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Citadel conversations refers to ambient conversations which occur in the Citadel in Fallout 3, implemented in the ConvCitadel quest. These are partly randomized. A number of these conversations are conditioned based on the speaker or target being part of a specific technical faction. These factions and their members will be listed below for clarification.

In the format below, the character named in the header is the target of the conversations listed. The number assigned to each conversation is arbitrary, for organizational purposes.

Elder Owyn Lyons[]

Speaker Line
1 Sentinel Lyons Father, might I have a word with you?
I need to speak with you, Father.
Elder Lyons Certainly, Sarah. What's on your mind?
Yes, my daughter? What is it?
Sentinel Lyons I've been talking with the other members of the Pride. We want to assault the purifier, father! Now! The Enclave must pay for what they've done!
Father... I know that you do not wish to discuss the fate of the Outcasts, but there are some who say...
Elder Lyons Oh, Sarah. My dear, sweet girl. So eager you are to rush headlong into battle. But no, not now. Not yet. Our time will come, fear not.
You may be a Sentinel, but you're also my daughter. And I won't throw your life away fighting an enemy we know too little about. I'm sorry, but no.
Sentinel Lyons Yes, fath-... yes, Elder. I understand.
Yes, father. I understand. You have my apologies.
2 BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction Elder Lyons, SIR!
Elder on deck!
Elder Lyons At ease, son.
As you were, Knight.


Conversation 1 is only available before starting Take it Back!.

Greeting line[]

This is a floating greeting line that can be used by anyone (except Sawbones) encountering Elder Lyons.

  • "Elder Lyons..."

Knight Captain Dusk[]

Speaker Line
1 Paladin Glade Damn, Dusky. You're a beast with that rifle.
Goddamn, Dusk. Pretty good shootin'.
Knight Captain Dusk Bullshit. That third shot dropped by a couple of inches.
Yeah, not really. I dropped the fourth shot a couple of inches.
Paladin Glade Are you kidding? A couple of inches? So you get the nose instead of the eye. Who cares?
A couple of inches? So you'd have taken out his nose instead of his eye? So what!
Knight Captain Dusk I care. If I were aiming for his nose, that'd be fine. But I wasn't. I was going for the eye. Sloppy...
So, I wasn't aiming for his nose. That's what.
Paladin Glade You're really scary, Dusk. Has anyone ever told you that?
You're a frightening woman, Dusk. Anyone ever tell you that?
Knight Captain Dusk A few people. But I don't get tired of hearing it.
All the time, Glade. All the time.
2 Paladin Kodiak Hey hey, Dusky. How's it going?
How's it comin' along, Dusky?
Knight Captain Dusk For someone who should be preparing for an assault, you seem to have a lot of time to be social.
Paladin Kodiak Oh, please. I'm ready for anything, at all times. I'm just that awesome. You know that.
You know me, Dusk. I was born ready for anything!
Knight Captain Dusk Well, the rest of us have work to do.
If only we were all so lucky. I have work to do.
3 BrotherhoodSteelInitiateFaction Initiate waiting for orders, sir!
Initiate reporting, Sir Dusk!
Knight Captain Dusk, Sir!
Knight Captain Dusk Hail.


  • Bugged Dusk's responses in the conversation with Paladin Glade are set up incorrectly; they are not properly randomized, so the second line in each set will never play.
  • Dusk's conversation with initiates has four unused alternate responses, none of which can be used because Dusk is not included in the BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction, making her ineligible to use them. All five responses have voice lines for all voice types, which suggests that they were originally generic greeting lines. The way they are implemented prevents anyone from using them. These are:
    • "Hail to you."
    • "Carry on."
    • "Good to see you."
    • "Keep moving."


Anybody in the Citadel may use this line when greeting Sawbones.

  • "Damn robot. Worst bedside manner ever."

Scribe Bowditch[]

Speaker Line
1 Elder Lyons Scribe Bowditch. I'd like to hear your report on those latest armor modifications.
Scribe Bowditch, I trust you are well. I'm here for your progress report on the modified Recon Armor.
Scribe Bowditch Ah... you're a bit early today, sir. Regardless, I'm happy to report that the development of the Mark II Recon Armor unit is proceeding as planned.
You're a bit late today, sir. I was afraid that you weren't coming. As per my report that I forwarded to you, the development is on schedule.
Elder Lyons Excellent. I'm a bit concerned, though. Last week, you mentioned a possible delay in the secondary modifications?
I'm pleased to hear that. Do you anticipate any setbacks? Last month's progress was, well... let's call it "underwhelming."
Scribe Bowditch There may be a slight delay in the enhancement of the ambulatory gyroscope. A few of the parts I need were lost in the recent... inventory reduction.
I'm afraid that there may be a delay, sir. So far, I haven't been able to salvage a fellulator unit from the parts that we have on hand.
Elder Lyons We have shortages all around, my friend. Make do the best you can. We may not have the Enclave's resources... but we do have you.
You'll make do, Bowditch. You always do.
Scribe Bowditch Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.
Yes, sir. Actually, perhaps I can fashion one out of... hrm... if you'll excuse me, sir. I have to jot something down before I forget.
2 Scribe Peabody Hail, Scribe Bowditch. All is well with your work?
Scribe Bowditch It is, Scribe Peabody. Thank you.
3 BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction Hail to you, Scribe Bowditch.
Hail, Scribe Bowditch.
Scribe Bowditch As you were.


Due to how the prompts are organized in the dialogue quest, Elder Lyons' second prompt may not be able to play in-game.[verification needed]

Scribe Peabody[]

Speaker Line
1 Elder Lyons Scribe Peabody. How does the day find you?
Hello, Scribe Peabody. I trust that things are well with you?
Scribe Peabody Good morning, Elder. I'm sorry to report that things are not as they should be. Ever since Casdin was outcast...
Greetings, Elder. I wish I could say that things were well. Unfortunately, I am still having supply problems. When Casdin...
Elder Lyons That name is not to be spoken within this Citadel. Do you understand? I wish it were not so, truly I do, but he is Outcast. He has been judged.
Scribe. You are not to speak the name of an Outcast in the walls of the Citadel. Is that understood?
Scribe Peabody I know the protocols, sir. But the equipment that they stole was very valuable. Our weapons are beginning to deteriorate without the spare parts.
I... I understand, sir. But the Outcasts have stolen a great deal of our uncatalogued equipment. I am beginning to run short of supplies for repairs.
Elder Lyons I understand, Peabody. But you'll need to make do the best you can. If our weapons can't penetrate that Enclave armor, we stand no chance.
Then make do with what you have. We may lack the Enclave's resources, but I'm counting on your ingenuity to make up for that!
Scribe Peabody Yes, Elder. I understand. I'm sure... we've got the parts around here somewhere...
Yes, Elder. I understand. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. My... frustration got the better of me.
2 Scribe Bowditch Hail, Scribe Peabody. I trust that your research goes well.
Scribe Peabody Indeed it does, Scribe Bowditch.
3 BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction Hail, Scribe Peabody.
Hail to you, Scribe Peabody.
Scribe Peabody As you were.

Scribe Reginald Rothchild[]

Speaker Line
1 Elder Lyons Rothchild, a word please.
If you have a moment, Scribe Rothchild...
Scribe Rothchild What is it, Owyn? This robot isn't going to fix itself.
Hmm? Yes, yes. What is it? Robot to fix, and all that.
Elder Lyons About that. Are you still having that issue with the head laser? I think the term you used was "invariably destructive"...
Precisely what I'd like to speak with you about. What's this I hear about power consumption actually increasing? We both know that's not an option.
Scribe Rothchild We've been over this. A slight modification to one system... and all the subroutines go haywire. Don't worry. I'm on it.
Yesss... And I told you that in order to compensate for last Thursday's... mishap... there would be some complications. I'm dealing with it.
Elder Lyons Rothchild, old friend, you're a brilliant technician. But this old man's patience is wearing thin. I want a full status report in three hours.
I come to you for results, not excuses, Rothchild. That robot could mean the difference between victory or defeat against the Enclave.
Scribe Rothchild All right, all right. I'll see what what I can do.
Oh, very well. Now please... giant robot to fix? Hmm?

Greeting lines[]

These are floating greeting lines that anybody in the BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction can use when encountering Scribe Rothchild.

  • "Scribe Rothchild, sir."
  • "Hail, Scribe Rothchild."
  • "Hail to you, Scribe Rothchild."
  • "Sir Scribe."

Sentinel Sarah Lyons[]

This is a floating greeting line that anybody in the BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction can use when encountering Sentinel Lyons.

  • "Sentinel Lyons, ma'am!"

Squire Arthur Maxson[]

These are floating greeting lines that anybody in the BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction can use when encountering Squire Maxson.

  • "Watch it, Squire."
  • "Don't you have somewhere to be, Squire?"
  • "Step lively, Squire."

Star Paladin Cross[]

Speaker Line
1 BrotherhoodSteelKnightFaction Hail, Star Paladin, sir.
Star Paladin Cross, sir!
Star Paladin Cross At ease.


There is an unused topic, CitTalkKnightStarPaladinCrossResponse1, which contains three alternate response lines that seem to have been intended for this conversation at some point. It is similar to Knight Captain Dusk's unused responses to Brotherhood knights, and in fact is just the first three responses of that set:

  • "Hail."
  • "Hail to you."
  • "Carry on."

Paladin Gunny[]

Speaker Line
1 Brotherhood of Steel initiate Did you see, sir? I nailed it. Right under the target. Boom! That's a dead mutie right there.
All right! That was perfect! I got it dead on! What do you think of that, sir? Good enough to take out a mutant, right?
Paladin Gunny Soldier, don't you dare start running that mouth until you can put one of those grenades through a fourth story window at 200 yards.
Yeah, sure. That's one dead mutant. But the Brother who was using that car for cover is dead too. Learn to check your zone, maggot.
Brotherhood of Steel initiate But... sir! The throw was good! It cleared the line and... and... look! The wall wasn't even hit with shrapnel! I... I'm sorry. I'll try again.
I'm... I'm sorry sir. I'll keep trying.
Paladin Gunny You're damn right you will. And you'll keep at it until you learn to keep that mouth shut. We've got no room for braggarts here.
Good choice. Pride has taken down more Brothers than I can count. You'd best remember that.
2 Brotherhood of Steel initiate Damn. Sir, I think the sights on my pistol are off. I'm aiming dead on and it keeps firing to the left.
There's something wrong with this weapon, sir. I can hear shells catching in the chamber when I fire.
Paladin Gunny Are you kidding me? It's not the weapon, Initiate! Try holding the gun properly instead of firing from the hip like some goddamned cowboy.
The weapon isn't the problem, Initiate. You just shoot like my goddamn grandmother. Actually, strike that, my Mrs. Gunny was a deadeye.
Brotherhood of Steel initiate What do you suggest, sir? No matter what I do, all my shots pull to the left.
If it's not the weapon, then what is it, sir?
Paladin Gunny Try loosening your grip, maggot. Hold the weapon higher -- see nothing but the sight and the target. Try not to screw it up this time.[Note 1]
Stop shooting with your eyes and your hand. A soldier kills with his heart. Focus. Lock on to your target and destroy it. Now give it another try.
3 Brotherhood of Steel initiate I feel good, sir. I think I get what you were talking about. When I let go and see only the target, the bullets fly right where I want them to go.
I think I understand what you were saying, sir. When I calm down and focus, I don't see anything but the target.
Paladin Gunny Then you've reached a new level of understanding. Combat does not take place in the brain. It is passion, instinct, and the will to survive.
You're not quite as worthless as you look. Remember, if you overthink combat, you're dead. You have to WANT to survive more than your enemy.
Brotherhood of Steel initiate I understand. Like you said: no man may be defeated so long as his will to survive remains.
I understand, sir. Like you said: fill your soul with thunder, fight with a heart of steel.
Paladin Gunny So it was taught to me, so will you teach it some day. Enough jaw, maggot. Back to work.
The Brother who taught me was a wise man, Initiate. But even will requires practice. Back on point.


  • The dialogue topics for these conversations list Glade's name rather than Gunny's (CitGladeTeach____), suggesting that he was originally intended to be the Bailey's drill instructor.
  • These conversations are "dynamic" but are controlled by AI packages rather than the dialogue system. They can only be used by the three initiates in the Citadel bailey who are training with ranged weapons:
    • Conversation 1 is conditioned for the initiate with a laser rifle and/or frag grenades (editor ID CitadelBrotherhoodInitiate03).
    • Conversation 2 is conditioned for the initiate with a 10mm pistol (editor ID CitadelBrotherhoodInitiate01).
    • Conversation 3 is conditioned for the initiate with an assault rifle (editor ID CitadelBrotherhoodInitiate02).
  • Bugged There are some bugs with conversation 1:
    • Several other initiates are scripted to make use of the dialogue package which starts the conversation. However, they are not conditioned to be eligible speakers for the dialogue.
    • The package starting the conversation checks for Paladin Glade being present rather than Paladin Gunny, making the conversation unable to play at any time; this also renders the other bug moot.

Brotherhood of Steel knights[]

These conversations can be used by/on all members of the CitadelKnightConvSystem faction. There are three main paths which these conversations follow, all of which start with the same two sets of prompts and initial responses:

  • 5 of 6 lines in the second response set continue on to the "regular" conversations (1 and 2), while 1 line in that set branches off into the "special" conversation.
  • In the "regular" conversations, 3 lines in the following response set branch into the "positive" response path, while the other 3 branch into the "negative" response path.

With Broken Steel, these conversations will stop after activating Project Purity, and are replaced with a new knight conversation system for the DLC questline.


Speaker Line
1 Speaker Brother...
I've been meaning to ask you...
Got a second?
Hey, let me ask you something.
Target Yes?
What's on your mind?
What is it?
Go on...
I'm listening.
Speaker You heard what the others have been saying? About the Enclave?
What's your tactical assessment of this new... situation?
I heard Elder Lyons talking to Rothchild. Sounds like even he's worried about the Enclave. Think I'm just being paranoid?
So what do you think? Can we take these Enclave guys?
I ran some scans on the Enclave positions at the purifier. That's some serious firepower they're packing. What do you think?
Target Look, the Enclave has the tech, they have the resources. But do they have the heart? I don't think so. We'll hold true.
Please. We'll win this. You know why? We need to. Hasn't that always been enough? You worry too much.
You're kidding me, right? Tin soldiers in devil suits, and you lose your nerve? Those Enclave troops are a joke.
Speaker Huh. Yeah, I guess I hadn't thought of it like that. Thanks... I appreciate the pick-me-up.
Right, right... Good point.
Yeah...Yeah! We've handled worse before, right? See, I knew you'd cheer me up. Thanks!
Target Hey, that's what I'm here for. Anyway, we should get back to our duties...
Listen, let's talk about this some more later, okay? I have a decent tactical plan I can run by you.
Look, either way, we should hit the Bailey later and run through some drills. Sound good?
Tell you what. Let's hook up later and go see Scribe Bowditch. I heard he's been working on some new Power Armor mods. Can't hurt.
Speaker Sure.
Roger that.
All right.


Speaker Line
2 Speaker Brother...
I've been meaning to ask you...
Got a second?
Hey, let me ask you something.
Target Yes?
What's on your mind?
What is it?
Go on...
I'm listening.
Speaker You heard what the others have been saying? About the Enclave?
What's your tactical assessment of this new... situation?
I heard Elder Lyons talking to Rothchild. Sounds like even he's worried about the Enclave. Think I'm just being paranoid?
So what do you think? Can we take these Enclave guys?
I ran some scans on the Enclave positions at the purifier. That's some serious firepower they're packing. What do you think?
Target The truth? We can barely fend off the Super Mutants. Now we have a new threat to contend with? Doesn't look good.
Have you seen that Enclave Power Armor? That's the Advanced Mark II! I don't know if a standard round can even penetrate that stuff!
Scribe Peabody was telling me about those Enclave Plasma weapons. You know they can turn a man to goo? How the hell do you defend against that?
Speaker So you're saying... we're all going to die. That's, um... very optimistic. Thanks.
Sigh. Guess I need to talk to Scribe Jameson. Make sure all my, you know, "personal information" is up-to-date. For the scrolls, I mean...
Pretty dire, huh? Thanks for completely ruining my day.
Target Hey, that's what I'm here for. Anyway, we should get back to our duties...
Listen, let's talk about this some more later, okay? I have a decent tactical plan I can run by you.
Look, either way, we should hit the Bailey later and run through some drills. Sound good?
Tell you what. Let's hook up later and go see Scribe Bowditch. I heard he's been working on some new Power Armor mods. Can't hurt.
Speaker Sure.
Roger that.
All right.


Speaker Line
3 Speaker Brother...
I've been meaning to ask you...
Got a second?
Hey, let me ask you something.
Target Yes?
What's on your mind?
What is it?
Go on...
I'm listening.
Speaker Does this sound noble enough? "Quail before me, foul Super Mutant! Thine end is at hand! Yield, that I may ease thine suffering!"
Target What are you doing?
Why... are you talking like that?
Speaker I've been practicing. Come on, we're a knightly order, right? I figure we should speak the part. I want to sound like Elder Lyons.
Target Elder Lyons does not sound like that. You're an idiot.
Speaker Fine. I'll practice on someone else. Thanks for nothing.
Target Oh, anytime.

Brotherhood of Steel scribes[]

These conversations can be used by all members of the BrotherhoodSteelScribeFaction. With Broken Steel, they will stop occurring after activating Project Purity and starting the DLC questline.

Speaker Line
1 Speaker I saw that you completed your tests. What results are you seeing?
Scribe Rothchild wants a report on your tests. Have your results posted?
Target Power systems are 90% at startup, but are running at 37% efficiency after coming fully online. I'm looking into what might be causing the leak.
2 Speaker I made a little bit of progress with Prime's locomotion capacitor, but now his IFF system is, um... unpredictable.
Target Damn it. Well, he's not loaded but I still don't like the idea of him viewing us all as targets. See if you can lock it down.


  • These conversations can only occur inside the Citadel laboratory.
  • The second prompt for conversation 1 cannot target Scribe Rothchild.

Greeting lines[]

These are floating greeting lines that anybody in the BrotherhoodSteelScribeFaction can use when encountering one another. The first four can only occur inside the Citadel laboratory, and will no longer play after activating Project Purity if Broken Steel is installed.

  • "Switches are showing green. Ambulatory systems look good."
  • "The weapons systems are showing red on startup. We'll have to spend the rest of the day scrubbing the system before we can try again."
  • "There's been a shutdown in the port shoulder systems -- looks like the gyros are locked up again. It'll take a few hours to clean it out."
  • "There's a problem in the cooling system. I'm not sure what it is, but I'll take a look."
  • "I have those results you asked for. I sent them over to your station."
  • "Scribe Rothchild wanted those AMS tests done right away, so I went ahead and handled it for you."


Speaker Line
1 Speaker So what's the latest report?
What was the result of the latest scan?
What's the situation?
Well? What's your tactical appraisal of our situation?
Target Enclave strength is at 100%. They're getting reinforcements from somewhere, but we still haven't determined the location of their headquarters.
Super Mutant activity in D.C. is high, but nothing out of the ordinary. The area around Galaxy News Radio is... nearly secure.
Enclave troops have fortified the purifier complex. With those vertibirds, they're able to transport personnel at a remarkable rate.
There's been another Behemoth sighted in the Wasteland, in the Evergreen Mills region. That's heavy Raider country, so things could get interesting.
It appears the Enclave troops have moved beyond the purifier, into the surrounding Wasteland region. No telling how far they might spread.
Speaker Hmm... All right, thanks for the information.
I thought as much.
I see...
Very well. Thank you for the update.
2 Speaker Hail.
Target As you were.


Main quest conversations[]

These are scripted conversations which occur in the Citadel as part of the Fallout 3 main questline. Most contained in the MainQuestConversations quest. Here, they are listed by their dialogue topic ID.


This is the conversation at the end of The Waters of Life when reaching the Citadel with the Project Purity survivors. It is contained in MQ05Conversations.

Speaker Line
Doctor Li I am Doctor Madison Li. I have people with me in need of shelter. You must allow us access at once.
Paladin Bael I'm sorry, ma'am. No unauthorized civilians allowed inside the Citadel. You'll have to leave now.
Doctor Li Lyons! I know you're in there! I know you can hear me! You open this goddamn door right now!


This is the conversation between Elder Lyons and Doctor Li in the Citadel bailey at the start of Picking Up the Trail.

Speaker Line
Elder Lyons Madison, I'm surprised to see you here. What can I do for you?
Doctor Li Don't talk down to me, Lyons. I had nowhere else to turn. You must help us. Project Purity has been overrun.
Elder Lyons Yes, I'd heard reports of an incident there. What details can you give us?
Doctor Li The Enclave. They've attacked Project Purity. James is dead... there may be more. I don't know. You have to do something!
Elder Lyons Then it's as we feared. Madison, I'm sorry this happened. I wish we could have done something...
Doctor Li Then do something now! They've taken over the purifier. Lyons, they cannot be permitted to have control over it. It's not right!
Elder Lyons Now now, calm down. You know as well as I do that the purifier doesn't work. It's useless to them. Perhaps it's time to walk away.
Doctor Li That's not true. James... He found what's been missing. We know how to get it running.
Elder Lyons Is that so? Does the Enclave know this?
Doctor Li No, I don't think... I don't know. I just don't know what's happening anymore.
Elder Lyons All right, Madison. It'll be okay. Now, this is James' son, I presume? I can see the resemblance.
All right, Madison. It'll be okay. Now, this is James' daughter, I presume? I can see the resemblance.
Doctor Li Yes. He knows what we need. Vault-Tec computer, something to locate equipment. Please help him.
Yes. She knows what we need. Vault-Tec computer, something to locate equipment. Please help her.
Elder Lyons Very well. We'll sort this all out.


This is the first conversation between Sentinel Lyons, Elder Lyons, and Scribe Rothchild in the Citadel laboratory at the end of The American Dream.

Speaker Line
Sentinel Lyons All I'm saying is, the longer we sit here, the more time they have to shore up their defenses. We should hit them sooner rather than later.
Elder Lyons We barely have the manpower to keep the Citadel fortified. We've been over this before, Sarah...
Sentinel Lyons So we just wait until they decide we're next on the list? If the Pride goes in now, we might have a chance.
Elder Lyons And if you fail, then what? The risk is not worth the reward.
Scribe Rothchild I agree. Without the G.E.C.K., the purifier is useless to the Enclave anyway. They may give up before long.
Sentinel Lyons I don't like it.
Elder Lyons You don't have to like it, Sarah. You just have to follow orders.
Sentinel Lyons Yes father.


This is the second conversation between Sentinel Lyons, Elder Lyons, and Scribe Rothchild in the Citadel laboratory at the end of The American Dream, after the previous conversation finishes and the player character informs Elder Lyons that the Enclave has the G.E.C.K.

Speaker Line
Sentinel Lyons If the Enclave has the G.E.C.K., there's nothing stopping them from starting the purifier. They'll figure out the code eventually.
Elder Lyons I'm afraid you're right. We need to act now while we can.
Sentinel Lyons Send the Pride in. We can do it. We can win this!
Elder Lyons All right, Sarah. The Pride goes in. But I want them to have some extra firepower. Rothchild, is it ready?
Scribe Rothchild What? No! I mean, Li and I have solved the power problems, but we've only barely finished diagnostic tests.
Elder Lyons So?
Scribe Rothchild It's not ready for field tests, let alone live fire situations. The weapons haven't been calibrated, the navigation detection system is offline...
Elder Lyons Rothchild, enough. Can you make it work?
Scribe Rothchild Honestly? I don't know. I think we can scrape by, and I suppose if we can't it won't matter in the long run anyway.
Elder Lyons Then it's decided. Sarah, you take the Pride and use the robot as support. Take our friend here and secure that purifier.
Sentinel Lyons Yes, sir!

Broken Steel[]

Knight conversations[]

Broken Steel adds a new version of the knight conversation system to replace the base game's version. It is set up exactly the same way, only occurring between members of the CitadelKnightConvSystem, and branching between a set of "positive" responses and a set of "negative" responses. Unlike the base game version, there is no "special" conversation branch. Furthermore, these branches will have different lines depending on which main quest in the Broken Steel questline is currently active.

Conversation 1 is the "positive" branch and conversation 2 is the "negative" branch.


Speaker Line
1 Speaker Brother...
Hey, have you got a second?
So, uhh...
Listen, I've got a question.
Can I talk to you for a moment?
Target What is it?
What's on your mind?
I'm listening.
Go on...
Speaker You think we're gonna win this? I mean, we've got the Enclave on the run now, right?[Note 2]
What do you think our chances of success are against the Enclave? We've surprised them so far, but do you think we can really beat them?[Note 2]
I've overheard some things. The offensive is going well, but do you think we can keep the pressure on them?[Note 2]
I can't help but wonder what's going to happen. We're pushing the Enclave back, but how far is this going to go?[Note 2]
We've been able to steamroll the Enclave so far, but how do you think this is going to end? Can we really defeat them?[Note 2]
The robot's gone. What are we going to do? We don't have a way to fight back against the Enclave's vertibirds now.[Note 3]
With Liberty Prime gone, how the hell can we ever beat the Enclave?[Note 3]
Do you think we're completely screwed now? I mean, how are we supposed to finish off the Enclave?[Note 3]
I heard an update from one of the Scribes. Their projections for our chance of success are way down. I mean WAY down. What are we going to do?[Note 3]
I'm trying to stay positive, but losing the robot was a huge blow. Do you think we'll still be able to pull through this?[Note 3]
You think this new weapon the Scribes cooked up can do the trick? This is probably the only shot we're going to get at the Enclave.[Note 4]
I don't know if the element of surprise is going to be enough. We're only going to get one shot at this base the Enclave has.[Note 4]
I've seen the plans for the assault on the Enclave base. I don't know what to think... this is really it, isn't it? We've got to stop them here.[Note 4]
What if we can't at least disable whatever's controlling these missiles the Enclave has? Do we have a shot at beating them?[Note 4]
I'm not encouraged by the plans for the attack on the Enclave's position. We're taking an awful gamble by doing this.[Note 4]
Target Look, we've won every engagement we've been in so far. We've got that robot on our side. Everything will be fine.[Note 2]
I think we're going to come out on top. Their headquarters was destroyed, and now we've got them on the run. Don't worry about it.[Note 2]
Our training is superior. We're reverse-engineering their tech, so they've lost that advantage. Everything is fine.[Note 2]
It's just another day in the Brotherhood. We'll find this new weapon of theirs, and we'll stop it. That's the only way to look at it.[Note 3]
The Scribes have some tricks up their sleeves. Trust me. They're not giving details, but they're working on something.[Note 3]
The operation wasn't a total loss. If we can make sense of the data we recovered, we can still pull out ahead.[Note 3]
We've got to do something. If they don't know we're coming, that might be enough to turn things in our favor.[Note 4]
Look at it this way: they probably won't use their missiles on their own positions, right? So that evens things up a bit.[Note 4]
The Scribes say this thing they've been working on should neutralize the Enclave's vertibirds. That'll catch them off-guard.[Note 4]
Speaker I guess that's a good way to look at it.
Yeah, you're right. We'll get through this.
I sure hope you're right.
We've made it this far, right? We'll get through this.
You're right. Thanks.
Target Look, this is the path that Elder Lyons committed us to. He believes in it, and we have to trust him. Otherwise we've got nothing.
Hey, just focus on what needs to be done right now. Whatever happens after that, we'll deal with.
Just stick to your training, and you'll be okay. We all will.
Spend some time on target practice in the Bailey. That'll get the jitters out.
If you're worried, talk to the Scribes. See what kind of progress they've made on that Enclave tech. Maybe they can put your mind at ease.
Keep your equipment in good condition, and keep your head on straight. The Brotherhood will make it through this.
Speaker Understood.
Roger that.
Yeah, I hear ya.
Got it. Thanks.


Speaker Line
2 Speaker Brother...
Hey, have you got a second?
So, uhh...
Listen, I've got a question.
Can I talk to you for a moment?
Target What is it?
What's on your mind?
I'm listening.
Go on...
Speaker You think we're gonna win this? I mean, we've got the Enclave on the run now, right?[Note 2]
What do you think our chances of success are against the Enclave? We've surprised them so far, but do you think we can really beat them?[Note 2]
I've overheard some things. The offensive is going well, but do you think we can keep the pressure on them?[Note 2]
I can't help but wonder what's going to happen. We're pushing the Enclave back, but how far is this going to go?[Note 2]
We've been able to steamroll the Enclave so far, but how do you think this is going to end? Can we really defeat them?[Note 2]
The robot's gone. What are we going to do? We don't have a way to fight back against the Enclave's vertibirds now.[Note 3]
With Liberty Prime gone, how the hell can we ever beat the Enclave?[Note 3]
Do you think we're completely screwed now? I mean, how are we supposed to finish off the Enclave?[Note 3]
I heard an update from one of the Scribes. Their projections for our chance of success are way down. I mean WAY down. What are we going to do?[Note 3]
I'm trying to stay positive, but losing the robot was a huge blow. Do you think we'll still be able to pull through this?[Note 3]
You think this new weapon the Scribes cooked up can do the trick? This is probably the only shot we're going to get at the Enclave.[Note 4]
I don't know if the element of surprise is going to be enough. We're only going to get one shot at this base the Enclave has.[Note 4]
I've seen the plans for the assault on the Enclave base. I don't know what to think... this is really it, isn't it? We've got to stop them here.[Note 4]
What if we can't at least disable whatever's controlling these missiles the Enclave has? Do we have a shot at beating them?[Note 4]
I'm not encouraged by the plans for the attack on the Enclave's position. We're taking an awful gamble by doing this.[Note 4]
Target We're walking a fine line. If we can keep the pressure on them, we've got a shot. If we give them time to re-group, we're in trouble.[Note 2]
Let's put it this way: if we don't win, there isn't going to be a lot of time to stand around and worry about it. Know what I mean?[Note 2]
The robot is our best weapon. If we can keep it running, we have a chance. If not, we have to find another way to counter their Vertibirds.[Note 2]
Enjoy the clean water while you can. We may not have it for too much longer, know what I mean?[Note 3]
Yeah, their vertibirds are going to be a real problem now. The robot was our only good counter to them. We might be in trouble.[Note 3]
Don't forget they apparently have missiles they can launch at us from... hell, I don't know. Space? Kind of hard to fight back against that.[Note 3]
Well, this is it, isn't it? We're throwing everything we can at them. If it doesn't work, nothing will.[Note 4]
We're definitely not going to get a second shot at this, so everything has to work perfectly.[Note 4]
It's a necessary move, but yeah. If the attack fails, they're going to come at us hard.[Note 4]
Speaker This is a bad situation...
No pressure, right? Heh.
Great. Thanks, I feel so much better now.
That's not exactly the answer I was hoping for.
Well that's not going to help me sleep any better tonight.
Thanks for the pick-me-up.
Target Look, this is the path that Elder Lyons committed us to. He believes in it, and we have to trust him. Otherwise we've got nothing.
Hey, just focus on what needs to be done right now. Whatever happens after that, we'll deal with.
Just stick to your training, and you'll be okay. We all will.
Spend some time on target practice in the Bailey. That'll get the jitters out.
If you're worried, talk to the Scribes. See what kind of progress they've made on that Enclave tech. Maybe they can put your mind at ease.
Keep your equipment in good condition, and keep your head on straight. The Brotherhood will make it through this.
Speaker Understood.
Roger that.
Yeah, I hear ya.
Got it. Thanks.

Scribe conversations[]

This conversation replaces the base game conversations between scribes in the Citadel laboratory. Like the knight conversations, they also have different lines depending on the current active Broken Steel main quest. Like the base game conversations, the eligible speakers/targets are the members of the BrotherhoodSteelScribeFaction, and specifically not Scribe Rothchild.

Speaker Line
1 Speaker Scribe Rothchild is going to need an update on your progress. Have you sent a report recently?
Target We're monitoring the robot's status remotely as best we can. Everything seems to be within acceptable parameters.[Note 2]
Prime is still exhibiting some power fluctuations, but they're within tolerances.[Note 2]
We're still going over data from the last few skirmishes. Prime is functioning beyond our expectations.[Note 2]
Analysis of the Enclave armor is ongoing. We've identified a few weaknesses which we've advised field commanders to exploit.
I'll be briefing the Paladins soon on what we've learned about Enclave battle tactics. I think we can definitely improve our efficiency.
We're still trying to figure out what happened... looking for any recent transmissions we might have missed.[Note 3]
Progress has been made on the new anti-air weapon, but without all the parts we still have yet to start field tests.[Note 5]
We're going over the debriefings and scattered data we received from the site. We hope to have a threat assessment prepared later today.
Still working on decrypting the Enclave data pulled from the last encounter. We should have solid results soon.[Note 3]


These factions are used to list characters who may say certain lines. Some conversations have additional conditions making certain additional characters eligible or certain faction members ineligible.


The eight Brotherhood of Steel initiates in the Citadel bailey.


The sixteen generic Brotherhood of Steel knights in the Citadel, as well as Knight Artemis. The faction also includes various generic Brotherhood characters involved in Take it Back!, but they are not allowed to engage in random conversations.


The eleven generic Brotherhood of Steel scribes in the Citadel, as well as Scribe Bowditch, Scribe Jameson, and Scribe Peabody. Broken Steel adds the three generic scribes in the Rockland car tunnel to the faction.


The sixteen generic Brotherhood of Steel knights in the Citadel, as well as Knight Artemis, Knight Sergeant Durga, Knight Captain Gallows, Paladin Glade, and Paladin Kodiak.


All generic Brotherhood of Steel initiates, knights, and scribes in the Citadel, plus all named characters listed below. Initiate Reddin, Scribe Yearling, and various generic characters in Take it Back! are also in the faction, but their circumstances make them ineligible for the Citadel conversations.

Subtitle discrepancies[]

  1. In the voiceline, Paladin Gunny's last sentence is "Try to screw it up this time."
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 This line can only be used while Death From Above is active and has not been completed.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 This line can only be used while Shock Value is running and has not been completed.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 This line can only be used while Who Dares Wins is running and has not been completed.
  5. This line can only occur after Shock Value has been started.