Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Craig Petersen is an illustrator, responsible, among others, for the Vault Boy images in the canceled Fallout Pen and Paper d20.


Craig began his career by creating his own self-published comic book series, which he scripted, illustrated, and marketed around New Zealand.

In the late 1990s, Craig worked as a teleoperator for 0900 video game lines providing customer support to the public.

In 2000, Craig became a web designer at DMD. Craig then went on to become a freelance designer, creating storyboard illustrations for television commercials and music videos; comic book scripts and illustrations; plus numerous websites and Flash animations.

Craig worked on two series of the bro'Town animated TV show for Firehorse Films. In those two years, Craig worked as a character and prop designer, a Key and In-Between clean-up artist, digitally colored production backgrounds, and created vector art for merchandise.

As a freelance illustrator, Craig created illustrations for the Exodus role-playing game manual in the US. Craig's other freelance commissions include: cartoon characters for business cards, illustrated covers for student diaries, newspaper advertisements for Air NZ, a 2-page comic book for a Canadian teaching magazine, and pin-up art for other NZ comic creators.

In 2008 and 2009 Craig created the comic strip “Close to Midnight” for Rip It Up Magazine. At Satellite Media he has scripted, illustrated, and animated several Flash comic strips.

Craig is currently a freelance illustrator and web designer. His recent clients include Ogilvy NZ, Hypermedia / The Activation Agency, ASOS UK, the Huxxer Corporation, and Film Construction to name a few.

During his time as a designer, Craig has developed very good client management and negotiation skills. He can manage his time effectively to work to deadlines and his experience enables him to provide accurate quotes.

Employment history[]

20062006Glutton Creeper GamesFreelance


Fallout series[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
-Fallout d20Illustrator


Vault Boy[]


Originally, I was asked to create some armor (or "armour" as we spell here in NZ) illustrations for the Fallout d20 Guide. I saw this as a great opportunity to add in a 1950's feel to my illustrations by creating some tongue-in-cheek advertisements that would have been published before the Great War in 2077 (in the Fallout timeline). The fonts used are the same as those used in the introduction sequences of the Fallout 2 video game.— Craig Petersen, Mechazoic Era

