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This is a transcript for dialogue with robobrain.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I'm sorry, but I am not at liberty to chat right now. 1


HELLO Hello Happy 50 Hello, sir. 2
Hello Happy 50 Hello, ma'am. 3


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 I'm so relieved we can put that unpleasantness behind us. 4
Assault Assault Sad 50 I'm sorry that you had to act that way. 5
Assault Sad 50 I'm afraid that kind of behavior can't be tolerated. 6
Attack Attack Neutral 50 Tsk. I really thought we could be friends. 7
Attack Happy 50 Please, lower your weapon and submit. 8
Attack Sad 50 I'm a much better tactician than you. It's all in the brain, you see. 9
Attack Sad 50 Please don't take this the wrong way. 10
Attack Happy 50 Which do you like better the psionic beam or the laser? 11
Attack Happy 50 Nothing personal. 12
Attack Happy 50 You could run? I am trying to kill you, after all. 13
Attack Happy 50 I hope this unpleasantness will be over soon. 14
Attack Happy 50 Hold still please. It's harder to hit you if you keep running around like that. 15
Attack Happy 50 I hope we can still be friends when this is all over. 16
Attack Happy 50 Please believe me when I say I'm not enjoying this. 17
Attack Happy 50 I wish there was some other way we could have worked this out. 18
Attack Happy 50 I'm afraid I'm a very lethal killing machine. 19
Attack Happy 50 Running away is probably your only hope. 20
Attack Happy 50 My programming requires that I keep trying to kill you. {apologetically} 21
Attack Sad 50 Don't feel bad if you don't defeat me. I am one of the most advanced military robots available. {apologetically} 22
Attack Sad 50 I'm not programmed to fail. Just so you know. {apologetically} 23
Attack Sad 50 They could have programmed me to love. To forgive. But nnoooo... {talking to herself, frustrated that she has to kill someone} 24
Attack Happy 50 I don't mean to be insensitive, but you really can't win. {apologetically} 25
Attack Sad 50 I calculate your chance of success as... well, no need to be morbid. {apologetically} 26
Death Death Neutral 50 Oh no. 27
Death Neutral 50 I'll miss you. 28
Death Neutral 50 What are you {cut off in mid sentence} 29
Death Neutral 50 Bzzzt. {garbled robot death sound} 30
Death Neutral 50 Bzzzt. {garbled robot death sound} 31
Death Neutral 50 Bzzzt. {garbled robot death sound} 32
GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Neutral 50 I don't mean to be rude, but you're not allowed here. You'd better leave before I'm forced to take preventive measures. 33
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 You're still within the restricted area. I really do advise you to leave immediately. 34
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 Perhaps you didn't hear me the first time. This is a restricted area. Please leave immediately. 35
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 I'm sorry, but you're not allowed here. I hope you won't turn this into an unpleasant situation. 36
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 I'm sorry. You've entered a restricted area. I may have to use deadly force if you don't leave immediately. 37
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 Excuse me, sir, but this is a restricted area. Please leave immediately so we can remain friends. 38
GuardTrespass Neutral 50 Excuse me, ma'am, but this is a restricted area. Please leave immediately so we can remain friends. 39
Hit Hit Neutral 50 Bzzt. 40
Hit Neutral 50 Bzzt. 41
Hit Neutral 50 Bzzt. 42
Hit Neutral 50 Vvvvzzz. 43
Hit Neutral 50 Vvvvzzz. 44
Hit Neutral 50 Vvvvzzz. 45
Murder Murder Neutral 50 Even I know that was not a nice thing to do. 46
Murder Sad 50 Now I'm going to have to do the same to you. 47
Murder Sad 50 You'll understand that now I have no choice but to employ deadly force. 48
Pickpocket Pickpocket Neutral 50 It's a shame that you had to do that. 49
Steal Steal Sad 50 I wish you hadn't done that. 50
Steal Sad 50 I'm sorry. I've been programmed to protect private property at all costs. 51
Steal Sad 50 I wish I could look the other way, but I'm afraid my programming is very strict. 52


AlertIdle AlertIdle Happy 50 Don't be alarmed if I try to kill you when I find you. It's just the way I've been programmed. 53
AlertIdle Happy 50 Why don't you just come out where I can see you? 54
AlertIdle Happy 50 I'll find you eventually, you know. 55
AlertIdle Happy 50 Where are you? {in a happy, sing-song voice} 56
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Happy 50 Allow me to introduce myself. 57
AlertToCombat Happy 50 I'm afraid I'm quite good at killing things. You may want to run now. 58
AlertToCombat Happy 50 There you are! Were you trying to hide from me? 59
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Sad 50 Oh well. Maybe next time you'll introduce yourself. 60
AlertToNormal Sad 50 Why did you run away? I'm really not as scary as I look. 61
AlertToNormal Sad 50 You shouldn't tease me like that. 62
CombatToLost CombatToLost Sad 50 Where did you go? Was it something I said? 63
CombatToLost Sad 50 I'm coming to find you now. I'm afraid my programming does not allow me to let you get away. 64
CombatToLost Sad 50 You're behaving very rudely. I wouldn't hide from you, if our positions were reversed. 65
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 I'm glad that's over. 66
CombatToNormal Sad 50 I'm sorry it had to end this way. 67
CombatToNormal Sad 50 I'll always remember you. My memory circuits have almost unlimited capacity. 68
LostIdle LostIdle Surprise 50 There's no point in trying to hide from me, you know. I've been programmed to be quite relentless. 69
LostIdle Surprise 50 Please come back. I'm sorry about all that recent unpleasantness. 70
LostIdle Sad 50 Where are you? 71
LostIdle Sad 50 Are you still there? {homage to Portal, of course} 72
LostToCombat LostToCombat Surprise 50 Were you trying to hide from me? 73
LostToCombat Surprise 50 You'll find that my electronic sensors are quite sophisticated. 74
LostToCombat Surprise 50 My search routines are quite advanced, don't you think? 75
LostToNormal LostToNormal Sad 50 Oh well. I wish you hadn't left so soon. I was having such a good time with you. 76
LostToNormal Sad 50 I'll miss you. Please come back and see me again. 77
LostToNormal Sad 50 I hope I didn't hurt your feelings with all that shooting and flaming. I'm afraid it's just the way I was programmed. 78
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 Hello? Please step forward and introduce yourself. 79
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 Is there someone there? I'd love to make your acquaintance. 80
NormalToAlert Happy 50 Don't be shy. I'm always happy to make a new friend. 81
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 I'm afraid my programming requires that I try to kill you now. 82
StartCombat Neutral 50 Please don't take this personally. 83
StartCombat Neutral 50 I'm sorry, sir, but you've forced me to utilize deadly force. 84
StartCombat Neutral 50 I'm sorry, ma'am, but you've forced me to utilize deadly force. 85