Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

|affiliation =Vault 111 |role =Deceased stasis pod occupant |location =Vault 111 |family =Mr. Cofran - husband
Cindy Cofran - daughter |hair color =Jet black |eye color =Blind |hairstyle =Natural beauty |height =1.00

|special =

4 ST, 4 PE, 4 EN, 4 CH, 4 IN, 4 AG, 4 LK

|derived =

Hit Points:190
Action Points:50
Energy Res.:(5)
Radiation Res.:(10)

|level =6 |aggression =Unaggressive |confidence =Foolhardy |assistance =Helps Allies |class =Citizen |combat style=Default |CK race =HumanRace |actor =Misty Lee |voice type =FemaleEvenToned |edid =MQ102CryoCorpse11 |formid =0003BDB7 |refid =0003BDB8 }}

Mrs. Cofran is a deceased resident of Vault 111.


Mrs. Cofran and her family managed to secure themselves in Vault 111 just as the Great War reached Boston, becoming occupants of the cryo pods. Alongside most of the cryogenically frozen vault dwellers, she died from asphyxiation after the life support to the pods was switched off during the Institute's kidnapping of Shaun in 2227.[1] She is found next to her husband, Mr. Cofran, and her daughter, Cindy.


Apparel Weapon Other items
Vault 111 jumpsuit


The monitor places her in stasis pod B4. On the floor right before her pod, C13 is written in white paint. There is similar confusion for the rest of the pod occupants in this section. The pods in the other section with the Sole Survivor, C1-C8, have been assigned correctly.[1]


Mrs. Cofran appears only in Fallout 4.

