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This is a transcript for dialogue with Clair Hutchins.


1ConvGoodneighborHotelFredClairScene{you and Fred both work in a hotel. Fred cooks chems in the basement, and you detest him / Stern} Fred? Are you going to hang out in the lobby all day again, or are you actually going to go down and do some work?Fred: Being available to the customers is work! It's not all about cooking chems, Clair.A1a
2Fred: Being available to the customers is work! It's not all about cooking chems, Clair.{Stern} It's not all about sampling those chems, either. Maybe if you stopped using, you could focus.Fred: What? Where's the fun in cooking it if you ain't using it?A1a
3Fred: What? Where's the fun in cooking it if you ain't using it?{sarcastic / Stern} My mistake.A1a
4ConvGoodneighborHotelFredClair02SceneFred: Clair... Claaaaair? I know you may not admit it, but underneath that icy face of yours, you secretly like me.{Stern} No. I don't.Fred: Oh, I think you do. Come on, I'm the only reason people come to this hotel anymore. Give me a little smile at least.A1a
5Fred: Oh, I think you do. Come on, I'm the only reason people come to this hotel anymore. Give me a little smile at least.{Stern} People come to see you because they're chem addicts, and bottom-feeders. This place was a palace once, now it just has you. Think about that.A1a
6ConvGoodneighborHotelFredClair03MarowskiScene{talking to Fred Allen, the two of you both work for Marowski / Stern} We're going to have a conversation with Mister Marowski about your conduct. Again.Fred: What? Ah come on, Clair, what'd I do this time?A1a
7Fred: What? Ah come on, Clair, what'd I do this time?{Stern} It's what you're not doing. You're supposed to stay in that lab of yours making those chems.Fred: The air's nicer up here in the lobby. Besides, don't you like having my smiling company?A1a
8Fred: The air's nicer up here in the lobby. Besides, don't you like having my smiling company?{Stern} No. I don't.A1a
9ConvGoodneighborHotelFredClair04MarowskiSceneFred: Hey Clair. You knew the boss in his heyday, right? What was it like working for a big shot?{referring to Fred Allen, the person you're talking to, you think he's incompetent / Irritated} Well, I didn't have to deal with incompetency, for one.Fred: There she is. The ice queen cometh! Warm up a little, Clair. I was just asking.A1a
10Fred: There she is. The ice queen cometh! Warm up a little, Clair. I was just asking.{Stern} Fred. This hotel used to be the center of everything in this neighborhood. That's all gone now.A1a
11{Stern} How is bringing that up going to "warm me" to you, exactly?Fred: Ah, okay, you... got a point there. Sorry.A1b


12ClairGreetScene{player walks into your hotel for the first time / Stern} Before you even start, let's skip to the point. We have rooms. One room, specifically. Payment due up-front.A
13{player walks into your hotel looking for a room} Spare me any sob stories. This is a hotel, not a charity, and we insist on full payment for the room. No discounts. No exceptions.A
14{stern, organized} Oh, you. Staying with us today? Renter assumes no expectation of privacy or safety for you or your belongings.A
15{stern, organized} Looking for a room?A
16{stern, organized} You again. Staying with us today, I trust?A
17{player rents a room} The room is on the top floor. When you come to the hallway, it's the last one on the right.A1a
18Top floor. Long hallway. Last room on the right.A2a
19{player doesn't have enough money, under your breathe / Irritated} Deadbeat...A3a
20{player doesn't have enough money / Irritated} Come back when you have the money.A4a
21{player doesn't have enough money / Irritated} Then get lost.A5a
22Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} Then leave.B1a
23Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} Fine.B2a
24Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} Then you came to the wrong place.B3a
25Player Default: Not interested.{to yourself / Irritated} Mark another in the "moocher" column...B4a
26Player Default: Let me think about it.Make up your mind next time...X1a
27Player Default: Let me think about it.I'll just cross you off the waiting list, then.X2a
28Player Default: Let me think about it.Figures.X3a
29Player Default: Let me think about it.It's the decor, isn't it?X4a
30Player Default: Can you tell me a bit about this hotel?{player asks about the history of the hotel / Irritated} *sigh* Why do they always have questions?Y1a
31{dry humor / Sarcastic} The Hotel Rexford used to be a grand establishment. We even had guests that didn't throw up all over the floor.Y1b
32{Irritated} But now the only people who come by are looking for somewhere to nurse a hangover or shoot up chems...Y1c
33{Stern} So, still want a room?Clair: *sigh* Why do they always have questions?Y1d
34Player Default: Who owns this place?{player asks who owns the hotel, you're nostalgic and sad for the glory days / Depressed} Mister Marowski. You should have seen him in his day. This place used to be flowing with high-end chems, beautiful clients, and ooh.. the parties.Y2a
35{Disgust} But now he just stews in the back office and disgraces his parents' memory. I swear if they knew how far he's fallen, they'd die all over again.Y2b
36{Stern} So why don't you rent a room before I get worked up?Clair: *sigh* Why do they always have questions?Y2c
37Player Default: Tell me more about this Marowski character.{player asks what you can tell him about Marowski / Irritated} Why bother? He's worthless. The other big names caught him with his pants down, and now he just has this ratty hotel.Y3a
38{Tired} That's the way Goodneighbor operates. The strong make it to the top, until someone stronger kicks them down.Y3b
39{Stern} Now are you buying this room? Or not?Clair: *sigh* Why do they always have questions?Y3c
40Player Default: Tell me a bit about yourself, Clair.{player asks you about yourself / Tired} I have been working in this hotel for over forty years, and this is NOT how I imagined spending my retirement.Y4a
41{Stern} Now are you done being nosy, or are you getting a room?Clair: *sigh* Why do they always have questions?Y4b
42-Your room is upstairs. Top floor. The last one on the right down the long hallway.A
43{player just recently rented a room in the hotel} Enjoy your stay.A
44{player just recently rented a room in the hotel} Complaints about the room? Two words: "Care" and "Don't".A
45{player just recently rented a room in the hotel} Don't disturb the other guests.A
46{player just recently rented a room in the hotel} No refunds in the event of armed robbery or kidnapping during your stay.A
47Did I... not make myself clear?
48Is there a problem?
49Yes? Were you going to say something?


50DialogueGoodneighborRufusBuddyArrival{Mildly annoyed. There's a strange robot next to Stanley / Puzzled} Rufus, what the heck is this thing?Rufus: It's that brewing machine I was telling you about.A1a
51DrinkingBuddy: I am here to provide entertainment and ice cold libations.{sigh at the beginning, allowing Stanley to set up his robot in the hotel / Stern} Fine, just get it set up over at the bar and out of my doorway.DrinkingBuddy: Commencing normal operations.A1a
52DialogueGoodneighborRufusDeliveryClairPlayerVoiceFemale01: I found a robot that was supposed to be delivered to someone here. Any idea who it might be?{player says he has a robot he needs to deliver to someone in the hotel / Stern} Rufus deals with the robots. Now rent a room or move along.A1a