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This is a transcript for dialogue with Clarence Codman.


1ConvDiamondCityMS05BCodaScene{Speaking shortly after eating. / Happy} Mmm. Wellingham. The best you've ever made.Wellingham: Thank you, sir. It was no effort whatsoever.A1a


2-{player walks up to you, you live in the rich area of town that keeps poor people and visitors away / Impressed} *laughs* You just walked right up into the Stands, didn't you? I like your stones.
3{talking to the player, you live in the rich area of town, the Stands / Amused} See all that filth down in the lower houses? I wouldn't keep my worst Brahmin in one. Only good for lesser men who have no value.
4{talking to the player, laughing at your own crude jokes / Friendly} You again? What? Prefer the company of old men? We have the benefit of years of experience, you know. Ha ha! Ah, don't mind me...
5{player walks up to you (player is male) / Friendly} You should have a drink. What good is it having a cock-sure youth among us, if we don't stiffen him up with some liquor?
6{player walks up to you (player is female) / Friendly} Want some advice, my dear? Be your own person. Make no apologies. Look at me. I may be a crude, old man, but I have no regrets!
7{loud, loves crude humor} You go on ahead, do what you like. That's how my family made their fortune, you know. No fear. No apologies.


8MS05B_TurnInEggToWellingham01_WrapUp{Irritated} Wellingham? Has my breakfast finally arrived?Wellingham: Yes, sir. Endless apologies for the ludicrous lateness of it all. It shall be ready posthaste.A1a
9{Irritated} Wellingham? Has my lunch finally arrived?Wellingham: Yes, sir. Endless apologies for the ludicrous lateness of it all. It shall be ready posthaste.A2a
10{Irritated} Wellingham? Has my dinner finally arrived?Wellingham: Yes, sir. Endless apologies for the ludicrous lateness of it all. It shall be ready posthaste.A3a
11{Irritated} Wellingham? Has my meal finally arrived?Wellingham: Yes, sir. Endless apologies for the ludicrous lateness of it all. It shall be ready posthaste.A4a
12-{Annoyed the player is bothering him. / Irritated} How about you bother Wellingham? That's what he's here for.
13{Irritated} Can't a man just enjoy the view? Talk to Wellingham if you need something.
14{Neutral} Wellingham handles operations up here. You need something, he's your bot.
15{Sighs at end. Wellingham is dead / Sad} With Wellingham gone, not sure who's gonna take care of this place.
16{Sighs before beginning. A touch wistful. Wellingham is dead / Sad} Wellingham.
17{Largely to himself. / Puzzled} Where is my meal?
18{Speaking metaphorically. / Irritated} Could die of hunger at any moment...
19{Neutral} Deathclaw omelette. Meal of kings.


20-{player walks up to you / Neutral} If you're looking to make a delivery, Wellingham's the one to talk to.A