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This is a transcript for dialogue with knights in the Citadel.


HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Brother.. 1
HELLO Neutral 50 I've been meaning to ask you... 2
HELLO Neutral 50 Got a second? 3
HELLO Neutral 50 So... 4
HELLO Neutral 50 Hey, let me ask you something. 5
CitTalk1 CitTalk1 Neutral 50 Yes? 6
CitTalk1 Neutral 50 What's on your mind? 7
CitTalk1 Neutral 50 What is it? 8
CitTalk1 Neutral 50 Go on... 9
CitTalk1 Neutral 50 I'm listening. 10

CitTalk2 CitTalk2 Neutral 50 You heard what the others have been saying? About the Enclave? 11
CitTalk2 Neutral 50 What's your tactical assessment of this new... situation? 12
CitTalk2 Neutral 50 I heard Elder Lyons talking to Rothchild. Sounds like even he's worried about the Enclave. Think I'm just being paranoid? 13
CitTalk2 Neutral 50 So what do you think? Can we take these Enclave guys? 14
CitTalk2 Neutral 50 I ran some scans on the Enclave positions at the purifier. That's some serious firepower they're packing. What do you think? 15
CitTalk2 Neutral 50 Does this sound noble enough? "Quail before me, foul Super Mutant! Thine end is at hand! Yield, that I may ease thine suffering!" 16
CitTalk2 CitTalk3 Happy 50 Look, the Enclave has the tech, they have the resources. But do they have the heart? I don't think so. We'll hold true. 17
CitTalk3 Happy 50 Please. We'll win this. You know why? We need to. Hasn't that always been enough? You worry too much. 18
CitTalk3 Happy 50 You're kidding me, right? Tin soldiers in devil suits, and you lose your nerve? Those Enclave troops are a joke. 19
CitTalk3 Happy 50 The truth? We can barely fend off the Super Mutants. Now we have a new threat to contend with? Doesn't look good. 20
CitTalk3 Happy 50 Have you seen that Enclave Power Armor? That's the Advanced Mark II! I don't know if a standard round can even penetrate that stuff! 21
CitTalk3 Happy 50 Scribe Peabody was telling me about those Enclave Plasma weapons. You know they can turn a man to goo? How the hell do you defend against that? 22
CitTalk4 CitTalk4 Happy 50 Huh. Yeah, I guess I hadn't thought of it like that. Thanks… I appreciate the pick-me-up. 23
CitTalk4 Happy 50 Right, right... Good point. 24
CitTalk4 Happy 50 Yeah...Yeah! We've handled worse before, right? See, I knew you'd cheer me up. Thanks! 25
CitTalk4 Sad 20 So you're saying... we're all going to die. That's, um... very optimistic. Thanks. 26
CitTalk4 Sad 20 Sigh. Guess I need to talk to Scribe Jameson. Make sure all my, you know, "personal information" is up-to-date. For the scrolls, I mean... 27
CitTalk4 Sad 20 Pretty dire, huh? Thanks for completely ruining my day. 28
CitTalk5 CitTalk6 Neutral 50 Hey, that's what I'm here for. Anyway, we should get back to our duties... 29
CitTalk6 Neutral 50 Listen, let's talk about this some more later, okay? I have a decent tactical plan I can run by you. 30
CitTalk6 Neutral 50 Look, either way, we should hit the Bailey later and run through some drills. Sound good? 31
CitTalk6 Neutral 50 Tell you what. Let's hook up later and go see Scribe Bowditch. I heard he's been working on some new Power Armor mods. Can't hurt. 32
CitTalk3Special CitTalk3Special Neutral 50 What are you doing? 33
CitTalk3Special Neutral 50 Why... are you talking like that? 34
CitTalk4Special CitTalk4Special Surprise 50 I've been practicing. Come on, we're a knightly order, right? I figure we should speak the part. I want to sound like Elder Lyons. 35
CitTalk5Special CitTalk5Special Disgust 20 Elder Lyons does not sound like that. You're an idiot. 36
CitTalk6Special CitTalk6Special Pained 20 Fine. I'll practice on someone else. Thanks for nothing. 37