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This is a transcript for dialogue with protectron.


(Dialogue protectron stewards in Malden Center and Fens Way station)
Hello, citizen. Please present your subway token.SubwaySteward: Subway tokens are required for all riders. Please, may I see yours?A
2Subway tokens are required for all riders. Please, may I see yours?SubwaySteward: Final warning. Present a subway token. You have five seconds to comply.A1a
3SubwaySteward: Subway tokens are required for all riders. Please, may I see yours?Final warning. Present a subway token. You have five seconds to comply.SubwaySteward: Delinquent behavior confirmed. Violator will be removed.A1a
4SubwaySteward: Final warning. Present a subway token. You have five seconds to comply.Delinquent behavior confirmed. Violator will be removed.A1a
5-Rider token received. Thank you for riding Boston's historic subway system.A
6Token was not found. Please present a subway token.A
7Kill. Kill. Kill.
8Subject appears to be deceased.
9Your vital signs are troubling. Do you need assistance?
10This patient appears to need a coroner.
13Scanning for hostiles.
14This area clear. Proceeding with search protocol.
15Please step into the open and identify yourself. Law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear.
16Hostile target identified.
17Hold it right there.
18Commencing attack on hostile target.
19All clear.
20Area secure.
21False alarm. Standing down.
22Do not attempt to flee. You will be identified and sanctioned.
23Fugitive is attempting to evade capture. Beginning pursuit.
24Initiating search for hostile target.
25Situation... normal. Law and order has been restored.
26Attention citizens. You may now resume your normal activities.
27Law and order has prevailed.
28Warning. Dangerous fugitive is on the loose. Do not attempt to apprehend.
29Attention. Fugitive should be considered armed and dangerous.
30Continuing search for fugitive.
31Fugitive has been located. Commencing attack.
32Your attempted escape is only making things worse for you.
33Do not make any further escape attempts, lawbreaker.
34Hostile has escaped. Transmitting description to designated law enforcement authorities.
35Fugitive has evaded pursuit. Law enforcement authorities now have primary responsibility for apprehension.
36Search complete. No hostiles detected. Standing down.
37Intruder, identify yourself.
38Unidentified intruder detected. Beginning search.
39Approach and identify yourself. Law-abiding citizens will not be harmed.
40Attention. This is now a combat zone. You may suffer harm up to and including death if you remain in the area. This notice required by law.
41Do not attempt to flee. Justice will be administered swiftly and fairly.
42Hostile target detected.
43Please stand clear. This is now a free fire zone.
44Commencing lawful use of deadly force.
45Antisocial behavior detected.
46Criminal behavior will be punished.
47Antisocial behavior will not be tolerated.
48Surrender... accepted.
49You are sentenced to death for the crime of murder.
50Halt, lawbreaker! You are hereby sentenced to death for felony murder.
51Commencing judicial sanction for felony murder.
52That is stealing. Stealing is prohibited.
53Please put your hands in the air and prepare for disciplinary action.
54Unauthorized materials requisition detected.
55Trespasser, be advised that deadly force will be used against you without further warning.
56Leave the restricted area immediately. No further warning is required.
57This is a restricted area. You will be sanctioned with deadly force if you do not leave immediately.
58You are now trespassing. Be advised that deadly force may be used against you.
59Warning. You are trespassing. You must leave immediately.
60This is a restricted area.
61Responding with extreme prejudice.
62{about to attack with electric "paddles"} Clear!
63Continued resistance is unlawful.
64Warning. Systems failure imminent.
65Warning. Repair urgently required.
66Warning. Continued operation cannot be guaranteed. Please contact an authorized repair representative immediately.
67Multiple hostile targets detected. Requesting backup.
68Violence will not be tolerated.
69Engaging hostile target.
70Engaging hostile target.
71Your violation of Boston penal code has been noted.
72Warning: this unit is not bound by the Hippocratic Oath.
73Law abiding citizens, please leave the area.
74Please take cover until the danger has been eliminated.
75Do not be alarmed. Order will be restored soon. Please stand by.
76Your cooperation is requested.
77Warning. Hostiles in area.
78Please clear the area until order has been restored.
79Violence will not be tolerated.
80A lawful use of deadly force is in progress. Citizens are advised to clear the area.
81Do not be alarmed. Law and order will be restored shortly.
82For your safety, please take cover until the lawbreaker is dealt with.
83Multiple hostile targets detected. Requesting backup.
84Engaging multiple hostiles.
85Engagement with multiple hostiles in progress. Please stand clear of the combat area.
86Put down your weapons and submit to authority.
87This is a lawful use of deadly force. Please direct complaints to your local law enforcement authorities.
88Continued resistance is unlawful.
89Warning. Systems failure imminent.
90Warning. Repair urgently required.
91Warning. Continued operation cannot be guaranteed. Please contact an authorized repair representative immediately.
92Calculating chance of success... 80%.
93Calculating chance of success... 50%.
94Calculating chance of success... 20%.
95Calculating chance of success... less than 5%. Your safety can no longer be guaranteed.
96{spouting trivia for the benefit of nobody in particular.} The first US subway system was built in Boston in 1897.
97The object you are holding appears to be a fire hazard. Please dispose of it.
98Please do not hold the subway doors.
99Move along, citizen.
100Attention: Interfering with a law enforcement robot is a felony.
101Please remain calm if you are injured.
102Your compliance with hard hat regulations has been noted. Thank you for your cooperation.
103Hard hats are required while within a work site. Please wear your hard hat.
104{ZERO reads oddly - automated system.} This work site has gone zero days without an incident.
105{9999 reads oddly - automated system.} Warning: Union violation detected. Last recorded break was 9999 hours ago.
106Riders: Please have your subway tokens ready.
107Protect and serve.
108{no text, sound of Protectron dying}
109{no text, sound of Protectron getting hit}


Dialogue for the protectrons at the USS Constitution.

1-All is well.
3Warning. Overdue for maintenance.
4Defending the Constitution.
5Ahoy. This unit is patrolling.


Dialogue for protectrons controlled by the protectron override program.

8ProtectronPowerUpreceivedPowering up. Protectron on duty!A1a
9ProtectronShutDownCompletedShutting down. Unit Offline.A1a
10ProtectronShutDownReceivedShut-down signal received. Unit returning to charge pod.A1a
11ProtectronVIPescortScenedefaultProtectronVIPescort: Greetings, Sir or Madam. I will be your personal escort during your visit to Name of Operational Area.Escort Complete. Good day, Name of Very Important Person. It was a pleasure to serve you.A1a
12Assignment received: escort VIP.defaultProtectronVIPescort: Greetings, Sir or Madam. I will be your personal escort during your visit to Name of Operational Area.A1a
13defaultProtectronVIPescort: Assignment received: escort VIP.Greetings, Sir or Madam. I will be your personal escort during your visit to Name of Operational Area.defaultProtectronVIPescort: Escort Complete. Good day, Name of Very Important Person. It was a pleasure to serve you.A1a