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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cliff Briscoe.


CaravanOffer Want to play a hand of Caravan? Neutral 50 A fellow enthusiast, huh? That's great! Let's play. 1
CaravanPlayerLoses CaravanPlayerLoses Neutral 50 Don't take it to heart. I've studied the strategies of the masters. 2
CaravanPlayerWins CaravanPlayerWins Neutral 50 Huh. I wonder where I went wrong. Let's try that again. 3
CaravanRematchNo I'm all done playing for now. Neutral 50 Shucks, well, let's do it again sometime. 4
CaravanRematchYes Yeah, let's play again. Neutral 50 I've got a good feeling about this hand. 5
CliffBriscoeBarterCheck You don't have any offers for the rockets. You'd be lucky to get money at all. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Okay, I admit it. They've been collecting dust since before I got here. You can have them dirt cheap. 6
CliffBriscoeBarterFail But... the price tag seems so excessive on the souvenir rockets. Could you make it lower? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Are you kidding me? I can't ship these things fast enough. People love them! 7
CliffBriscoeBuyCollection I'd like to buy all of your remaining rocket souvenirs. Surprise 65 Really? I never thought I'd see the day. 8
Neutral 50 I mean... the day I'd part with them for such an incredibly low price. With so many other offers flooding in. 9
Neutral 50 But I like you. I think maybe it's time. All that's left is in this storage room here. You can buy the key from my store. 10
CliffBriscoeBuyDinoSouvenir I'd like to buy a dinosaur souvenir. Neutral 50 Great. Here you go! 11
CliffBriscoeBuyRocketSouvenir I'd like to buy one of those souvenir rockets. Neutral 50 Really? I mean, that's great! I'm sure you'll be quite pleased with it. 12
CliffBriscoeHaveGuns What about supplies? And guns? Do you sell those? Surprise 50 Guns? I, uh, well... yeah, I guess I might have a few. 13
Neutral 50 Darn it. No one ever buys the t-rexes. 14
CliffBriscoeJeannieMaySentMe Jeannie May sent me. Happy 50 Bless her. Seems like every traveler I get in here tells me the same thing. 15
Neutral 50 They see the sign and think, gift shop? That's just too good to be true. But Jeannie May always points them back in my direction. 16
Neutral 50 Well, a friend of Jeannie's is a friend of mine. And my friends get a discount at my store. 17
CliffBriscoeJustBecause Just because. Neutral 50 You just... did it? Just like that, on a whim? 18
Neutral 50 Well listen, sir, if something like that crosses your mind about me, please let me know. I'm sure we can work something out. 19
Neutral 50 Will there be anything else? 20
Just because. Neutral 50 You just... did it? Just like that, on a whim? 21
Neutral 50 Well listen, ma'am, if something like that crosses your mind about me, please let me know. I'm sure we can work something out. 22
Neutral 50 Will there be anything else? 23
CliffBriscoeKilledJeannieMay I killed Jeannie May. Do I still get my discount? Neutral 50 Ki- killed her? Why would you do something like that? 24
CliffBriscoeMissedWakeup She missed my wake-up call. Neutral 50 I- I'm sorry to hear that. She's a nice woman. Was. She might've grown on you. 25
Neutral 50 She's usually real good about those calls. Something must've happened. 26
Neutral 50 I hope just because I said she and I were friends doesn't mean you and I can't still be friendly. 27
Neutral 50 Will there be anything else? 28
CliffBriscoeMyBusiness That's my business. Neutral 50 Lord almighty. I can't for the life of me imagine her doing anything that'd make someone want to kill her. 29
Neutral 50 Not that I'm saying you're a liar, of course! I'm just surprised, is all. 30
Neutral 50 Will there be anything else? 31
CliffBriscoeNotSafe I'm not really sure it's safe to carry those things around. Neutral 50 I understand if that's how you feel. But keep in mind that I've been selling these for years and I'm fine. 32
Neutral 50 I'm sure the kids that buy them are all fine too. 33
CliffBriscoeOpenStore I'd like to see what you've got for sale. Neutral 50 Sure thing. Have a look. 34
CliffBriscoeRecommendation Jeannie May sent me. Neutral 50 Bless her. Seems like every traveler I get in here tells me the same thing. 35
Neutral 50 They see the sign and think, gift shop? That's just too good to be true. But Jeannie May always points them back in my direction. 36
Neutral 50 Well, a friend of Jeannie May's is a friend of mine. And my friends get a discount at my store. 37
CliffBriscoeRocketFactory Tell me about the rocket factory. Neutral 50 Oh, that? It's just a bit west of Novac, up in the mountains. Lots of broken equipment and such. Place is deserted. Or used to be, I guess. 38
Neutral 50 Lately there's been talk of ghouls up that way, but I can't rightly say whether it's so or not. If you want to know more, ask old No-bark. 39
Is there radioactive material in your rocket souvenirs? It would explain the glow and the illnesses.
Is there radioactive material in your rocket souvenirs? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I, ah, well I don't really know. Would that sour you on buying one if it did? 40
CliffBriscoeSouvenirInfo Tell me more about the souvenir rockets. Neutral 50 They're scale replicas of the real thing. Very detailed. Got a liquid in them that makes them glow. 41
Neutral 50 From what I hear, REPCONN used to give them out on tours of their HQ up in Henderson. 42
Neutral 50 But I guess they had to stop after the first few kids thought they were filled with Nuka Cola and drank it down. 43
Neutral 50 The papers had a name for the condition and everything. They called it the "REPCONN Shakes." Those were bad times for RobCo. 44
CliffBriscoeWhatDoYouSell What do you sell here? Neutral 50 Well, there's t-rex figurines, of course. That's our bread and butter. 45
Neutral 50 We also have an assortment of the REPCONN factory souvenirs - rockets, things of that nature. 46
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome to the Dino Bite Gift Shop. My name's Cliff. If you're here for the t-rex figurines, you're just in time. There's still a few left. 47
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back. Please don't kill me. I'll give you a real nice price on everything. 48
GREETING Neutral 50 I don't know if you know, but since Jeannie May passed, I've been keeping an eye on her properties for her. 49
Neutral 50 I think it's time we gave something back to you, so take this key and make yourself at home at our motel. 50
Neutral 50 It'll open the room on the second floor, closest to the lobby. Hope it suits you. 51
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back. Can I get you anything? 52
GREETING Neutral 50 Hey there. If you want to buy something from my shop, you'll have to wait till it opens. 53
NovacGhoulInfo What can you tell me about the ghouls spotted to the west? Neutral 50 I don't know what else I could tell you. You could give No-bark a try, though, or Jeannie May. 54
SnipersRevengeBooneWife What can you tell me about Boone's wife? Neutral 50 Can't say we spoke much. Boone did most of the buying for them. She was in the store once, but she didn't stay long. 55
Neutral 50 Had a look on her face like she'd smelled something sour. But far as I can remember, the gift shop smelled fine. Well... fine as it always does. 56
SnipersRevengeComeOutside Come with me. There's something you should see, in front of the dinosaur. Neutral 50 I guess I can leave the store for a minute. I hope I don't miss any customers. 57
Come with me. There's something you should see, in front of the dinosaur. Neutral 50 Really? Store's still okay, isn't it? {Worried} 58
VDialogueCliffBriscoeCliffBriscoeTopic001 How did they end up here? Neutral 50 Well, they unloaded what they had left on the Dino Bite as a tax write-off. But that was before my time. 59
Neutral 50 Plenty of demand for them, seeing as they're one-of-a-kind collectors items. But I might still have some in back. 60
VDialogueCliffBriscoeCliffBriscoeTopic002 Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 {Cheery} That's a great idea. 61
VMQ01LookingForManny I'm looking for a man in a checkered coat. Have you seen anyone like that? Neutral 50 Sure, but he didn't buy any souvenirs, if that's what you're wondering. Sounded like he didn't have his money with him. 62
Neutral 50 His friends seemed disappointed about it. Heck, I would be, too, if I found such a fine store and left my money elsewhere. 63
Neutral 50 Manny might know more about them. Thought he might've been friends with one or two of 'em. He's up in the dino mouth during the day. 64


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Come back soon, now. 65
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 Welcome. Come on in! 66
Hello Neutral 50 Hey, you came back! Must be doing something right. 67
Hello Neutral 50 How ya doing? 68