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This is a transcript for dialogue with sentry bot.


1-{Sound effects. Ignore for script}
2{no text, hit sound}
3Threat analysis: yellow. Scanning for hostiles.
4Alert. Non-combatants are advised to leave the area. Security sweep in progress. Lethal force may be used without warning.
5No hostiles detected. Continuing perimeter sweep.
6Hostile detected. Commencing neutralization.
7Weapons free.
8Alert. Hostile detected. Lethal force authorized for all units.
9Threat analysis: green. Standing down.
10Threat analysis: green. Resuming standard patrol pattern.
11Threat analysis: green. Security sweep canceled.
12Alert. Target lock lost. Beginning search pattern delta seven.
13Alert. Target lock lost. Neutralization by lethal force remains primary objective.
14Alert. Target lock lost. Unneutralized hostile within perimeter.
15Threat analysis: green. Neutralization operation complete.
16Threat analysis: green. Security operation successful. Resuming normal operation.
17Hostiles neutralized. Recommend immediate repairs to primary systems to ensure continued operation.
18Alert. Non-combatant safety cannot be guaranteed.
19Target lock status: red. Continuing perimeter sweep.
20Alert. Hostile remains at large. Recommend non-combatants seek secure location.
21Target lock status: green. Re-engaging hostile target.
22Hostile target detected. Target lock status: green.
23Target lock acquired. Resuming lethal force neutralization operation.
24Threat analysis: green. Perimeter secure. Resuming standard operations.
25Threat analysis: green. Perimeter secure.
26Threat analysis: green. No hostiles detected.
27Threat analysis: yellow. Potential perimeter breach. Beginning sweep.
28Alert. Hostiles may be in area. Non-combatants are advised to seek secure location until perimeter is secured.
29Threat analysis: yellow. Beginning lethal force neutralization operation.
30Threat analysis: red. Weapons free.
31Hostile detected. Non-combatant safety can no longer be guaranteed.
32Threat analysis: red. Engaging hostile target.
33Crime detected. Judicial circuits recommend immediate application of capital punishment.
34Crime detected. Application of death sentence commencing.
35Crime detected. Consulting judicial circuits... offender sentenced to death.
36Murder detected. Judicial circuits recommend immediate application of capital punishment.
37Murder detected. Application of death sentence commencing.
38Murder detected. Consulting judicial circuits... offender sentenced to death.
39{no text - holder for sound}
40Warning. Use of lethal force is authorized.
41Warning. You are in violation of a security zone. Use of lethal force is imminent.
42Warning. You have entered a security zone. Lethal force may be used without further warning.
43Warning. Leave the security zone immediately or you may be fired upon without further warning.
44Security breach!
45Threat analysis... green. Standing down.
46Adding target to threat matrix.
47Reanalysis complete. Threat level red.
48Do not interfere with security operations.
49Non-combatants are advised to stand clear of weapons discharge.
50Warning! System failure imminent.
51Status report: red. Primary system failure imminent. Repair or reinforcement recommended.
52Status report: yellow and falling. Perimeter security can no longer be guaranteed.
53Status report: yellow. Primary systems have sustained significant damage. Reinforcement recommended.
54Alert. Use of lethal force in progress. Non-combatant safety cannot be guaranteed.
55Alert. Security operation in progress. Stand clear of security perimeter.
56Threat assessment: primary target almost neutralized. Stand by.
57Threat assessment: primary target has suffered critical damage. Neutralization imminent.
58Threat assessment: primary target heavily damaged. Continuing to engage.
59Threat assessment: primary target has been engaged, but continues to exhibit hostile intent.
60Threat assessment: primary target is at large and undamaged. Full perimeter alert recommended.
61Warning! System failure imminent.
62Status report: red. Primary system failure imminent. Repair or reinforcement recommended.
63Status report: yellow and falling. Perimeter security can no longer be guaranteed.
64Status report: yellow. Primary systems have sustained significant damage. Reinforcement recommended.
65Status report: green. All systems within acceptable operating parameters.
66Weapons free. Non-combatants are advised to stand clear.
67Be advised. Hostiles in area. Threat neutralization in progress.
68Non-combatants are advised to stand clear of weapons discharge.
69Alert. Hostiles in area.
70Threat level: red.
71Weapon systems locked on.
72Engaging hostile target.
73Locking on...
74Weapon status: engaged.


Dialogue for sentry bot outside Cabot House.

75-This is private property.
76Move along. Authorized personnel only.
77Be advised, you are being watched.
78Stay off the grass.


Dialogue for combat sentry prototype MkIVs controlled by the Combat sentry proto MK IV holotape.

79DN116BotSelfDestructSelf destruction sequence complete in 3, 2, 1A1a
80DN116BotStartDefendingInitiating defensive procedures. Checking mapping protocol for nearby Military emplacements that require assistance.MilitaryBot: USAF Satellite Station Olivia detected as requiring assistance. Engaging navigation routine.A1a
81MilitaryBot: Initiating defensive procedures. Checking mapping protocol for nearby Military emplacements that require assistance.USAF Satellite Station Olivia detected as requiring assistance. Engaging navigation routine.MilitaryBot: Destination reached. Patrolling perimeterA1a
82MilitaryBot: Initiating defensive procedures. Checking mapping protocol for nearby Military emplacements that require assistance.South Boston Checkpoint detected as requiring assistance. Engaging navigation routine.MilitaryBot: Destination reached. Patrolling perimeterA2a
83MilitaryBot: Initiating defensive procedures. Checking mapping protocol for nearby Military emplacements that require assistance.Revere Satellite Array detected as requiring assistance. Engaging navigation routine.MilitaryBot: Destination reached. Patrolling perimeterA3a
84MilitaryBot: Initiating defensive procedures. Checking mapping protocol for nearby Military emplacements that require assistance.Fort Hagan detected as requiring assistance. Engaging navigation routine.MilitaryBot: Destination reached. Patrolling perimeterA4a
85MilitaryBot: USAF Satellite Station Olivia detected as requiring assistance. Engaging navigation routine.Destination reached. Patrolling perimeterA1a
86DN116BotStartPatrollingPowering up. AI initiating. Scanning protocols and rules of engagement.MilitaryBot: Current Objective: Patrol immediate area and neutralize any hostiles that pose a possible threat to the US Military and/or its citizens.A1a
87MilitaryBot: Current Objective: Patrol immediate area and neutralize any hostiles that pose a possible threat to the US Military and/or its citizens.Current Objective: Patrol immediate area and neutralize any hostiles that pose a possible threat to the US Military and/or its citizens.A1a
88MilitaryBot: Current Objective: Patrol immediate area and neutralize any hostiles that pose a possible threat to the US Military and/or its citizens.All citizens please clear the area and find cover. There is an 95.23 percent chance of collateral damage.A2a
89MilitaryBot: Current Objective: Patrol immediate area and neutralize any hostiles that pose a possible threat to the US Military and/or its citizens.All citizens are to remain calm. Unexpected behavior may cause unnecessary defensive action to be taken, resulting in injury or death.A3a