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Fallout Wiki

Colorado Springs was a major city in Colorado prior to the Great War.


Before the war, the city was the site of a major breakout of the New Plague.[Non-canon 1]

Numerous robot production factories were concentrated around the city.[1]


Colorado Springs is mentioned in Fallout Tactics, and would have been mentioned in Interplay's canceled Fallout 3 project, code-named Van Buren.


  1. Fallout Tactics Chapter 4 ending: The Brotherhood's fears are confirmed, the robots now have multiple production factories around the wasteland. They are concentrated heavily around the great mountains, in a region known as Colorado Springs. This is the fabled location of Vault 0, which houses the mastermind behind the robot menace, the Calculator. Data from the Brotherhood research center dates the origin of the robots before the war, that decimated the land, their purpose to help humanity crawl back from the brink of self destruction but the robots now seem to destroy the very humans they were created to save. They boast great strength and power and one factor seems certain, all life forms have become their prey. The Brotherhood has adapted to new enemies before however, and with the development of new weapons they will adapt again. Brotherhood tacticians and Generals will not be idle, for new enemies require new tactics, assault squads must be directed at the robot production and command centers that supply the Calculator's metallic ranks. The Brotherhood's predicted losses are staggering but what is life as a warrior without peril?


  1. {201}{}{"Discovered in 2053, the New Plague was a socially transmitted plague that killed an approximately twenty thousand human beings in the United States, including cities such as Denver, Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, and Colorado Springs. The time of death from identification of symptoms was three to five days. Symptoms included many symptoms in common with the flu or chest cold, and eventually resulted in clogged respiration, killing the infected subject."}
    (Boulder Dome ZAX dialogue)