rivet City. Heard he has the goods. Hope he doesn't try to actually use them on anyone. Bet he would though. He's nuts. 43
MS08MedicalClue4Stat I need to find a Micro Dermal Graftilizer for epidermal augmentation surgery. Neutral 50 Try Pinkerton at Rivet City. Heard he has the goods. Hope he doesn't try to actually use them on anyone. Bet he would though. He's nuts. 44
PFCutterChems Let me see your Chems. Neutral 50 Hey, it's your body, do what you want to it. 45
Let me see your Chems. Neutral 50 If you're planning on overdosing, just make sure you pay me first. 46
Let me see your Chems. Neutral 50 Trade up front. No exceptions. Especially not for junkies. 47
PFCutterSupplies I want to buy medical supplies. Neutral 50 That's good to hear, since I want to take your caps. 48
I want to buy medical supplies. Neutral 50 I've got supplies, if you've got caps. 49
I want to buy medical supplies. Neutral 50 Money first, then you'll get the goods. 50
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 You have to do better than that. I deal with bigger assholes than you on a daily basis. 51


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Yeah. Come back when you've got more injuries. And some more caps. 52
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Can't help you now. Come to the clinic in the morning. 53
HELLO Neutral 50 Sorry, kid. Clinic's closed. 54
HELLO Neutral 50 What do you want? 55
HELLO Neutral 50 You hurt? 56
HELLO Neutral 50 You here to do business? 57
PFTalkCutterEulogyJones1 PFTalkCutterEulogyJones1 Neutral 50 Our relationship is strictly business, Eulogy. You know that. 58
PFTalkCutterEulogyJones1 Neutral 50 Good day, Eulogy. And need I remind you that I'm old enough to be your mother. Ours is a business relationship only. 59
PFTalkCutterEulogyJones3 PFTalkCutterEulogyJones3 Neutral 50 Here you go, Eulogy. The usual cut. Count it if you'd like. 60
PFTalkHiResponse1 PFTalkHiResponse1 Neutral 50 Get out of my face. 61