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This is a transcript for dialogue with Communist sympathizer.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00052A65 0015C400 Workers must control the means of production!
2 0015C401 The rise of the proletariat is inevitable!
3 0015C46E Capitalism is slavery! These shackles will be broken!
4 0015C4D6 The class struggle is unleashed!
5 0015C4D7 The workers will be the seat of all political power!
6 004E8A71 Will you die for your capitalist masters?
7 004E8A72 Dance, puppet, dance.
8 004E8A73 Are you prepared to meet your culturally imposed deity?
9 004E8A74 The red wave will not be stopped!
10 004E8A75 Where are your paymasters now?
11 00346936 0034695E Target reacquired! Communists - to action! Robotic. Just found a foe you'd lost earlier.
12 0034695F Enemy of the party in sight. Reengaging. Robotic. Just found a foe you'd lost earlier.
13 00346960 Reinitiating defense of the proletariat. Robotic. Just found a foe you'd lost earlier.
14 00346937 00346959 Capitalist detected. Eliminating. Robotic. Just found an enemy you'd been searching for.
15 0034695A Target spotted. Engaging - for the workers! Robotic. Just found an enemy you'd been searching for.
16 0034695B Threat to party unity acquired. Dispatching. Robotic. Just found an enemy you'd been searching for.
17 00346938 00346967 Initiating class war. Robotic. Entering combat.
18 00346968 We will eliminate the bourgeoisie. Robotic. Entering combat.
19 00346969 You will feel the worker's wrath. Robotic. Entering combat.
20 0034696A All dissension will be terminated. Robotic. Entering combat.
21 0034696B Prepare to die for your inferior economic philosophy. Robotic. Entering combat.
22 004E8A27 004E8A7A Threat level cleared. Capitalist cowardice documented.
23 004E8A7B Target lost. Probability of fleeing back to corporate paymasters: 100 percent.
24 004E8A7C No hostiles detected. Worker unshackling protocol activated.
25 004E8A28 004E8A5D No capitalist dogs detected.
26 004E8A5E Zero threats detected. Resuming protection of the working class.
27 004E8A5F Canceling alert status. The party is safe again.
28 004E8A29 004E8A51 Class war complete. Establishing worker's paradise.
29 004E8A52 Capitalist threat neutralized.
30 004E8A53 Action complete. Returning power to the workers.
31 004E8A2A 004E8A68 Crushed like a capitalist dog! Battering someone with your fists.
32 004E8A69 Smash the system! Battering someone with your fists.
33 004E8A6A Your beliefs will be erased! Battering someone with your fists.