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Crimson Dragoons were an elite military unit within the People's Liberation Army before the Great War.


Trained in combat from birth, the Dragoons represented the best the PLA had to offer, and were used on the most important fronts of the Sino-American War, both alongside regular ground troops[1] and for covert operations in mainland United States.[2] A lifetime of shaping and training resulted in strong mental conditioning that was very difficult to overcome,[3] as the choice boiled down to unquestioning loyalty[4] or death.[5]


Almost exclusively deployed as commandos and saboteurs, combining elite training[6] with Hei Gui stealth armor that made them next to impossible to detect until too late, they became as much of a psychological threat as a physical threat on the battlefield. By 2077, American troops aware of their deployment were told to shoot first at anything that moves in an odd fashion.[7] All suits were fitted with sophisticated tracking devices, monitoring Dragoons on deployment and allowing Chinese intelligence operatives to track them even after the Great War rendered pre-War ideological struggles moot.[8][9] Ironically, Hei Gui suits captured by Americans were reverse-engineered to create the Stealth Boy.[10][11]

Known deployments include:

Known Dragoons[]

  • Agent Mochou: The only Dragoon known to break their mental conditioning, Mochou survived the Great War and went rogue once she realized that both China and United States were puppeteers, lying to their citizens.[3] She thought the Great War meant she was free, but she was tracked down by loyalist operatives years after the Great War,[16] and forced to do their bidding or see Jen killed.[17]


The Crimson Dragoons first appeared in the Fallout 3 add-on Operation: Anchorage and are indirectly mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas, in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues, and in Fallout 76.


  1. ↑ Lone Wanderer: "Give me the latest on the Listening Post."
    Lieutenant Morgan: "Oh, this place is a honey pot, lemme tell you. Not only is it swarming with regular ground troops, but they've put their best guys in there as well, the Crimson Dragoons. I hear those guys start training as soldiers right from the womb, so watch yourself in there. "
  2. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "What is this place? Why are any of you still down here?"
    Agent Mochou: "This is a listening post. Our mission is complicated to explain... unless you know what's going on next door. I will tell you more later, if you let me live."
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 Vault 76 dweller: "Are you trying to claim you were just following orders?"
    Agent Mochou: "Orders, and a lifetime of being shaped to think and be what they wanted. I didn't question it because I didn't know there were other ways to be, to think. We were lied to, but people here were also lied to. Once I could see the puppeteers, I wanted nothing to do with any of it. I fled."
  4. ↑ Agent Mochou: "They would have come for me, if I didn't come back. You have to understand that. I was-I am sorry. I should have explained things to you before, but you were so young. I didn't think you'd be able to understand why I had to go. The way I was raised was wrong, unquestioning loyalty was all I was allowed. I treated you the same way. I'm so very sorry that I wasn't able to be better than that." But if I have to die here to protect you from them, then I will. I will always stand up for you, qianjin. "
  5. ↑ Vault 76 dweller: "So you were a spy before the war, too?"
    Agent Mochou: "Yes. I was trained from childhood to do this job. It's all I knew, I never chose any of this. It was either follow orders or die."
  6. ↑ Lone Wanderer: "What can I expect to find inside the post?"
    Lieutenant Morgan: "The Chinese have a team of commandos they call their Crimson Dragoons. They're pretty much the best soldiers they've got. That Listening Post is filled with those units. I'd be extra careful in there if I were you -- they aren't about to give that place up lightly."
  7. ↑ Lone Wanderer: "Give me the latest on the Pulse Field."
    Lieutenant Morgan: "The problem out there isn't the Field itself... I mean, you wouldn't be foolish enough to drag robots out there with you. The place is crawling with their stealth units... the Crimson Dragoons. If you spot something out of the corner of your eye, shoot first and ask questions later or it's the last thing you'll ever see."
  8. ↑ Agent Mochou: "I'll have to go into hiding and destroy the suit. They're tracking it. We might be able to shield the signal from the suit once or twice, but are you willing to give it up after using it? We don't have much time to decide."
  9. ↑ Agent Mochou: "If I give you this suit then they'll come for you... and they'll find me. Maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. They will kill me for it. I don't care if I die, I may as well already be dead. But they will also kill Jen, and I can't risk that."
  10. ↑ The Switchboard terminal entries; research terminal, > 2075 Dec 17
  11. ↑ Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.171: "One of the most interesting technologies developed before the War, the Stealth Boy 3001 is a compact device which generates a modulating refraction field which transmits light from one side of the field to the other. The result is near-perfect active camouflage, ranging from a sort of distorted transparency when moving to almost total invisibility when stationary. The Stealth Boy was reverse engineered from captured Chinese Stealth Armor during the War, and while the technology was never perfected—even the most advanced Stealth Boy consumes its battery in around 30 seconds—it was still seen to be reliable enough for service. Long-term use of Stealth Boy technology has been observed to cause permanent neurological changes, resulting in paranoid delusions, hallucinations, and other mental changes."
  12. ↑ Paving the Way
  13. ↑ The Guns of Anchorage
  14. ↑ Hoover Dam terminal entries; Inventory terminal, No clue what these are
  15. ↑ Agent Mochou
  16. ↑ A Vault Dweller: "Why didn't you just leave after the bombs fell?"
    Mochou: "I did! They tracked me down with tracers in my gear, years later. I thought everything was all over, that the governments were all gone, that I was free. If I had known, I would have thrown it all away and just hoped for the best. I thought holding on to it would save my life, but I was wrong. So wrong."
    (Mochou's dialogue)
  17. ↑ A Vault Dweller: "You don't look like a prisoner in that spy suit."
    Mochou: "Yes, I can see why that would be confusing. Not all of us have the luxury of choice. They threatened to kill my family if I didn't work for them. From what I have overheard on these listening devices, you are working with my daughter. She's on her way here, right now. I didn't want her to have to witness the inevitable, but here we are."
    (Mochou's dialogue)