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This is a transcript for dialogue with initiates in the Citadel.


CitGladeTeachExplosives01 CitGladeTeachExplosives01 Neutral 50 Did you see, sir? I nailed it. Right under the target. Boom! That's a dead mutie right there. 1
CitGladeTeachExplosives01 Neutral 50 All right! That was perfect! I got it dead on! What do you think of that, sir? Good enough to take out a mutant, right? 2
CitGladeTeachExplosives03 CitGladeTeachExplosives03 Neutral 50 But... sir! The throw was good! It cleared the line and... and... look! The wall wasn't even hit with shrapnel! I... I'm sorry. I'll try again. 3
CitGladeTeachExplosives03 Neutral 50 I'm... I'm sorry sir. I'll keep trying. 4
CitGladeTeachPistol01 CitGladeTeachPistol Neutral 50 Damn. Sir, I think the sights on my pistol are off. I'm aiming dead on and it keeps firing to the left. 5
CitGladeTeachPistol Neutral 50 There's something wrong with this weapon, sir. I can hear shells catching in the chamber when I fire. 6
CitGladeTeachPistol03 CitGladeTeachPistol03 Neutral 50 What do you suggest, sir? No matter what I do, all my shots pull to the left. 7
CitGladeTeachPistol03 Neutral 50 If it's not the weapon, then what is it, sir? 8
CitGladeTeachRifle01 CitGladeTeachRifle01 Neutral 50 I feel good, sir. I think I get what you were talking about. When I let go and see only the target, the bullets fly right where I want them to go. 9
CitGladeTeachRifle01 Neutral 50 I think I understand what you were saying, sir. When I calm down and focus, I don't see anything but the target. 10
CitGladeTeachRifle03 CitGladeTeachRifle03 Neutral 50 I understand. Like you said: no man may be defeated so long as his will to survive remains. 11
CitGladeTeachRifle03 Neutral 50 I understand, sir. Like you said: fill your soul with thunder, fight with a heart of steel. 12
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 Initiate waiting for orders, sir! 13
HELLO Neutral 50 Initiate reporting, Sir Dusk! 14
HELLO Neutral 50 Knight Captain Dusk, Sir! 15