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This is a transcript for dialogue with scribes in the Citadel.


CitTalkHail HELLO Neutral 50 I saw that you completed your tests. What results are you seeing? 1
HELLO Neutral 50 Scribe Rothchild wants a report on your tests. Have your results posted? 2
CitTalkScribeIFFResponse1 HELLO Neutral 50 Switches are showing green. Ambulatory systems look good. 3
CitTalkScribeReport1 HELLO Neutral 50 The weapons systems are showing red on startup. We'll have to spend the rest of the day scrubbing the system before we can try again. 4
CitTalkShortGeneric HELLO Neutral 50 There's been a shutdown in the port shoulder systems -- looks like the gyros are locked up again. It'll take a few hours to clean it out. 5
HELLO Neutral 50 There's a problem in the cooling system. I'm not sure what it is, but I'll take a look. 6
HELLO Neutral 50 I made a little bit of progress with Prime's locomotion capacitor, but now his IFF system is, um... unpredictable. 7
HELLO Neutral 50 I have those results you asked for. I sent them over to your station. 8
HELLO Neutral 50 Scribe Rothchild wanted those AMS tests done right away, so I went ahead and handled it for you. 9
CitTalkShortGeneric2 CitScribeIFFResponse Neutral 50 Damn it. Well, he's not loaded but I still don't like the idea of him viewing us all as targets. See if you can lock it down. 10
CitScribeReport1 Neutral 50 Power systems are 90% at startup, but are running at 37% efficiency after coming fully online. I'm looking into what might be causing the leak. 11
HELLO Neutral 50 I made a little bit of progress with Prime's locomotion capacitor, but now his IFF system is, um... unpredictable. 12
HELLO Neutral 50 So what's the latest report? 13
HELLO CitTalkHail. Neutral 50 As you were. 14
CitTalkHail. Neutral 50 Hail. 15
CitTalkShortGeneric Neutral 50 Enclave strength is at 100%. They're getting reinforcements from somewhere, but we still haven't determined the location of their headquarters. 16
CitTalkShortGeneric Neutral 50 Super Mutant activity in D.C. is high, but nothing out of the ordinary. The area around Galaxy News Radio is... nearly secure. 17
CitTalkShortGeneric Neutral 50 Enclave troops have fortified the purifier complex. With those vertibirds, they're able to transport personnel at a remarkable rate. 18
CitTalkShortGeneric Neutral 50 There's been another Behemoth sighted in the Wasteland, in the Evergreen Mills region. That's heavy Raider country, so things could get interesting. 19
CitTalkShortGeneric Neutral 50 It appears the Enclave troops have moved beyond the purifier, into the surrounding Wasteland region. No telling how far they might spread. 20
CitTalkShortGeneric2 Neutral 50 Hmm... All right, thanks for the information. 21
CitTalkShortGeneric2 Neutral 50 I thought as much. 22
CitTalkShortGeneric2 Neutral 50 I see... 23
CitTalkShortGeneric2 Neutral 50 Very well. Thank you for the update. 24
HELLO Neutral 50 What was the result of the latest scan? 25
HELLO Neutral 50 What's the situation? 26
HELLO Neutral 50 Well? What's your tactical appraisal of our situation? 27