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Fallout Wiki

Circuit neuralizers are objects mentioned in Fallout 3.


Pinkerton built one out of spare parts using diagrams he retrieved from a vault as a guide.[1] Described as pre-War technology, the item is utilized in the rewiring of synth minds.[2] Zimmer shows surprise at one being found in the Capital Wasteland.[3]


Circuit neuralizers are mentioned only in Fallout 3.


  1. I'm brilliant!
  2. Replicated Man holotapes; Oh man! A Circuit Neuralizer!
  3. Lone Wanderer: "I'm tracking down leads on a Circuit Neuralizer."
    Zimmer: "A Circuit Neuralizer? Here in the Wasteland? How'd they manage to get their grubby hands on one of those? Impressive. You are showing signs of intelligence and resourcefulness. You might turn out useful after all. But you're wasting time talking to me."
    (Zimmer's dialogue)