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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mister Gutsy.


1-I cannot wait to find you so I can kill you as a personal favor to Uncle Sam.
2Are you playing games with me, goddammit?
3I'm starting to get angry. You would not like me when I'm angry.
4Do you think you can hide from me?
5Step forward and identify yourself!
6Are you afraid of me? You should be because I'm going to kick your ass when I find you!
7Since you don't seem willing to do the world a favor and kill yourself, I guess I'm going to have to do it for you.
8Looks like this is my lucky day.
9You just made my day! Opening fire!
10Kill that son of a bitch!
11You are about to be introduced to the U.S. army!
12You're gonna learn how Uncle Sam deals with commie maggots!
13Nothing I like better than a little R and R on Uncle Sam's dime.
14False alarm. Stand down, people.
15Another glorious day in the U.S. army.
16Restore contact with the enemy, goddammit!
17Who's got a target?
18Somebody find me something to shoot at!
19Another glorious day in the U.S. army!
20Time to hit the showers!
21That's how we do things in the U.S. army! Hoo-ah!
22That's how we do things in the Brotherhood! Hoo-ah!
23Come on, people, I need a target!
24Who's got a target?
25You better run, you commie-loving bastard!
26Your worthless hide is mine!
27You can run, but you can't hide!
28You cannot hide from me, you commie maggot!
29This battlefield now belongs to Uncle Sam!
30The enemy has retired before the awesome might of the U.S. army.
31The enemy has retired before the awesome might of the Brotherhood.
32Typical chickenshit commie maneuver.
33Who's ready to have their ass kicked?
34Move it out, people. I want this place searched top to bottom.
35Is that someone who needs me to kick their ass?
36Every day is a good day to die!
37Kill them all and let God sort them out!
38Ready to die for your country, you commie son of a bitch?
39Do that again and I'll put my foot so far up your ass you'll cough up boot polish!
40What is your major malfunction, maggot?
41You make me sick, you worthless scumbag.
42You are the lowest form of commie scumbag I've ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on!
43You seem to need an object lesson in democracy!
44I have a personal message for you from Uncle Sam!
45I have a personal message for you from Elder Maxson!
46Did you not realize that I have eyes in the back of my head?
47Do you have no respect for private property, you slimy little commie bastard?
48I thought I had seen every species of moronic petty bullshit, but you've just topped the list. Congratulations.
49You had better remove yourself from this area before I am forced to declare you an enemy of the U.S. of A.
50This area is under the protection of the U.S. army. Remove yourself or be prepared to defend yourself.
51You're not allowed here. Don't give me an excuse to use my weapon on you.
52Nice try, commie!
53Nice try, synth lover!
54How do you like that, you mother-loving commie!
55Eat fist, you commie bastard!
56Eat fist, synth sympathizer!
57Today's a hell of day to die, commie!
58Pain is just weakness leaving the body!
59Ready to die for your country?
60There's nothing I like better than making some other poor bastard die for his country.
61What's the matter, you pansy ass pinko? Getting tired?
62Come on, people, give 'em hell!
63We are lean! We are mean!
64Made in the U.S.A.!
65No surrender!
66Is that the best you can do?
67I'm just getting warmed up! Hoo-ah!
68There's nothing I like better than the smell of plasma in the morning!
69I have a personal message for you from Uncle Sam!
70Running will only make the pain last longer!
71Kill them all! God will understand.
72Now you're starting to piss me off.
73Technology's in good hands with the Brotherhood. I'd know.
74The Institute giving machines free will? My programming says that's monstrous!
75The ends justify the means when it comes to freeing the Commonwealth.
76This science won't know what hit it!
77Not everyday we get a Paladin paying us a visit.
78{You're addressing someone who outranks you, but you're torn between paying them the respect they deserve and watching over your experiments.} Outrank me or not, don't touch the experiments. Please. Sir.
79{You're addressing someone who outranks you, but you're torn between paying them the respect they deserve and watching over your experiments.} Outrank me or not, don't touch the experiments. Please. Ma'am.
80Not everyday we get visited by a Sentinel all the way up here.
81Not now, sir. There's science to be done.
82Not now, ma'am. There's science to be done.
83Do I look like I have time for idle chitchat?
84{no text, sound of Mr Gutsy dying}
85{no text, sound of Mr. Gutsy getting hit}