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This is a transcript for dialogue with Communist (Fallout 76).

Note: The following transcriptions and English translations are unofficial. The script notes, however, are official.

Chinese soldiers[]

Chinese Soldiers dialogue
W05_NPCF_ChineseSoldier (0058F2F5)
W05_NPCM_ChineseSoldier (0058F2F6)
# Subtitles Transcription Translation Script notes
Detection: Normal to Combat (0058F2D1)
1 *Speaking Chinese* 什么?入侵者? What? Intruder? What? Intruder?
2 *Speaking Chinese* 有人来了。 Someone is coming. Someone is here.
3 *Speaking Chinese* 这里还有人。 There are other people here. We are not alone.
4 *Speaking Chinese* 我听到有动静。 I heard something. I heard something.
Detection: Normal to combat (0058F2D2)
5 *Speaking Chinese* 什么?入侵者? What? Intruder? What? Intruder?
6 *Speaking Chinese* 有人来了。 Someone is coming. Someone is here.
7 *Speaking Chinese* 这里还有人。 There are other people here. We are not alone.
8 *Speaking Chinese* 我听到有动静。 I heard something. I heard something.
Detection: Lost to Combat(0058F2D3)
9 *Speaking Chinese* 什么?入侵者? What? Intruder? What? Intruder?
10 *Speaking Chinese* 有人来了。 Someone is coming. Someone is here.
11 *Speaking Chinese* 这里还有人。 There are other people here. We are not alone.
12 *Speaking Chinese* 我听到有动静。 I heard something. I heard something.
Detection: Alert to Combat(0058F2D4)
13 *Speaking Chinese* 什么?入侵者? What? Intruder? What? Intruder?
14 *Speaking Chinese* 有人来了。 Someone is coming. Someone is here.
15 *Speaking Chinese* 这里还有人。 There are other people here. We are not alone.
16 *Speaking Chinese* 我听到有动静。 I heard something. I heard something.
Combat: Taunt (0058F2D5)
17 *Speaking Chinese* 胜利终将属于人民解放军! Victory will ultimately belong to the People's Liberation Army! The People's Liberation Army will surely win the final victory!
18 *Speaking Chinese* 哈,看到你们帝国主义的下场了吗? Do you see the fate of your imperialist ways now? See what your imperialist ways have brought you?
19 *Speaking Chinese* 我们宁死不屈! We would rather die than surrender! We will never surrender!
20 *Speaking Chinese* 人民共和国万岁! Long live the People's Republic! Hail to the People's Republic!
Combat: Death (0058F2D6)
21 50% chance to play death line
22 *Speaking Chinese* 还不能。。。 Not yet... Not yet...
23 *Speaking Chinese* 啊,好。。。啊。。。 N/A; dying noises Pain...
24 *Speaking Chinese* 啊。。。我们是在解放你们。。。 We are freeing you... Trying to free you...
25 *Speaking Chinese* 不,不。。。 No, no... No, no...
Combat: Attack (0058F2D7)
26 *Speaking Chinese* 你死定了! You will die. You will die.
27 *Speaking Chinese* 打倒美帝国主义! Down with American imperialism! American imperialism must be beaten!
28 *Speaking Chinese* 去死吧! Go die! Time to die.
29 *Speaking Chinese* 你们必败! You can't win. You can't win.