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This is a transcript for dialogue with Combat instructor.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0064DBF0 0064DC70 Good day.
3 0064DC72 Thanks again, friend. May your bullet always find its target.
5 0064DBF1 0064DC46 If clubs were so great why'd our forefathers go and create the firearm?
6 I'll tell you why! Because guns get it done!
10 0064DBF4 0064DC74 Times have changed! Guns are what separates the modern soldier from the Neanderthals with their sticks and stones.
15 0064DBF7 0064DC60 Seems I'm the odd one out this time, but be it blaster or basher, a good soldier always chooses the best tool for the job. Lost the debate but it's no skin off their back. They approve of all weapons
16 Thank you for your service and good luck out there on the frontlines.
17 0064DBF8 0064DC48 Then that settles it.
23 It's called "trigger happy" because pulling the trigger makes me happy. 0064DC62 Hoo-ah! Enthusiastic agreement.
24 0064DC03 0064DC4A Spoken like a true soldier! Approval
25 I just like shooting stuff. 0064DC6C Sometimes it's the simple pleasures that make things worth doing. Agreement.
26 0064DC07 0064DC52 They say do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. So tell me, which weapon brings you more joy? Said like a question on an exam.
27 0064DC08 0064DC5B How about that? This next question will be our tie-breaker.
28 0064DC5C That's two down. Final question.
29 I don't have to worry about finding or carrying ammunition. 0064DC65 Ammunition too heavy for you? You just need a strong back! But I suppose all that strength makes melee attacks better too. Ribbing the player a bit. Acting like the player only answered the way they did because they are physically weak.
30 Melee weapons don't jam, misfire, or need to be reloaded. 0064DC4D Proper care of your weapon should alleviate that concern, but point taken.
31 0064DC0D 0064DC6F Do my ears deceive me? How did you arrive at such a ludicrous decision? False disbelief. Acting like the player said something crazy but they get what the player means, they just want them to expand on it.
34 Mini-nukes, of course. 0064DC5F You have misunderstood the assignment. Bombs are great, but not part of this debate. Keep it to standard firearms and melee weapons if you please. Spoken like a commanding officer correcting a soldier's mistake (but not angry, more like they are educating someone)
38 You should see the bloody mess left behind by a Ripper. 0064DC4F No thank you. I'm not squeamish but I prefer to keep my armor clean of enemy blood. Slightly grossed out at the idea of being covered in gore.
39 Cover means nothing when I'm attacking them with a Super Sledge. 0064DC75 They can run but they cannot hide. Alright, I can see the appeal of that. Acknowledging the player's point and is partially convinced they are right.
40 Melee weapons are silent and deadly. 0064DC57 I suppose. Personally, I like to make as much noise as possible and really put the fear o' God into 'em. Acknowledging the player's point but also disagreeing.
41 0064DC1C 0064DC42 Spoken like a true marksman. Score one for firearms! Approval of the player's answer.
46 0064DC26 0064DC59 A weapon's purpose is to kill so the most important criteria we can judge a weapon by is its killing potential. Spoken like a solider listing facts.
47 What, in your expert opinion, is the deadlier type of weapon? Firearms or melee weapons? Spoken like a humored drill Sergeant. Firearms is slightly emphasized as he believes that is the obvious choice.
51 0064DC2F 0064DC79 Roger that! War ain't about feelings so let's talk facts.
54 Firearms are the most deadly. 0064DC45 Agreed!
55 Melee weapons cause the most damage. 0064DC64 How did you arrive at that preposterous conclusion? A bit of faux shock at the player's answer. Thinks the player's opinion is wrong but more in an amused way. Kind of friendly ribbing.
58 Firearms are the best! 0064DC54 Care to elaborate?
60 0064DC3D 0064DC5D Seems we can finally agree firearms are number one, with a bullet! Happy that they won the argument. The bullet bit is just a simple joke/pun
61 0064DC5E It was close, but we can finally agree that firearms are superior in the end.
65 What's going on here? 00650B8B Why, the two of us are simply having ourselves a friendly, little discussion on the merits of firearms versus that of melee weapons. Friendly but stating this as a matter of fact. Military professionalism.
66 Excuse me, I've got to go. 00650B8E You are excused.
67 What are you two arguing about? 00650B8C Arguing? No, you must have overheard us having ourselves a friendly, little discussion on the merits of firearms versus that of melee weapons. Slightly amused. To him this is just a friendly debate but he's also keeping up a military professionalism.
70 006531A8 006531AB I'm a soldier. Always have been, always will be. Like my friend here, I admire the work these Responders have been doing and wanted to pitch in.
71 I've offered my services to run something of a boot camp to teach new recruits and refugees alike the art of self defense and basic weapons training.