Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout 3Coffee pot
Fallout: New VegasCoffee pot
Fallout 4Coffee pot
Luxobrew coffee pot
Fallout 76Coffee pot
Luxobrew coffee pot

Coffee pots are miscellaneous items in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, and junk items in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.


Luxobrew coffee pot

Percolators dominated the coffee preparation market before the Great War, preparing coffee by passing boiling or near-boiling water through coffee grounds repeatedly, until the desired strength was reached. The distinct, two-part assembly was extremely popular among American citizens, found nationwide alongside an endless variety of coffee mugs and tables. For discerning and wealthy patrons, Luxobrew produced an upper-shelf variety.

