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This is a transcript for dialogue with Civilian escortee in Boardwalk Paradise.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Male Female GMale GFemale Script Notes
8 006B231D 006D1DD6 Y-You must be my escort.
18 006DEAED A-Are you ready to go yet?
19 006DEAEE I-I don't want to start either. But we have to!
20 006DEAEF A-Are you, um, done... preparing?
21 006DEAF1 W-Watch my back!
22 006DEAF2 Please don't let me die!
23 006DEAF3 I-I have to make it out of here!
24 006DEAF4 Please keep defending me!
25 006DEAF5 W-We're not dead yet! Right? *nervous laugh*
26 006DEAF6 Fend them off!
27 006DEAF7 Nobody's sneaking up on me, right?
28 006DEAF8 Y-You're still there, right?
85 006D1DBB 006D1DD5 I'll have to stop along the way and collect blood packs for them to count up at the end. So don't let me die!
86 W-Well, okay then! *nervous laugh* No place to go but forward!
87 006D1DBC 006D1DBD One down, and... too many to go.
88 006DEAD6 Got it. Now let's hope I don't spill this on myself...
89 006DEAD7 So... morbid. Well, let's keep going.
90 006DEAD8 Well, I got it. W-Who's blood is this anyway?
91 006DEAD9 Eugh. It's still warm.
92 006DEADA Gotta get a few more, I think.
93 006DEADB Let's get the next one.
94 006DEADC On to the next. Easy, right? *nervous laugh*
95 006DEADD Did these come from... people who didn't make it?
152 006DE716 007326E9 W-Who are you? Are you here for me?
153 007326EA Please tell me you're here to defend me!
154 007326EB Don't kill me! I'm the escortee!
155 007326EC I'm not a competitor!
156 007326ED I-I'm waiting for someone! Is it you?
163 006DEA5F 006DEACA W-We made it. We actually made it!
164 006DEACB I-I'm still alive? Then that means... I can go home!
165 006DEACC Thank you! You really got me here alive!
166 006DEACD We made it to the end. Thank you so much!
167 006DEACE The finish line! Oh thank god!
168 006DEACF We're done! *relieved laugh* Thank you for keeping me alive.
169 006DEA60 006DEAB3 I'm just a nobody! Don't tell anyone I was here. Especially not my family.
170 I need the money. They were taking volunteers... Just don't let me die, and everything will be fine!
171 006DEA61 006DEA9F Please defend me! I'm not allowed to defend myself, or they'll kill me.
172 I have to collect these, um, blood packs along the way. They're supposed to represent my lifespan. So twisted...
173 Please watch my back while I'm doing that. Then we just have to reach the end.
174 006DEA62 006DEAA8 Please don't let them kill me! I never wanted to be part of this insane contest. I had to - for the money. You understand, right?
303 007326E5 007326EE Wait! Please don't leave me here!
304 007326EF If you don't defend me, then... It's over for me!
305 007326E6 007326FE They'd better be here soon!
306 007326FF Am I too exposed? I'd better hide... Oh, but then how would my escort find me?
307 00732700 This is so insane! Why did I volunteer for this?
308 00732701 I'm gonna die... I'm definitely gonna die.
309 00732702 I hope my escort is strong!
310 00732703 My escort had better be really capable!