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Fallout Wiki

The following entries can be found on two terminals in what is left of the Citadel if one decides to destroy it in the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel.

Armory 089A terminal[]

Item 908774[]


Item 908774
Addition/Removal: Addition
Item Type: Mini Nuke Shells
Number: 3
Authorized: Knight Lazarus
Recovered by patrol in D.C. Ruins. Items recovered from overturned army truck being used as ambush point by Talon Company. Shells were in a locked ammo crate; we don't believe the Talon Company was aware what was inside.

Item 908775[]


Item 908775
Addition/Removal: Removal
Item Type: Gatling Laser
Number: 1
Authorized: Paladin Tristan
Weapon assigned to Squad 7 by Paladin Tristan for Adams Air Force Base operational mission. Assigned to Knight Marcus.

Item 908776[]


Item 908776
Addition/Removal: Removal
Item Type: Fragmentation Grenades
Number: 12
Authorized: Paladin Tristan
Weapons assigned to Squad 7 by Paladin Tristan for Adams Air Force Base operational mission. Weapons distributed equally across entire squad.

Item 908777[]


Item 908777
Addition/Removal: Addition
Item Type: Tesla cannon
Number: 4
Authorized: Scribe Vallincourt
Weapons being created by Scribe Vallincourt's team are being stored in several armory locations for safety. Scribe Vallincourt ordered 4 of the Tesla Cannons be placed in this armory and locked down in secure area.

Callahan's terminal[]

Incident Report 08-07-77[]


Incident Report 08-07-77
Reporting Officer: Harold Callahan

Fire alarm was sounded at approximately 10:05 A.M. in the vending area near Cafeteria B3. I immediately rushed to the location and encountered General Robert Dobbs kicking a Nuka-Cola machine repeatedly. General Dobbs ignored my order to stand down from his actions and drew his sidearm. He then proceeded to fire 7 shots into the machine, rupturing several bottles and piercing the coin box. After the coins began pouring to the floor, he picked up one of them and exclaimed "Stealing from a superior officer? Are you out of your MIND, soldier?" He holstered his sidearm and looked at me, then back at the machine and simply stated, "Well don't just stand there, I believe this soldier needs a medic, son."
The general was relieved of his sidearm and placed in our lockup facility until Metro D.C. Police arrived to pick him up.

Incident Report 08-16-77[]


Incident Report 08-16-77
Reporting Officer: Harold Callahan

Secretary Maybel Meyers from Accounting Division called us down here and reported an altercation between two other secretaries. Sergeant Deke DaSilva and I arrived at the scene to find two female secretaries, Carol Wallace and Isabelle Franks, scuffling on the floor. We broke up the altercation and took their statements. Ms. Wallace was accusing Ms. Franks of being a "...spy for those damn Red bastards!" and stating that she overheard "...secret conversations between Isabelle and her Chinese conspirators!" Ms. Franks simply stated she was "Speaking to her husband about weekend plans." Both ladies were given a warning and sent home for the day by their supervisors. Tensions have been running high lately ever since the incidents in Alaska, and this is just one example of the effect it is having on everyone.

Incident Report 08-22-77[]


Incident Report 08-22-77
Reporting Officer: Harold Callahan

A silent alarm tripped on Stairwell 117, and I immediately responded. As I approached the stairwell entrance, I heard noises as if someone was in duress. I drew my weapon and entered by kicking open the door. I discovered Ronald Bales from Intelligence and Analysis in a compromising position with Wilma Firestone, a secretary from the Accounting Division. I gave them both a warning, and told Mr. Bales that this is his fifth and final one... the next time he is discovered performing this type of activity on Pentagon property, he'll be fined and disciplinary action will be recommended.
