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This is a transcript for dialogue with Clown (Atlantic City).


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006F452E 006F453E Hot potato!
2 006F453F Catch this!
3 006F4540 Off it goes!
4 006F4541 Where will it land?
5 006F4542 Kaboom!
6 006F452F 006F4562 Ever slipped on a banana peel?
7 006F4563 Are you laughing or crying? I can't tell the difference!
8 006F4564 If you don't apologize... I'm gonna tickle you!
9 006F4565 You would make a delicious pie!
10 006F4566 You're the punchline today!
11 006F4567 I'll twist your neck like a balloon animal!
12 006F4568 Smiling takes less muscles than running!
13 006F4569 Would it kill you to smile?
14 006F4530 006F455A Ugh!
15 006F455B Oho!
16 006F455C *grunt*
17 006F455D Good one!
18 006F455E *pained giggle*
19 0075061C *honk*
20 0075061D *honk*
21 006F4531 006F4536 Everyone's a critic...
22 006F4537 My last laugh...
23 006F4538 Tragedy? This was supposed to be comedy...
24 006F4539 No need to frown...
25 006F453A *dying giggle*
26 006F453B *dying giggle*
27 006F453C *dying giggle*
28 006F4532 006F454E You play rough!
29 006F454F This is a funhouse, not a roughhouse!
30 006F4551 My nose! My cherry red nose!
31 006F4552 You smeared my makeup!
32 006F4554 My funny bone!
33 006F4555 That's not how you patty cake!
34 006F4557 What a low blow!
35 006F4558 My shoes!
36 006F4533 006F4544 Got your nose!
37 006F4545 Boop!
38 006F4546 Too slow!
39 006F4547 I'm not touching you! Now I am!
40 006F4548 Your entrails are as red as my nose!
41 006F4549 Let's see those funny bones!
42 006F454A *maniacal giggle*
43 006F454B *maniacal giggle*
44 006F454C *maniacal giggle*
45 006F4534 006F456B *maniacal giggle*
46 006F456C *maniacal giggle*
47 006F456D *maniacal giggle*
48 006FC2C1 006F456F I'm hungry!
49 006F4570 Please feed me!
50 006F4571 Where's my pie?
51 006F4573 You can't catch me!
52 006F4574 Na, na na na, na! Neener neener
53 006F4575 How explosive!
54 00729C01 I just can't wait to make everyone laugh.
55 00729C02 Every second without laughter brings us closer to death.
56 00729C03 Waiting around will be the death of me!
57 00729C04 We're all just mimes in a soundless world. Wistful, nonsensical
58 00729C05 It's the soul that's oversized, not the shoe.
59 006FC2C3 006FC2CA (TEMP) You hit me with a pie! Delicious!
60 00729BFF 00729C07 Don't look so sour!
61 00729C08 If only I had a flower for you.
62 00729C09 Surprise! I'm your new best friend!
63 00729C0A Won't you be my friend forever?
64 00729C0B Ooh, I love company!