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Standing tall and proud, a Chinese Army officer brandishes his sword at your group.— Pre-Battle introduction text

Chinese Army officers are enemies in the Wastelad holotape minigame.


A high ranking communist soldier, the Chinese Army officer is the strongest Chinese soldier variant.

They wear a Chinese jumpsuit with a rank insignia on the collar, and a Chinese flag above the left breast pocket. They also wear an officer's cap with a large circular emblem on the front.

They use a Chinese officer sword in combat. They are also capable of using the Persuasive Propaganda special attack, allowing huge damage to all members of the party.

Sometimes, they can be found in the Chinese Army patrol encounter alongside other Chinese soldier variants, although these can be avoided. The Chinese Army patrol is the most dangerous encounter in the game.


Each Chinese soldier variant image uses the same torso and legs as its basis.


Chinese army officers appear only in Wastelad.

See also[]
